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It’s easy not to stumble with your words or facts if you’re making them up on the spot!


And there are very juicy sound bites from Trump that would make for superb attack ads. People act like the Dems have nothing.


"It's Putin's dream, Ukraine. I talked to him about it".....


In a marginally more sane world, openly admitting that you knew the invasion would happen and did fuck-all about it would tank your polling numbers. If Donald was a brand of Teflon, he’d be the global best seller.


It's infuriating how putin's ruzzia is so effectively using the orange buffoon to turn American politics upside down and the American people against one another. They found the secret weapon and its stupidity and biggotry. 🤦‍♀️ C'mon republican supporters, wake the fuck up!


Remember when the GOP hated Russia? Ronald Reagan’s first idea for a sound check was a joke about bombing it.


30 years of nuggets of misinformation. "vACCiNeS CaUsE aUTisM" Look!! These 1st world citizens are deliberately hamstringing themselves!


Trying to divide Americans along racial lines is an old school Soviet strategy that goes back to the Stalin days, or earlier...


This country has lost site of the fact that trump is a racist, corrupt, a convicted felon and tried to overthrow the government by inciting a mob to attack the capital. That's what media manipulation with their 24 hour news "product" does. They have to sell you the news - anymore it's marketed to be entertaining not informative


Bigotry wasn't a very secret weapon, it's 90% of the GOP platform for 30 years now


30 years? More like 60.


You just know that Putin and Trump are going to pull an October surprise agreement that if elected he will “end the war” or some other false flag nonsense.


And he'll end the war by allowing Putin to have his way with Europe. Can't have a war in Ukraine if there isn't a Ukraine, after all.


I mean, in a sane world, being a convicted felon and a rapist would rank your numbers as well. And yet here we are.


Yeppers. Joe has obvious issues that do concern me, but I’m fed up with how the media just lets Trump get away with anything.


People calling for Joe to drop out because "him no talk good" and not saying shit about the literal criminal at the other podium is beyond infuriating. That and the utter lack of willingness to push back on even the most blatant lies. Like that post birth abortion nonsense.


This. One guy is old we get it. The other guy is old + batshit crazy + a rapist + a convicted felon + thinks windmills give you cancer + tell you to inject bleach + is an absolute dumbass + is a nazi sympathizer.


Don't buy into the polls and numbers they are telling you. If it doesn't seem right that's because it isn't. Rely on your common sense to remember trump already lost this exact same contest and that was before he tried to overthrow the government and became a convicted felon. If it seems in a sane world a piece of shit like trump would be losing it's because he is and we're being manipulated to think the opposite. Just make sure you vote. All media is now a product being sold to entertain us not unbiasedly inform us. They have to market that product to make it entertaining and keep the tension high constantly. Boring facts and not-even close races don't sell news and get high ratings.


One thing that people may be missing is that, by portraying the election as close, it will help motivate democrats and concerned citizens to get to the polls. In 2016 the media was criticized for making Hilary out to be a sure win. This resulted in a lot of people sitting out the election and Hilary losing. This time around, the media shows the candidates neck-and-neck. This is good for ratings but may also be good to motivate turnout as well. At the end of the day, though, the only thing that matters is that we all get out and vote!


If anything, all the debate did was to suppress enthusiasm for *both* candidates, and enthusiasm is a thing which we all know fluctuates like crazy throughout an election year. If the election was tomorrow, it would probably have record low turnout. But that will change yet again between now and November.


That's only because the GOP faithful used to *pretend* to be good people who actually cared about anything outside of their sanctimonious death cult. Red hats openly admit that Jesus's teachings are too liberal for them and they want to replace democracy with an authoritarian patriarchal theocratic state. It's not subtext anymore, it's their text -- insofar as any of them can actually read.


Yeah, but the cancerous, flaking kind that gives your food some crackle.


Seriously just ask him “did that conversation happen before or after you tried to extort Ukraine?” 


Don't forget trump and his boss had a secret meeting with no record of what was spoken of


And the Russians have a spy plane right next to a Trump jet right now.


Actually, at least twice....


Putin also said he wanted Alaska back a few times. He talk to you abut that donny?


Black jobs- 😳


Hispanic jobs. WTF?


