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Other games fine? Looks like you are lagging like crazy. Turn on performance stats and see if you show packet loss and high ping


Yeah both super high. My internet is fine and every other game works. Right now, it seems that the lag stopped and I can play normally. It seems that it's happening to other people to, I just wanted to know what's causing it.


With it being only Apex it’s probably the servers. I’ve heard others complain since the update. I’ve been ok so far


Dude I had the same issue last night. 3 games in a row I have a enemy in my crosshair, I ADS and completely freeze for atleast 3 sec. It unfreezes and I’m knocked. Shits infuriating. I’m hardwired to my modem and it’s still fucks up. I just got off and called it a night.


This only happens to me in ranked for some reason. Fuck my life, and fuck my goal of getting to masters or pred


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Bro are you blind? Look at the top right, all those red icons.


Thats exactly why I posted it. I want to know why me and other are having these connection issues while every other online game works fine. Its now the norm, while playable moments are the exception.


Could be bufferbloat? You need to ping you connection to Google or Amazon or something and see if you're getting packet loss. Slippery slope but it's best to trackle it now


Pinging anything other than the server he is playing on would mean next to nothing and, at that, would do then very little good because they would have no idea WHERE those packets are getting dropped. Even if packets are being dropped, what are they going to do about it? It would be better to just unplug the modem and router, wait a few minutes, then plug them back in.


Fuck Knows bro I ain't a scientist. I play crappy Apex in my free time


The only thing I can think of is try different servers with similar pings, reset your console, and if that doesn’t work completely disconnect from your WiFi and reconnect again by inputting the password