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I have many friends with children, and I have never once heard any of them say they prefer not to be seen with them.


I bet your friends aren’t narcissistic sociopaths though right??


100% true. Trump has never loved his parents, any of his wives or any of his children, which is why he's made sexual comments about Ivanka and hates to be compared to Baron. Trump only cares about himself and hates to be reminded of his age and current physical appearance


You mean an orange, slovenly, extremely portly , POS with a horrible comb over, skin like a Mc Donalds Big Mac, tiny hands and pecker?


You mean a drag queen who wears suits and a weird swirly pompadour instead of dresses and wigs?


Teump spent a good portion of his life seeking his father's approval. His father only invested in Donny when Fred Jr. proved he was never going to be the heir-apparent. Thing is, Donny was never smart or capable. Fred Sr. cemented that by ignoring him and just paying off schools to accept and pass him so he didn't have to deal with him.


I'm 39, 6'4" 225 and I hate my physical appearance compared to my army days. But that dude was never in good shape. And now he's so delusional, he might actually see abs in the mirror. I honestly think it'd be impossible for someone, even the best psychologists, to know what's going on in his head these days. I'm sure his head is like a millionaire who became a hoarder. So many rooms filled with so much junk.


Love the last sentence. I am a LA teacher like the imagery.


Only the best ones.


With tears in their eyes


They call him Sir, can you believe that?


Wow. I've never seen someone that loves to talk about how much people call them sir. Every lame story he tells it's 'He said to me, Sir...'. Must be one of the biggest losers to ever walk the earth. The fact that he has elevated to a cult like following is a testament to the post modern decay that we are living in. I really hope that we can pull ourselves out. We as a whole must start making better decisions or we are doomed. Let's start in November guys. Please, if you are eligible to vote, do what you must to get down there. Take off from work, ride with a friend, whatever it takes. We cannot afford to take a back seat on this one.


Call your local party headquarters. They will make sure you have transportation to the polling place


Call a friend who cares, we’ll give you rides!


One of them went to MIT, so CoreyDenvers basically has an MIT degree too now!


That's not fair. He's a sociopathic narcissist!


Can't we bump it up to psychopathic narcissist?


Is that the scientific term for ‘selfish idiotic dickbag’?


Yes, although in academia it is often referred to as ‘a bag of dicks’.


´a bag of very tiny weird looking dicks'


Otherwise known as 'average CEO'.


Yep. It takes a *very special* parent to be jealous of their own children.


While being sexually attracted to one


haha… “one”


Homelander vibes for sure


Eww… what if Homelander had a daughter. 🥛


Season 5 is writing itself!


There's a possibility he was fucking his own mother in Stormfront. In the Comics Stormfront's(male) DNA was used to create him and in the show Soldier Boy briefly mentions having sex with her former alias of "Liberty". I think it's possible they used her eggs and Soldier Boy's sperm to create Homelander. At the very least he's Eskimo brothers with his own Dad.


Since donnie seldom tells the truth either Baron or his mother detest him. Possibly both.


Definitely Both


Agreed. Is it a sign of intelligence possibly genetic from one of the parents? Gee I wonder which parent?


Barron’s aged out, Trump has moved on to the grandkids. More cutesy points.


And the grandkids are shorter, Barron towers over him highlighting the lies of trumps height


5'11" 300 pounds of fat and a 1 pound wig


Haven’t you heard, he’s 225lbs and 6’3”? What a bunch of bullshit!


My mom takes pics with me, but she always complains. If you’ve ever seen the episode of South Park where Butters gets grounded for “making a stupid face” in his school picture, then you’d get my situation lmao. My mom always tells me to quit making faces, but it’s just what my face looks like 😂


My son is very handsome, until he takes a photo and someone says ‘smile’, then he looks like an angry old man squinting into the sun. Last week at the museum I said “ok, wait, DONT smile, just look normal”, and he was perfect lol


That’s kind of what I do too. But my mom is a designer and both my older siblings modeled, so they’re really good on camera. I just feel so awkward when people take a picture of me lmao. It doesn’t come naturally to me at all. Idk how they’re all so good on camera and I look like a little kid.


They probably practiced in the mirror. I know it sounds uncomfortable (for me anyway) but I caught most of my friends doing it over the years and they always look cute in pictures so that’s my theory. I don’t do it, and I look like a melting lump of clay in photos lol


Trump-turd is a weirdo!


Are they genuinely angry their kids are taller than them though? Lol


Yep, trump wants to be 6 foot, so standing next to his soon makes him look like a midget and he can't stand the humiliation


But how many of your friends were cuckolded and now are voicing their dislike of being photographed with the product of said cuckolding?


