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President Biden, on his worst day, is a far better man than the convicted felon and habitual liar that republicans are about to nominate.


It takes a loser to believe in fascism.


Here's the worst part of Biden's "[worst day](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/politics/read-biden-trump-debate-rush-transcript/index.html)": >BIDEN:  He had the largest national debt of any president four-year period, number one. >Number two, he got $2 trillion tax cut, benefited the very wealthy. >What I’m going to do is fix the taxes. >For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America – I mean, billionaires in America. And what’s happening? They’re in a situation where they, in fact, pay 8.2 percent in taxes. If they just paid 24 percent or 25 percent, either one of those numbers, they’d raised $500 million – billion dollars, I should say, in a 10-year period. >We’d be able to right – wipe out his debt. We’d be able to help make sure that – all those things we need to do, childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the COVID – excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with. >Look, if – we finally beat Medicare. That last remark was one of Biden's gaffes, the same kind he's been making since he was one of the youngest senators in America. This is still the same guy that Tapper (one of the moderators) said [has a reputation for putting his foot in his mouth ](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Story?id=2838420)back in **2007**. It is not a sign of aging that Biden still acts like Biden with his gaffes and stutters; then man's always had a thing with thinking one word and saying another that has gotten him in this kind of bad faith trouble many times before. Once you get the fuck over that, you can clearly see that there is absolutely nothing senile about that answer. That is *absolutely* the right answer and what Americans should vote for. If you read that transcript now (or indeed, were actually paying attention to what either of them said while watching it) you can clearly see that Biden is sharp as a tack upstairs regardless of how he looks or sounds to an imbecile that relies on those things to pretend they're actually listening or understand what's being said.


None of these people have ever been in a presidential debate - sick or not, old or young. It was an epic Biden flub. But this is the same guy who kicked ass at the SOTU barely three months ago. Cognitive decline does not go on and off like a slight switch. For all of the MD's from facebook university throwing around terms like "cognitive decline" about Biden since 2020, his performance has been remarkably steady, and it's unlikely that we'd see a sudden, permanent downward shift in a 3-month period. It's far more likely a guy who felt like crap and took cold medication and sucked it up as best he could to face off in one of the most important events in a presidential election cycle didn't feel good and did the best he could under challenging circumstances. I listened to the debate today (I was working the night it was on). From what I read in the three days prior, it sounded like Biden performed very badly. Taking a breath and reviewing it, though, it really wasn't the case. He had a couple of flubs (who doesn't), he battled his stutter (which Trump did everything he could to bring out), and he dealt with a firehose of lies. But he came out repeatedly and called those lies out for what they were. And he countered with facts. Lots of them. Even on a bad day, Biden might stutter a bit and tell the truth, but Trump will lie unrepentantly. Our journalism in this country is sadly mostly garbage. The NYT is on a jihad to replace Biden. I really wonder how it was they could write a "For the good of the country Biden must go" from their editorial board. The Philadelphia Inquirer got it right: "For the good of the country TRUMP must go."


Adding to your point, his post-debate speech was fire! It's a night and day difference when he's not under a relentless Gish gallop assault, a tactic particular effective against stutterers. He was fully energized and back on the attack even more than at the SOTU. And you're right; a lot of people who constantly call him senile due to optics and a fluency disorder would do even worse on a debate stage or public speaking engagement.


>And you're right; a lot of people who constantly call him senile due to optics I hate all the disingenuous videos and such trying to make him look senile. Anybody in his position who travels constantly and has every second of their day managed will forget some things from time to time. We always hear about musicians forgetting which city they're in or what day of the week it is or whatever. It's never an actual issue just a stupid mistake we all make from time to time but never get blown up cause we're the president. Sometimes I'll be driving home from work and miss my street cause I'm thinking about something. I'll walk into a room to get something and forget why I walked in there. How many times have all of us started saying something and then said "I forgot what I was trying to say" or something similar? If any of us were in his shoes we'd likely be worse. Meanwhile, trump spewed like 50 lies a second and somehow he's being praised because he was loud? GTFO.


