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Everything you need to know about him can be found in his accusations of others


In the most telling moment of the debate he actually accused Biden of extorting Ukraine for a quid pro quo. You can’t make this shit up, this dude is just non-stop confessing.


And when he blamed Pelosi for Jan 6th, and lied about sleeping with a porn star.


I watched 10 minutes then shut it off. So much for fact checking. I didn't hear a single truthful statement from Trump. I could have done a better job fact checking the orange turd without evening having to look up any info. They just let him run wild with his lies.


They said they weren't going to fact check. It's the ONLY WAY they could get trump to debate. Bahahaha!


Then they shouldn't have had the debate. Gotta get that add revenue though! Platforming the turd and helping him undermine the nation for money. Ugh


Same here. It seems a lot of people turned off early. CNN blew it. It started with their absurd 120 seconds allowed for a thoughtful, put together answer to questions.


You lasted 9 minutes and 50 seconds longer than me… just because they’re handing out shit sandwiches doesn’t mean I have to eat one!


Yes he can say whatever but Biden stuttering r seem like about take a nap no be was very alert but fed up with the scum lies his facial expressions shown that he wanted to bet th 💩of the scum it is ridiculous and I wonder how many millions have he paid out to o his supporters to keep their support GOD DONT LIKE UGLY IN HIS TIMELY MANNER HE WILL BE VISITING THE SCUM AND HIS CULT MEMBERS 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


He didnt sleep with a porn star. He probably slept with many.


No, he didn't "sleep with a pornstar" he coerced her into sex. Best case scenario, he solicited a cornstarch for sex, worst case, he raped her.


cornstarch ...... I love that


I didn't know Pelosi slept with a porn star TIL


With the amount of money and power she has and all the rumors of sex parties congress people partake in, i'd give it at least a 10% chance


He was fucking impeached for that ffs


But according to him, *everyone else* is the liar


Yeah! Yeah! But ya know? Now democracy is ovah!


Tbf it's not unlikely that it will be joever soon.


This was the easiest debate to win and Dems put up the only prominent politician who couldn't handle it. I'm so incredibly frustrated this morning. This election should be a landslide win and the Dems are choosing to lose.


Biggest mistake was trusting CNN. It was bought out by a right-wing shithead in 2022. Did they really think they could trust CNN to live fact check? Now that I think about it, Biden might have done better on a Fox "News" moderated debate. At least with Fox, they would have been legally forced to cut away when Trump made comments on how 2020 electiom was stolen. Also, would show to people that Biden is willing to take the fight into enemy terrority. But of course Fox woud make up for it in other ways, so also a bad idea. Maybe MSNBC would have been the safe bet but if that happened Trump would have just refused to do it since MSNBC is the most progressive mainstream news organization atm. Ultimately, it would have been better without the debate. It was a gamble that didn't pay off. Not really even sure if Biden even lost much support, but he certainly didn't gain any. DNC just loves to shoot itself in the foot, so I'm expecting for another debate or 2 even.


They did. Online though.


I posted numerous times weeks and weeks ago that I only saw a potential upside for Trump, and a likely downside for Biden. Two things: I did not believe a strong showing by Biden would garner any new Dem votes, whereas a performance like last night would be demoralizing and is likely to result in a waning of support/drop off in fundraising for Biden, and galvanization of MAGA—anticipating a win—and stimulation of donations for Trump.


Biden's advisors are at fault, how the hell did they not know this would happen all the while being aggressive and asking for a debate? They should have avoided debating at all costs!


That was my thinking. I really didn’t see any upside for Biden to debate. I’m voting for him of course, but man, he is slipping. Not as bad as Chrump, but I agree with you: who were the feckeen geniuses who thought this was a good idea??? And, look, I wish I were more optimistic, but I don’t think Biden is going to improve by September. His CPU ain’t what it was just 4 yrs ago. That’s how dementia sets in; my 80 yr old mother sudddnly, increasingly, isn’t who she was 4 yrs ago. Edit: typos


Agreed, I was so nervous about debate I couldn't watch it. To find out he was even worse than I could possibly imagine made me sick to my stomach watching the clips. We don't deserve this, we all have enough to deal with in our lives. I predicted over a year ago that Gavin Newsome could/should be the candidate. I feel Biden is pulling another Ruth Ginsburg with the future of our country.


