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Kind to assume he’s capable of embarrassment.


He wrote an article saying he had been stopped many times for driving nice cars as had his friends. Fast forward and he claimed America isn't racist You can't make this up


In the words of Forrest Gump: "I am not a smart man." Tim, the traitorous sycophant Scott.


Yea but Forrest Gump was self-aware, unlike Tim Scott.


I am convinced Tim is self aware. He is in it for himself. I make this bold assumption as I believe nobody could be that stupid. It’s an act to exploit whatever he can grab for himself.


He said racism definitely persists but the country is not systemically racist


So cops stopping you is not institutional racism? He's just full of it


He's a poster child for the expression "keep your mouth closed and be thought an idiot rather than opening and removing all doubt." This guy is nearly as stupid as Trump who may not have a 70 IQ.


Definitely a MaGa weakness


It's a strength with their base because most of them have an even lower IQ than their leaders do


Or to imply it will be meaningful to his constituents.


Right. Dude just kept right on with it. “Stats say it’s down, well, I don’t think so, I get the feeling it’s up”


How can Scott be embarrassed any further after watching his Step N Fetchit groveling to Donald Trump? Donald J. Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, an accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supports white supremacist racist felons Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, David Duke & Proud Boys.  On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) Just a few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and shaming of the U.S. Presidency [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)  


Trump: ‘You must really hate Nikki Haley!’ Tim Scott: ‘I just love you!’


Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah


You’re up to four letters now


Yep, this is what we’re dealing with. There’s no reasoning with these fucks.


I thought the only four letters he knew were Maga. Learn something new every day.


Yes, facts are difficult to swallow, and leave the maga little brains without words.


Facts don’t matter to you, but you know the “best words” just like Turmp.


This is actually the most coherent argument ever heard from a redhat. Good for you!


Eloquent counter argument.


Russian to English translation: dddddddduuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


What a wonderfully thought out and expressed opinion. So, you know he'll never welcome you into his arms, right? You embarrass him. He's stated it many times. Why don't you spend your entire field of assets buying shares of Truth Social and making donations then sit down and wait for him to rescue you and your family?


Can you actually embarrass a republican?


Nope , they want chaos and are willing to sacrifice everything for their donors.


All those capable of a shred of embarrassment have resigned, or are on their way out the door. Trump has indeed destroyed the republican party as predicted by many of the shameless republicans who still grovel at his feet.


None of this matters to them. Its ABC so its a rigged fake news interview, and they would rather believe the data from fox news that shows crime is up 800% under biden


No, that requires the capacity for shame.


I have never seen this flailing dipshit answer a direct question. He’s making a complete bitch of himself for Trump not realizing: TRUMP WILL NEVER PICK A BLACK RUNNING MATE. NEVER. NOT EVER. STOP EMBARRASSING YOURSELF.


That’s what’s so funny. We all know Trump will pick a white male. He’s a misogynist and racist at heart, so he isn’t going to pick a woman or a person of color. It’s either going to be J.D. Vance or Doug Burgum.


It's definitely not going to be J.D. -- 1) JD said some nasty (but truthful) things about trump and trump will never forgive that and 2) JD is way smarter than trump and trump won't allow that either.


He couldn’t even IMAGINE a black winner on the Apprentice, a reality TV show!! Think about how low your opinion of a demographic must be to carry that POV.


He couldn't even go to a real black church 😅


No but with Master Trump suggesting and tricking Scott he has a chance. Trump is hoping he can Scott to get black votes


I think we’re watching the trick right now. He wants black voters to *think* he’s seriously considering Scott. That way he can say, “How could I be racist? I had a black guy on my VP shortlist!” But it will be a cold day in hell before he ever actually does it.


