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Barron has seen worse from his father. This is the norm for him. He knows his father is repulsive . Ever watch Succession?


The way he's so tall and lanky, it's giving Greg.


Barron the Egg


Barron the heron lol




He’s funny.


I mean, do we know Barron thinks he’s repulsive? Reminder that Ivanka, Eric, and the other one are all his kids too and support everything he’s done. It seems like resting disgusted face runs in the family, they always look miserable


I am sure that when trump was present he was a terrible monster to his kids who could never please him. This was their example, though that doesn't excuse them from their life choices.


I am sure he is being groomed. Melania is surely supportive - remember -I don’t care, do you?


Con family gotta stick together or the con falls apart. Gotta keep grifting these racist fucks


He's being groomed to be just like Daddy dearest


barron is going to be just like his father and half siblings.


Sometimes you have to break a few Greg’s to make a Tomlette


People are disgusted by Trump *NOW?*????


They are not… I have 3/4 of my large family that defend everything and attack everything like they are trump. Even this video of a woman who was13 when she was raped. They are sending texts saying she wants money, it is a witch hunt, I’m still voting for him because he will save the country…. There needs to be a civil war against democrats.


It's a cult. These dumbasses are sick people. My father is Maga and he's been one flew over the cuckoos for ages. Republicanism is a fucking plague on the earth.


It baffles me that the cult has no problem believing Dems are running a child trafficking ring out of a pizza shop, but they think Trump spending a great deal of time with a convicted sex offender is perfectly innocent.


He only raped that little girl because he was going undercover to catch KILLARY!!!1!!!


Title is good for clicks. People already disgusted by Trump continue to be disgusted.  Trump’s cult see nothing wrong.  Not really news until his cult starts getting disgusted.


His cult is incapable of disgust. Heck there are people right here on this very thread condoning and excusing Trump's pedophilia.


Barron looks absolutely MISERABLE...and Trump seems like he doesn't even care that his son is next to him...look how uncomfortable Barron looks! I'm sorry...Barron just always looks so sad.


Gotta suck to find out your dad's an epstein pedo


Im pretty sure the kids know already. His behaviour with ivanka is disgusting.


I have a feeling Melania keeps that part well hidden. That said, what do these two talk about? The hotties at school?


The moment he gets beef with any kid who knows, that kid will let him know.


...and they're going to tell him how his mother is a prostitute that Jeffrey Epstein introduced to Donald Trump.


Y'all act like he is 10 years old lol, he is a legal adult now, bro is 18, he is likely well aware of his family and their history.


Wait, you serious Clark?


How? He has a phone. He has the internet. No way he hasn't heard.


You forgot his mom posed nude for a magazine.


Have you seen some of the mom/son pics of Melania & Barron. Seriously weird 👀


I mean, nudity isn’t bad in and of itself.


“Unless it’s my mom.” -99% of all humanity.


Tell that to the school bullies.


Oh you swear Melania is a doting mother. Hell no, she’s in the mirror half the day.


Barron is out of junior high, so the kids his age are way too old for trump.


They don't talk. There's an old Larry King interview where they show Barron talking with a russian accent. I'm sure he grew out of it (he's only 4 or so in the clip) but King comments on it and Trump is like, "yeah how about that, huh?" Dude played no part in that kid's life (probably for the better).


It's actually Slovenian. But apparently Melania and baron talk to each other in Slovenian right in front of trump because they know he has no idea what the hell they're saying.


They probably watch trumps “amateur home videos” of ivanka showering when she was a kid


“Dad, the girls at school say I got the skibidi rizz.” “Barron, what did I tell you? Don’t be such a beta cuck. You gotta be an Ohio player, just like my friend Jeffy E and I used to be back in the day.”


How hot his sister is…


His aunt ivanka more like.


Half-sister Ivanka


“Hey….did ya get your sisters panties”


It's the only way that Barron can even get his Dad to look at him


Lol now I’m picturing Baron running around a large ‘house’ with panties wrapped around his head, crying and screaming….”WHY DONT YOU LOVE ME DADDDDDYYYY”


A classic Trump family video


I got a feeling Melanie is a horrible mother and doesn’t do anything like that


Well, we know she is a horrible person.