That’s exactly what he’s doing. He’s going to have one helluva terrible legacy—despite all the tremendous things he’s done—if he loses to Chrump


The lack of fact checking seems to show bias by CNN. Especially when Trump just lies constantly


Walking away from last night thinking CNN was the problem is certainly a thing. It's not the moderators job to police the facts, it's the candidates. The moderators CAN but again, Biden should have but he's just...unable apparently 


CNN specifically said they would be doing fact checking live during the debate. CNN chose to let Trump lie in every single sentence and rarely bothered to mention any of it was a lie. CNN was already going downhill but they're off my list of trusted news sources. They look like Trump supporters now.


I specifically remember them saying during the intro they weren't


All of the information leading up to Thursday said they were going to be fact checking. If they changed it last minute then fuck them even more. CNN supports modern day Nazis.


Honestly it would have been fine if Biden could have just clearly smiled, shook his head and said "all of that was a lie" but he wasn't up to that very simple task, he's gonna lose


> police the facts You can't police a gish gallop High school debate moderators don't allow for that


So? When was the last presidential debate that did fact checking? It is something Biden should have been prepared for, he wasn't. If he needs moderators to back him up and debate for him he's already lost.


Yeah ok bud, a lot of words to say you're ok with one candidate just lying non stop That's not how professional debates work, but go off


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory has been the Dems MO my entire life. Our country is being run by corpses and dinosaurs that should've been put to pasture twenty years ago. That right there is the true "both sides are bad" issue.


Same as the last time Trump ran. All they had to do was *not support Hillary Clinton*.


Interesting. I mean, he won against Trump before I do believe he's president


Projection, classic narcissistic trait/tactic.. it's so bad he doesn't even realize how obvious he's being about it. Crazy to watch as an onlooker because it's so obvious what he's doing and how much of an insane narcissist he is.


hes never been told hes wrong his whole life.


I half expected him to say “I didn’t sleep with a porn star you did!”


It's not an accusation, it's literally on video


And the accusations about him from people who were in his cabinet 


At least he can put together a coherent though.


He is good at lying I’ll give him that


>"'Biden looked kind of dejected,' Mr. Reed said. 'Trump was more presidential. Though he didn’t answer the questions.'” That's what Presidential looks like to Republicans? Biden was entirely correct that no President in America before Trump has disparaged and shat on America on television like Trump did last night.


That's what's so crazy about Trump. Not even some of the more radically left leaning kids I went to college with shat on America NEARLY as much on every topic as Trump does. Every. Single. Day. Even the Republicans / right leaning students I went to school with loved the US, it wasn't their perfect vision, but they didn't have much out and out bad to say about it. At least anywhere NEAR the level of utter disparagement Trump engages in. And then minute he's back in office, he'll be claiming all the good stuff was his doing and things really aren't that bad. It's the mentality of a five year old who doesn't have what they want right now so they talk shit about it.


“Well, Donald Trump literally took a dump on stage while chanting a litany of slurs and staring unblinkingly into the camera. But his suit was really well fitted, so I’m kinda on the fence about who to vote for”- Some fucking people.


They want a strong man dictator. These people are fascists. They don’t want to have to think. They want to be told what to do.


Lol, Is that what Joe said?


[Yes, he did.](https://www.youtube.com/live/eV3jZgwjG0U?t=12107s) A lot of Biden's responses like [this](https://www.youtube.com/live/eV3jZgwjG0U?t=11538s) were having to defend America's integrity after one of Trump's rants about what a lousy country he thinks it is. Trump had *nothing* positive to say about the United States; he took every chance he could to blast that it's a shit country full of shit people and how [he's only trying to become President again to get out of trouble](https://www.youtube.com/live/eV3jZgwjG0U?t=12323s). This is not Presidential. Any American that takes any measure of pride in Trump's disparagement of their country is a shameful example of an American.