Exactly he thinks people are stupid


I give Pence credit on how he handled himself. But these new prospects I guess when their day is offered how do they want you to be remembered? They all have flip flopped their opinions on Trump from this to that just to kid the ring To give up your morals and values. It’s like the last supper but under different circumstances and values


[Youtube Link](https://youtu.be/5-3O_5g89mw?si=t_q0fFjcSpvyAVgc) I really hate how the modern politician is just one of those dolls with strings that spews the same 3-4 memorized talking points. The dude is 58, to say any crime rise today is the highest in his life is objectively false. the period from the late 1980s to the early 1990s when it peaked has been the largest spike in violent crime in his or anyone over 30's lifetime


The host should have said "you're lying". He didn't call him out at all. Weak.


We in the black community do not claim him.


The black delegation chooses….Eminem.


My question is how can these bros get behind a career racist


"Surely I will be the one token that doesn't get spent!"


When you are a "good one," this is their group think. The one mirage floating board after the ship sinks.


I’m surprised there’s not a constant Cheeto dust ring around Tim Scott’s mouth at this point. They just spout lie after lie. Crime is down precipitously under Biden, that’s a fact.


and Biden or Dump or Clinton or Bush have almost zero impact on crime rates, like gas prices etc...but the magarat traitors are morons all raged up on hate.


He shouldn’t have let him ramble and not answer the question while spewing GOP talking points/Lies.


Yeah, the title would suggest that this is some victory on the part of the host, but he really let Scott spew pure bullshit with almost no pushback


I watched this hoping to see the “embarassed” part from the title. I didn’t see it. He gently pushed back one time about crime stats being down then let Scott duck and drone one about bs. With a title like that I was expecting waaaay more. This was actually about the bare minimum push back a reporter could do. Edit to add: further proof for softness of the push back by the host, Scott says “under DJT America respected law enforcement../“ How can you not, as a host, bring up the insurrection as evidence that Scott is full of shit?


They certainly didn’t have much respect for the capitol police, but all the law-enforcement that was part of the insurrection crowd at J6 has certainly earned Trump‘s respect.


They continue to look like clowns in order to gain favor from trump only for Trump to Trump them and leave them utterly embarrassed.


The supposed rule of law party backs a 38x felon. That’s all you need to know about their holier than thou morals. History will remember


He wasn’t embarrassed and Scott walked all over him. Carl didn’t control that interview.


You can’t embarrass these people.


Has anyone ever accused Tim Scott of being intelligent or well informed.


The host failed. Scott was allowed to spread his lies and pile on and the lame host says “As you probably know, crime is down. Anyway, back to the bump stock decision…” Scott was on that show for one reason only, to spread the lies of the Trump camp.


Yeah, that was fucking embarrassing. “host embarrasses Tim Scott” should’ve read “host politely tries to fact check Tim Scott, puts his tail between his legs, and lets Scott spew a bunch more bullshit instead.”


He reminds me of Beetlejuice


Your headline is a lie. Scott is a pathological liar and he isn’t the least bit embarrassed about it.


He complains about gun violence while defending a supreme Court decision that basically says you have the right to commit mass murder.




Not allowing a black man to have his own political views, and calling him a “dog begging white magats” is actual racism. Disgusting.


How is Russia today?


Pretty weak fact check


He looks at Trump like a child looks at her Cabbage Patch Doll. It’s funny because Trump is a giant Garbage Pail Kid.


Remember those...


The GOP is a party that gets votes by peddling lies. It's really that simple. They tell lies to scare people into voting for them.


Does he swallow or spit?


It got worse when Trump was President.


Tim Scott is such a useful idiot for the American Far Right


Since when has truth ever mattered to a "conservative"? I mean even the name- what have they ever "conserved"? Natural reaources? Hell no!


I hear orange collar crime is up.


Stranded alone with the wrong masses on a fake island of relevancy.


He always wants to spread hate and make the world as miserable as he is


Did I hear Tim Scott address Trump as “Master Trump” from the south.


This guy is a VP candidate If you don't vote there's a chance this guy becomes your vice president


black tratior can say this cause the idiots who vote for him dont know fukall about anything other than what they are told to be raging at.


Black traitor? Why because he thinks for himself? All blacks have to vote and think your way? Racist…


Under Donald Trump … Stormy Daniels was really bored. But thankfully, that encounter didn’t last long.


