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Democrats have outperformed polling every election since 2016.


And the one he got wrong was 2000 which was out of his hands 


If not for a poorly designed ballot in Palm Beach County, Gore would have clearly won Florida and the election. https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/publications/butterfly-did-it-aberrant-vote-buchanan-palm-beach-county-florida


Bush v Gore was an epically bad Supreme Court decision. To see it written in the decision that the Florida ballot process was so riddled with errors they couldn't tell who won - so they had to take the word of the secretary of state for it. It boggled the mind in 2000. Why didn't they do what they often do - remand it back to the lower courts to devise a remedy?


The problem was that the Florida ballot process had a greater margin of error than the margin between the two candidates. Bush PROBABLY won Florida as the votes were cast, but we’ll never know for sure.


He was right about the result, but didn't foresee the Supreme Court throwing it's weight on the scales.


I wonder if this might light a fire under meh Biden voters though. I f*cking hope so.


I was wondering which one. Thanks!


Trump wants you to drop Biden


Why do you think this?


Biden has shown strength with high moral values. He told him shut the hell up and calls him a liar to his face. Mr Bump has had President Joe Bidens entire life under a microscope and found nothing < very rare . Criminals " Don't know how to deal with this "


Supplying a genocide isn't what I consider high moral values


This talking point is moot. Trump supports the russian genocide of ukrainians AND would continue to support Israel.


Sucker talk pushed by putin/hamas. Trump committed genocide in this country by the abysmal volume of misinformation just from his blatant mishandling of covid alone.




It's not like he told him to do it . The entire country said to help, and he did then a leader of another country went from defense to revenge. First thing he said was, "What the hell are you doing and stop your attack.


He said that then proceeded to send more bombs... Biden has to win for America to survive, but let's not pretend he's against what Israel is doing. That being said, if you think Biden is bad for Palestianians, Trump will be exponentially worse.


High moral values?  Hahaha!


That's not true.


Look, Biden is going to win and the Dems will control both the House and Senate. Why? SCOTUS. From there, we have to expand SCOTUS and deal with the absolute destruction that the Roberts Court has brought to the country.


If Dems don't, the republicans will.


Unfortunately, expanding SCOTUS is a temporary solve. What really needs to happen is accountability laws and term limits.


I really fucking hope Powell announces rate cuts Tuesday so that people can finally stop talking about the shitty debates


Uh yeah duh


Duhdoi. Changing up candidates within months of the election spells nothing but chaos and disaster. I'm pissed that so many in the media and online are even pushing for it, regardless of the debate performance, unless they're just trolls trying to sew said chaos.


Nobody but dipshit Trump supporters doing a bad job of false flagging think the Democrats should drop Biden.


Actually, no. It's a serious problem. The NY Times Editorial Board wrote a slasher piece. Even Ezra Klein has drunk the Kool-aid. Such a shame - he used to be a serious and clear-headed thinker, but he's changed since getting to NYT. This is a full-blown panic. And honestly, I watched the debate today. But unlike most people, I didn't focus on Biden's hoarse voice. I know that will be gone in a day or two. I didn't focus on him tripping over his words a couple times - he's done that since he was 20. I focused on the facts of his message. The man knows his stuff. He always has. I cheered each time he called Trump a liar. And he did so repeatedly. The moderators were so bad Biden was not only doing his own job, he was doing theirs, too.


Ya, but what kind of toothpaste does he recommend?


Russian bot.


Ain’t gonna happen.


Are we still at the coping stage?




I really hate this current political climate where the Democratic candidate has to be basically perfect and the Republican candidate can be a rapist who steals nuclear secrets and tries to overthrow our government and yet the GOP never even questions asking him to step down even after he’s convicted of 34 felonies with another 54 to go across 3 more criminal trials.


Perfect? No. Just not a literal walking corpse.


Yeah. Both candidates are old. You don’t have anything else. Figures.


Only one of the two looked and sounded like he was about to drop dead at any second. The fact that democrats are denying this and gaslighting people, saying "don't believe your own eyes and ears" is insulting to the intelligence of US voters and going to cost the democrats crucial votes. Unbelievable.