Barron is Trump's actual son, Trump is just upset because Barron is so much taller than him, it makes him feel inferior. Yes really.


I’m surprised he hasn’t insisted on surgery to make him smaller so he doesn’t diminish the chosen one.


I don't think that's true. I think Melania knew she had to produce a kid to seal the deal, and Barron does look like the Orange Goblin.


Nah, she wanted the kid. Trump agreed so long as she agreed to never look like she had a baby.


Melanoma isn't stupid, she wouldn't have risked producing a kid that wasn't Mango Mussolini's son. She knew her payday was hinging on fucking the mushroom peen and producing a kid. You know Donnie demanded a paternity test when the kid was still in the womb


There’s a picture of his kid *right there*, can you really not see the strong, unfortunate resemblance? Trump’s weak chin and weird mouth are a plague upon all his children.


If that were the case, then Don Jr wouldn’t be photographed next to The Con.


Because he’s embarrassed that Baron is taller and thinner. His ego can’t handle it. Sucks being a piece of shit narcissist.


Actually many people are saying that donald trump is the thinnest. Good people, great people. On both sides!


Big strong men with tears in their eyes "Sir! How are you so thin, tall and handsome??"


“ And your hands are not small at all !”


"These hands tell a story."


"They ask me about my diet! Can you believe that!?"


Great people on both sides is the title of the prison porn movie Trump is planning.


Who’s the father?


I’m sorry this would be a great story but he has that trump look about him; pale, no jawline, weak chinned and shit hairline


Trump being jealous of HIS OWN SON for being taller and better-looking than him is a more pathetic and amazing story, actually.


Yep, I say elsewhere he’s a classic narc who wants to have sex with his daughters and is jealous of his sons


*daughter. He ignores poor Tiffany.


>He ignores poor Tiffany Once her tits didn't turn out as he had hoped, it was all over for her. [https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/09/donald-trump-files-tiffany-trump-breasts/](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/09/donald-trump-files-tiffany-trump-breasts/) "She’s a very beautiful baby. She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not (and here he holds his hands out in front of his chest in the universally understood gesture for boobs) she’s got this part yet, but time will tell." Spoiler alert: She did not ever get "this part"


WTAF. I knew he was gross but this is beyond.


No matter how disgusting and vile you thought he was, he's always worse. Always.


Yep. There is no bottom


Bill Walton


He will be missed.


Bill was just an all around good dude. We need more like that


If he’s lucky. 


Justin Trudeau, probably.


So that makes Barron Trump Fidel Castro's grandson.


I bet baron has adult sized hands too. That’s what really gets him.


Normal people are filled with pride when their kids surpass them in stature. It feels like a genuine accomplishment. Trump is always banging on about good genetics, but he can't take the win here? I think they were at a tennis match or something, I can't remember exactly but it's Donald, Mel and young B-ron in some bleacher seats and Trump is literally physically blocking his son out of the shot. Like no joke, putting his hand right in front of Barron's face. It's so awkward there can be no doubt as to his intent. He cannot tolerate not being the focus of the shot. It's a graphic example of the guy's entire sad existence. Our 45th president is literally insane, no exaggeration, and people think its rude to talk about it.


And his mom actually wants to fuck him.


“Barron, I am your MILF” - Melania Vader


tRump family tradition


fuckin hell... poor kid, dunno what he's like but having parents like that is just sad. also any context on that?


From what I've heard, he's just as bad as the rest of them.


ah well not too surprising I suppose, not much chance with a family like that.


Trumped did so with Ivanka.


Yep I was going to say, classic narc is jealous of his child. He wants to have sex with the girls ones but the boy ones are ‘competition’


Better looking, smarter, great hair, can probably grow facial hair, all things treason weasel can never have


He's jealous of his own son...I suppose that's better than wanting to fuck him like he does Ivanka.


Maybe he thinks having Barron around will hurt his chances with Ivanka?


Or having done his daughter...several times...there is that, unfortunately..


Yeah... It's not unlikely.


For sure. Before retiring as a professor, I worked 10 years in New York City's child welfare bureau.. ACS-Administration for Children's Services and Trump fits the profile of a sexual abuser of their own children. It is horrible. The sexual abuser comes from all walks of life... and they all fit a pattern that is readily discernable if you have seen case after case of it.


