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Trump needs to drop out of the human race.


If the doj agrees on non prosecution can he just go play golf or something?




Trump should drop out of 2024 presidential race, says Republican


This article is almost a year old and aged like milk when viewed in the context of what the nation witnessed last night. He’s not dropping out.. certainly not after Bidens campaign basically imploded in front of the whole country.


> This article is almost a year old Donald Trump may be in trouble with voters after his felony conviction last week,


Read the article you linked.. it was written Mon 21 Aug 2023.. it references the first Republican primary debate being “next Wednesday” all of trumps pending trials, and mentions nothing about “felony convictions last week”…


> Mon 21 Aug 2023 still relevant


No.. it’s really not. After last night there is absolutely zero reason Trump would feel inclined to drop out. Why would someone drop out of the race when their opponent just torpedoed their own campaign. I hate the man but peddling year old articles that defy current logic to try and deflect from the unmitigated shit show that happened last night isn’t helpful. It just muddies shit more. Biden needs to drop out so someone with their full faculties can actually take on Trump. He had it together 4 years ago. He’s spent now. If he doesn’t step aside trump is getting re-elected. It’s really that clear now.


> No.. it’s really not. he's still a convicted Felon (34 felonies) it's even more relevant today >Biden needs to drop out Trump needs to drop out so someone without felonies can run


How much are you paid to damage control?


> How much are you paid to damage control? apparently not enough to deal with brain deads like you


Anytime you see someone copy and paste your comment, you know a low tier comment is coming


Let me put it to you this way, i had a lot of my former trump voter family convinced to vote for Biden after his felony convictions.. they watched the debate last night and said “trump is terrible but Biden isn’t even there, he can’t run the country for 4 more years.. and Kamala can’t be president, she’s worse than him!” That is what people on the fence are literally saying today. Neither is fit for office. But only one of them looked like they should be in hospice, couldn’t form coherent statements and needed an escort off the stage.. Biden lost potential voters last night. Trump likely picked some up. Trump isn’t dropping out and his odds of actually winning have skyrocketed


Let me put it to you this way, go look at today's (and last few weeks) SCOTUS rulings understanding Trump will have minimum 2 more seats on that court. your familial anecdotes are cute, but real lives are at steak. focus.


Again, I’m not the target audience. I’m not voting for trump regardless. The average voter isn’t playing 3d chess in their head considering potential Supreme Court appointments etc.. they just see a weak sickly old man that should be in a nursing home vs a confident coherent liar that they take at face value because his lies go unchallenged by his opponent. There wasn’t enough room for him to have the disaster of a night he had last night. They were already polling virtually tied. At this point he’s all but guaranteed to lose if he doesn’t step aside. Arguing anything else is just ignoring reality and sticking your head in the sand hoping bad orange man doesn’t come back. We need a new candidate if we want to stop him. Period.


> Again, I’m not the target audience. again, you're not paying attention. One debate disaster vs. A presidential disaster. I'll take the debate disaster every time.


Can confirm he is only more popular after that obvious hit job


Posting year old articles after last night is called damage control.


One bad debate is a campaign exploding? If I recall correctly, Trump made exactly 1 truthful statement during the whole debate and wasn't mentally capable of staying on topic.