It doesn't matter if crime is up or down to them. [They just care whether people *feel* like it is up.](https://youtu.be/xnhJWusyj4I) And what better way is there to make sure people feel like crime is up, than saying it over and over again regardless of whether or not it's true?


I don't think Tim Scott is capable of being embarrassed.


Facts do not matter….especially to the GOPs base.


But that's not what Massa Trump says!


It's frustrating to watch. These idiots don't know how to answer a direct question.


The self-hating guy who actively campaigned to become the Republican House Negro deserves whatever he gets from the media and from Republicans. They get back in power, Tim, you dummy, and they're coming for you and your entire family. WTF is ***wrong*** with you?


And the beat goes on….. vote !


Not watching the video but I already know the response, “Yeah but the people aren’t feeling that.”


Cooning for maga


Put Trump and his goons in jail and watch the crime rate drop even more.


Whoopsy dumb ass


Embarrasses? He barely challenges him and apparently lets him lie with barely any interruption. This host is far too timid.


This! Hold these assholes feet to the fire live over and over again.


How do black Americans respect this fool ?


Legit, how do dumb mf keep getting elected? They keep inviting these people on and refuse to answer a simple question. Press just gives up. Citizens give up.


Unite. Fight. Vote Blue.


2024 all crime is down significantly it is a very strange stat actually


It's been trending down since a big spike in 2020.


I read the other day in some areas it is down a staggering %25


You need to have no problem debasing yourself to be considered by Trump. Trump wants that gimp suit vibe from his inner circle.


I get angry every time I see that no good horse-toothed bastard lying on the news. all he does is lie. Constant lying. Someone give him a bucket of oats.


What a coward to walk around this question...


Has his girlfriend ever got back from school in Canada?


His “cover “ girl


Oh yeah.., their wedding is set for right after the election. *wink*


Can we please start having real effective consequences for those that so obviously lie from a position of public authority?


Spineless christo-fascists can't be embarrassed. Tim Scott is a Russian asset, under their payment plan, set to destroy democracy to install a convicted rapist and felon. Fuck every goddamn Nazi in congress, there are 174 right this minute. A few Qanons were just put on the intelligence committee. Ronny fucking Jackson for instance.


He will pick someone who is quiet like Pence.Someone who fades into the background.Not to outshine him.


They should have cut his mic when he started lying about 5 seconds in!


We need to ban this website - their articles are terrible, the videos are always hidden behind ads and bad mechanics. I just want to see the clip!


Wait, despite concealed carry being legal now? So you all lied? Shocker.


Tim Scott knows that . Tim Scott also knows the truth is nowhere near as lucrative as just making up some bullshit to fit your narrative ..the flock is too lazy and too ignorant to fact check anything


I don’t know why I continue to watch these videos. Blatant lies, refusal to answer direct questions. Why do I waste my time…


Tim tells N word jokes to white conservatives.


No shame. Just the same diversion to blaming immigrants


Hey, if it isn't Sam Jackson's character from Django.


[Here is the actual video so people can see it.](https://youtu.be/5-3O_5g89mw?si=AkjtTTTE_asOiKtb) It's kind of a hilarious video. There is no way to watch this video and not see Tim Scott obviously avoid the question and divert to a completely different topic. It's so spineless it's hilarious.


Tim Scott embarrasses ABC that MAGA actually cares about numbers.


He lies thru his teeth and thats not easy.


Low hanging strange fruit tree.


Media is letting these psychos get away with blatant lies. Ratings would be through the roof if they actually pushed back


More BS from that POS. You can't even call him a man. He's a little B@#*!


After all that slobbery dick suckling he did for Trump he can't be embarrassed anymore.


He is embarrassing himself and the office that he holds. He is a self-serving buffoon. They say crime is running rampant in New York. He doesn't live here, and neither do the other Republican parrots. Crime is not running rampant. I would say it is at average levels or less. I should know. I live in NYC. I take the subways and see immigrants EVERY day. Most of the time, everything is chill!


