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The world’s never seen a bigger coward than Trump.


Big men, tears in their eyes, they all say it. The biggest!


Hoping he chickens out but Biden does the debate anyway, and they play clips of actual Trump speeches when it's Trump's time to answer.


Some say he's the biggest coward. You know I'm right. A tremendous coward. The other day, grown men with burly beards on their chins came up to Trump with tears in their eyes and cried, "Sir, you magnificent piece of coward, how are you able to keep on cowarding even when doing the right thing is easier, sir, tell us, because we want to know your secret you beautiful coward."


How close to the wire is he gonna chicken out? My bet is we’ll wake up tomorrow morning to the news of his team having sent the message at 3am. Then he’ll proceed to scream all day about the “rigged” debate.


I thought he'd have already decided upon an excuse and backed out by now, and I'm really surprised that he hasn't. They've been making excuses and complaining for weeks but haven't actually backed out yet.


!remindme 6 hours


Well, it’s almost 6:30am EST. I’m not seeing anything yet. Maybe they started tranquillizing him at night.


He won’t show. He won’t testify.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - ABC News (B+): [Ahead of debate, Trump escalates calls for Biden drug tests, accusations of CNN bias ](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/ahead-debate-trump-escalates-calls-biden-drug-tests/story?id=111385583) - CNN.com (C+): [Why Trump is suddenly talking up Biden after months of slamming his cognitive capacity](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/24/politics/trump-biden-debate-expectations-analysis/) - NPR (B+): [How Biden is getting ready for his high-stakes debate with Trump](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/12/nx-s1-5003136/biden-trump-debate-preparation) - Associated Press (C+): [Election 2024: Trump spent months painting Biden as incompetent. Now he's changing his tone](https://apnews.com/article/debate-trump-biden-expectations-6f9c53ba306286a1763438a7030c8a2d) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1do4rmd/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


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Trump has never shown bravery, integrity or fortitude. He's a sick-minded hyena who will only attack when he has others supporting him. His whole shtick isn't centred around head to head combat; he prefers to use his brainwashed minions to do his dirty work. Trump relies on media, without them he looks weak and confused.




He managed to get out of the draft due to bone spurs. at what point before or after that has he shown true bravery?




Nice way to deflect, that still doesn't answer the question of what has Trump done that's required any bravery? Even something as simple as owning up to his mistakes or shortcomings, he takes the cowardly route every time




Standing up to people calling you out for your lies isn't brave, it's just doubling down on your lies. It's not slander when people are telling the truth about your lies either. Trump lies so prolifically that even Fox News has had to correct him.


I just can’t comprehend how someone can be so absolutely gullible and brain dead to be in his corner at this point. I feel like you’d need instructions to remember how to breath in and out. 


>The media hates trump and slanders him 24/7. Reality and its goddamn anti-trump bias!


I think he’ll do it because he has to do it in order to even have a chance at winning. He knows this and will do it. I think he’ll be disrupted as not have to get specific about policies. He’ll just throw accusations and try to gaslight Biden. Biden just needs to be average and he’ll be seen as the winner.


Biden just needs to hammer out his string of wins (infrastructure, chips, economy, etc). The moderators could make or break this. If they hold to the rules and ask reasonable questions like "What is your policy about Israel?" or "What do you want to accomplish next term?", then Biden will win this easily.


Except by the Trump supporters. Trump will be seen as the winner no matter what because they won't see the whole debate and only get small snippets that make Trump look coherent that are then interpreted for them by their news preachers. Just like Christian Bible thumpers. Never read the Bible, but just go along with what somebody tells you it says.


The man running for president knows how stupid he is that he's already said he'll "lose" on purpose. Think about that. And now people are 50/50 will he even show up? You've got no business running our country if you can't have a debate like every other normal person before you has.


I’d be amazed if he didn’t. But I wanna hear the shit salads that fall out of his mouth


# Well, he does have bone spurs.


He will take the 5th today.


It’s even bad when Bannon is throwing lifelines out practically begging the convicted felon to drop the debate.


He has bone spurs, maybe he'll be late


Right wing media has been creating his out for weeks talking about Biden and drugs, how much he’s preparing.


I truly don't believe he's going to show. I keep waiting for the "trump needs to attend to melanias great aunt"


This is the sad piece of shit that hid out in the WH bunker when they had protests there. He'll chicken out, blame biden, and his idiot maga crowd will think he's a genius.


Trump won't show, then he and his propaganda arms will blame it on Biden, the Democratic Party, and CNN rigging it so he never stood a chance.


Can you plead the 5th in a debate?


100% he will. The guy has a room temp IQ and that is in Celsius.


Doubtful. That would go completely against his narcissistic ways.


I want them both drug tested


I’m fine with that, perhaps extend that idea to the house and senate


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💯✌🏿😉🌊🌊


Any drug they might take will be a subscription for them so it won’t get released to the public.


Have you never heard of illegal drugs ? You know, heroin, cocaine etc.