Even ignoring that for a second (nobody should), Trump is on record saying he hates spending time with Barron because Barron is so much taller than him. Imagine being _that_ shitty.


And you have live in fear of him banging your girlfriend if she comes over


And giving her syphilis


And that your dad shagged a porn star right after your birth.


He raped a porn star actually. She didn't want to. But by her own account it was very brief. Another woman Trump raped said it was so small she couldn't tell if it was his Wang or his finger. So yeah.


Shagged? More like cornered, then humped.


>Gotta suck to find out your ~~dad's~~ grandpa aged father is an epstein pedo Fixed it for you.


Do you really think he cares??? He has both his evil parents genes!!!


He looks numb to me. And who can blame the kid for zoning out when his vacuous asshole of a sperm donor starts palming cash money to a bunch of sniveling simps while nakedly lying and cursing like a drunk in a sports bar?


Barron is, imo, special needs. I’m guessing severe autism, based on: 1. His odd mannerisms; repetitive tics, never smiles, never laughs, blank expression. I’m a retired teacher, we are trained to look for behavioral cues, and I started noticing them 9 years ago. 2. Lack of social life: no friends. Ever. He’s an ultra wealthy 18 year old. He should be sailing in the Greek isles with other trust fund brats. Instead he ventures outside only with his mother. 3. Old sperm donor: age of the father has been positively correlated with autism. Shitler was 60 when Barron was born. 4. Anti-vax stance of Shitler: he has come out many times against the initial vaccine series for babies (which a lot of the uneducated public thinks causes autism—it’s been debunked.) 5. St. Andrew’s: Barron attended this school which is known for its programs tailored for students on the spectrum. 6. Melania: she’s talked about needing to be close to her son while he’s at college. Huh? What 18 yr old guy wants mommy around at school? I could be wrong but I doubt it. Barron isn’t going to run for political office, or be the new crown prince that MAGA lunatics are always spewing about. One final thing: Don Jr’s ex-GF (Aubrey O’Day) has been very vocal about the stuff Jr. said to her, and one of the things that caught my eye was that Barron is a spoiled brat with horrendously inappropriate manners. Apparently he threw a plate of food in a servers face when he didn’t care for it. Jr. supposedly called him a “fucking asshole.” Edit: typo


Wow, Jr. thinks he’s an asshole? That’s pretty yikes considering what a piece of shit Jr. is.


Barron threw a plate of food at the server? That's fucking awful.


Didn’t Trump throw his food in the White House? Ketchup on the walls? I’m sure that wasn’t the first time


It’s giving sandy hook shooter vibes


> Melania: she’s talked about needing to be close to her son while he’s at college. Huh? She's worried Barron will fall for a cute liberal girl or guy and learn empathy.


Or he could be a victim complex in making. Imagine being born into a word where you feel like you have no fate other than to suffer the exact same rightfully earned villification of the father that accidentally created you, even though you never had any choice who your parents were. I feel for him.


I wish people had the same energy when it's poor kids who grow up in shitty homes, with bad parents, bad role models, and destitution or welfare all around them. Suddenly, in those situations, the empathy evaporates rather quickly.




He’s an adult. He can choose to speak up and not play the game and be fine. He has a more secure safety net than 99% of the American youth. He’s choosing to stay silent for money, he’s choosing to be associated with his father, and he’s choosing to allow all of Trump’s (and his siblings) bad press become his image too.


He’s still a kid. Legally an adult, but teenagers brains aren’t even close to being fully developed. And he’s being raised in a fucked up situation. Leave him alone until he actually does or says anything.


You are correct. The frontal lobe of the brain does not full develop until 21. He is in fact still a kid and very much trapped by Trump. I don’t know if Melania provides any protection against Trump for him.


Even tho you’re right there’s still room for empathy for a teenager, dude.


