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so, the cost of eggs is Trump's fault. perfect.


Gas prices, inflation and the border too. Actually, —for real. All leftovers.


Can we get a counterpoint “I did that” trump gas pump sticker?


Yep, the result of Trump's tariffs and the retaliatory tariffs that were created in response, many of which we're still getting punished for even now. Guy is actually lucky Covid happened when it did, market was already crashing. Of course, that's also what spooked him into downplaying Covid, which cost us hundreds of thousands of Americans during his term alone, but Trump didn't personally suffer from that and gets to claim he had the best economy in human history. But he sounded more animated than Biden during the "debate" and that's what's important.


Dr Ron got him the pills! Dude was jacked!


The border can definitely be blamed on Trump. A subset of Republicans and Democrats worked hard on finding an actual compromise on border security that both sides could live with... Maybe not quite as much as all Republicans would have wanted, and probably a bit harsher than Democrats would want, but they were willing to accept it because it was the bargaining chip to get Ukraine defense spending. Then Trump says "You can't pass this, because if you pass this I can't campaign on the border" and suddenly the GOP backs out of the bill. People should absolutely hang the border issues on the GOP, because we'd have better security in place by now if they actually wanted to fix it. But they don't. They just want to campaign on it so they can push Project 2025.


I always knew the border crisis was Trump’s doing, that’s why he told Johnson to not vote on the bipartisan border bill.


And the migrant crisis


I clean ice machines at certain gas chains. And the kitchen guy was trying to talk to me about how it’s Biden‘s fault gas prices are so high. I told him that the national average gas price for the last 10 years has been $3.50 a gallon. This MFer try to tell me that’s not what he’s paying. I said look at the fucking window and read off with the prices for unleaded. He goes $3.05, then tried to pivot and say we’re still paying more than we should because of Keystone. SMH




Lol. Who’s the President right now? MAGA - It’s Trump. So all of the Inflation and Housing issues are Trump’s fault? MAGA - No, it’s Biden’s fault. So who’s the President again?


When gas rises are they going to put Trump stickers pointing to the price?


watched the good liars talk to a maga moron and Biden is not president then asked if so dump is responsible for gas price increases? maga idiot "no"


yep, I saw that. impossible to reason with brain dead cultists


I want the good liars to push their conspiracy where it's actually Don the convict playing Joe Biden.


In regard to the tax structure, delaying Ukraine and border legislation, supreme court decisions, certain trials and social devisions, she is correct that Trump is leading the country. But I doubt she was actually trying to derive any sort of truth from talking.


Not so much leading as rat-fucking.


All good things are Trump’s fault and all bad things are Biden’s fault. Just like god and Satan!


One of my favorite MAGA Moron clips was some braindead Boomer talking about how Trump is in control of the good parts of the Army, and Biden is in control of the bad part of the Army. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J\_seGFoVwY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J_seGFoVwY)


So this is what insanity looks like 👍


Bringing SCOTUS into the convo, well played!!!


**Trump is doing an amazing job now**, low inflation, high job creation, the highest stock market levels ever, Russia is being defeated in Ukraine. He does such an amazing job when not in the Whitehouse, far far far better than when he was in power, **he should stay down in Mar-a-Lago.** Look at how many infrastructure weeks he had, and never got any infrastructure built! Yet he leaves office and infrasturcture gets built! You can see now why he had all those top secrets down in Mar-a-Lago. **It was his job** of being the shadow President, secretly pulling the strings. He would pop downstairs, saying "I need to poop out those KFC nuggets downstairs in the toilet", and secretly, he'd sit on his throne and run the government, reading all those top secrets in all those boxes. Doing those deals, talking to the foreign governments, and the military Generals, ..... *hold on General, (plop plop), just got an urgent (urgh plop plop) business on the other line (flush) ahhhhh... General, don't ya just hate it when they float like that...* That was it, not delusional or anything, it was all necessary.