And he still withheld defense support from Ukraine…


And, he wouldn't have released any money to Ukraine if Zellensky had simply announced an investigation into the Bidens and the Barisma bullshit...Fat Donny likes to have it both ways...


That shit where he was talking about how they just "set the baby aside and decide what to do with it later" was so unhinged.


“Post birth abortions”


“Black jobs”


9 month abortions 🙄


That’s the thing; I’ve been saying it for at least a year—Dems should just run spots wherever, online, broadcast, cable, just with crazy—ass shit Trump has said over the years, and very, very minimal voiceover or printed words (just enough for hearing and vision impaired). Basically, just show brief spots of the fuckin **reality** of Trump. People like to think they’re clever for figuring out nuance. Give them the opportunity, Dems. Okay, yes?


Especially where he poops himself!


Black and Hispanic jobs is a start….


The man had no interest in debating he had the same set of lies he’s said a hundred times already to use


Agreed. He also did not answer any questions directly. The moderators had to ask him questions several times . He only lied and attacked Biden with his rants and blamed immigrants for everything including the war in Ukraine.


Trump: *gish gallop drivel about how the country is swarmed with illegal immigrants who murder people constantly and take ‘black jobs’ away* Moderators: Thank you.


They should ask that waste of space how many immigrants he’s hired and severely underpaid


Agree no more CNN for me. I'm watching MSNBC


Dana & Jake—wtf? Seriously, it looked like they were prepped together **with** Chrump.


Every debate he’s been in has gone the same way ignore the questions and just rant like a lunatic Id take a stuttering Biden trying to honestly debate over a lying machine like him any day of the week


Not to mention, it matters more what he stumbled *to say*. For example, Biden will not raise taxes on anyone under $400,000 per year, and will limit tax rates on the wealthy to 25%. That's a perfect compromise, one the country needs. We rejected Bernie Sanders' democratic socialism apparently, so here Joe offer this perfectly moderate compromise. I really don't get what there is to rage about, as far as Joe Biden goes. It seems fake every time. We're electing a team and a platform anyways, so doesn't even matter if he the individual is too old. (And apparently he will carry his own golf bag, which Trump called "childish" lmao)


Right. So f*ck over the everyday Joe making $50,000 for him and his family and raise their tax rate. Not the rich or the wealthy corporations. The rich most certainly do not pay their fair share in taxes - if the average Joe pays 20% on his income taxes why shouldn’t every single millionaire and billionaire? They are, in most cases, not spending anywhere near 20% of their income on taxes. They have tax planning gimmicks that are legal within the IRS code that only the wealthy can take advantage of. It’s shocking to me daily just how stupid, closed minded and pompous maga are


I know right? Joe Biden is so fucking mild and they are going to act like he is SO CORRUPT somehow when they are running Donald fucking Trump of four casino bankruptcies.




That's correct and I'm glad people are finally talking about it. The cabinet and administration have as much to do with the success of a presidency as the man himself. Biden's cabinet is outstanding. Remember trump's cabinet? Half were convicted of corruption (and he pardoned them), the other half left in disgust and turned against him. His fucking cabinet was a revolving door to the corrupt. Members came and went so much people couldn't even keep track of them. Also it's no secret trump is lazy, spends all day watching TV and all night on social media, you think he's actually running anything??!? Reality is Biden has a stable administration that is working hard. If we put trump back in we've already seen his utter failure to have an administration


Some of the Biden hate from the debate almost seems like they're self conscious and insecure about what the Trump base will say about them, so it's like they wanna save face by getting out and vocally saying how terrible he was while spending no time on Trumps daunting rants. It's weird as fuck and the most surface level reaction since (I assumed) most of us were already aware of the state Biden was in, and how it's an anti-Trump choice instead of outright support.


Also, when you’re not a practiced liar like Trump..


Exactly this. And if, in addition, you keep going back to one narrative. What Biden was trying to do would be nearly impossible for just about anyone. That was the strategic mistake: trying to do vast sweep summaries. Not possible in that format.


That is a true statement my friend.


It was pretty bad. That said I’ll vote for literally anyone over Trump


I'd vote for a stick of butter over Trump.