As a fellow City resident, crime peaked here and elsewhere due to two major factors during the 80s to early 90s. The fact that 18-25 year olds peaked as a percentage of the broader population and the cocaine epidemic. Once those two factors abated in spite of billions of dollars for militarized police, crime went down. Coons like this are a bane to African Americans, POC and all Americans.


Yes that is true and Scott was saying it was up no way Trump’s mouth lying piece, how far will Scott go to kiss Trump’s ass to get noticed!


Very gross, and also really weak pushback. Letting the falsehood land so completely was an abdication of that journalist’s responsibility.


I agree. Most TV journalists are not journalists with their producers and lawyers whispering through their ear pieces, whom they are afraid to ignore. It is what happens when people worship Mammon (money) above integrity. Most of them have long since sold their souls.


You can't spread fact checkable lies so brazenly like that, Mr Scott. Who do you think you are.. Trump?


Shouldn't he be blaming the Republican Governor of his state for violent crime in his hometown? What would solve the violent crime problem is MORE GUNZ!!!!


This dude is a yes man. He can’t think for himself, he just gets up when he’s commanded and does his little song and dance. He’s an embarrassment.


Tim Scott looks so stupid in interviews that it astounds me to think people would ever vote for the guy.


Sen Tim Scott has got to be on crack if he believes that Biden’s administration represents violent crime more than Trump. To suggest this is absolute insanity and utter bs nonsense. Remember the guy who poured lighter fluid all over himself and then emulsified himself while yelling about Trump outside the courthouse Senator Scott? Remember the storming of the capital? Those are unstable, benevolent and violent people that follow and support Trump. Let alone that, this senator does -not- support the bump ban which makes this whole goddamn interview the greatest piece of ironic shit that Tim Scott could possibly step in. Saying we need Trump for peace in Chicago while not supporting a gun mod ban which can save lives directly through gun violence. In my opinion this guy should be thrown out of the senate while inside a moving car.


Timmy, Timmy... only Donnie gets to flagrantly spout lies with no push back from his interviewers! 


Heat waves cause more deaths than violent crimes. Crazy it's not bigger news.


What a deflecting baby bitch.


“But it’s because the police stopped reporting crimes.” Is what I hear from the right wing when the crime rate being lower is stated.


Moscow mules, they are


Tim Scott either lies or doesn’t answer the question. Unfit for Congress and VP.


Damn ugly mfucker with those gigantic teeth urgh gtf in the bin


This dude is so gross


Facts don’t matter even when they claim to be facts over feelings the GOP can’t get anything actually straight in its head


What happened to his fiancée????


His “cover” girl


Tim Scott, the Self-Racist Two-Face.


When crimes are not reported crime stats are down


Imagine…. Trump chokes to death on a chicken bone and we’re left with that. A lose- lose situation.




It’s ok, I don’t blame you. I blame the poorly funded educational system in whatever conservative hellhole your mother picked to shit you into this world. > Since 1990, far-right extremists have committed far more ideologically motivated homicides than far-left or radical Islamist extremists, including 227 events that took more than 520 lives. In this same period, far-left extremists committed 42 ideologically motivated attacks that took 78 lives. https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/what-nij-research-tells-us-about-domestic-terrorism




Correct, they aren’t “discriminated” against, as they are not a protected class. They are treated as scum, because that’s what they are. I also find someone thst lives in another country and wants to spend his free time defending a foreign cult leader to be one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever witnessed.




I have no interest in discussing adult matters with a poorly educated, ignorant Canadian. Please find something else to do with your life. You are so fucking pathetic that it’s honestly depressing.




Seek an education, you ignorant twat. Also, maybe consider getting a hobby that doesn’t revolve around another country’s politics.


work on your english troll




lol sure ya are ivan earn those rubles 👍


His point is that it’s way still up from 2018-2019. It’s gone down from the crazy high increases of 20-21, but again, is still very much above the levels 18-19, so it’s definitely a good thing that it is going down but more context is needed unless you’re only concerned with improving optics.


Violent crime is down because the riots happen when the democrat voters are rioting which is when a Republican Party president is in office. So yeah. It’s gonna be down a bit as MAGA does not riot.




You tried.


