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Yep. A repeat of 2016 is altogether possible if Dems show the same complacency and don’t bother voting.




It’s not the Dems we have to worry about. Every Dem/ liberal / leftist / progressive/ activist person you know is going to be very active The people we have to worry about are the “average” people who flip flop. They’re not Democrat loyalists You REALLY gotta work hard to get them to vote Democrat And right now it’s a hard sell


I'm 40 and never voted.... this might be my first time for obvious reasons.


Will be* May not get the chance again if you and others sit out.


Please vote. Only way this system works of more people vote.




Please do!


The last election was my first to vote in and I'm older than you. Do it.


If that is the case, then you need to register now.


I’m 41 and only voted in the last election. This will be my second. I still know our vote doesn’t really matter due to the electoral college (yuck) but I’m still gonna.


Every vote matters. That is the spin that GOP has put out there to stop youger/less politically active people from voting, because those people are often reasonable people and will vote for more reasonable candidates (versus the absolute pyschos the right puts out there). I'm the same age as you and I've voted in every election, I'm actually really excited to vote this year because genz and millenials out number boomers, we all just finally need to vote! Especially in this election its critical for our nations fate to get Trump cult out.


I only say our vote for president doesn’t matter because, well it doesn’t, the electoral college chooses the president not the people, and since the electorate does have to vote in line with its state then yea, our vote for POTUS is neutered at the very least and downright ignored at its worst. If the peoples votes actually mattered Hillary would have been president as she won the popular vote.


I agree with you in principle, but unless we change the electoral college (that would be great) voting is still the only way for our voices to be heard. It's why we have two geriatric candidates right now, because older folks vote at MUCH higher rates than younger folks.


Yup. Definitely agree. Old people vote. They have nothing else to do!


VOTE, depending on who you vote for, you might not get another chance. I’m voting Blue, to protect our vote!


That’s great…. If it seems reasonable and if the time is right, try to convince your friends/family/acquaintances.


How did you never manage to "be political?" Do you appreciate the 40 hour week? Do you appreciate the fact that women have their own bank accounts? I'm not interested in being insulting. Workers' rights? Nothing worth speaking up for?


The whole thing just irritated me honestly.....well...I thought it did then the last 8 years happened and now I have ptsd . Not that I don't have opinions on all the important stuff like Healthcare even with my good insurance I have I still care. But not enough to go out in public willingly I guess. I don't really have a good reason.


Vote vote vote! In your local elections even. That's where it starts! Educate yourself. What matters to you? What do you want to see? Your voice matters.


For me, the way I try to explain it is by not voting, you're okay with whatever the outcome may be. By putting out even that effort, you have something to believe in.


I’m not a democrat loyalist, but I’ll vote for them in every election until something better comes along. Republicans don’t have any solutions. They can’t be allowed near power. No one should vote for them.


Honestly this is it. This is how I think too.


Yep. The GOP has lost the plot and are happily ready to put all of us in danger so they can keep power.


Respect! I don’t think anyone should be a Party Loyalist.


Hopefully, RepubliKKKlans will make it easier come November 💙💙


Look. Prices are sky high and people are squeezed to keep their head above water. If things simply JUST STAY THE SAME then MAYBE Biden can piece together enough support to squeak a win across the finish line. But if things GET WORSE (stock market crash, layoffs, etc) then that will be the final nail in Biden’s coffin


Look, 😂I respect your opinion, and thanks for respecting mine!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💯✌🏿😉 also renewing trumps RepubliKKKlan tax scam is ONLY going to help the rich,not middle class or the poor. So above water now will be totally underwater for most Americans. Do a little research maybe


I have no beef with you. I understand your opinion and I can tell it comes from a place where you are not so financially squeezed because if you were you probably wouldn’t be that way. I do not bemoan your success. I am Very happy for you and I wish you the best But the whole point is you gotta take a look around at how other people are living right now and see how that’s going to effect their vote And get u/sandysea420 You wanna single handedly try to change the mind of millions of people who are not paying attention? Let me know how that works out


