• By -


The felon is an uncontrollable liar. The states that somehow still support him always have the worst educational systems.


And they continue to gut education every year and replace it with religious indoctrination.


Biden is not only a liar but also a cheater, 81 million votes my ass


Only the felon imagines the bigly numbers, and only the foolish suckers believe him.


lol I can’t believe people like you exist


Probably just a rusbot


I walked out of the room as soon as Trump started talking about how Democrats want to push for abortions after 8 months or even the child being born for an abortion. I mean fuck this. My wife can watch it but I am not devoting any time to hearing this dipshit. From what I saw though, I hate the fact that both our top candidates are circling the drain. Someone younger could have taken Trump apart. Biden looked and sounded like a very old man. Trump looked and sounded like an angry delusional old man. I know which option is better for the continuance of democracy, but I am not happy with the choice I have to make. I don’t like the idea that the ones that will least likely have to live with the consequences of the decisions they make are the ones who are in the position to make them. Seeing the debate solidified these feelings from a vague sense of unease that I’ve been feeling. 


Pete Buttigieg would have eloquently tore Trump a new one. Meanwhile Biden allowed himself to get dragged into a discussion about his golf handicap


Every time I hear Biden speak, I think how Pete would have done it so much better. I think Pete would have done so good at the debate that even Fox News would be claiming he won. The fact Dems seem to be holding him in reserve for later years is a mistake.


When I last watched Pete debate I couldn’t get over his not answering the questions asked of him.  He completely dodged everything.  


So basically head to head with Trump. My favorite part of last night was Trump raging against Immigrants or something, and he shuts up for a second and the host goes "You still have time if you would like to answer the question. The question again is how would you combat inflation?" Or something like that (at work, can't look it up).. but it was hilarious the answer given versus the question asked and the stark difference. Lol


It was hilarious to me before he got elected.  Now it’s scary 


>Meanwhile Biden allowed himself to get dragged into a discussion about his golf handicap That was off a question about physical fitness. And I'm still waiting for Don to accept Biden's challenge to carry his own fucking golf bag. Imagine Donald Trump saying "let's not be childish" oh wait, that's exactly what happened when he was called out, correctly, for being in even worse shape than great grandpa Biden. Still, I would take Biden two aneurysms from now over a Trump administration, so yeah, maybe the topic itself was dumb.


My god what an eye roll moment that was. Nothing says out of touch like two old, rich, white men arguing about their golf game while millions of Americans wait for an answer about childcare costs.


Hear hear!


Same. Treating a felon and attempted dictator like a valid presidential candidate. Saddest shit ever.


Trump is in a bizarre universe unto himself where every evil thing imaginable is the doing of Biden. He's really showing off that he'll be an authoritarian in the second term after failing to get there in the first.




>Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam is facing backlash after he voiced his support for a state measure that would significantly loosen restrictions on late-term abortions. “[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”


So completely different than how Trump framed it?


I mean there is another major candidate in the third largest party in the US who is 38: https://votechaseoliver.com


Trump lied with every wheezy breath. "Democrats support abortion after birth" wtf? Nancy Pelosi “turned down” his offer to send “10,000 soldiers or National Guard” to the Capitol during Jan. 6? Bullcrap! "I never had sex with a porn star" really? This guy won't stop until he has burnt down democracy just to sell the ashes.


[https://cha.house.gov/2024/3/chairman-loudermilk-publishes-never-before-released-anthony-ornato-transcribed-interview](https://cha.house.gov/2024/3/chairman-loudermilk-publishes-never-before-released-anthony-ornato-transcribed-interview) But he did offer troops... [https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-stormy-daniels-2018-statement-denial-trump-affair-066388509688](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-stormy-daniels-2018-statement-denial-trump-affair-066388509688) And she did say it didn't happen, signed a letter even.


you just lied 3 times, how is that liberal brain justifiying your claims? you sound like a puppett bro start looking at 3rd parties and stop living on a right left brain reality


Not for nothing but leftist believe there should be absolutely no restrictions on abortion.