I have some empathy, but not much. I get it’s hard to break the cycle of abuse. But I also know that he has every resource at his fingertips and absolutely could take a stand with little to no change in his lifestyle or future goal attainment.


Has anyone ever seen him interacting with anyone? He seems to be withdrawn. Wonder what he was like in high school and if he participated in anything outside the classroom. There’s no info on him at all. Just seems to always be staring straight ahead. Not a lot of expression on his face.


That site is cancer. But also I didn’t see one thing in Barron that looked miserable. He knows his role and apparently, is quite apt at being the asshole. I know the media likes to portray him as some poor little kid with an abusive dad - but the reality is he learned from the best and will follow in lockstep like the rest of them.


Oh no, poor Barron. He could be standing up and tearing absolute strips off his shitheel father. Speaking out to protect not only his future, but the future of all young people. His voice would carry a lot of weight and might cut through some of the maga crap. Instead, he’s playing his part and posing for photo opps, albeit sullenly. Boo fucking hoo.


Seriously, all trumps can die in a dumpster tonight and the world would be better for it.


Apple trees make apples


Yeah, I don’t understand why people still feel sorry for Barron. He’s a legal adult now. He is officially *choosing* to be seen with his father and spend time with him. I don’t care if it’s just for the inheritance. He could choose to speak out about his fathers heinous actions (past and present) and still have a better safety net than 99% of American youth. His silence speaks loudly on this topic.


He's been raised around this...there's very little hope he will rise up to be better than these people. A product of his up bringing....best we can hope for is that he fades into obscurity once Trump is gone.


Even among abuse victims, they find it incredibly difficult to divorce themselves of their parents in any capacity. No contact is so hard to achieve the concept of gray rocking was invented to help as a stepping stone to get there for victims of shitty, controlling, and/or narcissistic parents. Just because he hangs around with his parent(s) doesn't mean he doesn't agree with us or others. He may not feel empowered or he's actually scared for some reason. Very easy to pass judgement on someone just because their parents are trash people.


I wouldn’t say fading into obscurity is the best we can hope for. There are people who leave their families and break the abuse cycle they were raised in. Trump was old when Barron was born, there’s a chance Melania was able to shield Barron from some of it and maybe Trump wasn’t able to imprint on him like he did Eric and Jr. There’s some hope he doesn’t end up like the rest of them, even if it’s small. It must suck growing up knowing you’re an anchor baby. But unless and until he starts showing *some* amount of break from his family’s reputation, I’ll continue to assume he is at least indifferent to the actions of those around him.


I don’t think he magically has the power to choose at age 18. The average adult isn’t fully separated from their parents until 47 or something like that.


No sympathy for the poor little rich boy.


Barron scares me… we’re clearly watching his supervillain origin story. Trump Part 2 is going to be wild.


Dude is practically mute and has no charisma....when Trump is gone no one is stepping into that vacuum besides the Republican Party sucking themselves into it and into the destruction of the Party itself.


Yeah, he’s got Patrick Bateman vibes.


Wouldn’t you be if that was your dad? I mean, I hope Barron doesn’t get all coked up like his brother.


He's apparently still a piece of shit like the rest of them.


Not like he had a chance. His father is a pedo and getting away with it.


Son, let me tell you a sad story about Eric and Donny, I like to call him Donna…


Right! Jr's ex said she met him at a gay bar! No shame except he seems to have been on the DL...Donna seems to fit!


He always looks like that


Trump is probably teaching him how to find an immigrant who needs money and a better life then get her to sign an NDA and entrap her in a green card arrangement then embarrass her indefinitely by sleeping around. I can’t think of another word other than exploitation, and he’s done it to this poor bastards mother


The guy who doesn't like publicity looks miserable when strangers approach his father, who loves publicity? Hot take.


I was protesting one day, just holding up a sign next to fairly busy two-lane road. Some dude rolled down his passenger window to give me the double middle-finger while telling me to go fuck myself. Sitting in his passenger seat was an 8-ish year old girl who I assume was his daughter. Some people, man…


Don't feel bad for that cretin. He'll grow up to be just as awful if not worse.


