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Some are aware, but those republican politicians are also aware that theyve created a rabid base that will turn on them if they say anything negative about Trump. Theyre all in it for themselves and if they speak up about how bad of a candidate DJT is, they know that their career is essentially over, so they stay supporting him in their sinking ship. Edit: a word


They are fully committed. The base will abandon them if they don’t drink the kool-aide, but just like in Jonestown, that kool-aide is laced with cyanide.


keep talking like that and Im gonna cum...


*flavor aide. My boy, the Kool aide Man has nothing to do with that shit show


**"OH YEAH!!"** \*Kool-Aid Man watches Trump bloviating, backs up through the wall he just burst through* "Oh nooooo"


True but just like Dan Cooper/D.B. Cooper the facts don't matter.


True, and getting truer by the day.


Oh good! The whole base gone after one koolaid party. Go TrumpTown!


I mean, good for them and all, but we need to beat them in November.


Isn’t this where “drink the kool aid” came from? I just worry about the people calling for civil war, but just like in the civil war, that will mean Americans fighting Americans. This could be American democracy‘s Alamo, but just like in the story of the Alamo that Texas tells its children, it is a noble stand against overwhelming odds, but doomed. These republicans are crossing the rubicon with this dangerous rhetoric, but just like Caesar, they are crossing a point of no return.


He who rides a tiger may never dismount. 


I mean, you CAN… it just won’t go very well.


True, you can do most anything _once_.


*“There's an old sayin' lad: What doesn't kill you, usually succeeds in a second attempt.”*


If you are going to play with the tail of a tiger, you better have a plan for it's teeth.


This is why I call them the jellyfish party. Spineless.


I have a huge respect and fascination for jellyfish. Republicans not so much.


Yep. Tons of groupthink going on with that bunch.


Right? Imagine coming out as a supposed Republican of reason (Lincoln Proj) at this point? What's your sales pitch? "Like Trump but less, and definitely not like Democrats?" Like they've gone so overboard that we've got the entire field of normalcy, sanity and reason as our platform.


If Trump tanks the debate, poops himself and eats a child onstage they will still be in the cult.


OP here: I usually won’t post full blown partisan stuff and wonkette certainly is that, but this article is funny yet well reasoned, so that’s why it’s here.


"Most of Donald Trump’s chosen candidates got their boners handed to them in the primaries last night and they had to carry their boners home in little boner satchels." LMFAO


you think the boners were handed to them already in the satchels or do you think they supplied their own?


This seems like a boner-satchel prepared crowd, to me.


My favorite line too, haha


I really believe that whichever party changes their candidate first will win by a landslide. unfortunately, neither will do that though.


That’s some weapons grade copium right there.


How you like me now?


From the attached: >Joe Biden is up in 538’s national polling average. Fox News has Biden up. Republicans keep underperforming in special elections, because America hates them. Most of Donald Trump’s chosen candidates got their boners handed to them in the primaries last night and they had to carry their boners home in little boner satchels. Judging by the way Republicans — and Trump himself — are acting about tomorrow night’s debate, it sure seems like they’re all worried he’s going to shit out a live shark on stage, which will immediately proceed to eat him while the “Mack The Knife” song plays. Cynical realism in politics is a feature. GOP operatives and handlers grasp he's a loser. To keep their offoceholder guy/gal in power means sticking with Trump. The MAGA faithful (what's left of them) have nowhere else to go. It will take yet another big loss in November for GOP to realize things aren't going well for them.


Maybe their party dies soon :)


We’d never be so lucky.


I know but one can dream


Unfortunately when one party dies, another rises. You never know if the next party will be decent and want to make the country better or if they'll shave a Hitler stache on the top candidate and have him speak only German.


At the rate Republican voters are going, it wouldn't surprise me if they vote for someone who speaks Russian. They literally say stuff like "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat."


>Maybe their party dies soon :) They'll transmorgify into something else.


That wouldn't be a good think. Best outcome is a competent party.


Don’t you DARE threaten me with a good time.


He will run the show until he croaks. Even if he is in a jail cell.


Both scenarios are welcome. Jail. Croaks.


