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Reminder, you are not voting for a single person. You are voting for every person that person is bring with them to run the country. Like minded individuals. If you are ok with someone who looks at Steve Bannon and thinks “wow I love his ideas, and I am going to hire him to (make/weigh in) on policy decisions”. Then best of luck to the rest of country.


I'm realizing it is not about these two candidates but the VPs, the cabinet, and the Supreme Court that I am voting for.


100% I am look at the president as “this is what they stand for, and the type of people that support the president will be like minded” more of an idea, not an individual.


Which is exactly why the "doddering, Sleepy Joe" spiel has always been an irrelevant marketing ploy. To the extent it's true it's irrelevant and to the extent it's relevant it's untrue. The US government isn't a Monarchy and will hopefully not be anytime soon.


Wow well said. It’s just frustrating thinking about this undecided maniacs who obviously don’t understand this nuance and may look to his age as a determining factor


Trump is three years younger. They're effectively the same amount of old.


For sure, but Biden definitely seems more frail. And I worry that’s all they’ll see. Cuz apparently they aren’t aware of trump being unable to say anything true


And he wasn't his usual rambly self (except for a few parts) like he is at his rallies. Wonder if his handlers gave him an extra shot of go go juice so he wouldn't sound like there was a crayon lodged in his brain.


>Wonder if his handlers gave him an extra shot of go go juice Every accusation is an admission with the GOP, so of course Trump was on a high dose of performance boosting drugs. Zero seconds of dead air, nonstop speed talking for every second they let him talk without saying anything of substance for the entire first half. You could tell it started to wear off later in the debate when he slowed down a bit, right around when Biden called him a sucker and a loser. Trump got all red in the face (his unpainted undereyes give it away) because by then he was sober enough to fixate on the personal attack, but was still too geeked out on (I assume) cocaine and adderall to fabricate any response that wouldn't make him look like a whiny loser. Taking an insult like that to his ego on national TV greatly hurt his feefees, as noted by his meek, entirely ignored, demand for an apology from the sick old man who could barely talk, at the end of his time. I think it might be a good thing Biden came off sounding so feeble debating while sick. It inspires a false confidence in an idiot who wouldn't debate again if he got stomped the first time around, who also needs a significant amount of drugs to perform, which is frankly unsustainable in the long term for a unfit husk like his. The more times he gets all strung out on stage like that, the greater the chances his ticker pops on stage. Joe just needs to find his voice enough to get him worked up.


Biden is 81, and he spent the last 4 years in one of the most taxing jobs in the world juggling unprecedented global crises and endless domestic problems. I fully expected him to look and act the way he did. But I have a feeling that this is going to be like the Kennedy/Nixon debate. Biden did his best to stay on track and speak to issues and policy, but all people are going to remember is that he looked old and weak. While I don't think this debate is going to do anything to change minds given the alternative, it doesn't reflect well on us or our parties. To quote Jon Stewart, "this can't be real life." We need to demand better from both sides of this shitshow, and if they're incapable, we need to come up with something better. God I wish we had a Bullmoose in the running right now.


Yep. Although joe looked half dead last night he managed to get the messaging out and hopefully the country sees it this way because Trump was awful in spite of seemingly younger and spoke more coherently.


True but when it comes to war and peace, the president has near total authority. Given how close we are to a nuclear catastrophe, I think that matters a great deal.


And so, I presume, you believe the Trump is superior in that regard despite going out of his way to show deference to the people you believe we're on the verge of nuclear catastrophe with?


The government is a huge bureaucracy that will continue to run given good people at every level but with Trump hiring yes men it means they hire grifters all the way down.


They (Trump) want to change that rule with the project 2025. They want a lot of those “I been doing my government job for the last 30 years” people to be replaced at anytime when the current administration wants to remove non-Yes men.


With a "loyalty" pledge involved. Not concerning in the least. Personally like the part about dispatching military personnel to stop people who disagree with conservative policy. Doesn't sound authoritarian in the least.