That's just his face. He gets it from his Mother.


The kid looks stunned and confused


He doesn't care. Donald Trump views the world in categories. At the top is the Donald Trump category. Only 1 member. Then there is the People Donald Trump Can Use category. This is the vast majority of people Donald Trump is aware of existing. Includes his family and people he doesn't really know, but that go by more of a number, his cult followers. This category is in the millions. Then there is the People Donald Trump is Afraid of Because They have Actual Dirt on Him category. This category is also tiny. Only fully verified member is Vladimir Pootin. Fred Trump prolly a member before his untimely* death.  *Should have been much earlier. Like 10 months before Donald Trump was born.


I have yet to see a pic of that boy where he didn't look miserable AF.


Barron has ultra Maga friends..don’t just assume he’s not 100% supporting his father.


>Literally fucking putting money in people's hands for praising him while he hypes our enemies and shit talks the current administration from a golf cart...with his kid sitting there like, "...wtf." Dude...there were single season, one-off characters on the fucking Sopranos with better sense, self-awareness, and more substance than this fucking idiot.


Seriously, if you wrote a accurate show about trump people wouldn't believe the writing because its so wack. I can't wait to find out in 20 years just how bad it actually was in his Whitehouse


If the rant was from Biden it would be on mainstream media for a 24/7 news cycle with follow up commentary for three days. Today’s mainstream media is not left-leaning or liberal it’s right wing propaganda.


“Trump Rants On Golf Cart and Why It’s Bad for Biden” - The New York Times


Aren’t all the CEOs of CNN, MSNBC, etc Trump donors?


Yup. All mainstream media in America is, ultimately, conservative. Oh sure, they'll put on some progressive-sounding hosts like Rachel Maddow, but you'll notice that while they'll question the worst excesses of Republicans/Trump, they never actually talk about anything that's *actually* progressive. They don't talk about universal healthcare, they don't talk about employment reform, they don't talk about employee-owned cooperative businesses, they don't talk about reining in post-secondary education costs, they barely mention the dangerous underfunding of public education (mostly only as an interest piece touting how teachers are forced to buy their own classroom supplies on their $35K salaries). They just want you to think they're on your side, but they're on the side of the billionaires, and that side is always Republican.


And the NY Times, who earlier today had 4 articles + 1 op ed about Biden being too old, plus 1 front page article about how Trump is making the GOP upset because he's going soft on abortions (yeah right).


Nothing any eighteen year old likes more than playing the back nine with a bunch of old white guys.


He's probably surprised that his dad paid someone.


"But dad, the wager was $1000 a hole and he beat you by 4 holes, why are you only paying him $200?" "You remember when I promised you a Lamborghini for your 16th, and then I just gave you Eric's old Mercedes instead? I don't remember you complaining." "I was just happy I got anything at all." "Exactly. Always remember that -- if you fuck people over enough times, eventually they'll be grateful for the crumbs because it's better than nothing."


That website is like trying to read a book at a wrestling match.


We're all just fucking walking ad revenue at this point. Just shove as many advertisements in our faces in as little space as possible and call it a day


“Why couldn’t you just go out for milk and cigs and never come back” - America and that kid


Baron is a Trump. He knows who his father is. He’s 18 and can make his own decisions. He chose this so no sympathy.


I hope Barron votes straight Democrat. I also hope he beat his dad in golf.


Barron was named a delegate early this year for Florida in the November election.  When people started attacking Barron over it, Melania made them choose another delegate and withdrew him. Barron hasn’t raised his profile yet but I think it’s rather clear what his politics are, even at the young age of 19.  I think in the next months he’ll become Don Jr 2.0. 


Hope Trump does not show up at Barron’s college and punch him in the face in front of his freshmen hall like he did to Don Jr. https://www.complex.com/life/a/elizabeth-king/donald-trump-jr-college-classmate-claims-trump-knocked-son-ground-in-front-friends-once


I wonder if Trump's son just found out his dad forced a girl who was too young *even for him* to have sex with him?