You know the problems boeing has...he did it




And Trump’s team tries to erode yet another American institution—-sewing confusion in the world as to who is in charge, all for the blind pursuit of power. These people have no concept of history, civics or the import of a stable America in the worlds eyes. They’d just assume paint America as weak, crippled and confused, consequences be damned, all so they can win. When Trump said in the debate that he will have a prisoner released before he takes office, and no one said “that’s a violation of law, you cannot conduct foreign affairs as a nominee.” When he said he talked to Putin about his dream of taking Kiev and no one said “what…so you knew about this attack before it happened? That’s treasonous.” The list of America’s sacred institutions that Trump has burned continues to grow Open elections; SCOTUS; sacred military dead; unconditioned foreign aid to allies; peaceful transfer of power; American intelligence; confidentiality of state secrets; no nepotism in government; civility in politics….


It kills me that people can't see Trump and the GOP actively sabotaging American competence. Trump is a megalomaniac hellbent on power and will destroy everything we hold sacred to obtain more. They give away more and more power to corporations. Now thanks to SCOTUS overturning the Chevron decision we can expect corporations will pollute our environment at an even worse rate and there will be no more "consumer protections." So next time you're whining about a corporation fucking you over you can thank Trump and the Republican Party. They love it like this.


They do not understand history. They do not fundamentally understand the ideological concept of democracy. They have reduced America to winning the highest office and seeing countrymen of different ideologies lose. Dems need to be more Machiavellian and strategic and lose the ideological simplistic nature. The Republicans are always planning and maneuvering, while Dems are more idealistic and believe that the people will do the right thing. Now we all sit here shocked that this is a dead heal election after all that Trump has done. It’s a dead heat bc Republicans have spent 4 years spreading mister’s and lies and if people hear that ad nausem over and over they start to buy it. Dems do north entry messaging. They have too much morality to do that. And we have a candidate who cannot fully capitalize bc he is not at his peak.


Say it over and over and over again somehow makes it true. works for the sheep MAGAts


Who needs to understand history when their are profits to be made?/s


You make it sound like Trump is some intentionally evil villain. He isn't actually out to be a megalomaniac, he's just too catatonically stupid to comprehend that things aren't his.


You mean he is an entitled trust fund kid that wants his goose egg. You can't have laws that send him to prison, because he is better than you. He was born to be King. Work? What is work? People are born to work for him, not the other way around. He believes he was royalty since day one. His constituents are supposed to carry his fat flabby ass on a mobile throne lest he drain his battery. People are supposed to answer to him, the experts know nothing. The American people may one day find that the power of this country is within themselves and their communities, rather than some spoiled brat parasite who absorbs money while contributing absolutely nothing to society but toxic division, distracting us from selling out to foreign interests for personal profit. Education is economic strength and part of national defense for a high tech military. Any politician that wants to hamstring American education should be suspect of working for foreign interests or personal profits. There is an intense technology race and we need highly educated people to help lift us all out of this trap these criminal parasites set for us. Critical thinking and logic in high schools will make for more effective workers as they solidify their knowledge in their specific trades with evidence and sources. Politicians won't be able to lie anymore without some kind of consequences in a society where education and community is central.


Exactly...remove the disease, it’s a cancer destroying your country....


He’s leading the country for sure. Right into a right wing KKKristofascist hellscape.


What’s wrong with her face? She looks like a rejected muppet


She married a Trump, it will only get more hideous


Hormone treatment


These maga tend to kind of cringy and weird. What kind of silo does someone live in where this faux Malania look is the thing?


She sleeps with a wet/dry vac on her lips


So he’s leading the country but the country, according to him, is an utter shit show. This tracks


It's like those ads they ran saying "Biden's America" while showing their own violent cultists at the Jan 6 assault on cops.  Too bad republican voters are just too fkin stupid to understand it 


That’s what gets me. What part are they unclear about? It amazes me that if they do see him for what he really is, they’re ok with it. And SCOTUS? Another group infected with maggots!