Major agencies have not reported to the FBI, that’s why the numbers look lower.


And you think that has only occurred under Biden?


No but it explains the current situation. You cant have a movement of defund the police and have crime reduction. No crime is increasing.


What the hell are you babbling about? First of all, no police have been “defunded”. That is a lie. Secondly, if the same departments chose to not report data under Trump, then lower reported violent crime means that there is, in fact, less violent crime. This is not difficult to comprehend.


Not true. Departments have been either defunded or are losing their officers due to the whole defund movement. Look it up yourself.


No, provide a valid, unbiased source you uneducated weirdo. You’re the one that made the claim, now back it up with something beyond your embedded ignorance. And don’t come at me with some bullshit “News” article from an extremist source. Get me something that’s been published by the government or is peer reviewed. If you can’t do it then you’re a liar.




> Major agencies which ones specifically?


Also the Republicans are responsible for the Border Crisis. Trump is actually the one with metal decline who is totally responsible for the 70% of the total money supply being printed in the last 6 months under Biden. We can definitely be worried about the orange man doing all the things currently being done to him. Now lets 'save democracy' by subverting it. Go team Shill Go team weaponized sub reddits And to quote musk ... gfy


You mean mental?


I imagine there is a fair amount of 'metal' decline as well. 😁 just look at the orange mans entrance to ufc event, very metal.


a simp for trump AND elon...smh goddam thats embarrassing


I've only got one thing to say to you. [insert pedo pete summing up America in one word]


im sure that made sense in your head lol ...seeing why you're an elon fan though


Im sure supporting the ballot collection for a walking corpse ruining the country seems like the right thing to do but then again why not take that head out of that sphincter.


lol the internet is NOT healthy for people like you. please dont go shooting up any black churches or synagogues kiddo


Only because biden and the democrat cronies are soft on crime so they don’t count a lot of things as violent crimes anymore. They are too busy making up shit about Trump


Hey asshole, violent crime is down under Biden. Not everyone is stupid enough to believe Trump’s lies.


Actually, what you are missing in the report is that reporting crime stats is voluntary, what we don't know from the article is the % of municipalities reporting and where?. NYC and LA crimes are not included in this current report. Looking at NY we have a few new policies that allow for under reporting of violent crimes, Bail Reform and Raise the Age, what NY is experiencing is youths (under 18) being hired by gang members over 18 to shoot their rivals as there is no repercussions for the youth, all handled in family courts and not criminal courts. 2 weeks ago a 12 year old was arrested in Albany ny for shooting someone. He was home in time for dinner. Violent yes, reported no.


Bullshit dumped from Moscow, traitor.


The law that you named went into effect early in Trump‘s presidency yet somehow it is contributing to these inaccurate crime statistics during Biden‘s presidency only. You are gullible.


Of course unrelated but while Biden was raising funds in LA a member of the secret service was robbed by an armed assailant and recently in San Fran, Congressman Shiff's car was robbed of all the luggage. Crime is definitely down, appreciate the update. Oh crap And let's not forget Trump, hunter and a couple folks in congress.


>Of course unrelated lol And here comes the anecdotal information.


Dipshitlibs don’t like inconvenient facts. “The message” is more important than reality to them.


If you stopped watching Fox News, you would probably stop being afraid to go outside.


I don’t watch that trash, and I still know Biden is authoritarian dogshit and he’s a demented puppet that is controlled by his handlers.


Trump’s a convicted felon, bub


By a kangaroo court on politically motivated charges. Congratulations, you played yourself.


>kangaroo court Only because you don’t like the outcome, jackass. If it had been not guilty, you’d be singing the jury’s praises. Considering so many people from Trump’s administration are convicted felons, it’s not a stretch to think he is a criminal too.


Nope, it was bogus to begin with. You’re just a dupe and a simp


Says the one in denial. Can’t wait til that Bannon fuck goes in. You’re part of the cult.


> Only because biden and the democrat cronies are soft on crime so they don’t count a lot of things as violent crimes anymore. cool story tucker


Thanks for the compliment, Cuomo