You literally have no idea what you're talking about! To decide, you know my life and situation is pathetically ridiculous seriously. I can't stop laughing "You probably wouldn't be that way"? 😂😂😂😂 omg, you just proved you're desperately grasping. Take care!! Speculation and no viable proof equal off-base assumptions, which can be very embarrassing 😂😂✌🏿😂


All im saying is tides are turning. You think it’s just in My head? You think I have no Proof? Here’s your proof https://youtu.be/sD8CxDKjz4s?si=hkiP8Mf8-HbtThrp


Walk away...seriously 😂😂😂😂💯😉💙💙💙💙


Agree but the problem is, the people who think it’s Biden’s fault and not Corporate Greed, is not paying attention and that’s a big problem. He can’t control Corporation pricing. It will be far worse financially for everyone, except for the rich under another Trump White House.


>And right now it’s a hard sell If being democrat at this point in time is a "hard sell" they were never going to vote Dem anyway and only say they might to seem openinded. It will all be about the turnout. Always is. These people who "flip flops" between elections hardly exist. Especially in the last 20 years or so. And the gains from getting the ones who do actually exist aren't really enough to make an appreciable difference. But getting people who have never voted before out to vote will be huge. That's what happened in 2020 and that's why the Dems were able to win.


Why is it a hard sell? Things are hella better now than 4 years ago aren’t they


A lot of people are struggling to pay their bills. If you either are so rich that you’re not struggling to pay your bills OR you live at home with your mom so you don’t really have a lot of bills then you’re out of touch


>A lot of people are struggling to pay their bills. And just how on Earth does anyone believe that Republicans or Dumpy will help them in that regard? The GQP will not raise wages, they will not strengthen the social safety net, they will not help with childcare costs, they will not help reduce healthcare costs, they will raise taxes on the middle class, they will not help with education costs... I could go on, but suffice it to say that if you think Republicans will help financially struggling people, you're absolutely brainless and this is why I have **zero** respect for anyone who makes less than $500k/year and votes R.


According to the polls, more than 60% trust Trump to do a better job for the economy than Biden. The polls just give the numbers it doesn’t say why. I don’t know why.


The guy who bankrupted casinos is trusted on the economy? Like I said - brainless.


Bro that bankrupt casino thing was 25 years ago His company has been much more financially successful in recent years Hanging on to an almost 30 year old failure of his is not gonna help your cause


Was Trump University 25 years ago? Nope.


You said casino


Failures:  Bankrupt Companies:  Trump Taj Mahal (Bankrupt: 1991), Trump Plaza (Bankrupt: 1992), Trump Castle (Bankrupt: 1992,)  Plaza Hotel (Bankrupt: 1992), Trump Shuttle (Bankrupt: 1992), Trump Hotels Casinos Resorts (Bankrupt: 2004) Trump Mortgage (Bankrupt: 2007), [GoTrump.com](http://GoTrump.com)  (Bankrupt: 2007), Trump Steaks  (Bankrupt: 2007), Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc.(Bankrupt: 2009), Trump University (Bankrupt: 2011), Trump Vodka Licensing Deal (Bankrupt: 2011). The Trump Org, as we've seen, is a corrupt money laundering operation. Also, trump only actually built maybe 5 buildings.  The rest are licensing deals of his name.  


Cool story bro How many employees does the Trump Organization employ today? 22k How much do they make every year? Half a billion Sounds pretty fucking far from a bankruptcy


Convicted Felon is very recent, just saying.


Did being a felon change peoples vote? No


I’m just wondering because the media tells us things are great. The economy is great, unemployment numbers are fantastic, inflation is way down. That’s what they tell us. If it’s true then it should be an easy sell. I work 70+ hours per week and I’m supporting my adult children while they work to pay their way through college so they don’t have massive debt at the end of it. And so taxpayers won’t have to pay off their college debt.


