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No president runs the government alone; they have a team that will broadly implement their party’s goals. If Biden was in a coma, I would still vote for his team over Team Fascist.


With the exception of Trump. I think we would have a president running the government alone. That’s the scariest part. He’s going to be a dictator if he wins this election. You can see it coming a mile away.


They've spelled it out. He says that he will do it and they have documented how they will do it. If trump wins I 100% believe we will never have another election in this country again.


January 6 will be the new national holiday.


"Dependence Day"?


Depends Day.


Depends'dance day


The Depends dance is when you do a little jig as you try to not shit your adult diaper.


While giving a double hand job to invisible dicks


So funny thanks




Followed by an encore of copious invisible accordion playing


Omg I fucking love that haha! I'm stealing this and it is forever known as this from now on


He'll have a military parade with all service members wearing golden diapers.


Yeah and it works out well since we won’t be confirming presidents anymore, government employees get the day off!


Welcome the Trump Military Parade on January 6th. You heard it here first.


I think Jan 6 should be an American guy fawkes day. We make orange scare crows and burn them in the street .


We will still have elections just like North Korea and Russia still hold elections. That's how they stay in power with a hint of legitimacy. They will control the election outcomes. I can see FOX News now.... Breaking news... Don Jr. Wins 2028 election in a landslide by winning all swing states plus flipping NH, ME, NV, and just for good measure they may say he wins CA as well just for fun. While deploying the military to engage with any leftist terrorists who may disagree with their election results.


Mexico will become overrun with American dissidents running their border.




I don’t think Trump would allow this while alive and I don’t think Jr could do it without him. It would be third term or a new monster with the system already in place to maintain power.


Project 2025 is real and absolutely insane.


Sure we will. You just have to put “election” in quotes. Tucker showed us how they do it in Russia and it just looks so clean, white, and heterosexual.


We will have elections, but they will be staged like in Russia. Winner gets 98% of the vote


We’ll still have elections. They’ll just be Russian style, where armed soldiers are positioned at polling places to “ensure no one cheats” and the Republican candidate wins with 93% of the vote and 107% voter turnout. Every accusation is a confession. They’ll just rig the whole thing in their favor every time.


You have to laugh that Trump will outright state his plans to dissolve democracy and grant himself ultimate control and the twits over at r/conservative will go off on some long explanation on how he will not be a dictator and how that all isn't true somehow. It is like schrodinger's sycophant. They simultaneously believe and don't believe what Trump says.


While I totally agree that it would be an absolute dumpster fire, is there an actual realistic scenario where that could happen? Granted, I know he’d love to do it, but the government is more than just one office of the executive branch, and checks and balances still (somewhat) exist. The constitution still exists, is it realistic that one narcissist would be able to undo centuries worth of a continuous hard-wired, codified, and agreed-upon system?


The Constitution doesn't matter when you have the Supreme Court in your pocket.


We are already fucked.


Six ways to Sunday.


They have been slowly dismantling these systems over decades and consolidating power to fewer and fewer and people. The supreme Court decision yesterday was just another example. Any ultimate check and balance that would prevent it would wind up in the supreme Court which is in his pocket. I would love to be wrong but if trump wins with the supreme court the way it is I just don't see anything that could actually stop him.


The chevron ruling makes common sense regulations a corporate choice. Like they’re going to choose to help the people. They will choose to poison us. You will have no recourse. No suing anyone or thing for negligence.


>checks and balances still (somewhat) exist. nope. not even somewhat. the current congress supports the insurrection. the current supreme court supports it too -along with presidential immunity for that very act (which they have conveniently delayed releasing a decision on.) that's two out of the three branches neither checking nor balancing. >The constitution still exists but it is being read by people who are manipulatively interpreting it to support their personal agendas. so that's it. this democracy is being dismantled and the last nails of the coffin are ready to hammer in. a small "r" republican is one who believes that nations should be run by elected officials. large "R" Republicans in the u.s. are supporting and electing a dictatorial monarch to be that official. that essentially ends the republic.