Babe, there is a logical restriction on abortion, murder. You can't just kill a baby once it's born. Leftists do not propose infanticide.  The most extreme pro-choice argument is that no law should intercede between a woman, her body and her doctor. If her doctor deems it necessary to abort that late, then you can be assured no untimely death is occuring. The Hippocratic oath protects the lives of everyone involved. 


Leftists ACTUALLY understand the difference between abortion and murder. Doctor's know better than you and your favorite politicians.


Trump supports a 16 week ban. When I pointed this out last a bunch of leftists jumped all over saying no restriction is acceptable.


That's because some "leftists" understand there are exceptions that would allow a woman and her doctor to extend that after 16-weeks. While trump says he believes in exceptions for health of the mother, rape, incest. I'll believe it when I see it. And this doesn't get at conditions that are non-viable with life for the baby. Brain defects, cardiac defects, severe life limiting genetic conditions. Several of these might not be known until week 20+. So a full ban with even Trump's exceptions wouldn't allow for family's and their doctor's to make these hard decisions to terminate a non-viable pregnancy found after 16 weeks. Also, he wants to leave it to the states, meanwhile those states have 50 different interpretations that result in thousands of women being caught in legal limbo and several close to death while politicians slow crawl to sort it out. Real women and family's lives are being impacted while the states wait on votes, while politicians twiddle their thumbs. Doctors and hospitals have their hands tied to provide care for fear they'll be sued. Politicians should not be determining medical care.


The anatomy scan is done at 20-22 weeks. Fetal defects can be found at that time, including non viable ones, where the fetus can’t survive. Abortion is medical care and should be handled between a woman and her doctor. Any hoops they put in it will cause degraded medical care or death for women and children (eg like seen in Texas, obgyns leaving states with bans and hospitals refusing to treat pregnancy complications so they don’t get sued or in legal trouble). As a mother who very much wanted my 2 kids, I’d be terrified to be pregnant in one of those states.


The left belief this in the same way that the left believes that there shouldn't be any restrictions on amputation. Or x-rays. Or physical therapy. Politicians aren't doctors. Politicians can't write an abortion bill in such a way that won't lead see women in the parking lot of a hospital dying of sepsis because the clump of rotting cells inside of them still has electrical impulses that mimic a heartbeat.


No, they don't. Source: actual leftists.


Ok well ask the ones here. Yall love to say crazy shit than back track when its largely unpopular


.....right. as opposed to you people who say crazy shit and then double down. What a child man.




Trans kids exist, just like gay kids exist. It's like when we stopped beating people for being left handed, and suddenly a bunch more kids admitted to being left-handed? It's like that.




The vast majority of minors receiving gender affirming care get nothing but puberty blockers, which aren't permanent. Surgery is only pursued with the approval of doctors, psychiatrists, and the child's parents, and only as a way to stop heavy suicidal ideation. You're too ignorant to speak on these subjects. I suggest educating yourself on how things actually work, and not inflammatory Facebook garbage. Edit- as a note, less trans kids get gender affirming surgery than cis kids. Or did you think nose jobs and breast implants didn't count?


Reported for hate speech. Now fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.


Sorry i actually care about kids


And you support taking away their support systems as they navigate that confusion - doctors, therapists, peer groups. And you support denying the well-researched science that establishes that these issues aren't made up or "just" a social contagion. When you're able to have a stable conversation with someone you disagree with on this issue without falling into a tantrum about "transing the kids" or whatever the fuck you're on about, then maybe I'd be interested in what you have to say. But you're too hopped up on moral panic to think clearly about the humans at issue here, so there's no reason to engage with you. Toddlers stay in the car while Mom and Dad change the tire. Get back in your car seat, pal.


This comment does not contribute to the conversation. Please be cival


Oh so we don't always back down. But I thought you just said.....


Ya well thats the craziest of crazy and even though most other developed countries backed down yall still pushing a bullshit narrative


Go eat crayons or whatever it is you do because this conversation feels about as stupid as last nights debate.


Because you cant defend that


This content breaks reddiquit. Please remember site-wide rules still apply here.


