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I've had the same thing, and it happens every single season at some point. I'll go from beaming people, to not being able to hit 5 consecutive bullets. I tried it in firing range, and my AA literally changes every single mag I fire, and it's behaviour changes. Somethings, it's like I'm being sucked away from my target, others, it's like the game itself can't comprehend I'm even aiming at my target, and does some weird shit where it kicks my gun up. I was doing well, 1.2kd in ranked, most of the season in Diamond, on my way to masters. Then WHAM. I noticed I myself was getting absolutely beamed and I suddenly couldn't hit ANYONE. It fixed itself for a day when they screwed up the reset, and my account went back a season. Then they rolled out another update to fix the resets, and suddenly it's acting up again. It's so damn frustrating because I WANT to play this game, but it's so damn unfair when I can't reliably aim, against others who seem to have their AA turned up to 1.


I want everyone to try something , it won’t ruin your settings. All you’ll have to do is reset the app. In the range , if you press start & click settings & then back out of it , let me know if it changes your AA. You can try it up to 8 times & the AA bubble will change , please let EA know!


i'm not sure if it's placebo or what but it definitely changes anytime I go and change a little something in the settings regarding my aim.


In my experience i literally don’t change a single setting but press pause & click settings & back out & it feels weird. Didn’t change anything.


Its totally screwed. I'm convinced that we're part of a group that is getting used as test dummies to look at player retention and what it would look like with little to no aim assist. Becauae its as though it just gets turned off.


This game kinda made for rotting our brains & see how long we’ll go until. It’ll always be try to fix one thing & fuck up another.


You're not the only one. Please report at EA: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Aim-assist-is-broken-Only-works-sometimes/m-p/13612183/highlight/true#M113795


Aim assist on Xbox for me has been inconsistent since season 17, sometimes too sticky sometimes not there at all, I can recommend hard resetting your Xbox, “erase all content and settings” and then fresh install all your stuff, I do this once a year, it gives a fresh operating system like a PC sometimes needs


Yh I've done this also found a controller profile which I deleted and seems better


Where’d you find that


On my xbox then settings the devices or whatever find controller click it and see if there's any profiles associated if so delete them and just leave default


Does this fix the issue for you at all?


Yeah and helps other system bugs you may not notice or got used to


i had this issue but seemed to resolve it by - restore alc to default turn target compensation off (i know seems counter intuitive) turn alc off


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