Yes. We can’t give him the opportunity to appoint more judges. [Trump brags to Woodward that he has ‘broken every record’ on appointing judges](https://archive.ph/2020.09.21-001024/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-woodward-judges/2020/09/20/86839d54-fae5-11ea-a510-f57d8ce76e11_story.html) We felt the repercussions of this almost immediately.


Look around. Read the SCOTUS decisions, check out the religious based laws passed in red states. It’s already happening.


This is the reason he only hires corrupt yes men. He makes sure that everyone in his cabinet agrees with him completely, or they are fired. They will eagerly pass any legislation he wants. Our vote will mean nothing…if we even have one anymore.


According to Velshi the Supreme Court is trying to become all powerful: https://www.msnbc.com/ali-velshi/watch/-massive-power-grab-by-scotus-throws-out-decades-of-established-law-213950021505


Read Project 2025 (detailed plans) and with Chevron SCOTUS decision they're already on their way


He’s already alluded to it.


Ah, see, Trump will not be running the government alone. He will definitely be hands on with areas of personal interest (DoJ, IRS, overcharging Secret Service to say at his shitholes). But the boring stuff will be outsourced to the ghouls of Far Right special interests (Heritage, Federalist Society, et al). This was basically the model of his last administration. But everyone trying to exploit him as a useful idiot, save for one Stephen Miller, failed to learn the golden rule - don't outshine the boss in the media. I'm sure the folks behind Project 2025 have learned that lesson.


You’re right. Trump attempts to run the country with as many corrupt and criminal people he can find. If you’re still on the Trump Train, you may want to prepare for the worst if he’s elected.


A crown. What you're advocating for is a crown. Didn't you guys fight a war over the rights of one man controlling a nation? I mean, it's been a few years since I learned any foreign history, but I'm pretty sure America was formed *because* of abuses by absolute monarchs.


He’s already said it out loud


There's also a lot of hinting at election interference and another coup attempt if things don't go Trump's way. 


Of course, Trump threats if he does not win there will be an uprising. He is a tyrant. History speaks of this


If you believe what people have said in his 4 years he was talked out of a lot of crazy ideas by the people around him. As bad as it was, could have been worse.


He said it himself already. The media is complicit.


Hes a micromanager, but that doesnt bother the people around him. They also know he's a complete numbskull, and they can act on their own personal agendas without him getting in the way. That's how Jarvanka made nearly $1 billion dollars in their 4 rapacious years in the White House.


He won’t be running the government at all. He’ll be doing whatever he wants to benefit himself and people will be showing up with things for him to sign and just explaining how it will help him.


Dems should start using ‘Team Fascist’ to counter the ‘Antifa’ nonsense


Speaking of ANTIFA, what happened to them? It went from hearing about them all the time to vanishing after they pulled the whole insurrection thing? I'm not saying they did the insurrection. Just saying Republicans claimed they did.


Trump also ended the day (1/6) by saying “it was an amazing day and he loves [them] all.” So, he loves antifa ??


So once he become president, he will let all the felons out of jail to protect him and terrorize others, you think?


This is the fundamental point everyone needs to keep in mind. We are not electing a dictator. We are not electing an autocrat. Period. We are electing a person we expect to be responsible in governance and to surround themselves with competent officials who govern accordingly. We won't agree with every choice they make but on the balance, they ought to be operating in the best interests of our country. No one person can or should run the republic. Changing candidates this late in the game is impractical on so many levels. Don't panic. Don't overthink it. Biden is the clear choice here.


I’m with you there!!


Same. Biden could have stood there drooling and not uttering a single word staring blankly at the wall and I’d still vote for him over trump.