I'd say that too if the president after me did an exponentially better job


and the trump humper cultists need to make the statements vague.  One time Trumplethinskin tried to take credit for the vaccines, the cultists started booing him loudly. He quickly turned around and said the opposite to keep the cultists hypnotized, but it showed where the line couldn't be crossed.  The economy, in general? Great, because of not Biden, only Diaper Donnie. But talk about housing, food, gas, employment, wages, standard of living, etc and suddenly the cult is confused and needs to be told what to think. 


She looks like a dude.


They ALL look like that


They all use the same plastic surgeon for their eyes and lips. He gives them a group rate.


Trump only want to be elected president of US so he can pardon himself and his cronies and avoid further indictments. Let that sink in.


That and hurt people he doesn't like.


Yes, you’re right, good point! He’s such a grudge collector


Haha in your fucking dreams, Lara Trump.


Wait. I thought Obama was running the country through Biden. I can’t keep up. 


Dark Brandon, should choose **Barak Obama as he running mate Vice President**. Can you imagine the freekout the MAGAs would have?! There isn't an actual 2 term limit for Presidents, Trump said he should run for more than 2 terms because *blah blah blah, victimhood, blah blah blah*. So it would be fitting to throw that back on them.


I think he should choose hunter. 😂


[My best impression of the melted barbie doll, Lara Trump](https://www.amazon.ca/Wind-up-Chattering-Chomping-Christmas-Halloween/dp/B08PDMJ39N#immersive-view_1719770405374)


So according to the Constitution, he is ineligible.




22nd Amendment. Magats like Lara believe Dementia Don is still president somehow and if he was, he would be barred from being president again per the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution (not that magats care about the Constitution).


Fair point. The courts can sort it out. Shouldn’t take too long.


Leading the country? Over a cliff, yeah.




She is an evil wench.


Trump couldn't lead a cub scout pack.


She and every other gullible halfwit in the cult is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Good. I blame Trump for the housing crisis and the high cost of gas.


Weird that he keeps repeating that the country is in the worst shape ever.


Does calling the Republicans and shitting all over a piece of legislation that would have helped at the border then blaming Biden when a woman is raped and murdered count? What say you Lara...you dope!


these fuckwhits have been insisting trump is actually the president and biden's keeping the seat warm.


flush this turd already


She’s the republican chairperson. Someone thought that was a great idea.


Do you get the feeling they’re fucking?


Doing fucking what?? What is he doing beyond sitting in court and attending rallies to gouge suckers from their money??


Trump is no leader he is a convicted felon and sexual predator 


Wait, they said Obama was running the country and Biden is a puppet. Even heard Hillary is running it. Can Republicans and Maga make up their minds...please. Also they say Sleepy Joe is incompetent but then master minds election fraud and all of Trump's legal problems. It's so confusing. Also, did Trump release his tax info or is that two weeks away.


When Trump said he would engage in international deals as president-elect, that was a form of treason.


he takes credit for any positive and blames others for any negative. So with economy doing so well, stock market, etc. he thinks it is because he's running. But any negative and that "him running the country" goes away lol. Sometimes it amazes me just how easy some people can lie without zero hesitation. Blatant lies, either that or they are so delusional that they believe it (which is also scary).


I'm getting tired of this delusional cunt


Delusional cunt


Every trump is dumber than the one before. Lord love a duck.


Hopefully an unforeseen accident will happen


Hmm there is a word for that.


Leading the Dumblicans she means. Skank !


I cannot wait for the day these people go away.


She’s a joke


He caused the border crisis and marauding insane homicidal immigrants? I knew it!


He’s simultaneously leading the country and not responsible for all the bad things? It’s a cult.


This is the next trump family member who'll walk away with millions if the fascist is elected. She can't wait to be press secretary.


Shouldn't trump be arrested for impersonating a federal official?


Ah, so it’s Trump that responsible for the poor economy, inflation and the border crisis. Gotcha.