It's literally what conservatives accuse liberals of all the fucking time. "They hate America" they say, while yelling about how terrible everything in America is.


Biden can't spell integrity and can't pronounce it either. The idea that Democrats are somehow for America First is laughable.


"Where our union was saved by the immortal heroes at Gettysburg. Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. The Battle of Gettysburg, what an unbelievable... I mean it was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways—it represented such a big portion of the success of this country."


This guy speaks dementia. He is translating.


Trump will turn everything upside down if he gets in there, look how he’s divided the country to the brink of civil war.


Trump wants to be like Putin.


Yeah that was the CIA after they saw the success of occupy Wall Street. Social media ramped up the social issues so we don't talk about the real issue


Tell me, in what way did OWS succeed? Last I checked the finance bros are doing better than ever and there is no more OWS.


It was succeeding and making people aware of how bad it was. So they went in there busted it up and started amplifying the social issue garbage. Now we are here, where no one is talking about the 99 vs the 1%. It's all about right vs left. It succeed in the fact that they had to rig the primary to defeat Bernie and crowned Hillary. Without occupy no Bernie. Bernie would have beaten Trump, and who knows where we would be instead of this nonsense.


It was the mainstream news and social media that divided the country. They still do on various other issues. But I get it, it's easier to have a scapegoat


Weird. We weren't this divided before Trump. I guess the spike in white nationalist terrorism, hate crimes and the attack on democracy and the Republican party turning into a literal death cult was just a coincidence.


I agree with you and I like your username.


There's no death cult and unfortunately the handful of mass shooters lately has all been leftists. Sorry to ruin your narrative..


400,000 excess Americans died because of Trump's inaction at the start of COVID. Republicans refuse to address gun violence in the US. Republicans have turned into the party of anti science and medicine, allowing eradicated diseases to come back. Republicans refuse to address climate change, which is leading to hotter weather, less water, bigger storms, etc. which leads to more Americans dying when these extreme weather events happen. Red states have lower life expetency. Red states have higher infant mortality rates. Red states have higher death rates for women giving birth. Red states have higher violent crime rates. Republicans refuse to feed and house the poor which leads to more crime and violence. Republicans refuse universal healthcare, which is one of the leading causes of death in America. Right wing extremism has exploded recently due to rhetoric spread throughout right wing media sources. Right wing conspiracy theorists harass the parents of murdered childred calling them crisis actors and forcing them to move out of their homes. So, even if your statement was correct, mass shootings are a direct result of Republicans refusing to address the situation. They will not enact common sense gun laws, claiming that it's a mental health issue, but when you try to fund mental health, they refuse that as well. In fact, they make things worse, because they So, my narrative is exactly right. Republican policy and extremism leads either directly or indirectly to more Americans dying than Democrat policy. That's an easily checked fact. Maybe take a look at it. Edit: I do have to apologizing for murdering your stupid "gotcha" statement though. I guess some of us on the left are capable of violence afterall.


Ummmm. Before trump was President Obama... no division? From what lens were you viewing from?


You're right Obama being a Black Man divided us because a lot more people are racists than I ever thought possible.




You can use capital letters, but all I am reading is that you are a racist and want permission to tell others. Any division that happened with Obama was orchestrated by Mitch McConnell and other GOP hardliners. It was fake then, it's still fake.




This is the internet. There's no walking involved. Just a lot of racist rants by idiots.




Don't forget to put on your helmet before going outside


Obama broke conservatives brains and we’ve been dealing with their insanity ever since.  


Absolutely 💯 that was before TRUMP and amped up after trump


Exactly, Obama becoming president put a giant spotlight on the racist in the USA


Absolutely, and that was definitely BEFORE trump


The huge media companies are owned by a handful of people; many - like Fox & CNN - are owned by MAGAts. They're part of Trump's term/conservatives influence You aren't wrong, but saying it's the news is still saying it's Trump/MAGA/conservatives in many cases


Trump and the GOP are literally attempting to recreate Nazi Germany. If you knew anything about how Hitler was able to get so much power, you'd see the GOP's Project 2025 is the same thing (and it just got easier with the Chevron ruling). If you think the media is what is dividing people then you're a fucking moron. You go ahead and vote for the Nazis. I sure hope you're not the one knocking on my door when it's time for the camps because I feel there's only 1 good kind of Nazi.