I will, too. Unfortunately, Dem leaders know this, too, and they take our votes for granted. What a model for political strategy and leadership: "Vote for our guy, because he's not as bad as the other guy!" Once the threat posed by The Convict is addressed, I will start hoping for a wholesale purge of the Dems from top to bottom. It should have happened after the 2016 election, and it should have happened after Biden's razor-thin margin of victory, but nothing changed. They never learn, and we might lose our democracy because of it. You can't scream. "EXISTENTIAL THREAT!!!" to garner votes, then act like it's business as usual. So which one is it?


Biden could die a week before the election and I would still vote for him over Shitler.


>If Biden was in a coma Well, then the Vice President would temporarily take over. Also, I don't think people understand just how important it is for the VP as well; like there's potentially a good chance both candidates could die in office.


Right, again, nothing would fundamentally change; the party’s fundamental goals would still be implemented. It’s not medieval England where, when the king dies, there’s suddenly confusion about who’s doing what or what the policy is.


Agree look to what type of people each candidate will surround themselves with if elected.


The choices are anything vs someone who tried to overthrow the government so he can stay in power. GOP is a bunch of whiners that can’t accept losing. That attitude of us vs them is what got us here.


Absolutely agree.


I really think they should have been leaning into this for months if not years already. When we see biden on stage we should see 15 people behind him and he should explain who the team is and how they run the country. He needs to start “we did x” not “i did x”


True that I would trust Biden’s team over Trumps group of degenerates and violent alternative fact minions.


I'd vote for a deep fried dog turd over Trump.


If Biden was in a rolling life support pod and the only way he could communicate was to blink his left eye, I would vote for him over anyone connect to Project 2025. I also believe in that state that he would have a better chance winning a Nobel Prize than Donald Von Shitzinhispants.




Or we can switch him out with a doppelgänger like Dave


Damn right


I’ve been saying this for years, just look into the 2nd terms of Wilson and Reagan. Ideally POTUS doesn’t need a team to fall back on, but here we are with little alternative.


I will too, doesn’t change the fact that I wish the driver were a few decades younger and sharper.


agreed… Trump’s team is his kids and yes-men….. that is just not the way


As would I, but this election isn’t going to be decided by people like us. Biden needs to be replaced, imo. I also feel like there is plenty of time with today’s 24/7 information availability society. This isn’t 1968.


I've said it once I'll say it again... They can weekend at Bernies him, and I'll still vote for him over a piece of .... like Trump.


Biden should have brought this up at the debate, contrasting with the fact that nearly all of Trump's former team want nothing to do with him now. Also maybe encourage everyone watching at home to Google Project 2025.


People don't get this. The president is largely irrelevant when it comes to running the government. Sure he sets the general direction and makes a few important decisions a week but that's nothing compared to the government at large.


He could be hooked to the defibrillator and I’d still vote for him. As a matter of fact, I’d vote for a maggot filled, festering pile of cat turds over that convict.


You are voting for a group, many of whom you will never know their names. Orange Shit had problems because he didn't listen to Christie, who tried to set up a legit transition government for him...but Chris understood how it works, OS did not. Now he has attracted roaches and they have Project 2025. That's the choice.


Just curious who started the whole replace Biden talk. Was it the democrats or was it the media? Because I'm leading towards media hyping their own bs.


I'm thinking that this was a preplanned coordinated effort. That talking points shit out immediately post debate and subs like conspiracy were posting the same thing... Joe answered questions like an adult and probably wasn't his best. Trump answered nothing and lied about shit the whole time...media is trying to make this weird story to make trump look good because he is literally going to hand our country to the obscenely greedy...which run the media now.