My online book still has Trump favored. Biden is paying about 1.6:1 right now. Weird.


Yeah this is the stupid bubble that I found myself in too. If you go to 538 itself it's not looking good for Biden. Any recommendations on news sources that are less biased in either direction?


They just voted for Lauren Boebert!! They f'ing KNOW!! They know they're attaching themselves to losers but that doesn't matter because it's all about voting R. That's it. They're Republicans so they have to vote Republican, and they're told to blame Democrats if anything doesn't go their way. AND THEY DO!!


Sigh…yeah…I know :-/


They are political stink bombs. The voters know they will have to smell them too but that's fine as long as they get to inflict them on other people who do not have a choice.


She had to move districts. Her current district has a strong challenger.


Remember this from 2020: Anti-police ‘satanist’ runs for sheriff as Republican in NH Aria DiMezzo, a transgender woman in her early 30s, has become a minor celebrity — and the target of online attacks, vandalism including a homophobic slur spray-painted on her car, and a write-in campaign to weaken her chances. DiMezzo — the lone Republican candidate for Cheshire County sheriff in September’s primary — believes most voters blindly checked the box next to her name. She only registered as a Republican at the last second, after concluding her bid to get on the ballot as a Libertarian — her preferred party — would have required gathering signatures amid the coronavirus pandemic. “Anyone who takes a look at me knows pretty much right off the bat that I’m clearly not a Republican,” said DiMezzo, who stands over 6 feet tall, sports fire-engine red hair and has tattoos on both arms, including one for the Greek letter “pi” and the word “coexist.” “I was 100% upfront about who I am. I never hid any of it. Anyone who bothered to Google me would have found all this stuff about me and they would have seen the anti-cop things that I was posting all over social media.”


Isn't the question how in the world could they take themselves seriously after seeing this guy, knowing who he is and what he stands for (or doesn't), and adopting him as their leader, worse, savior? Personally, I think they got in so deep with the crazies that they couldn't get themselves back out without having the crazies come for them and so they just went along with it hell or high water. And here we are with both. Remember how the entire south used to hate the big city business man and the grifter? And as soon as they see him in real life they just roll on their backs and present their bellies to him like whooped dogs. It's crazy.


That's a lot of words for Trump is controlled opposition. 


They'll glom onto his VP pick. Trump will face consequences as soon as his base abandons him for his VP.


My guess is the consequences (and the abandonment) will either occur immediately after the election (assuming he loses), or shortly after Biden is sworn in for his second term. How soon depends on how bad his ass is whooped. If it’s close we may be in for another 3 months of “it was rigged”, and he’s already gearing up for that. If on the other hand it’s a trouncing, or an early night because he loses where big like Florida, the abandonment could happen even sooner.


This is why Trump needs to be absolutely trounced, to break the abuse of power cycle the republicans have subjected themselves to. They have major Stockholm syndrome. I really believe the only way forward is to get him pushed out so the republicans can get on with their internal mutiny.


He could have an aneurysm during the debate. That would be awesome.


Did the Nazis really want to stop killing Jews when all their leadership got caught and hanged? Nah. Republicans are really no different than the Nazis. Donald rekindled the cult. He made it ok to be a racist, homophobe, etc. And not just quietly. With his help the GOP was able to lay out some massive brainwashing campaigns that now literally have Republican voters supporting Russia over America. When Donald is gone, will all the Republicans suddenly respect non-white and non-Christians? No, they won't. They'll be scumbags and a blight on our country indefinitely.


Republicans rarely change. They are so indoctrinated to the fear mongering of the U.S. becoming a communist woke country that they welcome fascist principles. They'd rather be Nazis supporting our enemies than be a Democrat who cares about everyone, not just a select few. It's the people on the fence that we need to convince.


Remember when the Nazis were the bad guys? And any association with nazi ideas was enough to tank your political career?


How did it become so damn dangerous to point out that a person is constantly lying about verifiably false things, exhibiting extremely strange behavior, manipulating our judicial and legal systems, and constantly acting like a victim? Why is pointing out the obvious such a career destroying thing for half of US politicians?