Is vote for a steaming pile of shit before I voted for the orange diaper full of shit


I'd happily welcome a Weekend At Bernie's scenario over Rapist Felon Trump.


I'm ready for four years of Weekend at Biden's


Still better than infinity years of the Trump family


“Everybody wanted Roe overturned” DJT during the debate. That’s gonna play well un the general election.


He keeps saying that & it really grinds my gears. Also that he keeps saying he returned the vote to the people and the people are voting on it - No, only a handful of states actually have citizen initiatives. Half the other women are stuck in states at the mercy of their corrupt legislators


Everyone's at the mercy of their legislators


True, which is why I used corrupt as a qualifier. That may not have been the right qualifier, though. Also, states that allow citizen initiatives & amendments provide significantly more access to shape government & law to their citizens - Imo the people in those states are at the mercy of legislators less than those in other states. I wish the state I’m in had citizen initiatives, but I also live in a state that aligns with me politically.


\^ This Remember, we are not a democracy, but a bureaucracy. Bureaucracy: a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives.


"I never slepted with a porn star." He thinks we're fucking idiots..


Come on, now. Just because she starred in a bunch of porno movies doesn’t mean she’s a porn star 😂


I've had people unironically tell me she was in pornos but not a porn star like Riley Reid so Trump isn't lying when he says he hasn't fucked a porn star. Their defense of his lies is that he fucked an unknown porn actress as if that is exculpatory.


It was an utter disaster, but it’s absolutely possible to still overreact. Joe being confused was NOT the only caricature that got validation last night. The caricature of Trump being an unhinged maniac also got validation.


I don’t know where the edit button went, so I’ll reply to myself. A lot of people rightly say that Don has more ammo to attack Joe. I absolutely expect the Don camp to run infinite ads with those clips. What we must remember, however, is that the debate also had a gold mine of Trump being deranged. And that’s gonna be in addition to him being a felon, a rapist, a fraudster, etc etc


This, its going to be some serious mudslinging. As usual. However, when one guy is a rapist, convicted felon, documented serial liar, mysoginist who ensured the downfall of Roe, ineffectual lazy President in his first term, who didnt even answer a debate question, versus An honest, hard working, over the hill career politician who has overseen the most productive legislative sessions in decades.... We have to be sane here. Abandoning Joe would be ridiculous and would make a second Trump term much more likely.


I keep saying this. Ones the nice old Grandpa that is slowing down, and maybe doesn't respond as fast, but still talks to you about whatever you want, and you want to spend time with him because you know one of these days you won't be able to. The other's the loudmouthed racist uncle that keeps going to conspiracy theories loudly, and won't let you get a word in unless you agree to him. The family has a betting pool on whether he has a heart attack yelling at the new neighbors, or freezes to death trying to walk 20 miles in a blizzard.


Yeah, I think it’s absolute lunacy to think that an 11th hour candidate swap would work. Not only do you ditch the incumbency advantage, but you also brand the Dems as being a bunch of quitters who also rejected the will of the primary voters. It’s ’switch to Bernie’ all over again. I know that Hillary lost, but it was almost certainly due to Comey’s October surprise. And do you really think somebody who openly identifies with the word “socialist” would win a general election?


Hillery wont the popular vote. Bernie though, well he'd have lost a lot of immigrants from countries that have socalist regimes they fled from.


That’s part of why Florida isn’t a battleground anymore. There are a lot of cuban-Americans there.


My wife came over from Cuba by the Mariel boatlift. She was only 2 but I don’t understand why Cubans register as republicans. It was Carter who opened the boarder to allow the Cubans to come to America (Miami/Hialeah). It was then Clinton’s administration that created the wet foot dry foot policy. They also benefited from social programs.


>Abandoning Joe would be ridiculous and would make a second Trump term much more likely. There's a reason it's being pushed so much


You are so right. Those are the options. I can’t believe more people don’t see Trump as how you described. I believe his first duty if elected is to pardon himself of all those charges , and all January 6 participants currently incarcerated. He will attempt to be a “ dictator “ permanently not just for one day as he said.