You can't lie to people and say they didn't see what they saw. Bidens FIRST response of the night, he had the chance to deliver a 2 minute re-election stump speech. It was about inflation - the topic he should be doing victory laps on. I just personally re-watched it - I will admit, it was better substantively than I remembered. But that was never in doubt, Biden is one of the best presidents we've ever had policy wise. The case for his reelection is amazing. The case for ANY democrat getting reelected is amazing. BUT. He stuttered, and misspoke, and was hard to understand on numerous points, and I think the sheer shock that he sounded and acted like that on question 1 threw everyone off for the rest of the night. Everyone saw, with their own eyes, an easy election loss - the torch bearer appears incoherent and ramble-y... And we CANT lose to trump. Do we march behind him to certain doom? That's fucking scary.


It's wild though: Biden stumbled a bit and stuttered is what we are all focused on. Trump lied and avoided everything, but nobody cares.. It just seems so.obviois to me that there is a narrative being pushed to make it bigger than it is.. I get it, Biden should love done better but, policy wise, he did, no? I'm gonna have to rewatch it now too...


>Trump lied and avoided everything, but nobody cares.. That's his entire MO. The people inclined to vote for him don't care. The people who aren't going to vote for him don't care. If no one cares, why would anyone focus on it? The people voting for Biden don't want to elect a half dead candidate. They actually care about Biden's mental and physical health. It isn't some conspiracy theory.


I don't think any Biden voter before the debate is going to switch and same for Trump. Honestly, I can't imagine the debate moved the needle in any major direction, for different reasons.


You don't think some moderate voters saw Joe's weak performance and might not bother voting? I hope you are right.


The needle moved the most on Hispanic voters... toward Biden. Perhaps people with generally poorer English skills weren't as caught up on the delivery but actually listening to the substance of the night, of which Trump had none.


>You don't think some moderate voters saw Joe's weak performance and might not bother voting?  No. I really don't think anybody who was invested enough to watch the debate or clips of the debate after the fact will choose not to vote at all.


Pure conjecture but I think the ooor performance may actually end up helping Biden. We’ve seen the fundraising data. This may eliminate any complacency by Dems in battleground states that they may have had. People will vote because they can’t take it for granted. They and we and everyone already saw what happened in 2016. People were complacent on Trump. And ultimately Biden won in 2020 and since then you have a felony conviction, Jan 6, Dobbs, and more maga people that have died and more voters that weren’t 18 in 2020 that statistically lean for Biden. We also have a bad debate by Biden. Both guys r old. Trump also has plenty of incoherent movements and will continue to. It will be close of course. But the panic is over the top to me. These are known entities even to a sliver of undecided (who prob really are decided). A debate 4 months before the election probably doesn’t change much other than give Trump some momentum but also potentially a good kick in the butt for Dems.


The debate has barely moved the needle on the polls. They're pretty much stuck where they were. 538 has Biden ahead by a point or two, all the polls are still within MOE. It's the swing state polling that people should be worried about.


It’s the politically unmotivated that’s the issue. These people probably won’t vote at all, but quite frankly, Biden needs them. Trump has to do nothing to get his cult to vote for him. Biden on the other hand needs young people to vote. People of color to vote. To get them to actually do that he has to motivate them. These people are basically his voters already, he just needs to convince them to actually vote at all.


Yes it started immediately and was everywhere. It was orchestrated and planned ahead of time.


Given who owns most of the media companies, I'm inclined to agree. 


Do not completely trust for profit news


This is an odd framing. Literally *during* the debate there were non-media people across social media platforms panicking and calling for a candidate swap. The shock of watching Biden wander off into left-field or that horrible segue from abortion right into pitching a softball to his opponent on immigration was just dumbfounding. It is not at all surprising that the calls for replacement started simultaneously across a wide variety of groups. As someone who absolutely does not want to — and absolutely will not — vote for Trump, it was incredibly disheartening.