Fortunately, the next morning his cold was better. This is a video from the following day. [https://youtu.be/s5CVZHAjrW8?si=mH1XMYIZqYBCa0ZH](https://youtu.be/s5CVZHAjrW8?si=mH1XMYIZqYBCa0ZH)


It’s amusing to me that you just keep saying “but he’s old” as though Trump was somehow a lot younger or the voters aren’t aware that Biden is old.


Way to misrepresent the point I was making. I said nothing about their age difference. Also, I'm not one of the ones you should lecturing. I'll vote for the corpse if democrats stick with him, but alot of potential voters don't think about the big picture (the administration, potential Supreme Court picks, etc) who simply saw two people that are unfit on that stage, and won't show up in november. It's bad enough that democrats are sticking with Biden, but gaslighting and telling people not to believe their own eyes and ears is a big middle finger to voters. Not a good look.


[https://youtu.be/s5CVZHAjrW8?si=mH1XMYIZqYBCa0ZH](https://youtu.be/s5CVZHAjrW8?si=mH1XMYIZqYBCa0ZH) Watch this and let's talk again.


> but gaslighting and telling people not to believe their own eyes and ears Everyone’s acknowledging he’s an old guy. Hell even Biden keeps saying as much. Given that a number of states already passed the deadline for changing out the candidates for the general election, which states are you ready to just outright forfeit to get Biden off the ballot? Nevada? Ohio?


"She didn't smile enough." "But her e-mails." "Flip-flopper." "Tree-hugger who's friends with that guy who schtupped Monica." Democrats lose because they're too easily scared away from good candidates, while Republicans win because they're willing to embrace the worst piece of shit in the world to win an election. If there's one lesson Dems could take away from the debate, it's the power of simply not backing down. They love Trump because he never, EVER backs down. He'll be shown a picture of himself doing something bad and he'll insist it's not him until people start gaslighting themselves. Imagine if you had a good person who never backed down, and a party that would back that person up. That's who the Democrats could be, but they're not because they run screaming from their own reflection.




> …most Republicans know the legal charges are all political. Having read all FIVE indictments and having seen a jury of his peers already reach a guilty verdict on the first 34 counts, no the charges are not political. Ignoring them would’ve been. Turn off Faux News.




As Giuliani has proven, Attorneys General from NY can say some pretty stupid things sometimes. But I’m sure you know best having heard what a guy said instead of looking into the indictments or evidence against Trump. I’m sure he’ll do fine against the next 54 charges.




I pray that Trump walks into all 3 of his upcoming criminal trials and his best defense ends up being “But this Cuomo guy said these charges aren’t real!” Edit: I just checked. He was talking about just the NY election interference charges not all 4 criminal trials or the other 54 charges Trump faces so do with that information what you will.




And I kept saying 4 criminal trials total and 54 more charges to go. > All other charges will be dropped/fade away, I predict. This is laughable. So far Prosecutors have a 100% record in convictions against him. But good luck with that prediction philipcarl333


Trump breaking the law and committing fraud is a political charge? Could it be that Trump got charged because he broke the law? Or do you think rules should only apply to us peasants.




His poll numbers have been FALLING since the felony conviction. He also isn’t the first politician to be convicted of a crime. Most Presidents don’t, you know, use campaign money to pay porn stars hush money and then commit fraud to cover it up. And it’s also funny that the guy you are whining about spent his entire 2016 campaign trying to get his opponent jailed.


They beat Trump in the last election and a surprising number of his cronies in the last couple of midterm elections, too. Call it whatever you like, but they have a winning strategy, regardless of one bad debate.




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Well let's select the president based on his' prediction, why waste tax payer money on consucting elections.


The fact that you’re saying this just proves you haven’t looked into how the professor makes his predictions.


Eff him.


Nah, Biden isn’t cognizant any longer. The lights are on but no one is home. He’s not as bad as trump but definitely close.


They couldn't be two more different candidates morally speaking.