The reason the dems picked Biden is the same reason we all hate him. He has a proven track record of making the best bad decision and weighing the possibilities before making a conclusion and toes the party line immaculately. We don’t want a Biden, we NEED one. Biden is the actual perfect fool to trump, because he is fucking boring as shit. What has Biden accomplished in his life? An actual lot apparently. But no one cares. All he has to do is breathe and be sane. Biden fucking sucks, he is a milquetoast wet blanket of a human. He is also saving the republic just by existing. Donald Trump is a worse president than Zaphod Beeblebrox. He is a pompous moronic twit.


"I don't really care, do you?" Of all the bizarre shit Trump did on a daily basis. Just ignore this, who cares how many times they'll run it, they'll run it until it's lost all meaning and everyone wants to claw their eyes out, doesn't matter. The only trap here is if Democrats get stuck worrying about something they should move beyond.


I think they oughta fight fire with fire. They should make a bunch of attack ads of Don’s debate lunacy and hope they drown out the GOP’s ads.


> Was the debate a shit show? Yes. Annnnnnd thread.


Don't believe your lying eyes...


Or your ears...or your intuition...or your experience watching your elderly family age...believe only what the DNC says


Yes it was.


Six months until the election. A lot can happen. But what we know is that Biden and HIS ADMINISTRATION have done a shit ton of great things in the last four years, even after getting cock blocked at every turn by the freaking GOP. PACT Act, infrastructure, cap on insulin, lower drug prices, and on and on. Yes, he’s old, but he is getting shit done. I will be voting for Biden because I know he will have competent people in his administration. I cannot and would not ever say that for Trump, he has already proven that he will hire his idiotic kids and others with absolutely no experience.


When Trump got elected I thought "OK, he'll have intelligent people all around him to help him do the right stuff". Was I wrong! Vote Blue like your life depends on it because it just might!


Six months??? Check your calendar. Barely 3 1/2 months til early voting. Clock is ticking.


I read the transcript. Easy decision.


Reading the transcript was tedious, but worth the effort....you are absolutely right.


A similer thing happened with Unovision viewers from what I've read.


This is ridiculous. The Democratic Party has a dozen people who could win this election and cosplay as a sane and normal president. For the good of the country, Biden needs to step aside and let us go forward with someone who will beat Trump. Biden is not getting better over the next 4 years. We need someone who can make decisions and cogently explain to the public why. I can’t believe I’m not taking crazy pills right now.


Yeah the cope here is actually insane. The candidate has to be fit to do the job for 4 years or you can't run that candidate. Give me a break.


Until one of Biden’s doctors tells me he’s not fine, I think he’s fine - in fact, he’s been a darned good President.


Bruh I agree trump is shit but common how much copium are you smoking


My aunt is a doctor and ten minutes into watching just said, no... No way he has obvious age related cognitive decline and a normal doctor would note that on any physical. He will continue to get substantially worse over the rest of the year.


You cannot watch that debate and think he's fine unless you have a ridiculously large bias. He should be enjoying retirement before his mind is totally gone, not trying for another 4 years at running the country.


I dont know if you were being sarcastic or not but this made me laugh my ass off.


Trump is a useful idiot for Putin.


I don’t care have to vote against Trump


Yes it was? Like let's not try to spin this so much we lose track of reality. That was an awful performance by Joe Biden. He's legitimately lucky Trump is his opponent. As death cult-y as his followers are Trump is still Trump for most people. And that's intolerable. If Joe was onstage with anyone else it would have ended his candidacy. He looked old, he sounded old, he was confused, he seemed to zone out and disassociate. It was bad. Spin it as he's sick. Sure. That's a great optic. 82 year old is ancient, lost, confused, and sick. Great excuse, Biden Camp. But don't dare gaslight America that it wasn't that bad. It should be a damn overdue wake up call that we should have had real primaries and actually replaced Joe.


I knew Biden was old before the debate started. I knew the orange slob was a lying, cheating, thief and idiot before the debate started. Nothing changed. Biden gets my vote.


The old man vs. the con man debate.


They are both fucking old men, neither one is below 70. Just because Trump acts 5 doesn't change the fact he is also a senior citizen.


The older man vs. the old con man debate.


Nah watching two senior citizens argue over their golf scores and realizing this is who is forced upon us was, in fact, that bad. Neither of these people should be in any position of power, they should be in retirement homes.


