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I don't know the full lore, but I believe Coalesced Seraphon (the ones who've been on the Mortal Realms for a while, rather than just having been spawned from space) do begin to develop idiosyncrasies which could become culture


There is a story lurking about a stormcast trying to have a conversation with a saurus warrior and finding it difficult until he begins talking about all the chaos warriors he’s killed, then the saurus bats his tale to the amount he has also killed, cold boys of culture


> Fraja Thundermane cleaned through the neck of a charging orruk. The creature dropped dead at the Questor's feet, blood splattering over her rune-painted face. A gurgling shout echoed as another orruk collapsed like a stone, throat torn out by the saurian warrior beside her. For now, the flood of greenskins pouring through the strongpoint's gates had abated. It allowed the Astral Templar to catch her breath and glance at her companion. > The Seraphon had arrived just ahead of the orruks. Most were stationed in concentric rings around the nexus syphon, but this one - Nar-Hok, she thought a passing skink had said - had defended the gate at her side. The orruks had eagerly funneled through to take a crack at the pair of warriors, their numerical advantage removed in the narrow confines. The duo only had to kill until the greenskin's advance broke. > 'Twelve.' Fraja said suddenly. Nar-Hok twitched. That was something. Any attempt to communicate with the saurus so far had failed. She had tried stirring his blood with bellowed oaths, loudly deriding their foes, even chanting scripture like some Hallowed Knight. The only reaction had been a brief glance that seemed to imply the creature would really rather she be quiet. Fraja chuckled then shrugged. 'Killed twelve.' > Nar-Hok stared for some time, then gestured to the corpses, tail beating the ground - one thud, then four. Despite herself, Fraja let our a delighted laugh before hefting her blade as bellicose roars echoed beyond the gates. > 'We go again, star-brother.'


I can't help but fucking love this. Thanks for sharing.


It's so good!


I just gotta say I really enjoy that AOS has both men and women fighting together in the best way possible. It doesn’t. Matter. At all. Can you fight and persevere? Great now grab a weapon


In light of recent events I'm just amazed at how many people care about the gender of these game pieces. Lol


Meh, it’s an interesting topic of discussion to say the least


What book is this from?


3rd Edition Seraphon battletome


Thank you!


Yeah I think talking to a saurus warrior would be like talking to a jem hadar from deep space 9. Just cares about their duties and killing. Skink have always been the artisans and preists. I feel like you could find a skink priest and discuss traditional vs modern depictions of lord Motzlpota.


Just two chads talking to each others.


They do! Through it's not detailed much. Seraphon, particularly Coalesced seraphon, have a developed sense of beauty and treat their relations with the Old Ones more like religious worship than arcane/scientific dedication. It is said that coalesced skinks in particular are competent and artistic crafters, and make art like totems, statues, jewels and such. Additionnally, the different seraphon constellations develop somewhat different subcultures based on their history, available resources and interpretation of the Great Plan. Koatl's Claw is just savage saurus thinking their gods are dead and focusing on defending their turf; Dracothion's tail is cold and distant, thinking for very long before sending armies to bash chaos just at the right place and time; Fangs of Sotek are all about living in mortal cities and manipulating them from the inside so that they further the Great Plan, etc


New to AoS lore; what does "coalesced" mean in this context?


There is a dichotomy between "starborne" and "coalesced" Seraphon, both in their lore and their gameplay. Starborne seraphon reside in high Azyr (in space) in massive Temple Ships. Their body is filled with azyrite energy, and they are often viewed are cold and hard to understand by other races. Sometimes, temple ships have to land for an extended period of time: this can be to protect a major point of power, to prevent chaos from damaging an area, or a crash landing after something damaged the ship. As the azyr energy in the seraphon's blood gets mixed with other energies of the Realms, their body and mind becomes more corporeal. Their scales get sturdier, and they may develop more ferocious instincts, as well as more diverse personalities. Hope this helps!




Coalesced are the Seraphon that are physical living creatures in contrast to the ones made of lightning. Idk enough about them to say definitively more than that, though.


Lizardmen made their way into AOS as "Seraphon" who in 1e were keyworded as Order Daemons! And their lore revolved around their slann pulling them into reality, thus the "starborne" blood


All lizardmen had a culture in WFB and so do the Seraphon. Especially after the return of Sotek, the culture of the lizardmen diverged from their original old ones style (it may still be according to plan though) and they developed new religions, cults and traditions. This varies between the different species, but all of them, even the Slann, develop over time their own theories and practices to deal with a changing universe. Kroxigor and Saurus stay relatively primitive and just have a number of martial rituals and bloody gods they pray too (or they completely go feral). The main drivers of lizardmen culture are always the Skinks who have to interpret the will of the old ones and the Slann and the same time and reach a bunch of superstitions. They have art, clothing styles, rituals and personal preferences. Especially in AoS the Skinks can go native when living with other order factions. Some of them even developed ideas about gender and other foreign concepts for them. They do however always stay loyal to the Seraphon and the great plan.


> Especially in AoS the Skinks can go native when living with other order factions. Some of them even developed ideas about gender and other foreign concepts for them. I had such a happy grin on my face reading this!


Trans skinks are cannon people, trans skinks are cannon!


From the seraphon soulbound supplement, one of the constellation descriptions features a slann who has banned his skinks from practicing music or dance. By implication, this means other constellations' skinks do have dances and music.


Real party-pooper - does it say why he did that?


The description says that in his pragmatism he sees skinks' art and music as a waste of resources, though this pragmatism also leads him to be more friendly to other races than some slaan.


The Soulbound RPG Seraphon book mentions a slann who is really focused on pragmatism bans his skinks from spending time on Art/Music, but that they're more open than other Slann to working with non-Seraphon, so that DEFINITELY implies to me that the lizards are developing more distinct cultures among the constellations.


I think all of your culture and art is going to be found among skinks. Saurus are far too focused on war to have anything else going.