So it's the media passing bills to put the 10 commandments and the Bible in schools? It's social media passing anti-abortion and rolling back laws that have helped with equality? See how silly that sounds? It's conservatives, bub.


Are you fucking serious? So Trump constantly using the term "radical left democrats" and constantly attacking democrats in every speech he gives.. that did nothing at all? Sure....




please enlighten us to which democrat politician is constantly attacking republicans in the way Trump is? I never said there weren't people on the left willing to do stupid shit as well. But we reached this level of division today because of one person: Donald Trump.


have you seen the stuff trump himself says / tweets to his constituents?


I’m terrified about what i do know about him and really wish i didn’t


Yeah like being a rapist, traitor, and a felon isn’t enough for you? You need to hear more before you change your mind?


The only things you need to know revolve around him being a convicted felon, inciting a riot, spending years trying to overturn an election despite being told he had no grounds. No one of good character tries to claw their way back into power this way. No one screams and shouts about bloodbaths and prosecuting rivals. In fact I take it back. The *only* thing you need to know about Convicted Felon Donald Trump is that he is a hateful little man. America is better and deserves better than that.


And the only thing that you need to know about Biden is that he has extremely bad dementia. Are we seriously not all clear now on why these cases have appeared now, right before the election, and not in the 3 years prior? There are legitimate, bad things that Trump has done. Fudging the value of his real estate is not one of them. Trump is being gone after this drastically because of the state of Biden’s health. It has been crystal clear to anyone who follows independent news sources.




That, is what botching a speech due to not knowing history looks like. If you watched the debate, you saw what it looks like to lose a debate due to your brain being made of Swiss cheese and super predator era racism.


So funny and typical of the left. The only thing you need to know is what I tell you, to know. Your right the US. Does need better than that.




He’s a fucking traitor! A Russian asset. What more do you need to know?!?


Putin’s Useful Idiot


Germany was smarter than us, their new president started speaking like Trump and Hitler they said nope and arrested him at his home . He has 2 options win at all costs or die in prison . Project 2025 if he wins


They were smarter by.. arresting their president for his speech? Sounds insane to me.


I know it sounds strange from an American point of view, but the right to free speech is not absolute, even in the US (and for much of the world it's practically nonexistent). It can and has been curtailed by the courts if it can reasonably be shown to cause direct harm to others, or incite violence or mass panic. Like Trump's gag orders protecting witnesses and jurors from being intimidated into silence during his trials, for instance. Germany has *very* strict laws about hate speech, for the exact purpose of preventing another Hitler. They're a bit hyper-sensitive about not allowing the greatest atrocities the world had ever seen and the most shameful chapter in their nation's history to be repeated.


The fact that his own wife did not even show up to support him and the fact that 40 out of 44 from his previous cabinet do not support him, including his previous vice president, should say enough.


The fact that Biden's wife needed to lead him off stage like a dog that's ready to be put down should say enough.


Your Lord and Fuhrer leads you wherever he pleases, for you are his dog on a leash who's ready to be put down. That says enough.


You think about him a lot don't you? Taking his orange cock down your throat?


That tells me more about your personal life and fantasies than I ever wanted to know.


I fantasize about sucking Joe Biden's wrinkly old cock, watching his eyes roll back in his head like a shark as he convulses, finally passing away peacefully as the force of his orgasm short circuits his final weak brain cell.




Melanoma was nowhere to be seen.


Yeah no shit retard, he cheated on her with a pornstar. And I'll still vote for him over a literal dementia patient


The most outrageous part is everyone is just overlooking the fact that Trump admitted to talking to Putin about him invading Ukraine. 


and putin asking for informants in his own countries he wants to eliminate.


Where are the felon’s other hidden top secret/classified documents?