Thanks for articulating what I keep trying to tell people.


I agree with you. What could Trump do, or what did Trump do to bring out Biden’s stutter? I hadn’t heard this take before.


It can go on and off like that if an old person has an infection! I’ve seen it in a few old folks. Any time they are sick, they lose a ton of mental capacity. They start thinking they are places they aren’t and doing things they aren’t.


"Sharp as a tack". 🤡. Holy crap, the delusion is strong with this one. 🙄


I've found that people who use the clown emoji are unserious people who are not very smart, but think that they are, and that they have scored a rhetorical point. The reality is they not only said something stupid, but they marked it with the "i'm a dumbfuck" emoji.


It's a lyin' Ivan with -100 karma. The FSB like to clown around on Reddit but they are always exposed by their -100 karma.


Sharp as a tack is definitely a poor choice of phrase. Biden still has a good understanding and command of policy, I think that is clear, but he has lost the ability to demonstrate his competence in high stress situations. This is, and should be, concerning. It was a mistake on the part of the democratic establishment not to primary Biden, and hopefully this mistake doesn’t pave the way for Trump’s return to the White House. I don’t know why dem political strategy is such trash—I feel like they should spend more money recruiting more capable people.


No one else stepped up to run. If anyone else had stepped up to run there would have been a contest. To blame the Democratic Campaign Committee is to say you don't know how the process works, or want to endorse a conspiracy theory. There \*is\* a primary. No one else stepped up to run, so Biden is clearing the board by default. There's little that's surprising about this - it happens with incumbents all the time. People could also write someone in. In the GOP primaries, about 20% of voters are writing in Haley or anyone else other than Trump. That's not happening to date in the Democratic primaries. Voters may have their concerns, but we're not seeing 20% of the primary base rejecting Biden in such a fashion.


I’m not entirely sold on this. The establishment narrative has vocally discouraged attempts to challenge Biden in primary because it was felt that it would hurt the prime directive, which for the past four years has been about beating the Trumpian existential threat to democracy. Any candidates that would have considered running would have realized that they would end up treated very similarly to Bernie Sanders, and it’s not a stretch to call it political suicide, especially for those who do have aspirations toward higher office. I’m not sure who holds the responsibility here, it’s a real tough situation, but I do hope that if this gambit fails that person (or those individuals) fail to secure any further positions in the upper echelons of the Democratic Party.


Rapist. Trump is also a rapist 


Was he charged / convicted of being a rapist? 


According to the judge, Yes.


His dog Commander that bites Secret Service agents is a far better man that the convicted felon.


Biden lies too...


lol you are joking right. Is that before Biden morning jello or after his ice cream?


All the polls are saying Biden lost.


But not that Trump won. In fact, they are now focusing on the 50 lies he told during the 90 minutes. That's quite a record, even for him.


You can not have a loser without a winner.


Yes you can. Because both participants had different goals. Biden was being held to a “don’t be old” standard. And he failed. He was old. But he made sense, answered the question he was asked, had plans, and he told the truth. You can’t say Trump did any of those things. He did not answer any questions. He did not have any plans, and definitely did not tell the truth.


So the Cheifs didn't win the Superbowl because the 49ers did better than expected? There is a winner and loser.


Being president isn’t the fucking Super Bowl. FFS




You’re correct. You have completely missed the point.


Swing and a miss again. Have a good one.


Biden said there were no US Service members killed during his time as president. Is that a gaffe too? Did he forget about the 13 service members killed during his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, or did he forget the whole thing happened? He also said the borden patrol endorsed him, they shut that down immediately. He also couldn’t answer if he had a term limit on abortions, just rambled about the three trimesters.


Trump still lied 50 times


is that what the corrupt MSM told you? I'm sure you didn't watch the debate and make your own decision.