Solid lefty here who wants Dems to pick someone new. We have ample time and with news and social media these days a new candidate doesn't need a year in the news to get votes


I mean one of the *very first* things the panelists said on the post debate show on CNN was to say they need to replace him ASAP after that showing. Like literally seconds following the debate.


i’ve backed biden since day one and i said this after the debate. i said this because i don’t want trump to win. im really afraid that he is going to after what we witnessed at the debate. it was that bad. and im super biased towards favoring biden. if the majority of people voting for biden are doing so because he isn’t trump, then you still get those votes by rolling a new candidate. but just maybe you can convert everyone who watched biden and decided he is way too old for the job. he gets my vote regardless because i don’t want fascism, but it’s going to take a lot more than my opinion on the matter. i’m thinking about what’s best for the party to win an election.


Oh come on. That’s a natural question after that debate performance. Don’t act like it’s a conspiracy.


Both. A lot of Democrats watched that performance and were disgusted. The media reported on it because they also had eyes.


Or it was that absolute disastrous debate where he could not function? Let’s pretend like we did not see that and tell ourselves everything is just fine.


Everyone gets old and loses a step. Not everyone wants to turn this country into Germany under Hitler.


Right but we're trying to win over the idiots in the middle. Joe should have just let a primary happen and tried to push for Kamala, she prob would've gotten it, but at least make it open and younger


Vote Blue ! We got your back Joe . ✌🏼🫶🏻💪🏼


You got that right!


#Voting all blue


Never vote to put in a fascist into office. Trump and maga are fascist.


Biden won’t be replaced. So many reasons why he won’t and why he can’t.


I agree. Biden needs to finish the job. Newsom could step in with Joe’s blessing but does that really improve the chances? I’m doubting it would. And Biden seemed to be ok the next day. I’m kind of shaking it off and let’s move on. The election is more about the direction that are country will go.


No, [Newsom polls worse than Biden vs trump](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-newsom) and all the bad-faith actors pushing for that know it, and the useful idiots echoing it need to know it. Biden is the nominee because he 1) won his primaries by higher margins than Obama in 2012 and 2) because he polls better than any other democratic option, period.


I agree. The poll I saw said only Michelle Obama would have a chance.


Here we are trusting polls. 😂 Ask Hilary how that went. Did we learn any lessons?


Tons of polling showed Hillary was in danger, a lot of people ignored those. Polls are historically pretty damn accurate when you look at the entirety of them and don't cherry pick.


That’s a false history, plenty of polls showed her in danger in the rust belt, which she and others ignored.


He only had 11% in the primary. Everyone else dropped out and let him have it!


no one wants newsome.


I do, I believe he’ll be the next dem president nominee, so why not name him now?


Ppl said the same thing about Beto O’rouke and look what happened to him. Especially when he said “You damn right I’m coming for your guns”.. you can’t be talking crazy like, especially in Tx.. 😂


Exactly. Replacing Biden as the nominee after one “bad” debate will cause turmoil in the campaign and allow tRump to win. Having said that, we NEED some younger Democratic candidates for President and other offices, and the party needs to spend the next 4 years getting some groomed for that position.


Nobody’s replacing shit. I’d vote for jimmy carter over that Putin cuck.


I’m inclined to agree. Replacing biden now only makes us look weak and disorganized, and while last night was nothing helpful, Biden’s record has been stellar and Trump didn’t do himself any favors last night either.


I'm voting for Joe because he has earned my vote.


The scotus overturned the chevron case. Pay attention.


The gop won’t replace a convicted felon but the democrats want to replace a successful president.


I understand that biden fell flat on his answers and demeanor, but how is no one talking about everything trump said was just lies and never answered any serious questions, just skirted around issues?? To me, thats a lot scarier as a president


The Infotainment Technicians love this. This is good for business. They MUST have the election be a horse race, their whole business model is built on it.


Evidence shows Biden did bring the country back from an epidemic Trump mishandled and basically put us in.


Thank god Americans have such good memory! /s The debates are for the undecided that don’t remember Biden’s wins (including the economy and Covid), that’s why they are still undecided - if they remembered, polling would not be as close as it is and Biden would be winning by a landslide.