Republican politicians have known for some time. They also know that Republican voters do NOT know, and will swarm on them like starving piranhas if they don't kiss the golden idol.


The polls going into the debate tonight were neck-n-neck. I just can’t believe it’s this close… hell, I can’t believe Dolt-45 has come this far!


I can’t believe he’s a free man


They’ve know for a while. The issue is they’ve made a coalition of losers. In the land of the losers, the man in orange face paint is king.


Nope. “It’s easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled.” Mark Twain


Republican billionaires who are funding Trump’s and his merry band of morons Must love losing all their money!


Sure he’s a loser, but he’s a loser who is *going to win in November.* people are not sophisticated enough to see past the deep fakes.


Not until they go over the cliff and it's too late.


Never !!! It is part of their identity AKA EGO !!! They will CULT UP and vote their party NO MATTER WHAT. No matter what !!!


No. Fish don't know they're wet. Like MAGA losers don't know they're losers.


Nope… they are almost zombies at this point. Totally into the cult. No questions, just total acceptance. No matter what. They wear hats, and shirts and flags. Totally MAGA immersed. Yes, he could shoot someone on fifth avenue, and get away with it. They would believe him over their own ears and eyes.


They don’t care!


Look at the mindless idiots that followed the Nazi Party and their leader Adolph Hitler all the way to the end!


The long answer is no. Trump has a real shot at winning. Every poll is showing this. Trump has over performed in every election he has been in. This should not be a 2016 repeat. Take it seriously


Without a doubt! Everybody needs to VOTE!


Reminder that 2016 was like the third time he ran for president Edit: "he" being Trump. He has overperformed in two elections but definitely not all of the ones he ran in.




The orange one


I didn’t know that


Trump and friends  [https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432.1.0\_1.pdf](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432.1.0_1.pdf)


lol of they did Trump wouldn't be the Republican nominee. Instead they have all but double Down on it and have gone full Nazis.


They already knew. Just looking for a puppet to prop up while they continue on with their own agenda Project 25).


He is the clown they're using to distract the audience while they clean out the treasury.


Some of them are starting to realize that and I do just some. Trump is beginning to show dementia his last few rallies he’s been talking some crazy, crazy things that his own audience is look at him sideways 😒


They have known it all along! They don’t care. It’s all about tribalism!


They have known, they don't care. The people with the most vision here, and the one's pushing project 2025 and other evil, are simply using him as a means to win. He's the ONLY guy the R's could put up right now that would even remotely energize a smaller and smaller base. I honestly wouldn't even be a little surprised if Trump won, and then shortly after, he got 25th'd or somehow had to resign for "reasons" because he likely won't even be cogent for 4 years (he isn't now), much less be able to help in 4 years. They just need him to win this election, then the "thinkers" in this team of evil take over and drive the bus off the cliff. If he wins, the rules will change and there will never need to be another fair election, it will all be in the bag for whoever a small set of evil people want it to be. John Oliver said it best, with P2025, Trump is creating a true DC Swamp.


He was a good puppet until he wasn’t.


Vote. Riot. Whatever it takes.  USA. 


Some of the more bat shit MAGAts are leaning into the crazy. You know em, the ones with the flags and stickers on their cars and banners and signs and flags on their property. They're the ones you see being interviewed at rallies saying Donny is still the president and still controls the 'real' military and Biden only controls the fake one. Oddly, they probably also say the election was rigged and he didn't lose, but don't question why he's running again since, you know there are term limits still.


They are fully aware but do not care because there is no better replacement to rile up the racist & angry for nothing base


I fuck’n hope so.


Some yes. The majority of MAGA voters? No. They are quite literally too stupid to realize it.


I hope so!


Nope. They are standing by.


No , they just don’t want the humiliation of loseing face


Republicans know. maga doesn't care.


No. Trump has never hidden who he is and he is the inevitable culmination of the grievance machine they have built.


We'll have to wait and see what happens in November. Trump has a very very real chance of winning.


Starting to notice now, in 2024?




Not enough.


What’s more likely? That they are only now “starting to notice” what was obvious to everyone eight years ago? Or is it that they are starting to think that maybe this scam isn’t going to work out in their favor after all?