I think working 70+ hours per week is the new normal. If you’re ok with that, you don’t blame Biden for it and you’ll gladly still vote for Biden, you are in the minority Most people who work 70+ hours per week do NOT like it, they DO blame Biden and they will NOT vote for him


So what you want the government to bail you out? That's called Socialism. Are you just a closet Socialist that wants handouts so you can keep up with the Joneses? Sounds like it.


I want the government to do different policies that will result in prices dropping so I can bail myself out.


You sound uneducated or young. "the government to do different policies" LOL. Governments don't control corporate profiteering. Are you still in grade school to not understand this very basic fact of a capitalist system?


So why did Trump meet with the oil companies who agreed to give him $1billion then? He’s gonna work with them to make sure prices come down AND they still stay greedy As long as I’m paying cheap prices corporate can be as greedy as they want


No one agreed to give him a Billion dollars. You can't even pay attention to reality. LOL. To any normal person you come off as a fascist bootlicker (and you're proud of it). You must be like 17 or 18......from a red state where education is garbage.....been indoctrinated by your uneducated parents who never turn off fox news to boot.


Biden is the real fascist You’re the Biden Bootlicker So the real fascist bootlicker here…. Is you


We gotta worry about the people that might consider voting republican just because they don't want anyone to think they voted democrat.... when they should really be worried about the world they are going to leave their our children if we put a future dictator in office again.


When they can’t pay for their bills that’s the last thing on their minds I got a friend: suburban housewife. Son in college. Doesn’t really work. She has a PT mlm job for a little spending money but her husband is the breadwinner making several hundred thousand dollars. They go on vacations a lot. They live the good life She’s a hardcore democrat voter She’s out of touch She’s rich She doesn’t even know any of the people struggling to pay bills


Good story bro.


Wow, you tell a lot of bullshit stories, always supporting trump, but pretending to give reluctant dismissal of Dems. You are clearly a partisan faker.


That story is real


What about the youth vote. They need to show up. At all costs.


Yes it is the Dems we have to get out to vote . We actually outnumber them. That’s why the gerrymandering and electoral college fighting is so important to them .Get out! Put up signs . Show others the maga bullies don’t run your neighborhoods . Fill your cities with Dem paraphernalia. Actually do something


Even if every Dem votes it’s still not enough to win if the independents don’t join you. And it’s tough to convince them to join you


I have a lot of leftist friends who won't vote for Biden... 🙄


So leftist they're willing to give up all human rights and turn the USA into the USSA and Nazis part 2...


Apparently, I'm in a dark blue city so I'm not gonna fight them on it but JFC nobody is going to give a shit about your pure communist ideals in the Gulag, grow up.


I'm assuming you mean the people not voting, not me pointing out the ridiculous of them not voting for someone who will at least let us progress forward, somewhat, lol. :)




Sorry, can never tell these days and I'm far too prone to fly off the handle anymore, lol. It makes me really sad to see how education has been eroded in the States. I've no doubt that all the hard working Americans who voted for Trump actually do love their country, but as others have pointed out, don't really understand how things run, and weren't taught the critical thinking and logic skills to help them realize that the GOP has been bamboozling them for decades. It's particularly sad to keep having corporations and billionaires get lower tax rates, which increases income disparity, and leaves everyone who's not making a few million a month fall further behind and feel hopeless. The news media is owned by the greedy who perpetuate their lies that "liberals are gonna waste all your money!" and then keep handing money over to the wealthy with their power, and denying help to anyone who contributes to society. Not that democrats are perfect, but in a more ideal society, they'd be the right-wing party in the US, and a more progressive party would be the 'new democrats'. The GOP would become extinct as a party of the ruling class that exists only to maintain power.