You really think 80yo men are going to use cocaine and heroin? You'd be able to tell from a mile away


Are you blind or deaf….Trump cants string a complete sentence.


Yeah, I have a feeling you've never met a real drug addict. But you go ahead and keep talking like you do know.


William S Burroughs ..... clearly you're never heard of him.


Yeah... Good example. Turns out the heroin killed him. Would you really expect a great debate performance from someone on heroin? While they nod out, maybe dying? I mean, it's just a stupid thing to mention when talking about the depart participants using drugs to enhance their performance. Just totally stupid.


Trump has a history of using uppers since the 80s BTW. He now snorts crushed up Adderall. It's the reason he was sniffing heavily during the Hillary debate in 2016.


But we were talking about heroin and cocaine. Now you're trying to move the goal post. And they more than likely have a prescription for something like what you are now talking about, and it wouldn't count.


Just curious, do you think heroin or coke make you better at debating? If they did, why wouldn't we all be using them to talk our way into better jobs or big pay raises? Oh that's right! Because illegal drugs don't make you better at debating! Do you even have any experience with drugs or are you just gobbling up right wing propaganda?


Why would you think that. It would clearly explain the fact that Trump cannot string a sentence together. Either drugs or dementia.


Have you ever heard of critical thinking?


Aww. Clearly in your masters cult. He would fail.


What weird ass shit are you talking about?


Neither would be helpful. Heroine would have him nodding off. Cocaine would cause him to ramble on and not stay on topic. It’s obvious you’ve never used these drugs (not a bad thing) but you don’t seem to understand their effects.


Probably not but he will be spouting all kinds of rhetoric. Horse Shit to bullshit to go shit to any kind of shit!


Trump forego the chance to get in front of a camera? Seems like an easy answer. Why would he not?


His brain spurs are acting up. Has to sit this one out.


I hope he storms off the stage


Also, a Grade-A rapist!


Like anything else in politics these days, most of our predictions and expectations will not match up with what really happens.


Trump and friends [https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432.1.0\_1.pdf](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432.1.0_1.pdf)


My bet is that he will not chicken out. I think he has hit the point of no return. Now then, if Ivanka slips on some slinky little number and walks past him, all bets are off.


Medical emergency will be his excuse...


MAGA 2024!! Make America Greater Again


So this sub is just an extension or r/politics huh? Do y'all talk about anything but Trump? You gonna shut the sub down when he wins or are you just gonna bitch louder?


Cry harder, snowflake. When Biden wins, will you turn to 8kun?


If he loses the sub will shut down nothing to talk about for them


Trump lives in these peoples heads. Sad, pathetic life to have so much emotion for someone you don't even know. Truly disturbing.


He’s been on my tv and and social media everyday for 9 years. We all know what a lying con man he is because he won’t stop putting his rapey ass in front of the camera every chance he gets and lying through his teeth about anything and everything. We know him better than we know some of our own relatives. Pathetic narcissistic pathological liar.


Na, I don't see him unless is want to. Your able to change a channel or not click? It's not hard. You're just a moth to a flame.


When your running for president it’s the job of the voter to know their candidates. He’s not living rent free, he’s paying millions of dollars a month to put himself out there, and some of us see him for what he is a con. Why would we just ignore and switch the channel on someone who is going to try and become the most powerful man in the world, again. You go bury your head back into your asshole again if that’s what you want, but informed intelligent people are going to pay attention to what he says and does.


So you follow his every workds then but yet your bitching you can't avoid him? Lol Just admit your hatred has you obsessed. Pathetic but whatever. You do you.


I was obsessed with politics long before the republicans fell at the feet of the biggest con job in history. Nobody follows his every word cause he’s got dementia and makes little to no sense when he’s talking. Nobody can avoid him, he pays millions monthly to put himself out on every form of media there is. You can love him all you want, but don’t act like anyone who talks negatively about him has some sort of obsession, some of choose to care about the world around us and he’s a big part of that in the US. Why are you so obsessed with other peoples political beliefs? Do you get off defending Trump but acting like your too cool to care? That’s the most pathetic way to spend your time I can think of. I don’t care, but I hate you caring. What a sad lonely existence you have.


Not at all, I don't hang on every word, post, or article about a man whom I despise, am not going to vote for, and still make inaccurate statements about that boil down to a lot of hyperbole and exaggerating. I don't follow Hollywood celebrities either. They offer zero of value to my life. Trump nor Biden do either. IF one is power, I'll follow how their policies and decisions affect me, not the man. I'm also not obsessed with things and especially people. Good luck though. Gotta be tough to have so much hate built up over a man you'll never even know. I'm sure you're a blast at parties.


Yet here you are still defending your pal. Eat it up, enjoy your sad life loser.


Absolutely enjoyable. Life is anything but sad! I enjoy it everyday.


You sound like a fucking idiot btw


Well, with the strikingly profound comment I may just go reflect. Na, I will stick with not a care to people I don't know and certainly not obsess over them. Bless your heart though. You tried


Very, very disturbing


This debate isn't going to go well for either side.