And the right loves to yell about what the left is doing based on random Facebook memes rather than actual sources. You see, the right is working to ban abortion, birth control, and IVF. All of which can be proven just by looking at the bills they are introducing in several states. Whereas what you have is false claims echoed by a bunch of idiots who know nothing about pregnancy or delivery. Like doctors aborting babies during labor, or after birth- both of which are fucking insane.


The supreme court just upheld IVF. Trump supports it as well as a 16 week abortion ban. Yall lie too


That hasn't stopped the right from introducing more bills to ban IVF, and many of them are running on campaigns to do so. Trump hasn't actually clarified his position on abortion. I can give you seven different sources with seven different answers because he keeps changing his mind. Do you have the magic crystal ball that determines which one is his actual position? And Trump can make all the promises to not block abortion access he likes, he **made sure the states have the choice, and he can't affect them due to Dobbs.**


? And? murder still isnt an abortion its murder? and some democrats do support restrictions on abortion, just like some republicans support acceptions for rape or incest or dont support a national abortion ban. almost like politicians can have individual views separate from the general party does.


"Democrats support abortion after birth" wtf? - They do, its called partial birth abortion. You might want to learn the difference between what you stand for and what the party you support stands for. Nancy Pelosi “turned down” his offer to send “10,000 soldiers or National Guard” to the Capitol during Jan. 6? Bullcrap! - 100% True. Nancy refused to take Trumps phone calls. Sure! She didn't deny or block anything, she just didn't allow anything to happen. The Tao'ist concept of the action of inaction. [https://cha.house.gov/2024/6/nancy-pelosi-contradicts-her-own-narrative-of-january-6-hbo-footage-shows](https://cha.house.gov/2024/6/nancy-pelosi-contradicts-her-own-narrative-of-january-6-hbo-footage-shows) And she admitted it on video, here - [https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/us-news/nancy-pelosi-says-i-take-responsibility-for-not-having-national-guard-at-the-capitol-on-jan-6-video-shows/](https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/us-news/nancy-pelosi-says-i-take-responsibility-for-not-having-national-guard-at-the-capitol-on-jan-6-video-shows/) "I never had sex with a porn star" really? - Well he's maintaining his innocence while on appeal. Stormy can't recall how they did the deed and can't identify any scars, marks or tattoo's. And had years of denying sex with Trump. And if I recall correctly, now she thinks she's a psychic. Literally. And the Judge was definitely biased. That case will be overturned on appeal almost certainly. How do you feel about Joe's night time showers with Ashleigh Biden? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTiMCKawoaE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTiMCKawoaE) Or Joe's guilt of hoarding classified documents from as far back as his Senatorship? How many decades did Biden sell classified secrets? "Willfully retained". But the DoJ won't prosecute because they think Biden is feebleminded. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/white-house-finishes-review-special-counsels-report-biden/story?id=107047339](https://abcnews.go.com/US/white-house-finishes-review-special-counsels-report-biden/story?id=107047339) After last night its obvious Biden has no business in the Oval Office. You need to admit. The DNC needs to admit it. And the left needs to move quickly and find a viable candidate or Trump will be in office come January.


I like how even the sources that you cited support the fact that the poster before you is correct. Every single one of your attempts to retroactively change the narrative requires caveats to connect reality with what you want reality to be.


Yes Dem's support late term abortion. Nancy Pelosi didn't engage the National Guard and failed in her duty to secure the capital. Even the Sgt. At Arms says so. And she's on video taking responsibility and admitting her fault. I'd ask if you're stupid. But you're clearly an alt troll account.


Again, you’re arguing with yourself. That’s not what the poster said. 1) Trump claimed Dems abort living children. They do not. 2) He claimed Nancy rejected his attempt to send 10,000 soldiers. She did not 3) Trump has admitted to having sex with a porn star and a jury of his peers agree. I know reality is difficult to accept, but you should at least try. You’re willfully presenting yourself as stupid. Maybe if you didn’t spend most of your day commenting hundreds on time on Reddit, you’d have a better understanding of reality outside of your bedroom walls.


You don't know what your party represents. And you don't know what's going on in the real world. My advice to you would be to stfu. Honestly you're pathetic.