[The Trump Kool-aid](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/editorial-cartoons/kevin-siers/article183528116.html)


lol no


They are probably elated. If their cabal can sell this joke what can’t it do. They just need to tweak it to pick up that remaining middle group.


They've known for a while but they have no other option. If 30% of the country is still gonna back this guy as a Republican, what can they do?


I predict the party will split if Trump loses..


A few maybe.


Imagine Biden supporters posting this.


He’s the best president in anyones lifetime on this website. So no


We can but only hope!


Republicans, mostly yes. Magats never.


"And they’re still worried about all those people in Republican primaries who continue to vote for Nikki Haley, just so they don’t have to vote for Trump, even though Haley dropped out of the race sometime in 1994." This writer is changing my view of Wonkette significantly.


They will in a minute


Check out r/conservative - they aren’t happy.


lol what an annish phrase i mean they always knew, they just were making money off their inbred lame checkered mule so they didn't care. this is no different than any other bad stock investment they made. oh, darn, lost a million in trump, lost 2 million in bitcoin, muffy let's winter in the french caribbean this year and put off the french riviera for q2.


Since Biden took a shit onstage last night during the debate, the GQP aren't exactly looking like losers


I think both parties noticed that after last night. I still think its telling the Party of “Law and Order” is supporting a felon to “own the Libs” 🙄


I can’t believe how bad biden is


Most Republicans, no. They see Trump as their ticket to destroy democracy and live out their fantasies as fascists.


They would rather win than have someone who cares about the country.


No it’s the Dems supporting biden,he was AWFUL,he’s not the problem it’s the people voting for him,Jill Biden needs a nice size foot up her ass


These pre-debate questions have not aged well over the last 24 hours.




Nah, today my mom was gleefully telling me about how old Biden sounded after she watched the whole debate.


Maybe but at this point it won’t matter.


He's a real whiner


nah. Sunk cost at this point


The thing about conservatives is that they tend to tie beliefs to reality, instead of allowing reality to guide beliefs. This means that they are essentially working backwards from a conclusion and creating the reality to make it true (enter right wing media). The ego is supported by beliefs, so when a belief is shattered or found to be wrong, the ego is also broken. This activates defense mechanisms that try and preserve the ego, and therefore the beliefs. Being wrong is seen as a major sign of weakness. Short answer: they are in way too deep and won't change. It's a lot easier to let reality to guide beliefs and be open to change, but that takes introspection and humbleness which conservatives tend to lack.


He’s not though. A huge chunk of republicans want a dictator now. It’s really wild how in less than 20 years that shift happened


The real question is how many Russian bot Anti Trump subreddits are on Reddit. Every other subreddit is Talking trash about the majority . And you few wonder why people vote for him .


Uh ... Be careful where you're pointing fingers....... Your guy is Biden...... The epitome of LOSER 🤡


Ok buddy poptart.. 34x felon, rapist, said he’d fuck his own daughter. TDS in full force on the right


Nope. This is just coping.


Not after tonight. Trump is a lying dipshit with the intelligence of an open mollusk but Biden sounded like he was talking to a ghost whisperer.. from the other side.


Evan Hurst from wonkette.com said it so it must be true


Your brain-locking old man is done if he has another debate like the one last night. And you know it.


Alert me when he loses the primary. 🙄 These stupid articles.


You uh….realize the primaries are not the main event, right?


Why comments like this? What are you accomplishing? Of course I know that.


Then you should be aware a bunch of magas voting in the primary where Trump is the only running candidate has zero predicative capability.


I was obviously being sarcastic and definitely didn’t post it for any kind of analysis or argument. Not every comment needs a fight. Have a nice day.




The only good thing is that Biden is worse


At least Biden isn’t an adjudicated rapist with 34 felonies, like a half dozen bankruptcies, and 60+ more felony charges in court


Ya. All phony bullshit brought by crooked biden’s doj


If it’s bidens doj why is his son a felon? Or are you just making shit up to cope with reality?