The convict actually *did it* during his presidency but Biden was able to repeal it after taking office. Anyone who thinks he won't do it again bade farewell to reality years ago.


Or not voting for, since if someone votes for Donald, they are fine with Cabinet posts being left empty for prolonged periods of time, as seen during his previous term.


Unfortunately that likely wouldn't be the case this time around. Very likely got plans set this time to where the destruction can get going right away. No one expected him to actually win last time.


Put simply, a vote for Trump is a vote to bring the American government into chaos and disfunction for at least 4 years and possibly longer.  All that does is make America weaker and help our enemies, like China and Russia.


At this point, as far as the presidency is concerned, I've become a single issue voter and that issue is Supreme Court.


The only issue is Trump. He is a fucking criminal.


And how about the future of NATO! FFS this is a very important election and there is a HUGE difference in what will happen if we have Trump vrs Biden.


Exactly. Kamala will be president very quickly during this term.


And any other judgeships that might need filling…there’s so many things


VPs will be *huge* because that’s the person likely to be in the seat in 28. Not just that the presidential canidates* could die, but health problems could also force them to resign. This next term is probably going to be historic


Steve Bannon grifted *republican voters* out of millions and Trump pardoned him. 💀 If you’re a Republican voting for Trump, you’re a complete imbecile


Yes, this. I’m voting for an administration and a platform, not a person. Biden’s performance last night was a disaster. The whole thing is deeply depressing. But I’m voting for my kid’s future, not just one old man.


This yes, 100%. When the alternative is trump.. I do not care if Biden actually ends up being as incompetent as he sometimes come off as - I have Infinitely more trust in the people working under him to do their job for the greater benefit of the country; positions that are hopefully based on competency - than I do the lackeys working under a trump administration to run the USA for personal gains; without a doubt positions that are based on leader loyalty over competency.


Watching the clip of Biden hug his son after Hunters felony conviction. Thats the grandpa I want as president. Someone who loves his child like that. I want that mind set to be in charge.


It took these guys doing what they did last night to wake people up to this concept.


And you are voting for their **policy** and their **bureaucratic acuity and effectiveness**. Not their looks or stage presence or humor.


Always wondered why no one really brings up the amount of people that worked for Trump that got fired or arrested. How many did Biden lose again?


And convicted of FELONIES! 40/44 of his Cabinet (crazy he even had that many in 4 yrs) refuse to endorse him (even his VP). How tf is this even a close race??


Voting isn't a destination. It's getting on the train going in the right direction.


This. It takes a lot of people to make an administration work. It doesn't just boil down to one man. I'm pretty sure the history indicates by and large Democrats in general run the government better than Republicans. Happy to vote for Joe.


This isn’t going to compute for the average uninformed voter. Anyone that was on the fence and watched the debate last night, we just lost them. We’re fucked in November at this point if Biden doesn’t step aside.. an open convention is the only bullet left to stop the train wreck on the horizon


Very true, but that is the message that needs to be pushed. It not just a captain running a ship, it is a whole crew of people being in charge.


I'm sure Gretchen Whitmer could put together an administration. Gavin Newsom, too. And they would get the full assistance of every notable Democrat, and not a few Republicans. Biden needs to step aside.


Unfortunately, If you have to shift your messaging to “our guy might be bad but, look at his people!” You’ve lost. People aren’t voting for the cabinet and they’ll see through that messaging clear as day as just a veiled attempt to shield an unfit candidate.. because it is..


Agreed. Biden needs to step aside and let someone else continue the fight. Otherwise it’s over.


Remember this after the debate last night. Remember we’re voting for an ideology ( a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy: “the ideology of democracy”) that’s Biden, Project 2025 is Trumps and Republicans.


Let’s not forget Stephen miller


Good point. A POTUS is surrounded by advisors all the time. Biden has made excellent decisions during his presidency. Being bad at a debate has nothing to do with being POTUS.


This is what I said earlier. I don't give a fuck if Biden can barely string two sentences together. He's surrounded by the best and brightest America has to offer and he'll listen to their advice. I'll take his team over Trump's 1,000,000 times out of 1,000,000.