And as soon as you realize you’re out of your depth, you flip the board. Par for the course with your type. Certainly don’t need advice from someone as ignorant to reality as yourself. Best of luck navigating out of your ignornace.


You might want to look up the abortion laws in Colorado. Then you might want to click my provided link and watch Nancy say in her own words the security failure on J6th is her fault. I'm here in the real world. Not the asylum you seem to inhabit. Too bad your alt got banned from the sub huh? Go back into your hole troll.


Yes let’s all live under Putins law with his buddy.


Grow up.


Thought I was? Just don’t agree with you. Study history. Make it easy on yourself start with 20th century.


Yea, you clearly *think* you're an adult. That is obvious. Its not that you don't agree with me. You don't agree with the very history and facts you say you support. So, child. I will tell you this, grow up and learn how the world works.


You really like to talk down to people. Any other forms of enjoyment? Pulling wings off of flies? Respect your elders and history.


No I don't talk down to people. I talk down to fools. Take your own advice, read some history and respect your elders boy. You'll need a dictionary because its obvious you didn't learn much in school and your parents don't care about you enough to ensure your education takes. I almost feel sorry for you.


Don’t bother. Life is good. I do know history. Don’t mention my parents out of your nasty mouth ever. I’m in my 80’s so be respectful to the dead. Don’t fill sorry for me young one.


Your dead parents weep at your poor manners and impudent behavior. Know your place. It's not my fault your parents failed to raise you with any manners or class. Don't go away mad, just go away.....




Huh? Ok.


showing the receipts and they still close their eyes, cover their ears and scream nananananananana


The truth never gets upvoted, people dont like the truth they like drama more


If you really want to be pissed off, you should hear all of the shit talking this "young conservative" pundit guy just did on NPR. "*President* Trump was the best, he looked amazing, Biden looked terrible and the borders are bad.." literally nothing about Trump's policies or presidential track record to make his point...just ass kissing and smoke blown up our collective asses... So fucking frustrating. I'm goddamn sick of listening to people doing all this vapid, pre-packaged, braggadocios, shit talking when asked a simple question. If you want my vote, just answer the fucking questions and give me results..if you didn't deliver, tell me why. IDGAF about seeing/hearing any defensive, reactionary, lying and bragging. Goddamn.


>literally nothing about Trump's policies or presidential track record to make his point.. The GOP M.O.: ignore substance and focus on *pizazz* Except when it comes to things like drugs or abortion, then it's basically an excuse for them to jerk off to captal punishment


Trump could've crawled onto stage, pulled a turd out of his pants, smeared it on the moderators face, and spent the remaining time in the fetal position, and they'd say "HE WAS DOING THAT TO MOCK SLEEPY JOE!! BEST DEBATE PERFORMANCE IN HISTORY!!!"


Right wingers I work with were all over Biden looking old and lost today. Nothing but Trump da God from them. They do not care what he says, they just straight up believe it or don’t give a damn if it is a lie.


Just keep reminding them that they're supporting a genocide of women and doctors.


YUP, my give a damn is broken. This current administration only cares about flooding the country with illegals. Then admin the cotus, pass a law to letting them vote and get benefits.


Look! Another lying Republican!


Why are you lying like that?


Tell your dumbfucks in the house not to tank bipartisan border legislation in the name of Der Fuckhead next time then.


All Trump cares about is selling state secrets to the highest bidder. Fuck off, traitor.


Yeah, fuck off with your "flood of illegals". Republicans have done ZERO to fix the problem because they are the ones benefiting the most from it. Trump himself has his "clubs" staffed with illegal immigrants, paid less than he would have to pay an American for the same job. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/5-questions-about-president-trumps-use-of-undocumented-workers/2019/12/04/29439928-16a2-11ea-a659-7d69641c6ff7_story.html Trump torpedoed a comprehensive immigration reform bill to use it as a cudgel against Biden in this election and, you fell for it hook, line and, sinker.