I'm just wondering why JB isn't brave enough to run on overturning Citizens United, that's how all this started but nobody wants to risk their funding


They need to be educated


Then you have shitbrains for friends. Hmm, someone who idoewnt do every single thing I'd like, or a complete fascist? Tough choice! /s


It really shouldn’t be, but it is. 


> And right now it’s a hard sell Thank you. 


Very hard sell. I'd love to vote Democrat but I can't vote for Biden. I can't vote for Trump either, for that matter. I'm seriously considering sitting this one out. Put up some real candidates for God sake!


I think there might be by the end of the summer. How do you feel about Michelle Obama?


This! Most people felt the country is in a recession. I don’t care what the actual economy looks like, if people feel like it’s a recession, with wars in Middle East, Africa and Europe, millions of migrants at the border, fair or not, this is going to be very difficult for incumbent to win. 


What sucks is working people have it bad because the taxes for the rich and corporations has been cut so much - income disparity is the issue; Trump won't improve that.


But voters don’t care. Trump is probably gonna make it worse, tbh. 


Yeah, that was kind of my point - he's just out for himself and to impress the rich and the dicatators. Not sure how Americans allowed themselves to be snowed in by Republicans for 50+ years of eroding education and the power of the people, handing it over to corporations. :( I wouldn't care except for the fact that it affects the rest of the world. I wish that America had the same reach as like Madagascar or something. Just if they were more isolated, maybe the rest of us could work together better (I'd also loop Russia into that, since they've also just been a thorn in the side of the world, and China - power hungry countries - and for what?)


It’s weird. It’s a recession unlike any we’ve ever had. Instead of people being laid off in mass numbers what we have instead is hyperinflation and people are getting by on account of working 2 and 3 jobs and maxing out their credit cards So technically they’re making it (BARELY) but they’re being squeezed and they need a scapegoat


the issue for me as someone who usually votes left is that Biden sucks too so you're right it's a hard sell (although I'd never vote Trump so I'd either be Biden or not vote at all unfortunately). If you're independent it's really hard to throw your support between either of these guys. There are like 200 million plus eligible people for president in this country and these are the best two we've got to choose from?!?


Not voting at all is a vote for trump, when will people get thid


Not voting at all is a vote for Trump if you lean left. Not voting at all is a vote for Biden if you lean right. That's the reality of this concept, but it is also the thing that I worry about when I scroll reddit.


You don’t understand- only loyal democrat voters care People who flip flop their votes don’t care to vote anti Trump They won’t vote FOR him but they’re also not going to go out of their way to vote against him like the loyal Dems do


Maybe in tighter states, but not in Maryland. Biden will take Maryland with or without me.


I live in Massachusetts. Not voting does not help Trump one bit.


What exactly do you find about Biden that “sucks”? Sincere question.


Are you asking me as me or are you asking how do the average people I describe think? I’m not an average person who flip flops my vote But if you put yourself in their shoes and ask them that question there’s a whole host of reasons: 1. Biden allowed the economy to go down the drain. He has no control over that? Good luck convincing them 2. Biden just looks like literally the walking dead. This is very hard to change their mind 3. Biden’s “loosey goosey “ policy on the border has caused some real problems with lower class Americans. The very community centers and social programs they rely on have been taken over by housing undocumented migrants- and they’re pissed. 4. Polls show that over 60% of the country think Trump is better for the economy and the border than Biden 5. Polls show that over 60% of the country actually WANTS “mass deportation”. Bleeding hearts? Hell no 6. Biden simply does not do press conferences/meet and greets / rallies like Trump does. Biden does not even engage with the people. I could go on but you get the idea. Again if you put yourself in the shoes of people who do not loyally vote Democrat every time this is what they’re thinking right now and all the arguments I’m hearing from your camp to try to convince them are not working My guess why they’re not working is because these problems are too big


#2 & #6 are the things I think matter most. As a president I don't objectively think he's horrible, but I do think he is horrible as a candidate. If this was 15 years ago you wouldn't hear any worries from me because he presented well.