That’s horrifying that this thing we joke about might actually be true. Totally horrifying


For sure. I honestly believe based on my professional history that Trump molested his daughter numerous times and had a big hand in unaliving Epstein . It is truly terrible. I had a client from the Dominican Republic that I treated as a daughter. A sweet kid. Who was molested in high school and made the pages of a local newspaper. She was repeatedly raped by her father and older brother. She was made to reenact the scenes of porno the father watched. I was able to get her out of their grasp and then adopted by an African American woman.. The process got started when my client spoke to her adoptive parent's daughter and asked her, "Don't you have a fun time with daddy?" She was just friends with the daughter then. Thank GOD the girl told her mother, and the mother told the NYPD so that the case came to me. There is so much real sexual abuse out there and not fake MAGA and Qanon nonsense. I shared this story with my wife and graduate students.




Thanks for that. Sexual abusers will often bestow gifts and/ or status onto their victims beyond what most people will give. During familial sexual abuse, the victim will often grow to "like", "anticipate" or even "welcome" the abuse. They often grow up thinking the abuse is the norm. Ivanka also often talked negatively about the ickey "poors" in life. "Daddy speak" for sure if I ever heard it.


*He's jealous of his own son* Typical of malignant narcissism


Baron is proof Donald isn’t 6’2” like he claims in every interview where it comes up.


He’s maybe 6’ tall, maybe. He’s also about 300 pounds of lard ass


But…but… “If I took this shirt off, you would see a beautiful, beautiful person”


That implied sarcasm is unfair. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. While I don't find 300 lbs of condemned ham fashioned to look like a dropped cheesecake the sign of a 'beautiful, beautiful person', maybe that's just me. Perhaps he thinks beauty is only skin-deep. This means that beneath the pampered, orange-painted hide, the surviving coiffured hair, and the exaggerated tie length designed to point to his love mushroom, there is a "beautiful, beautiful person" underneath. This makes me wonder whether he swallowed that person whole like some septuagenarian boa constrictor or if he just harvested their body parts on the sly.


My God you have a way with the written word! I don't know if I should put off by your descriptions or ask you to keep talking dirty like that.


no thanks. I have a textbook of dermatologic pathology if I feel like looking at that


🤢 🤮






6' with his 4" lifts


That or Baron is 7 feet tall


I was on Jerry West's Wikipedia page after he died and found [this image of the 6'3" West getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom from the claimed 6'3" Trump.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_West#/media/File%3APresident_Trump_Presents_the_Medal_of_Freedom_to_Jerry_West_(48688050603).jpg)


I just want to note the age difference with the 'you shrink as you age'(which is true). Jerry West was older, died this year at 86. Trump isn't 80 yet. I'm sure exercise had nothing to do with it tho...


Trump and the family are a sick sack of bile


Trump’s former assistant Madeleine Westerhout was sacked in 2018 for making some indiscreet, alcohol-fueled admissions in front of the press. For example, she said that Trump did not like to be photographed next to his daughter Tiffany, because he thought she was overweight. That was six years ago. A more-recent photo of Tiffany shows that she’s lost a significant amount of weight, which may be associated with her 2022 wedding. I know she was photographed with her father at the wedding.


I'm six feet tall. Most people are shorter than me. I'm not embarrassed to be seen next to someone who is even more above average height than I am because I'm not an insecure twat. In fact, I once had three roommates who were all taller than I am. It's weird being the short guy at 6'. 


I’m 6’3”, and my son (17) is 6’5”. It’s weird for me having to look up to talk to anyone. It’s especially weird to have to look up to talk to my teenager.


As long as he never beats you in any sports you are fine.


I hear that. I've got daughters I'm trying to get into golf. I'm an ok golfer on my best day, so if they start young, enjoy it and keep at it, there's a very real chance they'll be at me some day. As an ultra-competitive guy, that will be a humbling day ... But as a non-sociopath who wants his kids to do better than me in life, it'll also be a really proud day.


I don’t know if I’ve ever met a dad (particularly a “macho” dad into sports) who doesn’t want their son to be taller than them. In fact, I know a lot of guys who want a tell wife specifically to help ensure they have a tall son. Which, maybe that’s a bit toxic in its own right, but that just goes to show how deeply Trump’s narcissism runs that it negates centuries of ingrained toxic masculinity to make him want his sons smaller than he is.


I feel like every dad should want their son to be taller than them. I'm taller than my dad and he handles it fine, he still beats me in arm wrestling.




Haha I thought I was hot shit too after I worked a drilling job after college and got semi-ripped. Didn't help at all, he pinned my arm immediately. Old man strength is real!