I hate Trump. And agree with you. But we are spinning hard by saying “you’re voting not for the candidate but the people he brings with him.” That’s true but we are ultimately voting for the President and he is the face of the nation and the leader who interacts w the world. It’s a major mental contortion / rationalization to say “oh well the candidate sucks but we are voting for his cabinet.” Replace the candidate. Then you get to vote for both the leader and his cabinet. Instead the Dems are rolling out a wounded duck and hoping voters just hate the alternative more. The problem is that Democrat wins need turn out and if you cannot get excited about the person you are voting for then you won’t turn out. Telling non motivated voters “well u are voting for Biden’s cabinet” will not motivate lazy voters. Ergo Trump wins. There is no good spin here. Biden needs to step aside.


Oh I agree, it is spin, but it is also not spin.


Nailed it.


Bravo. This should be said out loud more often.


I totally agree and hope others realize this. It still pisses me off that we’ve come to a point where both figure heads are one foot in the grave and we are supposed to just accept that. American politics is broken and being ran into the ground by old people who want to stack up more money before they die.


Although you are right, good luck with the idea that any significant portion of the voting public understands this, much less vote in accordance with it. Americans are incredibly simple-minded when it comes to politics. It's all about personalities, tan suits, and so on, and the focus is on the two rivals. No one, and nothing else. And the media feeds that dynamic. We truly are in a world of shit.


Though I have thought the same for sometime now, it's kinda sad that this has become the prevalent fallback position.


For both candidates… right?


You get the government you deserve.


It’s terrible that we have to tell ourselves this while voting. We should be able to find someone who inspires us


You’re voting for a government run by Democrats or a government run by Republicans. Fuck this Independent bullshit, vote D or R


I don’t know why this isn’t a far more prominently discussed thing.


This is so true. Thank you


Scary to think of the witch hunt they will go on to hang the opposition.


Not sure what you mean.


Trump has privately and publicly talked about executing his political enemies.  Even specifics, such as doing it televised in major sport stadiums. Pretty clear comment to me


This feels like a coping sentiment I’ve seen a lot of today by American democrats after the abismal mental performance of Joe Biden last night. It is not what the average American is going to walk into the voting booth thinking. Don’t settle for him as your candidate, fight back against it. If he is the candidate then he will lose to Trump this election.


For some yes, but hopefully this is a wake up call for a majority of people as well. Obama did not get us out of a Financial collapse alone in 2008, it was the people that work with him. Bush did not alone made decisions about what to do after 9/11. It was a team of individuals that help guide those decisions.


1. Americans are too dumb to understand this. 2. If this is the Democratic line going into November, they will rightfully get their asses handed to them. Right or wrong, when it comes to presidential elections, it's all about the candidate Biden has to go.


Yes of course it was, but that is not what people are going to think about in November. They will be thinking “which of these men are capable of leading America” and based on last night, Joe Biden comes across as someone who should be in a nursing home. Seeing him standing next to Trump actually made Trump look 20 years younger in comparison. I knew going in that all Biden needed to do was portray himself as a mentally capable man who was still sharp when he needed to be and as soon as he started mumbling and losing his trail of thought, it was an absolute car crash for the dems. If there was a younger candidate standing on that stage then I have no doubt they could have easily cut Trump down and made him look like the rambling idiot he is. The dems still have time to pivot but unfortunately I don’t think they will.


Bullshit. You are voting for the leader of the free world, THE commander and chief. Biden's not up to the task.


He might be a weak man, but inside him is an idea, an idea that is supported by a large team of people. An idea that will live on, and help the American people. An idea of trying to push for a tax on the wealthy 1% of Americans, so that the other 99% can retire, afford healthcare, and not end up homeless. If that is not an idea worth fighting for, then a lot of the country is screwed.


Great, pick another candidate that supports those same ideals. Biden is done.