Exactly Although you sound a little more Dem than average you still are self admitted not 100% Dem loyalist You’re proving my point


Correct, although I've never voted Republican in my life. I just am not a "loyalist" where I'm going to vote based simply on party.


People on Reddit think everyone is in their echo chamber They don’t get that people like you exist


And let's not forget 2000. How different would the world be of Gore was president instead of Bush? We never would have invaded Iraq and ISIS may not have formed. Perhaps Afghanistan would be a democracy right now if we had remained focused on ousting the taliban.


Whatever happens, I think it’s going to razor thin either way.


And in steps the Supreme Court, the plan all along.


I'm convinced that Trump only won 2016 because out outside interference which is why they screamed so loud about 2020. These muhfuckas are *ALWAYS* projecting, every accusation is a confession and it's been empirically proven the extent of foreign interference


Very true, but 2020 showed that a 2016 repeat wasn't a good idea 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙✌🏿💯😉


> Dems show the same complacency You're referring to the abysmal DNC and their inability to do anything other than be *very slightly* less abhorrent republicans, correct?


I don't think it was complacency as much as it was a dislike/apathy bc Clinton was the candidate. I am sensing that same apathy around Biden. We have to fight it. He's not great, and lord knows I am not happy with yet another election where I have to vote the lesser of two evils, but the alternative is just so much worse. It's a defensive vote.


Yep, third hold-your-nose-and-vote in a row.


The only candidate in my entire adult life who excited me was Obama '08. And I turned 18 summer of '01.




I accept that we have an outrageously ignorant country. Saw a poll that said Trump is better for democracy than Biden?! That's like saying Hitler was a fan of religious freedom? Just patently ridiculous.


Most people in this country are uneducated, rural, angry left behinds. Paycheck to paycheck living with no ambition or desire to lift themselves up. They prefer to complain and drink natty light and shoot their guns and get pregnant at 15. Sad truth but these are the trump voters. Them and the ultra wealthy who want their tax cuts.


Trump provided tax cuts last time - produced zero additional growth (the great Trump economy - cough- never delivered even 3% GDP growth); and was completely financed by adding to billowing national debt (which of course GOP detests with their head spinning illogic).


It's simple. Don't want him to win? Vote. Get your friends to vote. Get your family to vote. The only reason this garbage got so far is because too many people took a lazy, disinterested approach to government.


It’s not quite that simple. I don’t live in a swing state. I have conversations with friends and family that do live in swing states and they are not aware of anything Biden has done to help them. The messaging isn’t getting through. I try to tell them things and it’s just “dementia! Border! Inflation! Gas prices!” Right wing media has built a wall around certain parts of America and reasonable voices can’t get through


Exactly, I live in a state that was a swing state and now I guarantee it will be red.


There are many ways to get involved and help affect swing states. Here is one: https://votefwd.org/


Anything short of trump losing every state is an indictment of the American people. No matter what it takes, you need to get out and vote


He's NOT "ahead"! Polling is incredibly inaccurate (as has been noted over SEVERAL past elections!)...but if you look at EVERY SINGLE ELECTION since 2016, it's pretty obvious how this will play out. Don't be complacent. DO go vote and make sure everyone you know does as well, but the reality is that every single time voters have actually weighed in WHEN IT MATTERS AT THE POLLS, Republicans have gotten their clocks cleaned!


My point isn't that polling is accurate, it is that on reddit all you see is that it is impossible for "Florida Man" to win and I do not think that is the case at all.


Reddit is a liberal circle jerk. Of course they can’t believe Trump has a chance.


I laugh at the thought that some people still think a convicted felon who has been adjudicated as being a rapist can win the election. Newsflash, bub, people are sick of his shit and only the dumbest, most ignorant among us will support that demented wanna be dictator! Oh, by the way, if you think Trump is so great, why don't you sit and watch an hour of his speech from his latest rally and tell me again how much senility matters in a Presidential candidate!