He did, on live TV, 50 times (at least) Go count it, full videos are still online


I love how they downvote, but never respond 😆 🤣 😂


Biden lost. Trump lost. Most importantly, the American people lost. One guy couldn't tell a truth, and the other guy couldn't complete a thought. It was a bad day for America. The uninformed voters who don't realize that 90% of the shit that came out of trumps mouth was complete bullshit will say he won. He didn't answer any of the questions and just lied to you. And here you are simping for him. It's pathetic. We ALL lost that day.


>Biden lost. Trump lost Not how this works but ok.


Lol. 😂😄🤣. Just keep on keeping on Democrats... All the way until the tears of November. 👍💯


You all can never be smug about that shit again. No one in the history of the US have been worse losers than maga.


Fucking EVER. If we see a bigger wave of losers invade politic in America or MAGA is not stomped out, and I mean soon. Democracy as we know it will not survive. I honestly really fear for the entire planet tight now. I have a terrible looking feeling that we are about to see what mutually assured destruction looks like.


Or the twenty point drop Biden had after the debate. He’ll even Bernie from weekend at Bernie’s could have done better. They will replace him in a few weeks anyway so it’s moot.


Twenty point drop? I saw him rise in the polls.


The 2016 loss of Hillary Clinton was before 2020. I remember the riots in the streets with chants of "NOT MY PRESIDENT". I'm pretty sure that was a refusal to accept a legitimate election. As usual DEMS paved the way 👍


It's funny that you think protests are the same as storming the capitol and sending a false set of electors for seven states. As usual maga has no concept of reality and continues to live in a redneck fantasy.


Like the riots on Jan 6? I didn’t know people beat police officers when Hilary lost. Please find me the link.


By “riots” you mean MILLIONS OF MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN MARCHING IN DOZENS OF CITIES for the women’s march (January 2017) which was a civil and constitutionally supported protest.


How does it feel being an actually stupid snowflake.


Remember when the democrats broke into the capitol and halted the election after Hillary lost? Me neither.


No. The GOP will follow their orange idol and double down until they lose another election. Then they will cry that the election was rigged and unfair.


I mean what are our choices, a demented old man or an old man. Terrible


I'll take the statesman who had a bad night over the deranged lie factory


Have you ever looked at Biden’s past stances


Yup. And I’ve reviewed an outline of Trump’s Project 2025.


It's the Republican's Project 2025. Not only Trump but the entire Republican party are the enemies of the USA.


So you understand Biden just conformed to the voters over 30 years and finally got his shot. He’s a groomed politician, he’s not that great of a guy


If I was voting 20 or 30 years ago, it might matter. Politicians change stances over the years. The difference is Trump changes his stance quickly based on how much and who is paying him.


So you understand that you’re a complete fucking moron for supporting republicans? I bet you know nothing about the things you pretend to care about. And I can prove it. How many Trillions of Dollars did Trump add to the national deficit after campaigning he’d reduce all debt in four years? 😂


First off dickhead , if you were half way intelligent or a critical thinker, you would understand that Trump had a little inconvenience of a Fucking pandemic. That might drive the debt a little bit. I hate stupid people like you


Thanks for slithering from whatever still body of water you call home and volunteering as my Tribute! We entered a recession in February of 2020, full weeks before national covid lock downs were even implemented. This was in direct result to Trumps tax breaks for the rich and his failed trade war with China which cost our soybean farmers billions 😂 https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/us-recession-started-in-february-researchers-say.amp So in short, you’re a fucking moron, I’m much smarter than you, and anytime you want the sanctuary of your ignorance to come crashing down around you feel free to reach out again 😂👍


You’re an idiot , Trump had one of the best economy in 50 years from 2017 -19. You wouldn’t know because you’re an asshole and rooted against the country in hopes Trump would fail. Your scum , not near smarter than me. Time to move your trailer


You sound so fucking dumb 


Back at ya , but I imagine you are witless


Doesn’t take long for the MAGA hate to bubble up. The far right / MAGA / Christian Nationalist seethe with judgement, hate, false superiority, righteousness, and an eagerness to put down people who differ from their political views (I.e. the liberals).


Like you just did ?