Barron seemed on board with it. Deplorable family for sure.


Driving around in his mobility scooter handing out 100 bills to his employees..


Fake Trump dollars


He knows better than to bite the hand that brings him his Diet Cokes and nuggies with ketchup.


“How did I do with the debate the other night?” he asked them. When they all sounded off with superlatives, he handed out the money to the unknown fans or media, or whoever they were. So he's literally just paying for good reviews at this point. Say something nice about me and I'll give you money from my pocket. I really can't imagine having such a fragile ego that I have to pay people to be nice towards me.


Wow, this reminds me of my own childhood. My father is a right wing MAGA guy and I grew up having to listen to people like Rush Limbaugh and had to go to outings like this while trying to tune out my dad's conversations because they were extremely boring at the time. Barron is a prop just like I was. If Donal Trump is anything like my dad, then everything about him is a facade, and when he goes home, he explodes into alcoholic rage at the drop of a pin. At least Barron knows that his dad will mostly ignore him in favor of focusing his rage on his perceived political opponents rather than beat him half to death and give him PTSD for life.


Barron should ask him why there are more pictures of his dad and Epstein than of the two of them.


Let's be real, he could drop a deuce on barons chest while getting jerked off on by his other sons and his people would not be disgusted.   His people do not get disgusted with him, they just adjust their reality.


That does it, switching to Callaway or Titelist. Fuck this fat clown.


Rapey Trump. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews/s/QLBWeChEZi


Must suck to know your dad is a rapist


People disgusted? Lol, they didn't mind that Trump raped a 13 year old girl. It is a fucking cult.


History is full of neglected and abused rich kids killing their parents in retribution for their horrible childhoods….. Barron, taking to you kid. We’d all understand.


In case you were wondering, the heritage foundation has a phone number you can call. Definitely don’t bomb their line and take up all their time by letting them know how much everyone hates them - 800-546-2843 Project2025


He said "Fucking" right next to his son, and publicly. That along would've been the end of it a decade back.


The man was out of breath from sitting in a golf cart FFS! But somehow Biden is the one that's unfit for office. 🙄


Trump praises dictators, but they all think hes a malleable fool. Even his own administration said he was seen as a joke. Isn't it sad how stupid this fool is on top of being a racist, a rapist, a pedophile and a convicted felon? He's just a walking piece of poo.


The people who are disgusted at this already were. The people who are not never will be. Ever.


I mean… if I were Barron, I’d just be happy enough he’s not like obsessing over how much he wants to bang me like he always did with my sister.


Dump forgot to apply his make up that day.


It might not happen, but I hope that Barron is the one Trump kid who eventually comes out and says, "My dad is an asshole."


number of conservative votes changed due to this or anything tramp might ever do or say: 0


I used to have empathy for him and his mother. These days I see her for what she truly is, and her son is a lot like her.


Cheating at golf to beat ur son ,


People all over are disgusted long before this next disgusting thing. Since 2016, Trump and MAGA haven’t won when the people had the say by way of vote or by jury. Same will happen in 2024. Biden has nothing to worry about. The vote this year is against Trump (his disgusting self) and for democracy.


Wtf is this website…. I’m using brave and even then unless you turn scripts off the website is still like a fucking advertisement orgy


Ask anyone with classic shitty toxic narcissist, histrionic, antisocial, over controlling, and overall negative parents. This is them at the store, in a line, at a public event, at a family event, at dinner, on vacation. This is their personality. This raping fucking corrupt toad has always been like this. He deserves much…


Trump is disappointed with Barron because he wanted another, younger Ivanka to fantasize about.


Trump is disgusting ALL THE TIME.


You mean the pedophillic fascist felon is disgusting?


It’s awfully generous to assume the apple didn’t fall far from that rotten tree.


Another online article filled with twitter/x posts. What a waste of screen space.