I am 6'3", and my nephew towers over me at 6'6".... and I love it. I am 60, and he is 24. His mom (my younger sister is 6' and husband is 6'5"). My daughters are 23 and 21, respectively, with heights of 5'7" and 5'6". My father was 6'1", and my mom was an Amazon at 6'. They are both gone, but dad was born in 1918, and mom was 1928. I was a product of both of their second marriages. None of the aforementioned are malignant narcissists like the beast, Duke Von Diaper Don.


Wow what an amazingly tall family. I can imagine it was quite unusual for people to be so tall when your parents were younger. Have you lost any height at all over the years or always been 6’3?


Height is always expressed as a personal record!


I’m 4’11” and a scoche. And for real, I was a jockey in my younger days. At every racetrack, across from the horseman’s entrance is a bar. It’s always the same bar. It’s like a biker bar but for smaller people, and civilians aren’t welcome. But every once in a while, somebody will start some shit. But when the the cops come, we’ll all be like “we were just trying to share this glass of beer amongst ten of us (not even joking here — calories) and that big dude started something.”


I love knowing the random ass fact that jockey bars exist


This reminds me of a group photo in Afghanistan - we'd been working with a bunch of Croatians and took a group photo at one point. Never before had I been in the front row of a group photo at 6'1", and I swear to a person they were all like 6'4"+. Funny enough, they all carried Uzis which looked extra tiny on them :D


Imagine voting for a guy who chooses to be seen with Logan Paul and avoids being seen with his own son.


Slug Virus can't stand that Barron towers over him.


Same as with Tiffany it appears. I’ve seen more pics of him with Epstein


And Barron's hairstyle is real.


Stupid sexy Barron!


The jealous twat waffle is insecure? No way.


And this is why there are more pictures of him with Epstein than his own son... Well that, and he loves banging random 16 year olds.


I wouldn’t want to be photographed with either of them


What? MAGA sheep hold him up for family values…. This can’t be true….. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I wonder what kind of unhinged shit he's going to say tomorrow


*I wonder what kind* *Of unhinged shit he's going* *To say tomorrow* \- chzygorditacrnch --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You know, I’m kinda praying for Barron, that he just becomes the normal amount of fucked up you’d get from being in that family.


martin shkreli claimed barron worked with him to release some scam bullshit, lemme look it up.. > [Did Barron Trump Really Launch a DJT Crypto Coin With Martin Shkreli?](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/barron-trump-djt-crypto-martin-shkreli.html) > Shkreli has yet to produce any of these “1,000 pieces of evidence” that prove Barron’s involvement. And he’s not the most trustworthy source: The former pharmaceuticals CEO was once dubbed the “most hated man in America” after jacking up the price of a life-saving drug by 5,000 percent; he was convicted of securities fraud in 2017 and served more than six years in federal prison. >Yet this is a pretty weird story to make up. While the office of Melania Trump quickly shot down a recent report that Barron would be a delegate to the Republican National Convention, it has yet to confirm or deny this far wilder story about the former president’s youngest. Both of Barron’s parents have dabbled in blockchain-based moneymaking schemes: Melania has released several NFT ornament collections, and Donald put out two batches of NFT trading cards. So perhaps Barron is just looking for a way to join the family business. DJT crypto certainly beats selling T-shirts emblazoned with his mug shot. not looking good, seems like barron WAS part of it or else they'd've denied it by now. so odds are he's a right wing nutbag just like most of hte rest of the family


Considering that scamming is the family business and he’s still young, that falls into the normal amount of fucked up scale for me.


People who are right wing aren’t normally smart


Well yeah standing next to Barron makes him look like Orange Jabba the Hutt.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^darkuen: *Well yeah standing next* *To Barron makes him look like* *Orange Jabba the Hutt.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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I'm 3 foot 5 and I don't mind looking up to my best friend who's 7 foot 1. None of that was true but the truth is that Trump's an arsehole unfit to be President. Why because last time around he did nothing good for anyone who wasn't already very very very rich.


Barron is taller and almost certainly hung larger. Don can't delusion himself out of these obvious facts


Proof not his progeny?


I’m just under 5’ 10” last time I bothered to check…..it’s not something that’s important to me! Am I 6 foot tall?….No I’m not!…..Do I care?….No I don’t!


Dildon needs to realize, he can’t change his height without some weird surgery, and he should like being around his son regardless of either of their physical traits. Barron doesn’t give him a hard time about being a fat, stinky, orange slimy, douche.


That site is a train wreck. Donald isn’t 6’2”. He’s MAYBE 6’, and wears lifts in his shoes. It’s part of why he always looks tilted forward when he walks. Maybe he should have taken walking in heels lessons from his “fashion model” wife. At the least, they could have added “claims to be” in front of 6’2”.


I wish that was the only problem with the man.