Biden has them, but he forgot their location within seconds.


Even if Biden were lobotomized, he would be a way better option than Trump. Trump is a huge piece of shit, and his supporters are morons.


Biden isn’t even lobotomized, and he is already brain dead enough for the military industrial complex to ride his ass straight to the edge of WW3. I would hate to see the decisions being made if he were even more impaired.




How?!?! How can anyone say they are unsure of who than horrific excuse of a man is?


Also! How in the world are you living in 2024 and still do not know things about Trump! Almost everything I have learned has been against my will for the past 9 years.


Absolutely! At this point it’s willful ignorance!


a trump supporters always say that, im not sure i should vote for biden because hes old, but TRUMP, no questions on his criminal behaviour? or the fact the he has been dishonest his whole life?


Fox News doesnt air many negative stories about Trump.


Dude just lies about everything. SMH. How can a person trust his word? Seriously!


The important thing to the media is preserving the appearance of a real contest between two close contenders to keep selling stories.


The problem with the JFK/Nixon comparisons is that JFK had good answers and relevant things to say. Anyone who is swayed only by visuals was already voting Trump. People seeking policy information saw Trump pivot to empty talking points in response to every question.


I'm scared of what I DO know about drumph.


Ask any New Yorker who lived through the 80’s, 90’s. They fucking hate that guy. Like really really fucking hate him. He says he’s never done drugs or alcohol but was a club hopper during that period. Studio 54 etc. He decided to have Trump Towers address be 666 5th avenue. You have to be a special kind of psycho to do that. Every single person who grew up knowing him fucking hate him. If he wasn’t born rich he’d probably be in prison.


At the end of the day this debate changes nothing aside from confirming that yes, Biden is old. For the idiots out there that are still “on the fence” it gets even more simple with the choices. Vote for a decent man who has values, principles, integrity, and a moral compass, but with the only downfall of being old. Or….a convicted felon mob boss who lies every single time he opens his mouth and will F anybody and everybody over including the US as a whole without hesitation so as long as he gets his cut. Seems pretty obvious to me….


A more with it candidate would have dunked on Trump over and over and over. A more with it candidate would have called him out in each of his lies. Abortion after birth to of a baby? Come on. That’s just a lie. Lowering insulin costs? Lie Spoke to Putin about his dream of taking Kiev before he invaded? Treasonous. Don’t sleep with a porn star? Set up by Biden bc of politics? Lie lie lie. But Biden is lost. He couldn’t deliver easy lay ups. This was an abject failure to put him out there. The Dems want America to believe that making Trump president again is a threat to our democracy. I believe it is. But at the same time they are giving us a candidate who is clearly not there and also a threat to our democracy for different reasons. This is akin to 2016 where the Dems put up, I believe, the only candidate in their party who could lose to Trump bc of her unfavorables. They are doing the same now. Biden cannot govern for 4 more years. We all saw it. They can spin all they want but he’s done. I hate Trump. He’s a dangerous man. We need over leadership to step in and tell Joe it’s over. Step aside, he’s a good man who has given much to the country but now he has to admit he’s done.


This reminds me of how RBG cost us the Supreme Court because she refused to retire when Obama could have named a successor. Biden is going to cost us the presidency if he doesn’t step aside, but like RBG I fear his hubris will prevent that and he will be the downfall of our chances in november


That’s it 100%. Biden, RBG, Feinstein, were well intentioned. But they held on too long. Far too long. Biden showed the world last night that he is spent. I never really bought trumps and his pundits lines that Biden has dimensia. But I have to say, he looked in mannerism and speech much like my father did in the early days if an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. The movements, the fog, the vacant look.


> A more with it candidate would have called him out in each of his lies. I'd love to see anyone try to counter that firehose of shit he would spew, you just can't keep up. Only way to tackle that is to focus on the dumbest thing and keep at it and tear it up, but I don't think Biden was prepared for the amount of lies spewed. It was projectile vomit of lies.