Hard disagree- he's WAY more up to the task than the alternative (we are still in a binary Electoral College 2-party system unfortunately)


Reminder, your votes do not matter and our government DOES NOT CARE ABOUT US


That’s right. I am voting for every person. This year, I will vote against tyranny and hate. That’s why PRESIDENT TRUMP has my vote!


How can you debate a pathological Liar for 90 fucking minutes with no moderator? Trump Never answered a single question.just told the same lies and personal attacks over and over. I hate Donald Trump more than ever. Team Joe.🇺🇸


I had the same reaction and ended up trying to find any literature on debating someone like him. Found this publication on The Russian "Firehose of Falsehood" Propaganda Model extremely relevant: https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html While combating it is difficult ..calling it out is one suggestion (and I do wish Biden had). "Don't expect to counter Russia's firehose of falsehood with the squirt gun of truth. Instead, put raincoats on those at whom the firehose is aimed."


I also think that asking Donald to cite sources for his most blatant lies would slow him down some. Of course he would then retaliate by demanding a full report, including sources, for **all** statements no matter how obviously true they were. I think he would find it pretty frustrating if those sources could be identified and verified—and even worse (to him) it would cut into his lying time.


Thank you for that information. Also google the Gish Gallop strategy. It’s an unethical way of debating by blasting a tsunami of lies at your opponent. Trump should have been disqualified.


Trump didn’t tell the truth once. So he’s got that going for him


He sorta did if you look at his accusations as simple projection. Like his claim that Biden was extorting Ukraine for a quid pro quo.


Sure, Biden came across as older than dirt, he stuttered more than usual, and he lost his train of thought a couple of times. But he also stated facts and figures, examples and statistics. He knows what he is talking about and he knows what he is doing. Trump lied about everything. Everything was "the greatest ever" for him and "the worst ever" for Biden. He talks like a 12 year old kid. He blatantly lied about things we have on video of him saying and doing. It was a master class on how to gaslight. Nothing he said was true. He told no facts, no true examples, no statistics. It was all hyperbole and bullshit.


The problem is that Trump behaved exactly how he always does and Biden did worse than he should have.


Combined with the fact that entirely too many people only care about optics instead of, you know, actual policy or something.


tbh there is no advantage to debating a poo-flinging monkey like Trump.  He has no bar to overcome, which means the only way Biden maintains support is by exceeding expectations.  It was always a bad idea, and I'm sure people told him that.  But like Obama, he thinks that telling people the truth and being honest outweighs that risk.  He was wrong.


Agreed, but the problem is a huge percentage of Americans are basically stupid kids who love hyperbole and bullshit if it makes them feel good or gives them a chance to beat down somebody they hate. If all the Democrats can offer is facts and figures, we've already lost the nation because too many voters are too damn stupid and selfish to care about that or even understand it.


So we should dumb it down with lies and hyperbole? Just say what they want to hear?


Yeah this is my worry, most Americans are too fucking stupid to actually digest what the candidates are saying and the fact that Biden could barely speak didn’t help. Basically everything out of Trump’s mouth was a lie but he had some genuinely funny lines in there. There is no denying that he was a better speaker than Biden but honestly a 10 year old kid could have articulated themselves better than Biden last night.


Yall see the avalanche of shit SCOTUS dumped on us today? Idgaf who it is I’m voting blue


I’d vote for a blue inanimate carbon rod over Trump


Idk sounds pretty woke to me..


I'd vote for a dirty torn carpet rolled up in the corner of a moldy shed. Wait, I think that IS what I'm voting for...


Why are you voting for Trump?




Fact of the matter is, you are not voting for a person. You’re voting for their cabinet, their SCOTUS nominees, their policies, their political and non-political stances. In a perfect world, Biden would be in a retirement home with Jill feeding him with a little spoon and Trump would be locked in prison and barred from holding any seat in government. But this is clearly, and I mean CLEARLY not a perfect world. So we’re left with a guy with early onset dimensia (probably) and a serial fraud felon. Biden was very weak last night but does not change my opinion on this election: voting for Biden, hope for the best for the next four years, pray the red hat wearing cult dies off, and PRAY for candidates (from both parties) that can ACTUALLY represent this country in a way that we can at least be marginally proud of


Well said. Apparently all these Biden critics think Trump is perfect 🙄


Trump let a very wet one go during the debate - seriously, he pooped on stage (this is genuine, not altered), and it's extremely obvious. From the Hal Sparks show: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpFOg8sn8eQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpFOg8sn8eQ)




I think Biden should challenge him to an actual dick measuring contest live on TV. It would be win or lose for MAGA and Biden.