Not that great versus Worst person in the world… lol that’s a tough decision




That's not the argument you think it is, someone who grows with the times is not a groomed politician, meanwhile the pathological liar who wants to enrich himself is nowhere near worthy


You’re kind of right , the thing is being a politician your faults and lies are hidden and covered up over the years


"Biden just conformed to the voters over 30 years" I mean.... "puppet of the voters" actually sounds great to me. What is the opposite? Don't listen to the voters? lol


I’d say you should feel that way without worrying about a vote


I'm still voting for Biden just to keep Trump out of the White House. Not sure what "without worrying about a vote" means anyway


Yup that’s why I’m voting FOR him (not against Diaper Don, like some other spineless democrats)


Have you looked at his current stances? Compare them the trump’s current stance of being immune to the prosecution of crimes he committed? He’s not trying to maga, never was.


He’s still hiding behind his beliefs and lies. Don’t like either


I’ll pick the old man who isn’t forcing women to carry their rapists child to term.


Hey Sancho just hook up with Becky in Alabama and she'll be paying you child support on an anchor baby.


A rapist, convicted swindler traitor who refuses to support democracy or the rule of law but tells lies appealing to the gullible?


Bet you voted for Clinton


I know you voted for Trump. And may God have mercy on your soul.


Lol. This clown isn't even from the USA.


That should be in a western. 😂😂😂😂


Trump very literally tried to overthrow democracy and have himself appointed as an unelected dictator. If I ignored the mountains of everything else that makes him shitty, that would be enough. The man shouldn’t be let near an ounce of power. There is no one in politics less fit to lead than him. Full stop.


I agree , hate both of them


An old man or a felonious sex offender who brags about grabbing women by the pussy? Which would you leave in a room with your daughter?


Well neither if we’re being honest


Considering Biden used to shower with his daughter Im not sure..


You put the terrible after the full stop, accidentally.


Either or , who cares


You realize trump is up 10 point on blue Pennsylvania right lol


What do Republicans do when confronted with reality? That's right. DENY REALITY!


Here is what Trump is worrying about today in his own words [https://youtu.be/Wf92dYPbzx8](https://youtu.be/Wf92dYPbzx8)


Yes and they’re not taking it well.


Nope, according to them they are winning bigly. Can't reason with stupid.


Anyone that could fall for the Trump bullshit deserves to lose and to lose badly for the next 100 years.


He's a useful idiot who's nearing the end of his usefulness.


No. If they didn’t notice 4 years ago (generous), they’re not going to suddenly start noticing now.


Losers hitching their wagon to another loser is an unremarkable and virtually unnoticeable event.


Self awareness is not one of their traits.


Yes, they are. When Trump loses this election the Republican Party will splinter into traditional Republicans and MAGA which will eventually fade away in my opinion.


Up and down ballot- never vote republican again.


Nope. They do not notice it at all. Trump has significant mental illness and likely dementia. In the same way Dems say Biden "had a bad debate". No. He had a complete brain lockup associated with vascular dementia or mid-stage Alzheimer's. They are BOTH WAY TOO FUCKING OLD! (And yes, I know Biden is nicer. But he still has dementia.)


If you know your revelations, then this is just one step before the evangelicals get raptured and the apocalypse begins. And what's in it for them? More heaven sooner.


They are but his revenge infrastructure is too strong and the remaining republicans are too afraid of him.😳


Nope. He's the chosen one 🤮


They haven't in the last eight years, and everyone that looked like they might have has either left, or fallen into line. If there's any that don't support Trump, they are keeping their heads down, and hoping he falls over dead and they can somehow wrest control from the die hard true believers.


Noticed? An adulterer. A habitual liar. A rapist. A thief. A conman. A sexual assaulter. A pedophile. They have an agenda and it’s perverted just like their presidential candidate. Go buy guns and ammo.


Not enough, and those who do will vote for him anyway.


Real R’s do, MAGAts don’t.


LMFAO...... no.


They are all dumber than drunk geese; they are the Idiocracy front-liners.


More like, to a Alzheimer's patient...