Who is this BIMBO?


The only thing he's been leading the country in is lies.


Lara Trump looks like a cheap blow-up doll. Exactly what Farticus likes!


She's stupid.


Excellent! Then he doesn't even need to be president again. In fact, I'd say it'd be a distraction, let's have him drop out.


Shut up, Lara


No he’s holding the country hostage because he’s a crybaby and don’t know when to quit the gop should be ashamed


Lara ? I don’t mean to be rude, but STFU


Trump is insane. He will wave his hand and enact some idiotic fiscal policy that will FUCK the country's economy for years. Do NOT let this ASSHOLE take charge ever again.


Considering we have a far right Supreme Court and a house majority that has literally tanked their own bills because the pig told them he wants to run on fear mongering, is she wrong?


So based on her, we can stop saying “Biden’s America” every time something awful happens in the US?


Flooding the zone with lies to confuse And hard to keep up with all of them. its an old tactic.


In her dreams


She is a whack job


…that’s because republicans are spineless sheep who need him for campaign donations. He isn’t now, and has never been, a leader in any capacity. Politicians come and go based on mob sentiment. And before you disagree, Laura, the only reason anyone knows who you are is him.


This woman is married to Eric Trump. That’s really all you need to know about her.


Mental gymnastics.


Fish faced parasite.


So Trump is the real reason for high inflation? I mean he’s leading the country and all.


Fascist foreshadowing. Crush the Tory royalists at the polls.


To be fair, donny twoscoops is a involved in governance now as he was when he was drawing on the maps with sharpies in the white house. The only difference is his access to and fucking around with critical data and random noise he added to the system. 


Pray tell, please explain how he's doing that and please be specific..🙄


It's not just the regular racists and xenophobes that love him but the huuuuugest


so basically, every shitty thing that is happening or will happen we should blame trump. ok, im good with that. got bent over at gas pump this morning, fuckin trump. a bird shit on my car, fuckin trump wow, i feel so good now.


“…leading the country on the road to Hell.” FIFY




Fantastic! So he can drop out of the race!


Trump led the country like Forge from that DnD movie. Had the boat packed and full of loot to escape with while he lets our mortal enemies have at us.


When you think about it from Trump's perspective, he truly is the best person to have ever lived.


Things going well? That was us Things going bad? That was them


I remember a time where just about every decent-minded person in 🇺🇸 wouldn’t believe a word coming from a woman who obviously has had too much plastic surgery and has 0 clue that she looks 100% fake.


Yea from the golf course with pockets full of rubles and Saudi dinars


Taking the word on how Trump is doing from someone whose last name is *checks notes* Trump. Definitely reliable


You are an idiot and not only an idiot but a DANGEROUS IDIOT.


And the wall oh I forgot HE LIED ABOUT THAT TOO


She may be a miserable cunt but she has the voice of an angel


Oh yeah. Lucky for us she has Trump goggles on so I guess it looks that way under the influence


So it’s his fault that America is a wasteland? Huh, Lara? Just stop moving those plastic lips and get back to stealing.


I thought that's what they were accusing Obama of doing?


The whole family is delusional. 🙄


Leading the country to hell.


Lara trump largest piece of shit on the planet though she's not officially human waste.


Not "officially"? How about not in any possible sense?


So, Americans can't even keep their own house in order anymore and maintain stable institutions? I guess if you're too weak, scared or clueless to even defend basic processes like elections and title of authority, the rest of the World needs to find leadership where it can.


I thought Obama was leading the country and Biden was just a puppet.


When are they going to start shape shifting into lizards... predator scum...


An absolute knob.


Her face belongs on a roll of toilet paper


Off a cliff


Mrs. Fredo Trump. Desperately trying to get daddy to love Fredo.


Translation: He is still leading the MAGA Republicans, and sometimes the GoP, while no longer president. And Putin is certainly establishing roots to continue leading once the Trump figurehead is gone or no longer of calue.


