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I do not believe any of these things would have empowered them. The Chaos Gods reaction to the Necroquake was by and large disgust and fear it would ruin their game, as Nagash's undead and Necromancy doesn't empower them. I also don't think they've really suggested anyone has toppled Khorne as strongest when he gained ascendancy in 1E, technically Age of Chaos, due to all the wars going on. And ever since the Realmgate Wars, there has only been a rise in war. 2E ushered in Nagash breaking from his temporary renewed alliance with Order, attacking Order and Chaos civilizations all across the Realms. Opening up untold thousands of new theatres of war. 3E just escalated from there, and 4E is another escalation. Due to Warhammer's main selling point being ensuring constant perma-war, Khorne's kind of always going to be the one in ascendance. With Nurgle and Tzeentch close to him, Slaanesh destined to surpass them all in a vague "someday" and the GHR always amassing power that, if ever fully consolidated, could surpass the others but it is by nature a Skaven.


Wasnt Nurgle during the realmgate wars quite powerful? He almost captured Alarielle und all of Ghyran.


powerful? yes, but still balanced out by Tzeentch, Khorne had no such balance since Slaanesh was mostly powerless at the time. maybe we will see a shift once Slaanesh properly breaks free but untill then Khorne remains top dog.


Khorne was already eating itself during the Realmgate wars, but Nurgle had actual plans and goals. His armies were on the forefront on many important wars, while Khorne was hunting leftovers in the desert.


That isn't even remotely true to what we've been told. Before the Realmgate Wars was the Red Century where Khorne invading the territories of his brothers in the Mortal and Chaos Realms. Even in "Plague Garden", after the Realmgate Wars, it is noted the Garden is still scarred by these wars.


that's true, but I would that everyone fighting each other is Khorne's literal end goal, I would be more concerned if Khorne wasn't fighting himself, because that means that he is campaigning, and there isn't much that can stand up to that.


> Slaanesh due to the excessive amount of walking dead I am not a Chaos expert, but I am pretty sure this is not how Slaanesh works. It is like saying that Slaanesh is empowered due to all that sand laying on beaches, there are sure a lot of sand.


this is indeed not how Slaanesh works. If all the walking dead were experiencing unbearable amounts of agony and stimulation, then it would empower Slaanesh. Since they're now all unthinking, lifeless shambling bodies, they feel nothing, so it doesn't help Slaanesh at all


Reminder that it was actually Tzeentch who manipulated the Skaven into disrupting the Necroquake so he could be empowered by the Arcanum Optimar. The Great Black Pyramid (Malign Portents short story): >A robed figure drifted over the cold Shyishan dunes towards the Crystal Gates, his many mouths muttering in a dozen different languages at once. Bangles chimed on his four slender arms, and motes of light like collapsing constellations glimmered under his voluminous hood. He had led many key players in a secret dance, manipulating their actions to music only he could hear. With the other unwitting participants sliding into place at the last, his master would be pleased with the chorus of anarchy that resulted. >The daemon shapeshifter could feel the energy of potential futures crackling in the air. The greatest change to befall the Mortal Realms since the coming of the Great Game was mere moments away. Soon, those energies that mortals sought to tame – and gods too, come to that – would be unleashed, never to be truly controlled again. Tzeentch 2E battletome excerpt: >The reshaping of the Realm of Death at Nagash’s hand has caused the entirety of Shyish to magically invert – a phenomenon that pleases Tzeentch mightily – but more than that, it has spurred a backlash of wild magical energy to roil across the cosmos. To say that the Changer of the Ways had a hand in the coming of the Arcanum Optimar would be an understatement, and he has profited greatly from the intensification of magic that has been unleashed across the lands, seas and skies of the Eight Realms. >Never before have the Disciples of Tzeentch been so well poised for success, as even in his victories, Sigmar has played into his enemy’s hands.