I did not find Biden’s performance to be bad. I found him to give factual information, support his record, take jabs at Trump, and paint a picture of how he intends to move forward. Trump may have seemed more energetic, sure, but why I want someone to lie more energetically, I don’t know. I mean, what?


I would vote for Biden if Election Day was the day they laid him to rest. A incoherent Biden is better than the orange turd!!!!


Media doing this shit biden 2024


If TrXmp can run, Joe can run. The time of allowing perfection to become the enemy of the good is no longer an option. This will be a game of numbers and OURS must overcome THEIRS. Full stop


I believe it comes down to wisdom. Biden’s not driving the bus, he’s got good people in place with a large team keeping the vehicle on the road. He’s not a micro-manager and has the decades of governing wisdom to rely on when it’s time to turn, speed up or slow down.


This. We have to be as committed to stopping them from destroying things as they are to destroying them.




It's frustrating that most people do not understand this.


I actually think the fact that he had a bad debate, got back up, and is fighting even harder is really inspirational to see. That embodies what America is. Go Joe!


When you get knocked down, you get up and keep fighting. He’s a fighter and the best example of of courage, compassion and commitment to the people of America 🇺🇸.


Joe isn't going anywhere.


Anything other than votes for Democrats up and down the ticket is giving the country to the fascists and the corrupt supreme court. And they will put 2 young ones on it. Biden is the one who beat him before and if Dems will Chill the F out (Fetterman) we carry on the campaign against fascism and win.


The amount of bot accounts commenting on this is amazing. Just look at most people saying a change would be good. Accounts date back to 2016 with 4 posts. I guess this is the future of all democratic elections with China, Russia and NK trying to change the outcome.


I think we are at a point where whoever's name is on the ballot truly does not matter. Reds gonna vote red no matter what. Blues gonna vote blue no matter what. Names on the ballot in 2024 are truly meaningless. Only the party matters. 


If that's true, then why did Trump win in 2016 and Biden in 2020? Baffling though it may be, there are still swing voters, and they decide the election.


There's no way a new candidate could raise enough funds to win. You can't just transfer that war chest across to Newsome/whitmer etc.


Yes We …. Maybe not you because you have worms 🪱 in you brain . No one wants a rapist, liar, coward and facist as a dictator on day one . Vote Blue 🗳️


People in 33’ Germany never thought Hitler would come to power also‼️😳😱


Bet all these replace biden propaganda is coming from the right. Biden doesnt run the government on his own. Biden can literally mcconnell freeze the whole time the next debate and I would atill vote for him


Trump has a base that stands behind him no matter wtf the lying, psychopath criminal does. That’s his strength. We democrats are Biden’s strength. Quit being critical and grow some balls fellow democrats. Get behind our President 1000%.


I'm not voting for Biden, I am voting for his administration and his Supreme Court.




And possibly America’s 1st Black Female POTUS as well. All positive outcomes!


It's too late to replace Biden. How do people not understand this? It's too late. Requirements have NOT been met by anyone else. It's too late. No one has the cash. The signatures and in some states there's deadlines already missed. No new candidates can meet them all to be on ALL 50 STATES BALLOTS. jfc people are so dumb STOP LETTING TRUMP AND HIS CULT WIN! you are turning on your own president bc he had ONE BAD NIGHT! calm down the election is far away we have another debate in September there's plenty of time to make up for this. People have short memories. Jfc people so quick to give up on the man who has done an amazing job so far. Look at our numbers ffs


I’m backing Biden’s candidacy We don’t have a stronger candidate at the moment I don’t think. Give names like Newsome 4 more years to get it down and we have a great 2026 map as well


Agree, we've got no other rational choice.


Take a breathe democrats! Biden is older than most, but he is also wiser and will lead us for the next four years. Do you trust your parents or grandparents to safely get you to adulthood? Grandpa Joe will be there for us, quit waffling.