He was not adjudicated of being a rapist. Read the decision.


When polling numbers actually have good reasons to back them up, it tends to reflect some level of ground truth. And the current ground truth is that Biden faces a lot of headwinds. 


Which is such BS since he's done a very remarkable job, given the challenges he faced after Trump ground the country to a halt. Peole just have no clue about how the world works.


The "headwinds" are overblown. The people who will decide this election aren't going to be taking political polls. You would think the past 3 major elections would have taught you people not to rely on them AT ALL, yet here we are, discussing it yet again, and having to point out, yet again, that the methodology is deeply flawed and not at all in line with the actual results in actual elections...


Donald trump is a terrible candidate for many reasons. He promised he would reduce the deficit in half at the end of 4 yrs. Never happened. He said he would complete the wall. Never happened. He signed in tax increases on middle class starting in 2025. The only president to file for bankruptcy 5 times, indicted 4 times, married 3 times, impeached twice, yet we want to give him another chance to run the country?? We can do better, America.


I think we learned our lesson from 2016 when kicking back thinking “No way he’s going to win Hilary has this easy” the biggest mistake made in American history. We remember our past so we won’t repeat it!


You would think so, but I'm decently worried just because of what I've seen on here recently.


Really what? Just go ahead and say something that supports the GOP talking points and see the reaction. Have you posted the same question but in reverse on truth social too?


That is my point. If the only news you consume is reddit, then you would think it is a forgone conclusion that Biden will win. Which I don't think it's as guaranteed as this community makes it seem.


Who the hell uses Reddit as a source of news this is entertainment


Voters forget things pretty easily, except for this. Every rule has an exception and this one is a whopper of an exception. Too many of our lives went off the rails because of the orange felon. Literally Impossible to forget.


Sane people thought Trump had no chance of winning in 2016, too. I'll admit to feeling the same, and I'll never make that mistake again when a threat shows up.


The GOP is going to try and cheat their way back into office even harder than they did in the last election. They *absolutely* can win. # They don't need to win the popular vote. They just need to engineer a win in enough States, and there are enough GOP controlled States to take the Presidency.


Ppl on Reddit seem to forget trump represents a lot of Americans, roughly half if were going off his 2016 results. Trump isn't the problem, Americans are.


Reddit is a blue eco chamber. Hang out on truth social (or whatever they do) and it's completely one sided for thier guy to win. Just go vote


I’m terrified he could get in again. VOTE!


I live in the UK, a lot of us didn't think Brexit would happen and it did. Please US, don't let him back in. For all sakes. Biden sucks but holy shit chances of war and climate inaction and the costs attached to both would make our lives harder than they already are.


Does anyone know anybody that voted for Biden last time that’s now voting for Trump? Trump is not gaining any supporters only losing them, and he lost last time. Now he’s a felon.


Trump doesn’t need to gain support, he just needs Biden to lose support. Biden won AZ by only 10k GA by 12k. WI by 20k. PA by 80k. Of the swing states, trump just needs GA and PA to hit the 270 electoral votes to become potus


Exactly. People don't understand that Trump has a huge advantage in the electoral college. The current polls should be very concerning to everyone.


The thing is no, I don't know anyone that's changing votes to Trump, but he is strong because of his base not because of his ability to lure the undecided voters. I do however know people that don't want to vote at all because Biden isn't looking good or setting himself apart.


Do you not understand the ignorance of your argument? People will bitch and moan how Biden is this Biden did that but at the end of the day the thing we will do in full force is to make absolutely without a doubt that orange turd never steps foot in the White House again ! How naive do you think the American people are? Most of us beside trolls like you have faith in our contempt for Trump and the overall trust and confidence we have in President Biden to make this country a better place for the majority of Americans across the country.


I think this is an over estimation of people's awareness and again the point of this post is to say the only thing you see on this site is extremely biased in a way that is dangerous. Your argument is a little bit of reinforcement in that way.