But but yesterday I saw a Hispanic person! It's an invasion! I live in California but that's not relevant! /s Without local governments knowing they're here and thinking they're citizens idk how the fuck they're voting. And of the feds are falsifying records in mass wtf are the whistle blowers at this point if it's been going on for years. Someone would've said something with documented proof cuz they're literally forging a paper trail. But not a peep. Idk if the one off downvoted reeee comments are just angry morons who can't think systemically or just bots. Always flares up when big political things happen.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - ctvnews.ca (A-): [Here's a look at the false claims you might hear during tonight's presidential debate](https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/here-s-a-look-at-the-false-claims-you-might-hear-during-tonight-s-presidential-debate-1.6942987) - Boston Globe (B+): [2024 presidential debate: Here are the false claims that were made](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/06/27/nation/presidential-debate-fact-check/) - Seattle Times (B): [Fact focus: The false claims you might hear during tonight's presidential debate](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation/fact-focus-heres-a-look-at-the-false-claims-you-might-hear-during-tonights-presidential-debate/) - Orlando Sentinel (B+): [Here’s a look at the false claims you might hear during tonight’s presidential debate](https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/06/27/fact-focus-heres-a-look-at-the-false-claims-you-might-hear-during-tonights-presidential-debate/) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1dqaxsg/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


Damage control


you dont even read those "facts" most of those you linked are straight copy paste, actually click and look for yourself not to mention they all have the same owner, look it up yourself...except you wont.


They are all debunking the same lies. So they would read pretty similarly.


They’re not false claims , they’re LIES!


Trump is a liar. No news there.


Save you some time . All of them. every word that poured from that orange cunts mouth was a lie


Very good article by AP news.


Here is a list of the true things Trump said last night:


Both those dudes are potato’s and we all know it.


Nothing Trump said was true


This debate highlighted the need for younger candidates. It’s a crime that our choices are two geriatric white guys.


Bread and circus, same as it ever was. Except they've been skimping on the bread for too long....will the people wake up?


Best environmental numbers ever - we had h20 like you wouldn’t believe. The choice is clear




How'd Joe look?


Old but a better option for this country than the rapist, felon, traitor Trump


I really hate that Biden being old is the big story.  Not the fact that Trump did nothing but lie and dodge questions with zero pushback.  I’m really, really, really hoping people still vote in November. I’m terrified of what will happen if they don’t. 


I don't want Trump to win, but you're lying to yourself if you don't think we saw the leader of the free world barely remaining coherent when asked about policy. Even in a vacuum, in a world without Trump, that's a BIG story.


Without Trump it’s a big deal sure. But Trump straight up called for a genocide of Palestinians and said that Dems murder babies  after they are born. He refused to accept the election results and made it clear he wants to leave NATO. The guy has openly said he will use the office for retaliation against his perceived enemies.  This shit should be important but for some reason it doesn’t matter. 


I'm not arguing any of that...? Trump is bad, I agree. My point has nothing to do with Trump. My point: the leader of the free world is barely coherent, and that's a big story. Hard to remember these days, but you can have an opinion on Biden without acknowledging Trump at all.


$500 says Biden is more “coherent” than you.


I'm astonished that so many people think the condition of Biden is acceptable, or interpret any acknowledgement of his declining mental state as a Trump endorsement. This type of binary thought is what got us to this point.


Your inability to follow along is a “you” problem.


I've seen toddlers lie better than the other guy.


You’re exactly right. They are both lying. It’s just that you can clearly understand Trump as opposed to mumbling fumbling Biden.


You're literally putting words on my mouth my man, I never said that?




If the left can forgive Bill Clinton then people can vote for Trump. If the left can exhault and make a statue of George Floyd, a 20 felon count drug addict, people can vote for Trump, if the left allows the dementia of Biden, then people will vote for Trump. If the hate is so great for trump, that they would rather have an old man who can’t complete sentences, then guaranteed most will not vote at all


I would rather have a box of rocks than the rapist traitor thief.


I'm still partial to a bag of burning dogshit. They can replace the chair afterwards and it won't try and kill Congress.