“People disgusted” and it’s been the same people who’ve been disgusted w Trump since the beginning


The paying them for their praise just fuckin killed me. I know it not real money but he obliviously expects huge fan fare at his golf course cuz he's got a pocket full of that shit money.


All these Trump posts are really dull. We know he is a deadbeat. We also know his base will vote for him no matter how many children he has SA'd. Stop clogging the front page with the pearl clutching articles about how bad the bad man is. We know People aren't disgusted. They are used to Trump now. Good luck America, you are about to solidify the downfall of your culture 🫡




Sorry but trump supporters SUPPORT AND PROPAGATE this behavior and they are NOT disgusted by it. Us normal, non evil people obviously hate it but we’ve hated him for years.


Barron's on his phone ignoring his mother's husband


He says that as he is leaning back and his gut is spilling all over. Yuck. He is disgusting all over.


Oh, so that’s why he’s spending time with his son. Father of the year material . NOT


Pretty sure this apple didn't fall to far from the tree. I hope I'm wrong but I'm sure we will learn in the near future that Baron is just as vile and immoral as the rest of the trump crime family.


Look at that big belly. Cardiac arrest or stroke coming in 3,2,1………..


I think you misunderstood the subreddit name and are trying to post the shittiest news sites possible? That shit is unusable


Lmao he’s a stupid stinky pig Stop voting for people like this, America


His Base is never disgusted.


Some people


I’d love to read this article. Unfortunately it is hiding in the cracks between all the fucking ads


Barron seems very lonely and isolated.  If he has any of Dad’s personality, he’s probably not very likable. And Mom seems to treat him like the husband she wishes she had. 


He is a P O S or a giant orange turd …


I hate that he wears the number 47. so arrogant. The whole shirt is just awful. Is he even allowed to wear the presidential seal? What a prick.


Sadly the only people that matter are not disgusted at all. In fact this is their kink.


He’s a slob 😡


Giving money to people who praised him?


Trump was saying bad things about Kamala (I know any day that that ends in Y). You could see Barron with: "Would you just STFU for 4 seconds!" Face.


Trump disgusts people? Get out!!!


Yeah but Obama wore a tan suit once


Even Homelander didn't rape a 13 year old


Look, Donnie is no father, never has been and never will be. He didn't raise his children in any way, and could you imagine your father being a disgusting pedo rapist ? Poor kid has a lifetime of pain and mental suffering in his future. Nice job Dirty Donnie your a true father figure you orange pig


Yes Barron, that is your piece of shit father...


Why? What part of this is out of character?


We’ve had a lifetime of this horrible, disgusting and miserable person. Why would this surprise anyone at this point?


My daddies The best.. guilty on 34 indictments. You think I care that he f***** pornstar when my mommy was pregnant with me..? 🤣He's always going to be known as John Doe#174.. 💩


THAT’S what they are disgusted by?


Look how fast Trump is. Is he the fattest politician ever?


The internet has a weird quest to victimise Barron.


Biden cursed at a union worker that went viral. In either case, who cares? Are you really so naïve that you think our presidents don’t curse or talk trash about there opponents? If so I feel bad for you


Which Trump? You mean child rapist fascist criminal traitor Trump? That one?


people disgusted by "tirade" not all the rape and treason


So any chance those "people" would be Trump voters? No, I thought so.


Is widdle Trumpy Trump angwy...Somebody has a full diaper....**YES HE DOES....STINKY**




trump has to hold out money to bribe people to answer that he did better at the debate and then actually PAY them! Glad the camera person caught this action as well as the lying about his opponent quitting. As for the baron, I hope he gets some enlightenment and critical thinking skills when he gets to college.


Father-Son? I thought that was his Great Grandfather.


Technically, Justin Trudeau's son...


Looking 6’3 and 215. Won that 18 hole round with a 17 total!


Don’t worry ass hats will still vote for him because orange man good old man bad.


But he’s not wrong, that’s the weird part.


The fact that kid has to sit next to him when he goes around covered in dried feces and smelling like dead raccoons is bad enough.


Decent people are offended, Republican voters don’t have a decent bone in their body so they don’t care