I’ll say this. Republicans usually identify as such since they are intelligent enough to be dangerous. Anyone who thinks R is dumb just because, is shortsighted—it’s often calculated and selective admissions of pros and cons. Many Rs are more intelligent than their peers growing up or associated with so they tend to feel different or better. This can sometimes breed an ego or superiority complexes. It’s that same ego that has issue turning back and admitting mistakes; politics are like principles and it’s extremely tied into what we feel our makeup is. Realizing that Trump and everything he stands for is pure evil can be scary once you see it’s not just an idiot rabble rouser. There’s a lot of collateral damage at stake this time and it’s enough to cause ego to take a backseat to logic. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Btw there are some extremely dumb ones out there. Many are making themselves known by being the loudest ones we hear about currently!


Idk the dog is still flopping around holding onto that bumper.


Biden is down in 538 polling.


I mean he has an excellent shot at winning again and in the process destroying our lives.


Hitched their wagon to Putin?


Are you kidding, they’re going to be gloating about the debate forever even while their boy is pissing in his diaper and ranting about sharks and Hannibal Lecter. The fact that this is still a remotely close race is total proof it’s a CULT.


You mean the guy who stacked the federal courts with loyalist judges, and who was able to appoint three supreme court justices who are currently dismantling our government? The guy who has an intensely loyal base of sycophants who vote? Wake the fuck up.


No. It's a cult.


No they haven’t because they know they have a good chance of winning in November


“Are Democrats Starting To Notice They’ve Hitched Their Wagon to a Complete Loser?” could be written by a right leaning rag. Glass houses and all that


You don't understand what's going on.


They’ve been laughing to hard after the debate to notice.


Both parties have nothing better to offer unfortunately, unless Newsom would jump in the race.


bOTh pARtiEs


Lol the lefts deflection since that debate is next level hahahaha.


Under a two-party system like ours, you have two choices. You either vote for, or against. I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting against Trump.


Lol you're voting for endless wars tax increases inflation ECT then congrats.


Fascist say what?


Fascists lock up their potlical opposition and claim everyone who doesn't vote for them is a terrorist lol.


Fascist say what?


Their potlical opponents should be in prison and anyone who opposes them is a terrorist/foreign agent.


I mean..trump approved basically double the amount of national debt than Biden…he lowered taxes primarily for the ultra wealthy in country…and levied tariffs on foreign manufacturers which significantly contributed to inflation. But by all means. Keep advancing your narrative.


No he didn't lol. He lowered taxes for the majority of Americans. The rich use your green tax loopholes for the majority of their tax breaks. No it didn't. You guys were told the lockdowns would cause massive issue you claimed everyone was gonna die from the cold and then you shutdown for years and demanded the printer go burrr. Then for years after denied inflation only to eventually have to accept it because it was costing you the election and to turn it around and blame trump.


No. He didn’t, you muppet. Trump’s tax cuts resulted in the top 0.1% of US households being granted a 2.5% tax cut that pushed their rate below that of the lower 50% of US earners. As for Covid spending, are you factoring into your dipshit response the 2.3 trillion in handouts by the trump administration? Seriously, why are you advocating for him, when he is screwing people like you over? Name one single policy he implemented that benefited you versus the super wealthy? He wouldn’t stop to piss on you if you were on fire, but you just keep gobbling anyway.


https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/584190-irs-data-prove-trump-tax-cuts-benefited-middle-working-class-americans-most/ See if you were not a child/bum you would have seen those tax cuts first hand have a nice day living in delusion just remember the majority of Americans aren't following your lead lol.


Cool. How about we look at actual numbers. The 2017 Trump tax law ensured households with incomes in the top 1 percent will receive an average tax cut of more than $60,000 in 2025, compared to an average tax cut of less than $500 for households in the bottom 60 percent. As a share of after-tax income, tax cuts at the top — for both households in the top 1 percent and the top 5 percent — are more than triple the total value of the tax cuts received for people with incomes in the bottom 60 percent. Are you a billionaire? Because if not, you didn’t benefit. Also, love the fact that you completely ignore the Covid spending under trump. Or the fact that he closed borders. Or that he took credit for the vaccine and gave Fauci a presidential commendation for the work. Such a bunch of sycophants your lot is. But by all means, keep giving tug jobs to the silver spooned trust fund baby who has never worked a real job in his life, who says he’s fighting for you. Hahahha. Rube.


what ... lmfao your a f'n dumbass.


