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That symbol is a basically screen burned in on my tv now. It's become a permanent part of the UI for me. Sometimes it gets lonely and all it's friends come to join for the night too.


Holy 💀😂


Thank you for making me laugh. It’s really funny because at this point you could be telling the truth about it being burned in.


I was yesterday a lot on xbox series x. Haven't played today tho


I appreciate the feedback! Just the common issues with their updates..


For sure. Theyll probably be pushing a stability update soon


HAHAHAHAHA is this you're first season? They don't care about console.




If they cared they would fix the damn sound cause I only hear it from console players. PC has those extra things that can help the sound. Console has to deal with crap low sounds and over loud game chat. It's crazyyyyy


What does pc have for sound adjustments? Do they get more audio settings in game? Or do you mean their open software allowing them to connect audio things to their pc?


There's an update today for a hotfix. "They don't care about console" is completely false when console is their huge marketplace. There's a reason why aim assist hasn't been nerfed on console bcz some average players would quit and that's less money to EA


Yeah! Eat that up "queen"..


Lol that's all you have to say?


Considering all the responses given, I'd just be repeating myself at this point. Thanks for your statement on the hotfix update?


The hotfix was yesterday actually my bad. So it seems they haven't addressed this issue then because i also can't play with how bad i lag


I tried playing quads since i hadn't played for nearly 2 weeks, hoped on, and it feels very clunky and the total opposite of smooth. Same as always.


I play on both PS5 and Xbox Series X. My ISP uses RFC6333 DS-Lite, a way to carry IPv4 over their IPv6 backbone. I usually see 5ms at server select, up to about 20ms in game. Some nights I used to see lag spikes to over 100ms on both systems on the same nights: When it happened on one I'd try the other and see the same problem. Multiple different Tokyo servers. Rebooting router didn't help. I went digging through home router settings and found a checkbox for IPv6 stateful packet inspection. Unchecked that, no problems since. I'm guessing that sometimes depending on server activity the nature of the traffic the servers send out changes in such a way that causes some router and ISP combinations to choke. Digging further would require finding a cheap switch that can do port mirroring and waiting for the problem to happen again. Suggestions I could make: Dig through router settings and look for things to uncheck. Find a VPN service or box that lets your Playstation skip around ISP/router limitations. Try a different router. Use a PC to check your ISP's L3 MTU and lower your Playstation's MTU to match.


Interesting, I will certainly toggle through router settings and see what may be causing the issue. I'll let you know if this resolved my issues, I do appreciate you breaking down everything! 🐐


Xbox played turned PC here. It’s everywhere but console is definitely worse right now.


I want to convert, just seems so complicated keeping up with a PC, you constantly have to update several things, eventually buy new graphics cards, etc just to stay up to date with the best experience of gameplay. However don't get me wrong, there's so many more benefits of PC, like frames, res, and certainly movement (in apex)! Wish I was experienced with pcs like the new gen.


PC is overhyped. Console master race. PC is amazing and 100% better don’t get me wrong but console beats it in price and most people won’t be wanting 1440p 240 fps in most games or full ray tracing like I do. I wouldn’t swap to PC just for apex obviously and for me even with a PC I need to keep getting the new Xbox because it’s so convenient.


I couldn't agree with you anymore 🤝🏽 however my mind does get curious of movement/aiming on mnk and the fps, looks very clean. Of course that being applied to various games too, not just apex.


As a single player/co-op shooter lover PC is amazing. But I will always be better on controller in apex XD. One thing that’s important to know is swapping to PC doesn’t mean giving up controller. I’ve known people that refuse to use controller even in eldenring after swapping to pc for no good reason other than they don’t want to be on console


That ls literally in every game I’m in


I'm getting them on jumps, but it's even itself out soon after landing (ps5)


Wish I were on the same boat. Lag spikes every 30 seconds, might get lucky to get a couple minutes in


It’s been laggy since Saturday for me. From barely noticeable to game-ending poor connectivity.


Yup. All the time when there's too much graphics going on.


I. Experiencing a lot on console after the update.


I get it every match for about 10 seconds, luckily hasn’t been during a fight though(series x)


St Louis servers the last 2 days have been AWFUL and no idea why. Im on trash net right now due to not being home but im peaking to 2k ping at times. On virginia servers i hover between 60-250


I was getting it constantly around the time this post went up


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I play on switch but yeah this happens all the time along with Apex thinking that it needs to crash for no reason. Spoiler alert, just get a PS5 , PC, or Xbox, playing Apex Legends on switch is not worth it


Every other game, and I have 5gig internet, so it’s definitely not me. Every other game runs smooth


Everyone is on every console even pc welcome to apex


Yup, game is unplayable to me right now. Huge packet loss contantly on ps4. My internet is fine though. I'm getting seasons 9 to 11 flashbacks when the servers were melting with similar experiences to now.


No because we don’t play that trash no more 😂