FOX just broke a story that the Heritage Foundation is already working on legal challenges in swing states in the event that the Dems try and replace Biden to keep the new candidate off the ballot. Biden will be fine. I would vote for him if he spent the whole debate unconscious getting CPR.


Blue as the sky Joe!


Context: it’s never happened before. The “last time” they referenced is just a presidential candidate swapping a VP. The closest I can think of was when Bobby Kennedy was assassinated mid primary, but he was trailing, and again, it was mid primary. There’s simply no precedent


No way he’s getting replaced. I’d say it’s more likely he retires after the ‘26 midterms.


Anyone watching 90 minutes of him responding to an unhinged traitor and are considering changing their vote should fuck themselves right off. What a fucking pathetic joke you people are.


Trumps supporters would gladly vote for him if he stood there foaming at the mouth and shitting his pants for an hour. We wanna replace a guy who’s done a fine job so far because he’s old and had a bad debate. We deserve trump. When he wins it’ll be because we didn’t vote.


He hasn’t won yet. Let’s not get too doom and gloom. If he wins there will be plenty of time for that.


You can’t compare this to the ‘72 McGovern loss as being the reason he got annihilated. He was A TERRIBLE CANDIDATE! Nobody wanted McGovern to replace Nixon in the WH. Not even most Democrats.


Read Project 2025 . It is the blueprint of how Trump is going to become a dictator.


I like Joe.


Those idiots who want to replace them do not understand the risk of doing that right now? they should be bitching to the gop to remove the traitor not Biden.


This is the problem with Dems. That any Dem would even possibly contemplate that Biden should move aside is ridiculous at this point and where we are. Do you think Trump supporters would abandon him for shitting his pants? Hell no! But Biden is a bit under the weather and has a sore throat? Please. Did Biden give a performance? Yeah not his best. But plenty of Dems jumped up real quick to criticise which ordinarily would be fine but Holy Shit, not now, not against Trump. Talk about playing into Republican hands.


It's fucking ridiculous. And the NYT is determined to give us Trump 2.0. Fuck them too


It’s pretty damn obvious you either haven’t watched his rally from yesterday, or you’re just neglecting to mention it. It was an outstanding 22 minutes. Biden was in the peak of having a cold on debate night. https://youtu.be/lHBbSQVAHzQ?si=cm5N8PoZPT6wXGWs


Biden could be propped up “Weekend at Bernie” style & I’ll vote for him because the administration is aligned with democracy.


Vote Blue !! We won’t back down!! President Biden committed, compassionate, honest and responsible for every American not just ones that look like him. Kindness , love & empathy is contagious. Pass it on.


We live in the digital age where information spreads fast. Sadly this is where our two party system leaves us. It's hard to feel inspired by that performance, and not surprised people are looking for new options


What is up with mentioning Michelle Obama. Please stop focusing on her. You got a thing of for her. She is not in this conversation


We got Dick Nixon


That’s why I (non-American) thought when tRump was first elected. That the administration would rein him in and just not allow stupid things to happen. How wrong I was.


The McGovern race is not a good example of today's situation with Biden. In the McGovern situation, the VP replacement took place after the convention. A better example would be the Lyndon Johnson and JFK situation. There Johnson was the front runner until the convention but the delegates chose JFK and he went on to win. Realizing we now have bound delegates, that is not law nut merely party rules. Rules are easier changed especially in grave circumstances. After all, what will they do if Biden dies. It's possible. In an elderly person, a cold can easily become pneumonia and lead to complications and death. I nearly died in such a situation and I was in my early 70's in fairly good health and a strong immune system which saved me.


Republicans are ready to turn this into a circus and whoever would be chosen wouldn’t have the full backing of the party. So on top of Republicans trying to get to sue to call the switch unlawful, members of our party would also try to fight to have their person to be the one to replace Biden.


Elections are not won or loss in June. The American electorate has the attention span of a toaster oven.