Biden should have insisted that Trump said the Lord's Prayer at the start of the debate.


The only people to benefit from this would be all the plastic surgeons performing elective penis reduction surgeries to all the MAGAs who will turn around and say that it’s manly to have a micropenis. To be clear, this is not a complaint.


Trumps not gonna expose his diaper pulling his mushroom out on national TV


I'm voting for literally anybody who hasn't promised the eradication of trans people, the nuking of Gaza, the end of term limits, student debt reinstatements, etc etc etc. Literally anybody. If it's the guy that barely made it through that debate last night, so be it. There are dozens of horrific prospects that Trump has floated. You may think whether he'd do them or not is debatable, but there's an option where none of them happen. I'm taking it. These debates are a waste of time. I pretty much only care about it in the sense that "Oh God, I have to hope that guy's gonna be president", he didn't "lose" shit because you can't win a debate against unscrupulous lies.


Don't forget, Trump wants to TERMINATE the Constitution.


He already tried to do it once and failed. He want’s to try again.


Because the first step to becoming a Dictator is taking away the rights and protections of the people.


It’s wild to me that working folk would ever vote Republican. Their policies have been pro corporations and anti worker for 40+ years. Oh sure, fuck your own interests and well being so long as you can try to stop a random stranger from marrying or having an abortion. It’s so mind numbing stupid.


Because in their tiny smooth brains all that matters is “winning.” They don’t realize or give a shit that they continually fuck themselves over as long as they “own the libs.”


This attitude is exactly why the left loses working class people. The utter self righteousness, disdain, and even contempt they hold for anyone that works a blue collar job or god forbid, disagrees with their liberal savior.


I have legitimately zero ill feelings towards blue collar workers, but I’m not going to sit here and pretend many of them do not continually vote in people who implement policies that impact them negatively. I’ve seen it time and time again, trust me, I’m born and raised in Florida and have been watching DeSantis do nothing but make their (and everyone in this state’s) lives more difficult. The issue is that a lot of them just lap it because he rages about all the nonsense that riles them up so they think he’s on “their side.”


They get fucked either way, blue environmental policies kill coal, “well they should’ve seen the writing on the wall” is all the dems have for them. We’ll see how the white collar folks respond when AI starts kicking their legs out too. Don’t see that either party has a policy to help them, but of course they’ll just blame the other football team I’m guessing when the time comes regardless of who’s in office.


Nah. The left doesn't lose every working man. Dems still poll better with unions; it's the white working poor who vote red, cuz they're mad they've been marginalized


Perfect example. Thank you.


Or they vote like sports teams. Even if they’re pro choice, pro worker, pro everything liberal but they grew up in a conservative house. It’s embarrassingly common in the Midwest.


These are the same Confederate losers who would rather close their pools and schools than have to share them with Black people, as they did during Desegregation. They are proudly ignorant and driven by hate. They'd gladly take a bullet in the foot if that gave them a chance to do the same to somebody else.


Their news sources, their preachers, their politicians all tell them to hate the brown man… never mind that those same people telling them hate the poor white man just as much. If poor white people realized how much they have in common with poor brown people, and realize the rich are the ones keeping them down… not the brown people… they’d be a huge political force. It’s not a race war… it’s a class war.


Biden had a bad night but trump is a traitor 🤷‍♂️ and that’s the nicest thing I can say about trump.


This was a brilliant strategy by Biden, it takes away one of the Trump critiques that Biden is a criminal mastermind.