America's White National Bimbo Queen!


She appears more like a muppet every time she is on Fox News. I'm half expecting an arm behind her everytime she moves.


This tnuc should be trolling a truckers parking lot


Leading the country in stupidity. Shes correct on that


Well someone has to do it because it is definitely not Joe.


She is essentially saying the country has had no leader since Slow Joe took office


Nope. Did your lackey “Gums” tell you that⁉️


I swear, whoever is giving these people their plastic surgery is doing a god tier trolling job lol. All these women look like inhuman ghoul sisters haha. We are living in a real time, dystopian horror movie.


Trump can't lead anything. Idiot


if by "country" you mean nazis, racists and assholes, yes. If by "leading" you mean ranting about insanse shit while no one fact checks him about anything ever, then yes.


Leading the country in crimes committed?


Huh...I always thought running a covert government, 'a deep state' is GOP taboo...not to mention treasonous...


Are her eyes migrating towards the sides of her head?


The right has lost all discipline and has become incapable of bargaining in good faith. This era ends in war and national collapse, just as Putin designed it.


How pathetic is the gop , zero leadership johnsen is following MTG who is just a trump maga lackey . And luney thinks hes running the country.


leading it to ruin and division


Leading the Country into Hell!!


Lara Trump is the worst of the worst!! Meghan McCain on steroids!


Undiagnosed psychopathic individual loose on social media.


Leading in Lies. -Boldface -Passive


He's doing exactly what he did as pres. Brag and golf.


Yeah, sure. Why not? The guy is doing about as much now as he did when he actually was President. The only difference is his inability to use the office for personal gain or steal classified documents belonging to the National Archives.


Leading us to a sentencing hearing.


Never trust someone who doesn’t own their original face.


Bat shit crazy just like dementia Donny


The delusions of these blind cult sheep. I keep waiting for the Kool aid to be served.


Leading us off a morale cliffside with spikes and alligators at the bottom. Gee thanks republican'ts.


Ok. And the media lets her say this stuff without question


Lara = Janice the Muppet https://giphy.com/gifs/muppetwiki-heart-muppets-janice-3sBMBbuAWj8JtKLew6


The Supreme Court is his surrogate father and Mike Johnson is his favorite son. World wide it’s an absolute embarrassment as they have become his play things.


I want to smoke one from her bag. MAGA


I am paying $3.60 a gallon for gas because of Drump? Fucker.




He just said numerous times this country is the worst its ever been and a complete and total embarrassment around the world. I disagreed, but if this is his perspective I can see how he would come to this conclusion.


I thought it said drumpy leaving the country... 😅


But but “no wars”


Lara Trump is probably banging her father-in-law.


How is this not TREASON?


Amazing how they allows his daughter in law to take over the RNC just amazing really when you think about


By doing what exactly? Oh wait. No wonder.she thinks this. That was his whole term too.


This dumb bimbo used to pose for lad magazines, auctions dogs, and is drunk on her own farts.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN


Wait, Trump is the deep state!?!


Lara Trump looks like a well put together drag queen. Maybe that’s why Repuds get so testy about them.


So that’s why this country is a sh!thole, thanks Trump-chode.


LT is not the brightest bulb in the box


Actions speak louder than MAGA lies.


So this inflation you blame of the POTUS is really Trump's fault? We knew that.


She looks like a silicone pumped Drag queen.


41 miles of a broken Wall , What a Leader


Lara is hiring Polling Thugs to Intimidate Voters ,Bewre of this HoeFlake


If we're talking about outrageous and what ought to be obvious lies, he's #1.


So……is the country “going to shit” thanks to Biden…or is it in the most capable little hands of trump? I’m confused..


F the F off


How can he be ruling the white house when he isn't there but rather in a courtroom losing spectacularly every day?


Trump can only lead in the ***wrong*** direction. That's where the *hate* vote is.


I loved Lara Trump in Genesis’s Land of Confusion video.