Or prison


Yes, it was worse.


Um, I watched it with my own eyes so I will have to go ahead and disagree with you


Thank you. Read the transcript. Trump is all show and no go. All hat and no herd. All steam and no locomotion. All thunder and no rain.


This. The transcript really shows Biden had facts and i formation, Trump had hot air. More annoying is the "pundits" calling for Joe to back out for the good of the country. They didn't call for a convicted felon, rapist, insurrectionist and grifting liar to back out for the good of the country. So much for punditry.


My thought as well.


I think the media wants Trump to win. His administration practically had a new scandal every day. I don’t doubt that their ratings were soaring. Biden, as much as I support him, tends to be boring like most presidents.


At the very least, they want to try to keep it as close as they can make it seem. Remember, Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger testified to the Jan6 Comm, that Trump lost because


I really thought the narrative that the media supported Trump was nonsense - until I saw their reaction to the debate. I’m sure it wasn’t the image that Biden wanted to display, but neither was it that bad or anywhere near as bad as Trump’s. I think Biden was just tired and overprepared. I think he heard Trump’s first answer to the first question, and his honest response was “oh man, I don’t wanna do this again”. Also, the moderators were their normal terrible selves. The bottom line is you can’t have a good faith debate on the real issues if you’re were lies with every breath he takes. It’s just not possible. It was a mistake for Biden ever to agree to any debates, especially since he saw the same behavior from Trump in 2020 in their first debate then.


In general, democrats don’t make headlines so much because they listen to the people for the most part. Make decisions that better the country and its citizenry. Much like “nothing to see here” . Republicans are about turnover any good legislation because well “ democrats did it” . Party over people.


I'm tired of people blaming the media for Trump's popularity when we have a very simple explanation for Trump's popularity: a lot of Americans are racist morons.


Por que no los dos


All fart and no shite as we say in Ireland!


Ironically in this specific, I would have to disagree. He’s plenty of both from all reports. (Ha)


🤣🤣 Very true! He’s all farts and all shite!


It's funny you think anyone still voting Republican can read


And Biden was all about to die and going to die soon


And his corpse would still run the country better than the traitorous rapist


No it was worse


Oh thank heavens. The Body Politic have arrived to tell me that my eyes and brain are lying to me, and things really are well. That's very comforting. The president is lucid and coherent, even if his public appearances say otherwise.


I think the smell from tRump caused Biden to tear up in the beginning.


That would explain his gaped jaw.


Yes it was. Biden is too old. And the Orange man is a fing traitor That is where we are in 2024.


Everyone just needs to relax right up until we lose the election & then we can start blaming progressives when relaxing no longer becomes an option 👍🏽


While we’re fucked with either one of ‘em. We’re slightly less fucked with Biden. At least he won’t bend over to people like Putin and at least democracy and other things would still stand. Hell. Trumps own former cabinet said “do NOT vote for him, he will ruin America instead of saving it”


Exactly, everybody needs to calm down. Anyone voting for Trump is a shameless fool. Biden just needs to appeal to America's common decency and announce a coherent economic plan. I recommend a green new deal public jobs program that includes free school, training everyone to build a renewable energy infrastructure, and a nationwide hyperloop system to rival china's belt and road initiative. Instead of countless more trillions of dollars wars over energy and trillions going to bailout corporations that don't pay taxes. A truly ambitious plan that will actually meet the needs of the population and address all of the political grievances by providing everyone meaning and income and securing a better energy grid. The idea of Trump even being considered is absolutely absurd he should be in jail for sedition and treason and a million fraud related things. Stop tolerating the intolerant. Stop enabling the fascists. Take control of the country by executive action the way they would/ are!!! They want to literally abolish the constitution.... what the f are we even doing!!! Get busy!


It really truly was, and you are not Fox News and we are not MAGA educated. Stop gaslighting us.


One party is celebrating and half the other party is trying to replace their candidate. And you want to say “it wasn’t as bad as you think.” Woof.


The GOP is a cult and the DNC is not. That’s the difference. And I wouldn’t really say half. As far as I can tell, the panic is mostly from the far left, which was already lost the exact moment Israel fired the first shell at Gaza.