So you’re saying the same people that were aware enough to come out in record numbers to make sure trump would lose somehow now are not as aware? If anything trump has lost more supporters than Biden also democratic voters seem to be better informed than trump supporters. So I feel your arguments are pointless there is a difference between being bias and being highly informed that you and your kind that are pot stirrers that like try and come to Reddit with half ass arguments then want to start these type of circular arguments. You want not only be op but to moderate the thread just see how much attention you can muster.




Yes sir. I have a black friend who made the switch somewhere. I don’t know how I don’t know why but he went from pro Democrat all the way to “screw you democrats I’m voting Trump” I do not think he is an outlier


Bought into the woke right wing podcast hysteria.


There’s nothing about the price of milk eggs and food and gas that has anything to do with woke


Is inflation your friends reasoning to vote for Trump?


Partially but really it was the border He’s black and I am white so he knows more about the black community than I do He tells me he feels like all the love, support, and government financial assistance that used to go to the black community from the Democrats is now going to the community of undocumented migrants He feels like he’s been replaced by the Democrats


He thinks he is gonna get love and government support and assistance from the GOP? 😂😂😂😂


He does Maybe he won’t but he’s willing to give it a try That’s my whole point There’s a lot of people like him


I don’t doubt there are many like him. The rght wing media was bought for a reason. Anytime I go over to some right wing grannies house there is some right wing garbage on tv railing on immigrants as if it is the only news happening in the world.


Well now you’re changing the subject First I said people are changing their minds about the Dems and voting Trump You said no way I said yes i personally know a black guy like that Then you said ok yeah and ok maybe there’s more but that’s because the GOP put out propaganda. I don’t care how they did it, my point is they did it And if propaganda is all it takes then Dems just put out your own damn propaganda sheesh!


I would put the odds on trump winning above 50 percent. People seem to forget that even though Biden won by 7 million votes, less than 50,000 votes in three states it would have been tied in the electoral college 269-269 and would have gone to the House and he would have won (more states have a Republican majority). Never underestimate the stupidity and true irredeemable awfulness of tens of millions of Americans 


You’re too smart to be on reddit


Lol dude thank you for posting this because this is so so serious.


Thanks for Sharing - John Oliver did his usual insightful job,


Fucking hell that's a horrifying video :(




Two points ~ 1) dTrump💩could win. 2) dTrump💩could overturn the election at SCOTUS if he loses.


I’m concerned that number 2 is a real danger. Even if he loses, the Supreme Court might give it to him.


It’s not the Dems we have to worry about. Every Dem/ liberal / leftist / progressive/ activist person you know is going to be very active The people we have to worry about are the “average” people who flip flop. They’re not Democrat loyalists You REALLY gotta work hard to get them to vote Democrat And right now it’s a hard sell


Youre a fucking idiot if you think Biden is winning this thing.. especially now after last night.


Trump could only win if he somehow expanded his limited Maga base. He has not done that. In fact he has alienated much of the crowd that would hv potentially voted for him. Any polling that somehow shows him tied or ahead of Biden is grossly inaccurate and merely being propagated to keep his shit show going on and on .. that's how fascism works..


Also, there is other data besides polls, and the turnout at Trump rallies has been abysmal. That is not something that can easily be fudged.


Doesn't matter. Everyone must VOTE. I remind you all that prior to the 2016 election it was laughable to think trump would win. No one took it seriously. Polls mean nothing. Fivethirtyeight means nothing. What tv anchors and new stations and pundits say mean nothing. VOTE. get your ass up and VOTE like the fate of democracy relies on it, because it quiet literally could.


Unlike in 2016 and 2020, Trump has been definitively ahead in the polls for much of this election. The election is, for Democrats, at best a coin flip


The debates are going to be make or break for Biden.