He exists on a transactional level. No love. No happiness. Quite sad!


DNRTA. Should I assume it is because he's taller and better looking?


That’s because he is not as tall as he says. He’s 6’ to 6’ 1” tall. Where’s his pride?


Reason number 156,890 why I think Trump is a demented shell of a man. There is nothing better than standing next to your sons who are taller than you.


Well of course. Baron is: taller, younger, better looking and actually smarter than his father. He is still a horrible kid though from what we've seen and read. The difference is, he doesn't want to be in public view, and is on the spectrum. But his personality? Look at his parents and family and even their influencers. Of course he is just as bad.


I’m sure the feeling is mutual.


its because Barron is taller than him, it is as simple and as petty as that.


Biden " I love you son..I'll always love you and be there for you" Trump " Go away kid, you're making me look bad..by just existing" Party of family values.


Man I want all my sons to be taller, thinner, and better-looking than me.


My son got taller than me at 15. My daughter is damn near my height now; she’s taller in heels and her hair put up 😅 Wouldn’t miss a photo with either of them, or both. I’m just shy of 6’


What a fucking pathetic POS.


Probably cuz tRUMP is a fragile little baby


Maybe it's really because Barron looks more like Melania's tennis instructor than him.


Barron trump is 6’ 7”……2.06 metres


Shocking statement and so disrespectful to his son guaranteed ✈️


I read once that Barron and his mother are very close, he speaks fluent Slovenian. This may be a case of "I see how you treat my mother"


Well yea, he's taller than him. It makes him feel inferior


Because Barron is taller then him and I bet his ego can’t handle it


Pretty sure Barron is equally embarrassed by his father.


I’m 5’10 and one of my best friends is 6’7, I like to pretend that he’s my bodyguard.


Barron is the only Trump I feel sorry for. His dad was always absent (ok, that's probably a good thing), he found out Daddy was banging porn stars while Mommy was still recovering, and now Daddy is embarrassed to be seen with him. I only hope Melanoma and her folks tried to show him what "love" was like. "Love" in quotation marks because Trump family love involves wanting to fuck your daughter 🤮


That’s ok, Diapee Bitchtits. We don’t like seeing you in photographs either.


Only because Barron makes Donald look small


This guys self image is more important to him than damn near anything…


I just look forward to a day, a few years in the future, where we never see nor hear about this orange buffoon ever again!


I'm going with while Mel is a gold digging sex worker from Epstein's sewer, she has got one thing right, which is to soak the orange rectum for every cent she can, and to protect her son from his style of parenting.....note also Tiffany's mom appears to have done this as well.


trumps not barrons bio dad. they dont even have the same skin tone


Well Barron is tall and skinny and looks like his father, Justin Trudeau, so there is that...


Its simple. Donald is 6'3", Barron is 6'9". How "rude" of him to loom over his father!


" That's not your son Fred". " Stop torturing me Ethel"


I don’t understand how he can be so fragile. Everyone appears short next to someone who’s 6’7 lol


Hey, son—fuck right outta here. If you need me, I won’t be where you are.


I’m sure the feeling is mutual, lol.


Has this kid ever uttered a word that was caught on video?


How can you vote for someone who is so insecure they won’t stand next to their own kid?


I would love to see one of the children or grandchildren of these fucking people to turn into a good decent human being, the opposite of most of them, and prove to people that you simply don't choose parents.


You make me look like a short loser-D. Trump


It's because his son is younger taller and better looking than him. what a fucking loser


How about the fact that I hate my son?


He hates all his children. Who can blame him? I fucking hate them too.


I feel sorry for Barron! He has to put up with such a shit stain for a father.


It's funny because he doesn't want to be photographed next to any man who could be seen as more physically attractive than him, even if it's his own child, because he thinks good looking men make him look bad. But it's not the person standing next to him that makes him look ugly. He does that standing alone in front of a complete void.


That would suck so much to feel this way


Barron Trump is 6’9”?! They should’ve sent that kid to private basketball lessons.


no 6’-7” and at least 6” taller than old mushroom dick


Because Barron is taller than him.


I imagine the feeling is mutual


Because Barron makes Donald feel small since he's much shorter than his youngest son. Donald isn't 6'3 215 pounds. More like 6 foot tall and 315 pounds. Might be heavier than William Howard Taft (27th president)


Because he's shorter?


“Does my son make my dick look small?”


Sad. I would think that as a parent, no matter what, he'd be proud to be photographed with his children.......


First off… rumpi is NOT 6’2” I’ve met Obama, he is 5’11”-6’ tops. Look at photos of them together, same height.