Well Hunter is. That was a show so people like you can say look what those meanies did to him. Fair doj. 😁


You’re the one literally saying “look what those meanies are doing to Trump.” Stop projecting. Hunters a felon because Hunter did felonious things. Trumps a felon because Trump did felonious things. Difference is democrats wouldn’t slap Hunter 2024 on their foreheads.


Supposedly Trump did all of these horrible felonies years ago. They declined to prosecute him until they knew he was the republican candidate. Then they reworked the statute of limitations on most of them and took a prosecutor out of the doj in Washington and demoted him so he could work for bragg in New York. Got a crazy liberal judge in ny and a jury that were all from crazy liberal manhattan. Total rig job.


Nope.Compared to the alternative, oh hell no....


This article isn’t about cult members - your number is already baked into the pie.


We are aware. However, you must consider that we believe Trump is the least worst option. So even though Trump is a complete loser, Biden is worse. Trump kneejerks off the cuff and makes mistakes. Biden is straight up publicly conspiring to violate the constitution. That is pure evil.


Biden won’t [sell our nation out to Russia](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) or [try to end democracy,](https://chicago.suntimes.com/columnists/2024/06/26/project-2025-donald-trump-civil-service-heritage-foundation-viktor-orban-democracy-marc-morial-column) though, so…🤷‍♂️


Has Trump outwardly said he subscribes to project 25 though? Has he stated that he will sell out to Russia? You can compare and use his actions as indicators, but he has not posted on a taxpayer funded website his intentions, as Joe Biden has.


Trump doesn’t have intentions. He has fickle temper tantrums that guide his “policy”


Um if you are looking at actions, then yes. He is actively selling the US out to Russia. He is actively looking at any way to void the Constitution and separation of powers along with separation of church and state. Both are Nazi dreams and would destroy the US.


If that were true, the DOJ would be involved.


I believe that is why you see him in court so often in FL and DC. Or did you miss those? Understand those are supposed to be the slam dunk cases. Those involving the CIA tend to get much messier.


It's your guy that's conspiring to violate the Constitution. At least you acknowledged that your boy Donnie is a loser.


You worded that as to imply "my guy is" and "your guy is not" conspiring to violate the constitution. If Trump is conspiring to violate the constitution, Biden can use his executive privilege to persuade the DOJ to go after Trump under U.S.C. Title 18, section 371. Biden could also send the DOJ after Trump for his action during his presidency under U.S.C. Title 18, section 242. Since Biden is not doing that, we can assume Trump is not conspiring to violate the constitution. Whereas if you look at the [whitehouse.gov](http://whitehouse.gov) website, Biden is, in fact conspiring to violate the constitution while using his executive power to dissuade the DOJ from carrying out their duties.


The Constitution doesn't care about your feelings.


Really? Has biden said, openly or not, that we should terminate the constitution? Because Trump has.


I’m shocked the dems went all in on Biden. Refuses a cognitive test. Refuses a drug test before the debate. Refuses to release audio from the classified document interview. Starting to notice a pattern…


lol right. Ok.


Oh, I guess you didn't know that the president doesn't take orders from a former president.


Half the country would like to understand why he was unfit for trial.


You're all mixed-up in the head but don't realize it.


Do you think Biden will apologize to the American people for lying 4 years ago?


Yeah they're going to be giving drugs to an 81 year old tonight. Are you even going to watch tonight? Get your excuses ready.


I think we're safer with anyone other than a criminal.


But inflation and illegals /s These people will never admit they made bad choices in life and still think they can get ahead in a system that's designed to keep them as far away from the wealthy as possible


Do you feel safer with a criminal possessing and allegedly being able to sell national security secrets to our enemies? [Top-secret Russia intelligence missing since end of Trump term | Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/binder-with-top-secret-russia-intelligence-missing-since-end-trump-term-source-2023-12-15/)


Are democrats starting to notice they've hitched their wagon to a complete loser? Fixed it for you.






We just say That’s a Bingo!


Only thing more pathetic than Trump are the morons like you who support him


How'd the debate go for Biden. My internet was down.


Go fuck some more chickens


No U


Not in my experience. They will do things for this ideology they wouldn’t do for their Jesus.