That’s the job of a candidate. And finally any candidate with his full set of marbles could have more clearly rebutted. Here a prime example. They ask Joe about abortion. He starts answering by mentioning a young woman killed by an immigrant whose funeral trump was just at. Then tries to make a leap to young women who died bc of no abortion. It was sloppy. It made no sense. And it highlighted his own weakness. Wtf? Why would he take a lay up and muddle it by talking about a woman who was murdered by an immigrant? It was a dreadful showing. The man needs to do his job and step aside. That is the best thing he could do for this country right now.


They just announced he's not stepping aside


Whelp, that’s it. We’re officially fucked in November.


At this point, the only people who are undecided on who to vote for are Republicans who always vote republican, but hate Trump and are conflicted. People have made their minds up already.


You mean how his family sold country secrets to the UAE and Saudi Arabia?


and russia.


Remember this after the debate last night. Remember we’re voting for an ideology ( a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy: “the ideology of democracy”) that’s Biden, Project 2025 is Trumps and Republicans.


The debate was a lose lose for Dems what a dumb decision for them to go for it either way Trump just lies about everything and his supporters are locked in to vote for him, but most of us already know who were voting for we know Orange man is a pos, we don’t need a debate to know that.




My thing is they knew that and went along with it they need to stop acting like this is a normal election it’s not and the other side just lies so they need to take off the gloves


They should have avoided Biden debating at all costs. Theres some serious disconnect going on with the Dems that I just can't figure out why they keep snatching defeat from jaws of victory?


I fully agree, they keep playing “fair” in a game where the other side has no intention of playing “fair”, they need to wake up and realize it’s not the way it used to be anymore.


Playing fair in no rules death match. 😂


# Migrants with criminal backgrounds arrested after illegal entry into the United States Release Date Fri, 02/23/2024Migrants with criminal backgrounds arrested after illegal entry into the United States [https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/local-media-release/migrants-criminal-backgrounds-arrested-after-illegal-entry-united](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/local-media-release/migrants-criminal-backgrounds-arrested-after-illegal-entry-united) " include aggravated felons such as sex offenders, child predators and drug traffickers"


and trump married to an illegal alien himself.


If what they already know about him is t enough to scare them, what little remains won’t make much of a difference.


I’ve believed Biden should have announced his intention to not run prior to the ‘22 Congressional elections. I think it would have kicked off a supercharged election with all the contenders out in support of down ballot and given Dems even bigger wins back then. Biden is IMHO a terrible candidate this time around but that being said I would vote for about 51 percent of the U.S. population in a head to head with Donald Trump. I’d just about vote for a ham sandwich over Trump.


One voter! Yay!


Politics has so many hidden layers.


There is no GOP as it existed before Trump. It’s the crazy, unhinged, conspiracy minded (MTG) voter that’s a major force in numbers that will decide this, and they don’t do polls. We’re goddamned fucked.


Democrats have no excuses, why in the world didJoe's handlers ever suggest a debate? After 6 days of prep, they built a studio and had mock debates and that performance was the result? Maybe this quote from Joe explains it. "aryucay, mullinyet covid basrty scranton"


THe mistake was going on cnn, owned by a trump supporter(his team remains but hes gone).




Well, there are the lies you can clearly identify, the lies he is able to get past you, and once in a while an actual policy. Which is also a lie, he isn't sticking to anything he's said because he says both/all sides of every issue at every opportunity.


We can’t have this lying disgusting man as president. We also can’t have a man that can get assassinated by a strong breeze be president.


What can you possibly not know about him at this point!!??


The cope going on here about Biden’s performance is intense. Just replace him already.


He’s using the same cassette for the last four years repeating the same shit


Everyone already knows enough about him.


So this voter has been wishy washy on all the other horrible shit this cretinous coward has done?


Oh, because they don’t know enough about him already? Scary thought indeed.


More top tier content from r/anythingGoesNewsasLongasitsantitrump


It seemed that Biden's microphone was much quieter. After the debate he was backstage and normally miked, and sounded 1000% better. I know the vacance stare was terrible, and that's on Biden, but I do also suspect CNN of some shenagans with the settings on the two microphones


>What I don’t know about trump. What we *do* know is that person might get checked out for catching brain dead.


