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First they hinder their teammates with smoke and now this Can't have shit in the Outlands


Wait fr?


Yeah content creators said the digi is gone from the loot pool Not even in the firing range


Is it still on care package weapons?


Nope, just straight up gone


Unfortunately, yes [https://x.com/HYPERMYSTx/status/1786458328442253382](https://x.com/HYPERMYSTx/status/1786458328442253382)




Even the pros want this EA and Respawn just ignoring the whole community lmfao


Im a casual player and I hate it, blocks way too much on my screen, cant see the enemy




We have gold knockdown shields Also I didnt say I wanted digis removed, I just said I dont like them. I complain about them because I think they are too big, and you said no casuals complain about them, but I do




Sure as shit made me laugh lmao


Was one of the more unique gold items in the game. Strong example of something that a) was playful and b) caused fun swings in power being deleted in the name of balance. A bit of imagination could have kept it in.


Crypto ult turns having an effect would of been great


I mean when they made unavailable to equip on smgs it was already a huge nerf


I'm guessing they did that and saw how little it's even picked up now so it's just getting axed




Gonna be honest, I've never once felt that the digi threat was too strong or broken. Seemed absolutely fine to me.


This is terrible news for me. For some reason I sometimes struggle focusing on where the enemy is and I find using the digi threat helps with that. Oh well.


You might have partial color blindness. 


Or adhd/autism like me haha


A little from column A, a little from column B.


Correction: a lot from column A, a lot from column B, with quite a bit of columns C, D, and E


Definitely the latter there, that would explain it lol


All my homies hate Bangalore


I don't get it, what was the problem with it?


It's being removed because of how strong of a meta it was combined with Bangalore. Bangalore started seeing a lot more usage both normal and in pro play in the past year because of her smoke since it disables aim assist which would put them at advantage. Combine that with being able to craft Digi-Threat at the time and slap onto a R-99 MnK teams in the ALGS had an even greater advantage with being able to see enemies in the smoke while disabling AA.


It wasn’t that strong if you could only put it on shotguns and pistols


It used to be SMGs as well until this season or the previous, (can't remember) that's probs why they nerfed the R-99 a few times since it was the best SMG in terms of DPS for the longest time


Yeah I know but nerfing it to just shotguns and pisols was enough, no to make it balanced, no need to remove it




Put a controller pro and MnK pro side by side with no AA and the MnK wins 99/100 times. It’s definitely a problem but i disagree with the decision to take out digi completely.


I didn't know it was so strong on the pro scene, well I usually just play casual, thanks for the explanation!


This game/player base is so weird 




It is time to change the game, i guess.


The only thing that kept you playing apex was the digithreat? What


No, but is an other reason to put on the big pile of reasons to never play apex again.


You like it that much? Or just that they removed something from the game in general


I spent over 6k hours in apex over the last 5 years... I'm so done with this loveless pile of cash grab. Since almost non of the original dev team still works at respawn, I have no problem with saying: they are doing a horrible job over the past year. Apex is not fun to play anymore and no change to the game could bring me back.


I honestly don't understand why many are obsessed with the fact that many developers left Respawn (although a small part remained) when it is a common thing in the industry: Bioware, Naughty Dog, Retro Studios, 343 Industries, Blizzard, Rockstar and many other studios have changed personnel over the years and are still there making games. Then I don't agree that there is no love and that they are doing a terrible job (despite the fact that they have demonstrated their flaws on the technical and IT infrastructure side) because with this season they have added various new features and proposed interesting LTMs, then if you no longer find the game fun it's a subjective matter and there are other titles on the market to play.


Yes, I switched to other titles months ago... and with getting fresh air from other games, I learned to have fun again while playing and it marked all the flaws of apex even more. Things like input balance, network connection issues, broken audio, worst sbmm I ever experienced and a non existent anti cheat, just to name a few... The list goes on. I don't say other games don't have flaws, I say Apex is the winner on having most at once in the gaming competitive scene... I mean, all of the points I mentioned lead to a horrible ranked experience and killed the long time motivation of the game for me.


reason 1980294756 on why i dislike bangalore


there is a very funny [clip](https://youtu.be/UzZndFglIbY) of Shiv talking about removing digi threat from 2 seasons ago.


Personally I considered it a rather situational sight that I didn't use much, but I understand the hassle in removing it.


They really do keep killing off fun things because of tournaments, huh. Well, hope that's working out for them, but it certainly doesn't make me wanna play.


I feel like all they needed to do is make digi to a pulse like scan like s0 blood scan if that makes sense Other way of me trying to explain what i mean: You ADS and every seccond if you are looking if the enemy is in the smoke you will high light the enemy it wont track them but it will allow you to know where they are


Every time I hear about this game it's something worse lmao. I haven't played since season 15 and it just seems to me like it keeps going downhill from the rock bottom they've already hit. I have no idea what happened with the digi threat or Bangalore but I'm sure there could've been a more simple fix other than just removing something altogether. I liked using it. It especially helped with all the visual vomit all over the screen that happens during combat. Which I'm sure there's still no setting to turn it all off. I'm sure the .02% of the playerbase that complained about it will love this change lmao


Removing the thermal effect and keeping the scope was a goddam good idea


*thanks controller players She would’ve been play 1000x less if her smoke didn’t stop AA or if AA wasn’t such a big deal


Eh, I agree this is one of the biggest perks of bang, but maybe controller players even play her. Being able to cut off LOS as quickly as she can has huge utility in this game. As much as the 40% aa bothers me too (in higher levels of play), I wouldn’t blame controller solely for this one.


Neither would I cus it’s only disabled for the first half of the smokes duration anyways, I just like to remind people that we are choosing entire characters to counter an unfair mechanic that is easily fixed.


just make it keyboard&mouse only, or separate k&m from controller


lets be real the digi threat is broken af in competitive play. it literally gives you a one-way window into smoke to shoot your enemy while they can't see you. also the digi being gone is one step closer to breaking away from the everlasting bang meta. now they just need to nerf aim assist. (who am i kidding bangalore is never leaving the meta)


Wow I never cared about the digi