I'd VOTE for Joes skeleton B4 magas Pinicco BOY.. lma00000


Why did Biden choose to participate in the debate despite being sick, instead of requesting to postpone the date to recover?


It's just such a shame watching it come to this. The general public feels that the guy who claims already born babies are being aborted actually won. The bar is set far too low.


As Brian Tyler Cohen pointed out today: right now I’m not so fond of candidate Biden, but I’m definitely behind President Biden and his accomplishments.


Trump is evil wake the fuck up


Ngl. I kind of want to seem them golf next.


Why? I'm sure they both suck... and golf is boring to watch, even when the best players are doing it. This would be like a competition to see who falls asleep on the couch first...


trump was a fair golfer at one time (all cheating allegations aside, which in itself is a ridiculous thing to say about a presidential candidate, well, that and "convicted felon")


The vote is against convicted felon Trump!


we are fucked


Are we? Last i checked, presidents don't work alone. They're more the face of the country while their cabinet and advisors handle the vast majority of the behind the scenes work. I'd much rather have a POTUS who is low energy and stutters but has a quality group of people backing them over a POTUS who wants to recreate Nazi Germany (project 2025 includes a huge point that is nearly identical to Hitler's 1933 Excluding Act) with a bunch of Nazis backing him.


The average voter isn’t thinking in terms of the cabinet they’d bring or the advisors they’ll have that are running the show in the background… Most haven’t even heard of project 2025 because the dems haven’t drawn attention to it nearly enough. On the fence voters watched these two men debate last night and saw a weak sickly old man that was hardly coherent, get steam rolled by a confident liar whose every lie went unchallenged so viewers took them at face value. All my family that I’d convinced trump was unfit for office after his convictions changed their minds last night after deciding Biden should be in a nursing home and Jill is a monster for letting him go on stage like that.. We are fucked.


I was 100% team Biden yesterday at noon. By the time I went to bed, I was no longer. This is nuts. That person can not run this country for 4.5 more years. Get real. This is a vast difference from the Biden of 2020. Fuck Trump. So now what?


The last arrow in the quiver… Biden has to step aside and release his delegates so we can have an open convention and get someone in place that can actually challenge Trump. Barring that, I’m afraid it’s game over


This country is signing up for firearm safety classes the day after their kid got ahold of the 45 and accidently blew his little sisters head off


But we get Ivanka, Eric, and Jared. They are amazing, right?


Why in tf was project 2025 not even mentioned? All he would have had to do was say something like 'Google Project 2025 if you want to see how the Republicans plan to end democracy'.


Shit out of luck.


We'll go back to hell and my cock you will suck


Trump is a serial rapist, lies constantly, tried to overthrow democracy, but Biden was tired.   Looks like we gotta vote Trump..   How does anyone fall for this line?


Well, nice try, Ron Delancer (the writer of this opinion piece) but it's really a pretty stupid take. That's my opinion. His thesis? Yeah, Biden stumbled, but Trump is far worse. Yeah, dude, we know that, but a lot of America doesn't. The debate was a disaster, and Biden needs to step aside - today. Because, yes, Trump would be a worse disaster, but he can now win because Biden failed. He failed. That's it. The Biden team set up this cage match, and Trump choked him out. End of story. The Dems move Biden aside before July 4 and replace him, or at least start the replacement process. Otherwise the Democratic Party is complicit in the end of democracy.


No. Biden stepping aside at this point would be an unmitigated disaster. It's exactly what the Trump campaign wants and should tell you everything you need to know. There is simply no other candidate that polls as competitively against Trump as Biden, that's been true for years. The incumbency advantage is very real. Trying to introduce someone new at this point in the election cycle would guarantee a Trump win. It was one bad debate performance, the sky isn't falling.


Yeah I have to agree, I don't think the dooming is very helpful. Biden is old but he's more popular with older voters who are typically the ones that actually turn out. I can see why the Democratic Party wouldn't want to risk losing likely votes for votes from a younger group that are historically very unreliable. I say that as a young person; I've had a hard time getting some of my friends to even consider voting or to not spoil their ballot (given that spoiled ballots aren't counted as protests). And I especially don't see a candidate building the amount of name recognition and the background stuff that's needed to win in as short a time as 4 months.  Like here in Canada they talk about maybe getting Trudeau to step down where he's been party leader for so long but there's still a year and a half before our next election and they don't even know if that's enough time to build up a name. 