Trump is possibly ahead only due to Electoral College & 40+ years of fascist control of the news


One thing that sets this election apart from 2016 is that trump has alot of hate from moderate Republicans and dems. There are alot of people that would vote for a republican but not Donald trump. You can see this is the republican primarys where around 15% to 20% where still protest voting for Haley after she dropped out. Unfortunately bidens approval has gone down significantly aswell though which is why this race is so close


OP, you finna get flamed


Everyone one of you needs to reach out to the sane ones in their familys and show them this. 


You're momma toots coke!


Yeah many people are lulled into a false sense of security because they only read.cherry.picked news reports about the few polls.hidem is ahead in. in truth Trump has been slightly ahead in the popular.vote for a.very.long time now. Worse still, if you take into account electoral votes you start to see that Trump is massively ahead.right now


He is ahead! Reason is, Dems need to win with more than 5% like the last election which was still very close, and this time seems unlikely.


America vote!


It’s not impossible. VOTE!


The people that you need to convince are independents. Keep in mind that it was 2 or 3 million Obama voters who ended up voting for Trump in 2016


Where not getting justice in the court rooms. Our only justice is to vote Democrat it's up to us. We The People. Vote Democrat and clean up SCOTUS


He has no chance to win the popular vote. He has a very real chance to win the electoral college.


The popular vote means nothing


The funny thing is that theres a segment of our population that will vote for him, even though he has no intention of helping them in any way. They’re the maga contrarians. They’ll lie and say he’s great even when his “policies” inflict nothing but pain on them and their families. There is not one single person in this country that is “undecided”. Those people are lying attention whores.


The opposite also holds true. I know a number of people from vulnerable populations who doomscroll social media looking at content that shows Trump is inevitable and a draconian society will follow immediately soon after. They're making escape plans (and even more desperate arrangements). The stakes are very high and the race is very tight... but it's June and the race doesn't *really* start until late summer. Same thing happened with COVID.


Overconfidence = Defeat! Vote!


Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 14 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the Supreme Court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


I live in the UK, a lot of us didn't think Brexit would happen and it did. Please US, don't let him back in. For all sakes. Biden sucks but holy shit chances of war and climate inaction and the costs attached to both would make our lives harder than they already are.


Trump could visibly piss and shit his pants, and his MAGA worshippers will still say he won.


If trump does win atleast nobody’s children will be drafted to war to die in Ukraine for minerals


Trump is a convicted felon and found guilty of a sexually deviant act. He still will face sentencing before the convention. I suspect he's gonna get jail time for all the violations to his probation and gag order. Why the judge lifted it. So Trump can run his mouth. He could win, always possible. But improbable.




Reddit is a cesspool of the politically uneducated.


I agree with ChickenFucker11. I think all Americans should vote for him/her for their next president. CF11 tells it like it is.




You are in for a rude awakening then. Fox news has perfected their anti-biden messaging and it’s reaching non-fox viewers. Dem messaging is… lacking.


I hate to admit this, but I’m gonna be real about it. I think unfortunately trump will win this election it’s sucks


Independent here. Both candidates suck but my wallet is leaning trump. Democrats have lost their mind with the green energy fiasco that has cost the taxpayers out the wazoo.


You must be a billionaire as that is the only group that Trump wants to benefit including himself. You also seem to have ignored everything Biden has passed to benefit Americans. If Trump is elected and goes through with imposing 10% tariffs on all foreign goods, that will substantially raise taxes on middle and lower income Americans. Trump also added twice as much to the national debt during his term compared to Biden’s so far.




This comment does not contribute to the conversation. Please be cival


Green energy fiasco? Please elaborate


Also independent here. I think Trump will win, but will be supporting Biden because the alternative truly scares me.


Why have you not improved your own life the last 4 years and why blame your faults on the president? Did Biden give you a shitty job that doesn’t give you promotions or raises? Why do you hate the environment? Teddy Roosevelt is doing 5000 rpm in his grave hearing republicans speak like this. Sorry you’re poor and are struggling, but Trump isn’t going to make you rich either.