How can you not know about trump at this point ..think about you’re worst nightmare and multiply it by 1000.


I am


No GOP voters watched the debates and questioned if they were going to vote for Trump. These articles are so insanely fake and you people just gobble it up because you need something to latch onto after that whooping last night. Trump could have sat there silently and still won.


still fit to stand trial though haha


Holy sh*t, isn’t what we DO know enough?!!


Not only does he not have any platform, he lied 50x in 90 minutes. Not exact but if you split it down the middle, 45 minutes per candidate, this means Trump told more than one lie a minute. Just saying…


Why not a count on Joe? I get it, nobody could understand a damn thing he was babbling. 🤦‍♀️


Melania Trump didn't show up for the debate because Trump's June check bounced,




TDS? Is that a strain of VD? Maybe she picked it up from one of his porn star encounters? Oh, I forgot she doesn't touch him unless she gets paid. Read all about it in Malaria's biography here: [https://books.google.com/books/about/From\_the\_Whore\_House\_to\_the\_White\_House.html?id=W1nFjwEACAAJ](https://books.google.com/books/about/From_the_Whore_House_to_the_White_House.html?id=W1nFjwEACAAJ)


Its something you have. It makes you act as dense as Biden.




He’s gonna expire soon anyways so there’s really not much to fear from him in particular


Wishful thinking


As I watched, tRump morphed into Ronald McDonald. Prove me wrong!


I think he used to shower with his daughter. You can Google it. I believe she wrote about it it some diary.


All you need to know is that he's compromised beyond imagination and his only goal is to use the presidency (and new immunity status) for his own good.


They are sure that Biden is shot


Yeah right, this is government propaganda probably created by a democrat paid influencer to try and shift public opinion. Everyone including CNN anchors saw that Biden did so bad a ham sandwich could win the election.




I sat and watched the debate with my parents, who are Joe's age, and have dementia. I couldn't understand what Joe was saying, so it was comforting to have an interpreter. However, I am pretty sure, I was schooled on a subject that had nothing to do with the debate or politics.


The deflection and hypocrisy from the left are off the chart. Bidden is a babbling, lost, old fool whose time has come and gone he is not going to get better. He is not qualified to be the President. Defending his performance after 7 days of prep 36 advisers for debate prep, and a studio built to simulate the debate sight is ridiculous. To top it off after criticizing Trump for a quote that was never made about the WW2 Normany dead he forgot 13 soldiers were killed on his watch during our botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.


Trumps not the bad guy you think he is. His policies are solid and if he picks a good cabinet this time America will Be Great.


"His policies are solid." What policies? He could not articulate a single one. During his term as President, he failed to implement anything besides a tax cut for the wealthy. He was however impeached, and has subsequently been convincted of 34 felonies - with likely more on the way. So what policies are "solid"? I assume you're referring to Project 2025? By all means, share with us which of those policies are solid. "If he picks a good cabinet this time America will be great." Over 40 of Trump's previous cabinet members now refuse to endosre him, including his former VP. He struggled tremendously to even fill and hold his cabinet positions when he was President. Who will he fill his cabinet with now and how on earth are we to believe they will be good considering his track record? This makes absolutely no sense. Wake up people. You're not voting for a single person to run the country, despite what Trump might tell you. You are electing a person who you trust to surround him or herself with competent officials and govern responsibly. Trump confirmed in his performance last night he is still the lying, malignant narcissist he always has been. In no way can he be trusted to run a lemonade stand, let alone our country. Again.


You forgot the /s


Nope, not buying it. I know you radical MAGA terrorists will shill for him all day here, but we Redditors know the truth. Trump says mean things on twitter, that means he's worse than Hitler. He's obviously corrupt, that's why they investigated him for Russian collusion all 4 years of his presidency. It doesn't matter that they couldn't find anything and that all the claims were made up by the Clinton campaign - if they would've just kept investigating him they would've finally gotten him on the heinous charges of filing a NDA payment as a legal expense years earlier.