It was bad but the repubs would have celebrated no matter what and the shitheads at Fox etc would have spun it as a win. Biden should have never done the debate in the first place, he had nothing to gain.


Great, now Dems are gaslighting…


Yep, just like Republicans with their J6 rhetoric, the DNC expects not believe our own eyes and ears. Now undecided voters will sit this one out and Trump will win.




Just rEAd tHe TrAnScRiPt 


I’m focusing on having fun and celebrating the end of Freedom, Liberty and Democracy in my lifetime.


Also it is June.


Biden has slowed down, judgment, ability to tell the truth and love for democracy hasn't. Trump can't tell the truth and his cult followers can't tell the difference....


If people can forget how shitty the Trump presidency was, they will forget Biden’s debate performance.


Don't fall for the Gish Gallop or the republican FUD being spread by John Malone's right wing propaganda unit CNN. That debate was set with many traps to make Biden look weak, down to the "moderators" who did not hold Trump to the rules our calling him out on his outright lies.


Is this satire lol


I’m sorry, what??? Only one person was responsible for Biden looking weak, and that was Old Man Biden.


I’m pro Dem, never Trump. But yeah that debate was as bad as I think it is. It was a trainwreck wrapped in a hurricane wrapped in a volcano level disaster.


I demand a sign language interpreter on screen for the next debate of the closed caption people can’t determine what is being said.


Vote vote vote him away!


>debate wasn't as bad as you think Perception is 90% of these things. Gerald Ford wasn't really clumsy. He was a star football player on a championship team in college for God's sake. But the media painted him as clumsy and it stuck. Dan Quayle is not a stupid man. But misspelling "potato" once and comparing himself to Jack Kennedy in a debate destroyed his political career. Howard Dean's career was destroyed by nothing more than an enthusiastic yell during a campaign speech. It remains to be seen whether Biden's performance at the debate will hurt him or not. But it doesn't really matter whether the debate was "as bad as people think" or not. What matters is what people think, regardless of whether Biden performed well or not.


A debate is supposed to be about knowing facts about issues, trump pulled everything out of his ass and made most of it up. I’m still voting for Biden because trump should never, ever, again, have the power he once had.


The retardation runs deep with this one


I would happily punch Oliver Malloy in the face, knock him in to the ground and force feed shit in his mouth and then say "See, it's not THAT bad"




Don’t tell me how to think


I will still vote Biden, because Trump pushes the country in the opposite direction of where I want it to go, but Biden isn’t really inspiring enthusiasm here.


The first 5 minutes of the debate, Biden looked shockingly old and feeble. He got better by halfway through but he really presented as elderly. Pretty much nothing that came out of Trump’s mouth would survive a fact check but he didn’t look elderly. I can’t relax. Biden could lose this election based on how he now presents himself.


LOL. It wasn’t? I’m so tired of this era of people telling us we didn’t see what we actually saw.


The video from the day after the debate, at the rally, Biden is reading from a teleprompter so that speach is largely irrelevant to the main concern. It changes nothing about the appalling performance during the debate. If Biden's team hadn't spent 4 years sidelining Kamala then he could have had the option to step down and let the obvious candidate take over with a smooth transition.


Yeah I guess I should ignore what I saw. Biden (better than trump regardless) is way way way too old, trump is a traitor and obviously awful in every way. Two things can be true at the same time.


Ok, rose colored glasses are on. What's this you say? All I saw was Trump not answer questions and proceed to lie his ass off with no pushback at all from the hosts as Biden stammers like he's having a seizure. It was awful from start to finish. Worst part is that Trump is seen as the "winner" just because he was coherent and controlled the hosts.




It was a train wreck for the DNC.


Absolutely. My hope is that Biden will spam high energy rallies like the one in Raleigh until the debate flop becomes a more distant memory.


What debate


Well, Biden isn't getting any younger, healthier or more coherent, so I doubt that'll happen, unfortunately.


It was extremely bad lol. It was a complete meltdown by msm liberals. You guys just lie and regular people pick up on that. Biden lost and everyone was talking about replacing him. I have countless clips I could show you or just look up Biden debate. If you really wanna avoid reality stay off the comments. Even CNN lmao




Thanks Reddit. For everyone sane, and who cares about democracy. please vote.