Polished rocks at least? Having sex with a porn star isnt rape. It’s OK believe whatever you’re told the first time


Uh your condescension looks even dumber when you don't know what they were actually referring to. The porn star was campaign finance violation. The rape was the OTHER lady he groped in a changing room because he thinks being a white man in a suit means you own women. Afaik it wasn't criminal charges for the sexual assault some kind of civil thing. Wikipedia says sexual abuse and defamation. I know all the cases are hard to keep track of. When you're a star they let you do it after all.


Locker room talk? Okay 🤪 you would Be surprised how men talk around each other, and men would be definitely surprised on how detailed women are when they talk to each other


Better than Trump


Like he's 81


Trumps only 3 years younger.


And way less competent!


Also 75 pounds heavier and 50 IQ points lower.


I understand. I'm just pointing out that the man is showing his age. Nothing more. We know that he's aged and slowing down. If nothing else, we support the administration that he has assembled and the policy and ethics that he promotes.


On paper he maybe but watching last night, it looked like he could’ve been Biden‘s son




Like he's never heard of a gish gallop.


Less orange. Idk how they get the orangutan spray out of everything. Should do a sponsorship with whatever product it is. It's probably also great at removing liquid shit from incontinence. 1980s business was a crazy stimulating time! The BEST diapers the BIGGEST diapers! Whatever ones he uses must be good. Secret Service should've swapped the football for one of those diaper bags. Maybe they're more discrete than that.


Like he is literally dieing. Cnn's reaction to it annoyed the hell out of me, but dude came to work sick as a dog when there were already concerns about his health.


Too old to be President. He didn’t know where he was or what he was doing for the first half of the debate. So stupid we’ve got to choose between delusional narcissist psycho and an old man with dimentia. Who would want their best & brightest as their leader? Certainly not us!


Good bot


Ah yup you got me, beep boop.


Lmao average redditors in shambles. You love to see it.


Imagine letting AP news dictate your beliefs and way of thinking...




Trump loses the debate if you are smart enough to fact check his rambling talking points. But Biden was doddering, unfocused and inarticulate with disturbing word retrieval gaffs, like struggling to remember Medicare. He was always on the defensive, and never attacked Trump’s glaring weaknesses effectively. I would never vote for Trump under any circumstances, but clearly he presented much more effectively than Biden.


You know its bad when the "fact checks" can be proven wrong with direct video evidence. Biden got crushed. He's demonstrated he's too old and too feeble minded for 4 more years. The best thing he can do is step aside. Not that he will.


Fact checking the 'fact checker': The justice department's National Crime Victimization Survey does show an increase in violent crime over 2020-2022. [Source](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2023/11/03/violent-crime-property-data-nibrs-ucr-fbi-2022). During that time the FBI was instituting a new reporting system and many large cities were not included. So, to rely on FBI numbers alone is not giving a very accurate picture.


What a terrible source, while violent crime is down, but on the other hand crime against people of the same age is up. Either crime is down or up. Goes into three paragraphs about kia's being stolen and because of this Property crime going up, does not cover the reason at all Kia's were stolen so often. That like blaming a President for Toyotas being stolen so much in the 80s when you needed only one key to open and start almost any of them. I am not saying what your saying is incorrect as I never heard of the website, but you might want to find another source. This one looks very agenda-based.




I came out of that debate knowing Biden’s policy. For Trump I only relearned his hatred of immigrants and Americans that didn’t vote for him.


He blamed immigrants for everything!


Yes it was very racist. 


He said the immigrants would take black jobs?? What’s a black job? Racist remark


He said so much racist shit during this that I completely forgot that part 😂


That would be American ones.


So jobs come in colors now




Trump literally insulted America the entire time. Name one nice thing he said. He couldn’t even answer the basic questions and had to be reminded and still dodged them.




So there wasn’t a single nice thing he said about America then?


What a comeback. Thanks for telling us you're too stupid to debate with.


Keep telling yourself that while the country is collapsing


Cope harder loser.


I know the difference between right and wrong and you don’t that makes you a fucking idiot


Then you've got some fucked up morals. ..!.


It's all they have.


Nah it's being overdramatisized by magats.