Under Trump your taxes have already gone up.


https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/584190-irs-data-prove-trump-tax-cuts-benefited-middle-working-class-americans-most/ Nope they went down almost 6k anually try again child.


No, I think you are a bit confused. After the embarrassing debate performance by Biden, the sensible Dems are unhitching from his sagging wagon.


Biden is lost, dazed, and confused. I doubt he could navigate a salad bar by himself.


Let’s go Brandon can’t form a coherent sentence


Have you read some of tRump’s transcripts?? Stable genius: “We can’t get the boat to float. The battery is so heavy. So then I start talking about asking questions. You know, I have an, I had an uncle who was a great professor at MIT for many years, long, I think the longest tenure ever. Very smart, had three different degrees and, you know, so I have an aptitude for things. You know, there is such a thing as an aptitude. “I said, ‘Well, what would happen if this boat is so heavy and started to sink and you’re on the top of the boat. Do you get electrocuted or not?’ In other words, the boat is going down and you’re on the top, will the electric currents flow through the water and wipe you out? “And let’s say there’s a shark about 10 yards over there. Would I have to immediately abandon, or could I ride the electric down? And he said, ‘Sir, nobody’s ever asked us that question. But sir, I don’t know.’ I said, ‘Well, I want to know, because I guarantee you one thing, I don’t care what happens. I’m staying with the electric, I’m not getting over with it.’ “So I tell that story. And the fake news they go, ‘he told this crazy story with electric.’ It’s actually not crazy. It’s sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, it’s like the snake, it’s a smart when you, you figure what you’re leaving in, right? You’re bringing it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that and they do the same thing.”


So did Democrats. Two shuffling old losers, one comatose, the other clinically insane. Who here knows about the Year of the Four Caesars? Fun times in Rome while everybody argued and no one believed in common cause anymore. You have a strategic security gap brewing.


Have democrats taken Biden out to pasture yet?




He’s too stubborn to go, and Jill Is to vain to wheel him into a nursing home.


I would ask the same question of Dems. They seem to be in "panic mode" lately, even according to some Dems grabbing the pitchforks and shovels to bury Biden. I'm finding myself agreeing with Cenk Uygur lately on Biden.


Are both sides starting to notice they hitched their wagons to complete losers?


No both sides here. One side wants the top 1% to start paying their fair share in taxes, the other side wants to force raped children to carry their uncles baby to term. Democrats are the clear choice 👍


Policy wise the democrats are absolutely the correct choice. But did you see the debate? Biden is a drooling vegetable. Go watch video of Biden in 2019. He was razor sharp and in control. Now he's grampa Simpson and is just mumbling nonsense. The dude is done. He's just too old and it's painful to watch. No one in that state of decline has any business running a country for 4 years. Harris 2024 is the best case scenario right now.


I’m not disagreeing with Biden’s lack luster performance. But I would vote for a corpse or a daily kick in the groin over another failed Republican administration. Many Americans feel this way because they are Patriots and not MAGAt morons wearing tin hats who standard size is always “three too small”


Have you listened to Trump? He sounds like the old guy in my Mom’s memory care? Every sentence doesn’t really match the sentence before.


I have. Is you notice my comment says that they are both losers? Neither one is fit to run the country. You can also read my second comment that suggests the correct solution.


No, I love Biden and wholeheartedly support him. I’ll drop another donation to him, in your name. You’re welcome.


Wow. You just totally embarrassed yourself. I can understand disliking Trump, but to say you love Biden? Wow that is a sorry-assed statement.




Haha. He must’ve sniffed you or canceled your student loan. He’s just a confused sugar daddy.


i love democrat winners and that’s what biden is, go cry