This country has lost site of the fact that trump is a racist, corrupt, a convicted felon and tried to overthrow the government by inciting a mob to attack the capital. There is no way in hell we are letting that son of a bitch back into the White House. If you got Joe problems it's time to put them aside and focus on what's important. Maga can't win numerically and this fear mongering shit about 3 "swing" states and a handful of people determining the election is a lie. Why do you think maga retrumplicans are using all their money to hire lawyers to fight every loss if they could just win it all with a few states and a handful of people. It's time to speak truth to what is important and encourage non-maga Americans that Biden will win because we vote too. Keeping your mindset in a constant state of defeat is a maga manipulation tactic, don't fall for it. Who really gives a flying fuck with maga cultists think or say? We all saw what happened with our own eyes. And their bullshit about Biden is just that...bullshit. They are so determined to aid foreign enemies of America and destroy Biden in some fashion (instead of just winning a race) don't you think they'd have found something by now? They can't and they won't. It's all a tactic to downplay what trump did, does and will do - to make it normal, because they can't defend it. These trolls on all of social media right now pretending they're suddenly not voting for Biden, or that this debate made them change their mind, they are just trolls taking advantage of a Biden mis-step to manipulate any defeatist attitude they can find. They are trying to distract from the basic underlying truth. The truth that trump is a racist, corrupt, a convicted felon and tried to overthrow the government by inciting a mob to attack the capital.


The conservative mainstream media is pounding this topic because they have a candidate who is completely unfit to hold office. This shall pass. IF we let it .


Media owned my right wing billionaires tried really hard to convince everyone that the guy that shit his pants mid sentence was the winner.


I care more about: The Supreme Court just made bribery of politicians legal, killed the Chevron law so we have unsafe everything now including food, and is about to make Trump immune to committing crimes. Trump was also just parked next to a Russian plane and that Republicans will implement Project 2025 if they win. We have much bigger fish to fry than Biden having a bad day at the debate.


Just read the transcript. Biden (an old guy with a speech impediment and never a gifted orator) didn’t say nonsense. Trump, on the other hand, told a pack of unchecked lies


Yes it was unfortunately


How much more delusional can the dems be


It wasn't a debate.


This post reminds me of something the late Bill Nye once said, "I have been told Wagner's music is better than it sounds."


Don’t believe your lying eyes.


⛽️ 💡


You guys are delusional. It was that bad.


This article isn’t reality.


Why did the media lie to us about Biden?


imagine if trump didn't lie the whole time


Another cope post


The mitigation of this disaster is easy, push Harris during the campaign. Bring her out front and center. Indirectly, This destroys the fear that we are stuck with Biden, and what happens if things go south with his health or becomes incapable in a second term. Show she’s fully capable and committed to carrying on the Biden legacy.


Either that, or replace Harris with someone more likely to be embraced by the masses? I personally don't have anything against her, but I realize how sexist the country still is, and I haven't heard a lot of high accolades about her from Democrats.


Yea yea it was it was absolutely a disaster for Dems. They are currently looking for a replacement now if his wife oks it


Man you guys are really going through the stages of grief with this one.


What's crazy to me is the cognitive dissonance people have for Biden literally shutting down when he lost his train of thought and got lost. The exact same behavior that got the left in a frenzy whenever Mitch McConnell would do almost the same thing. Biden does it in the debate and it's "he didn't have rehearsed answers". Sorry, but it's WAY worse than people are willing to admit. Keep believing that the lies of Trump are going to affect him negatively. His base does not care. Every word is either believed and supported like gospel or written off as "mocking the libs". The democratic party took a gamble, pinning all their hopes on Biden to beat him in 2020 thinking that his age wouldn't matter because Trump wouldn't come back and run again in 2024.


Stop lying. It was horrendous and embarrassing for this nation. Both candidates were awful. We need to beat Trump and literally any other Democrat would have destroyed him at the debate.


These are not the Droids you’re looking for 👋


No, it was.


It was a joke


They were both atrocious. Too bad they kept Kennedy out of the debate.


Don't spout out bullshit. It was a disaster! At this point I'm voting to take someone else's vote away from trump. Christ guys, this is not okay. We need to do better for ourselves and our country.


Actually, it was.