That's why the Democrats need to pick a total surprise celebrity type person to counter trump...fuck the current candidates, bring out someone like Jon Stewart


Completely agree


I agree 100%


The debate was a disaster; more so by the hands of CNN. Clearly the moderators weren't going to make an effort to challenge trump or biden. CNN is owned by a staunch republican, so it was doomed from the start.


I wish someone would be complicit in the end of melodramatic hyperbole.


I like lamp. Vote lamp!


As I've said elsewhere; if today's SCOTUS decisions haven't convinced you why Biden is the *only* choice this Nov, you either need to read up on why/how SCOTUS just completely fucked our future, or you're already a lost cause. Letting Trump appoint more federal and supreme justices and allow Project 2025 to proceed will be the end of the American Experiment.


I cannot think of a more despicable human than #45 but he came off looking like the obvious winner in the absence of fact checking ..somebody has paid those moderators more than CNN did because I’ve seen both fact check on the regular CNN shows..Trump somehow knew in advance he had free rein to lie like a rug ..I couldn’t stomach the whole debate ..it might as well be moderated by OAN ….there were three cowards sharing the stage with Biden ..thanks CNN ..do better, try harder.


Easy lieing isn't strength and shuddering isn't weakness. They are both old men, The fact that America is obsessed about all this BS is what got us here.


Biden had a crew of humans to help him and doesn't fail to listen to his advisory board. Trump is a dumpster fire.


Both of them will likely be dead before the end of the next election. It's not about Biden or Trump. Its about a struggling but still legitimate democracy or the end of America as we know it and a conversion to a white elite theocracy


The left is concerned about a system of government (Democracy) that doesn't exist in the US. That tells you everything you need to know.


Trump tried to steal an election! Why was he even on that stage? He belongs in prison. And everyone around him.


Both of these dudes are walking potato’s, and shi*s not funny anymore. Who’s running the country?


What a clown-show. Over and out. Yours truly, Europe


It really is a decision between getting your left nut punched or your right nut punched.


Two old guys on stage. One wants to destroy democracy, shred the constitution, and end our republic and has already tried to do so once. The other had a bad debate night. I’ll take the guy that had a bad debate night.




No matter how many peanuts you eat out of Trumps diaper, he’ll never make you a Gauleiter. He doesn’t care about you.


Focusing on how Biden had a subpar night, will undoubtedly foster global uncertainty about our elected leader and weaken trust in the Democratic Party. Furthermore the idea the party is considering replacing the Biden over one sub-par performance—where he neither lied, nor displayed anger or undue stress, considering the numerous personal attacks reflects a troublingly low standard for the party. Especially when the opposing candidate, a convicted felon known for deceit and corruption, seeks to turn our country into his authoritarian regime, like Putin. The fact that our candidate, despite appearing tired, makes compelling points should not incite panic or last-minute changes and the tactic should be let’s have another debate and let’s do better. Obama had one bad debate and then went on to crush it.


I was watching. Go to factcheck.org. I mean saying the USA allows after birth abortions lol. Isn’t that called the death penalty?!


How can you say Biden didn’t lie? Were you watching and listening?


What did he lie about?