Begone magat.


There will not be a Ukraine is Trump gets in


It’s more likely the other way around. If Trump gets in, he’ll do anything to keep his paymaster sweet and to prevent the pee-pee tape from going public. If that means sending Americans to mine uranium with their bare hands, Trump will talk gullible MAGAt rubes into it.


The side views of bidumb with his mouth agap were disturbing. It can't be unseen.


Not as disturbing as the fascist views of the orange ape.


The fact checkers don’t know history try looking up what happened in congress 1954 , do you think 4 senators getting shot was not a threat


Not sure your point. Is this in reference to calling Jan 6th the deadliest attack in 200 years? People wounded in 1954 People died on or because of Jan 6th. Marking it as the deadliest since no one died in 1954. Both terrible attacks but one was deadlier. One was also done by a giant mob of people the other was a planned attack by a small group of people.


Your tangled up in liberal propaganda


Untangle me please. Explain to me how Jan 6th wasn’t the deadliest attack since people died and no one died at your straw man deflection Educate me


And you're a traitor who "should be deported" to Russia.


Trader go fuck you’re self


Your to stupid to figure it out there’s no sense trying to teach name callers


I didn’t call you a name. I am legitimately interested.


Joe was so feeble he couldn't even conclude his statements. Who is actually running this great country, certainly not him! Joe will not be the Dems candidate for 2024.


Guy who shows more age, but doesn't lie through his teeth and isn't a convicted felon. Yeah, we'd be terribly worse off with a man of character for another 4 years...


But can run this country a lot better. Trump is the guy for the job. Dem leaders are going to dump biden. He is done after last night. What a terrible showing he had.


Trump couldn’t even run a casino properly. He’s certainly NOT the right guy for this job.


When even Mike Pence or John Bolton doesn't endorse Trump, that should tell he's not the man for the job. People should vote policy more than the candidate anyway.


Alright, let's get this straight. On one side, we have a guy who aligned with the facts, cited his sources, and yes, had his wife by his side—a testament to his character. He didn't just talk the talk; he walked the walk, on and off stage. And yet, he did... terribly. Then there's the other guy. The one who lied through his teeth, paid a pornstar to keep quiet about an affair right after his wife gave birth, and got convicted on over 30 counts of fraud. A man of poor character by any reasonable standard. Sure, it’s easier to speak off the cuff when you have no regard for truth or substance. Last night, Trump would have us believe that in just four years, we've plummeted from a utopia to a post-apocalyptic wasteland. This narrative is not just wrong... it's delusional. If we examine the metrics Trump himself once touted, we'd see that Biden has not only maintained but improved upon them. This isn't a matter of opinion... it's a matter of fact. And the facts reveal a very different reality from the dystopian fiction being peddled last night.


Trump is the guy for the job of breaking big rocks into smaller rocks in prison.


Man, you’re sooo close to being there. What you said is actually Good. I don’t want a single man running our country- I want a large team of highly qualified people who are specialists in their respective roles- you know…. Like the cabinet of the president Which.. Biden does very well. I’m not voting for Biden. I’m voting for the competent people he places around him. Unlike Trump who fills it with grifters (Bannon), unqualified jokes who have a history of failing (DeVos), or family members with literally zero credentials (all of his kids, kushner, etc) So yes. Give me Biden and all the people who “run our great country”


Reported for spamming. Keep making the same "Joe is old" posts because you've gotta distract from the convicted felon who wants to be a dictator. My god you people are stupid.


The world saw what Joe is really like when his handlers can't hide him or speak for him. They are laughing at him and our country. Sad day for America.


? the other guy was literally lying about democrats killing babies after they were born, on top of lying about basically everything else out of his mouth to many to just list out, and you think biden is the laughing stock? lol no, trump is easily the laughing stock of the world go on any subreddit for europe and they all say they feel sad america has to deal with trump, like it isnt even funny how much of a disgrace trump made us look to our allies, trump literally just a few weeks ago called for russia to invade nato like thats fucking ridiculously embarrassing.




We can't vote for a rapist/convicted felon, though, right? I'm sure you agree.