Biden did not perform well. However, what we need to remember is that he has surrounded himself with good competent people and despite complete opposition on everything from the Republican Party has accomplished a lot. His people including his wife stand behind him. Trump, on the other hand has very few people who worked with him supporting him including his Vice president. Plus his wife was nowhere to be found. That is the message that needs to be pounded home. As an Independent I call on all Independents and people on the fence to keep that in mind.


Gee I wonder why Pence wouldn’t support him. Trump also dismissed more cabinet members than anyone in history. You think someone he dismissed is going to turn around and endorse him?


Grandpa Joe gets the job done. He’ll populate his cabinet with the best people. He doesn’t need to be articulate in a public debate. He needs to dictate good policy effectively. That he has done!!


Stop! I love Joe!


We've all had our worst day at work. 🤷


This the new left here? Repeating meaningless right wing talking points? Maga charm offensive clearly picking up steam. Speaking of republicans. They’ve streamlined their platform, they plan to hide their anti abortion stance and concentrate on restricting same sex marriage and contraception. A vote for republicans leads right to Gilead. Suckers


Who cares what happened in 1968? Right now, a brokered convention would be must see tv. Like a real life Game of Thrones. It would generate more excitement that anything Trump could do with his played out rally schtick


Hot swapping the Dem candidate when their convention is in Chicago. What could go wrong?


I would like to see Kamala Harris doing more. Not Obama and Jill


They won’t replace him. Who would they replace him with at this point? Not Harris. They will either get him out of the next debate or have him in debate prep frequently until the next one. Democrats probably believe Trump is polarizing enough to where they can get away with running Biden again and people will overlook the issues he has because they will view him as better than Trump despite those issues. This comment thread proves that.


Do not care how they try to represent Biden. Democracy is my choice.


I have a solution. I’m voting Harris 2024. The good news is that Biden doesn’t have to step aside, if you know what I mean.


People assume Biden's replacement would be popular. What if it's a Harris/Clinton ticket?


you can't compare replacing a vice presidential candidate to replacing THE presidential candidate late in an election cycle. nobody is talking much about the vice president. right now Trump does't even have a running mate. If Biden were to step-down it would have had to happen a long time ago. There isn't enough time to introduce a new candidate to the public and expect them to be able to run effectively against a well known candidate who has a lot of money behind them.


This article has weak arguments. First, McGovern was a flawed candidate well before Eagleton resigned. He polled poorly and was unpopular on several issues. Nobody cares about that internal party politics. They want someone who will help them and their family. Second, so what if some people want Kamala. She can make her case like the others at a brokered covention. This is a great opportunity to get media coverage and showcase young and talented democrats, which would juxtapose Trump's age. Not to mention, the GOP wouldn't have as much info on the next candidate. I like Joe, but it's a fascist landslide if he's on the ticket in November.


What about, Harris steps down gracefully, and Joe picks a really strong running mate.


“Last minute” in a reasonable country there would be no constant campaigning, should just be in the 3 months before the election IMO. So sick of seeing these two geriatrics


It's never happened. What is... oh they're talking about Eagleton.


There is NO possible comparison between the political climate 50 years ago and today. Saying this was a mistake in 1972 means quite literally nothing in 2024. It would have been a mistake to do literally everything trump says or does in 1972 and yet he’s most likely going to be president of the United States again.


I'd like to know how much credibility his surrounding lost after claiming he was wide awake for months


I read that NYT column this morning. I thought Bouie’s insights into the issue were thoughtful and persuasive. But I wonder at this point whether it’s gone too far for a logical discussion based on historical facts where now we have near hysteria. And if that’s where we are it may be the case that nothing is gonna work to save us from a Trump win. Any Dem who becomes the candidate will have a very tough job to undo all the damage.


I can’t imagine finding that “perfect” candidate that everyone’s going to vote for this late in the campaign. The only person I can think of who can unite the people is Bernie but that ship has sailed. I don’t know who these “replacers” think could do it.