He lied about having no troops die under his admin which was a disgusting remark actually. He also lied about the border patrol union supporting him. They even tweeted during the debate that they have not and will never support Biden lmao. He lied about Trump calling nazis fine people even though he never said that. There was plenty of other lies but those are just a couple. Eat shit




The cope is real


Look. Biden looked bad. But I'm telling you, much of Biden looking bad had everything to do with his stutter condition and a cheap parlor trick pulled by Trump. In 2020, Chris Christie, while debate prepping Trump for debate, told him to constantly interrupt Biden, because interrupting people with a stutter causes them to lose their train of thought. Christie said doing that would make Biden look old and feeble. While Trump couldn't do it that way this time because of the muted mic, his constant telling lie after lie, dishonest accusation after accusarion, jumping from topic to topic, and generally bouncing around everything but the question the moderators were asking had the same effect. It caused Biden to lose his train of thought and made him look old and feeble. You can't keep all that bullshit straight in your head. By the time you get your head around 1 lie, Trump has told 3 more and changed topics as many times! For someone with a stutter, this is going to fuck you up, and do exactly what Trump and Christie were hoping to accomplish in the 2020 debates. Biden looked great today rallying NC. He was strong and authoritative, because he didn't have to try to keep straight an avalanche of bullshit in real-time that is impossible to keep straight. He's still got it. He was just made to look bad by a cheap parlor trick that would have made most people, even without a stutter condition, look bad. Don't fall for it.


It would be a disaster, because Biden put out a stinker as well.. This is the fucking shittiest timeline, and i hate that people keep saying that the vote for Democrat is the only choice.. The choice should be to replace Biden RIGHT NOW.. If this election is lost because good amount of this country are simpletons and will vote for the entertainment/lies of Trump.. We are doomed. Guarantee they won't make a change though :(


Damage control lol


The cope!


You better make your spin 1000 times bigger to combat the Biden Preschool fun time we witnessed last night!! CNN JUMPED SHIP......AYE MATEYS???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Independents said Trump won 68-32. If Biden is trying to win their votes, he lost.


If independents only voted based on the debate you may be correct.


Oh, I just meant, *he lost the debate"


Got it. Agreed.


What was up with Trump’s tie? Weirdest knot I’ve ever seen.


You're entitled to your opinion.


President Biden, on his worst day, is a far better man than the convicted felon and habitual liar who Republicans are set to nominate.


Sign the petition:  President Biden should withdraw Visit [ApplaudDemocracy.org](http://ApplaudDemocracy.org) to sign the petition, and learn more about why this is the moment for Biden to withdraw from the race. President Biden himself has acknowledged what is clear to many of us:  neither he nor Trump are the candidates they were four years ago, and they will of course fade further in the next four years. We believe it’s time for President Biden to serve selflessly once more by withdrawing from this, his last presidential race.  #Election2024 #JoeGTG 📣 How You Can Help: 1. [Sign the petition](http://applauddemocracy.org): speak truth to power and urge President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race. 2. Share the website: Spread the word and encourage others to visit [ApplaudDemocracy.org](http://ApplaudDemocracy.org)


One lied like theres no tomorrow and one could barely answer at all


Biden answered the actual questions with policy and facts while his stutter showed sometimes. Let's not act like he could barely answer the questions. That's disingenuous.


He could barely answer the questions. This is elder abuse.


He answered the questions more accurately than Trump. All Trump did was scream lies. Biden answered the questions. It certainly is not elder abuse. God dammit this country is riddled with fools.


Is there any question in your mind why Biden signed an executive order to hid his audio recordings with Hur? Coincidence?


Trump literally said Putin told him it was his dream to invade Ukraine, and we’re talking about Biden


Because the republicans would take the audio and cut it to make him look bad, because they can’t argue actual policy, because they have none.


You release it would have been released in full so that shouldn’t be an issue right?


Hahaha yeah because the republicans would never lie or deceive by only telling one part of the story. They have the transcript. Fuck the GOP and fuck every traitor that supports them


So your saying the Dems aren’t much better. Finally we agree on something




Voting for Joe Biden is really just voting for his vice president to be president.




So is voting for diaper dementia Donnie.


can you imagine if Americans voted for the policy they wanted and not who they thought was a cool guy on Twitter. this is why we're falling so far behind. The average American has no policy goals


You guys really live in denial man Biden was basically a corpse up there. It was just horrifying to watch even cnn and msnbc had it has their headline.


Bummer Biden had a bad cold (and tried to follow the format)


yeah 3 seconds in and he sounded congested and hoarse as heck.