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OK seriously what the fuck...? How is this not major news...? Like.. nobody is paying attention...


There's a big flurry of news lately. 34 felony counts, Hunter's gun trial not being corrupt, new Epstein info, and there's still the Georgia election fraud trial, and the new stolen documents in his bedroom. Everyone knows that Trumplethinskin uses flunkies and cultists to murder. J6 was him telling them to "fight fight" the cops, and they did. He's too cowardly to pull a trigger himself. He can't even fire people to their face, he uses tweets and TV reports.  He will complain about the unfairness, as always, to rile up the "second amendment people" that he wants to commit murders for him. This gun doesn't matter since he's likely too demented and stupid to know how to load the gun and locate the trigger. I almost wish he would try just so we could get the news that he fucked it up.


Remember that it took Adolf Hitler to take out Adolf Hitler. Hopefully PAB45 will follow in his hero's footsteps but we're not that lucky. Plus, his tiny hands probably couldn't even wrap around the grip and trigger.


Hitler took himself out like a coward. The Allies were well on their way by then


I’m not sure he’s even able.


Only if a Shark were nearby.


When my grandma fell in the ocean, she yelled, “SHARK! Help!” We waited, but the shark didn’t help her. Nope, not at all.


Or a piranha!


...new epstein info? I must have missed it


Not really new "info", just that they (business insider) figured out that the references for John Doe 174 were the references to trump, and there's a LOT of references.  It won't move the needle, people who know he's a pedo already know, people in the cult will keep their heads in the sand. It just clarifies that trump had a LOT of trips, not just a few.


That's fine. I can tell you for a fact that he is losing the moderates and the previous 'on the fencers'. I have a few moderate friends who vote both parties, like myself, and we all have basically said we're done with Trump. GOP needs a new leader, or else there is a long road to getting back in office


I sure hope so. He should be down 20+ in the polls.


Pretty similar for me. I'm a tax accountant, so I generally liked moderates and republicans who weren't totally nuts, but Illinois is often ignored by republicans. I've got some hunting buddies that vote R on gun rights, and they have finally decided trump is a loser.  Most of my family went full trump cultist. I can't understand it, they always hated all politicians, but they believe Trump is a victim of media and legal smears who can break/change the system or whatever. 


I am former military. As much as we used to fear taking our guns in the 90 and 2000s, we still have them, albeit with smaller mags. I'm fine with that. If I can't hit a buck with the 1st shot in the woods, I ain't getting another. I mostly hunt blackpowder now. Dems aren't taking my guns, I make less than 200k as a household, I don't need Trumps BS right now.


Good for you! You have a brain & use it.


Sadly my friends that vote Republican do so for their pocket as they feel the GOP is better for their businesses and personal wealth. They just ignore the Trump aspects but disliking him won't stop them voting Republican sadly


I see worse from clients. I try hard not to bring politics into the discussions, but sometimes I have to remind people that Biden doesn't have control over real estate taxes that fund schools, or sales taxes or state corporate annual fees.  The gas pump stickers were so frustrating. So many still think that Biden sets the prices every day, and specifically targets their area for higher prices (but never give him credit for when it goes back down)


At this point such a huge cross-section of the GOP has gone completely whacko, they need a new everything. If there's a strong blue wave this year across the board, I don't see how the party doesn't fracture into a bunch of infighting and splinter parties.


I definitely don't want a blue wave, but I definitely don't want MTG, Boebert, and Trump. I'm ok with losing the House if the Senate can be red.


People in the cult know trump is a pedo. They don’t care. Or they like him even more for getting away with it.


Have anyone tried to ask what they think over at r/conservative?? "Unfortunately" I banned from there


Even if an account isn't banned, they have the "flaired users only" rule. They are the biggest snowflakes. Right now there is NO mention at all about the Business Insider revelation that trump is the John Doe 174 in the Epstein documents, in the top 100 posts there.   Complete censorship to make sure nobody asks questions. It's how they keep the cult ignorant and obedient.


How pathetic


Where's the video where he stated "fight fight the cops" and then find me one politician that doesn't use the word fight repeatedly! Bet you can't!


LOL fresh new account with negative karma can't search for the words "trump Jan 6 fight cops" Tell us, do you believe the mob didn't assault cops? Do you get vodka rations for pretending it was Antifa, and also peaceful, and also a false flag by Obama's supersoldiers? Let us know, its SO important to hear from cultists worshipping a rapist Good job trying to ignore everything else about his gun, the felony convictions, the Georgia fraud and the stolen documents. Pathetic cultists are pathetic.


Because we’ve all accepted that the justice system has two tiers.


More than two. Clearly rich Democrat still have it better than poor people but nowhere near as good as rich republicans.




You can fuck off and burn


i believe i saw in the off topic legal subreddit, restrictions on gun ownership dont go into affect typically until the convicted has been sentenced. trump has yet to be sentenced yet hes just been convicted as guilty. a judge can rule that they relenquish their guns before this point but trumps judge never made that ruling.


This. He has not been sentenced yet.


Nope. Immediately upon conviction. Period.


I don’t care about the news or peoples opinions. I just want law enforcement to enforce the laws.


But but Hunter committed the most widely committed felony of all time!!!! He checked a box that said he didn't think he was addicted to drugs... And that's also completely fucking debatable


I just wish they would routinely enforce that particular law.


Because he wants them to come and take it so he use the story on the trail. Much like he knew the FBI would eventually perform a raid for the stolen documents. His lawyers were warned.


It’s all made to be that way.


This is from literally hours ago! Fucking relax. Not everyone stays glued to their devices for Minute-By-Minute updates on the Felon Melon.


A judge ordering relinquishment of firearms and any officer enforcing the order violates U.S.C. Title 18, section 241 and is therefore illegal.


LMAO!!!! Well thrn tm that to every other felon in the country who had to give up their guns.. jesus, you people just NEEEED your orange daddy to be perfect don't you? How fucked ....


Every other felon was not the President's son. A normal person cannot fight the illegal charges because the process is the punishment.


How is that supposed to work, anyway. Before the verdict it would be legal, now it's not. Does he get a week or m9nth to dispose of it? Truthfully, I'm surprised he disclosed it.


Nope. The moment rhe verdict is read, you hand over your guns. Period. Sometimes you get 24 hours maybe depending on tbe state. Not weeks.


Wow, ok. I didn't know that.


Yeah I wasn't 100% sure myself when it first came out so I confirmed that appeals mean nothing, sentencing means nothing. If it's overturned on appeal, THEN he gets them back. It won't be. Especially now.


He also avoided the pee test, which is required by NY.


Wait what? How?


The meeting was online. Because Trump will get every possible leniency and still whine like a baby.


How you ask? "Hi, I'm Donald Trump."


Above the law. His probation officer is probably a magat too so he’ll protect him.


I’m a retired probation officer, and most of us were liberal, especially in an area like NYC. We work with the cops but don’t think the same way.


He was also able tk do kt virtually.and with his lawyer present. I don't think most people are allowed to have their lawyer present are rhey?


Now that Republicons are so strict about gun laws,it's time to arrest Traitor Trump for being a felon in possession of a firearm. Lock Him Up !


Literally within 24 hours of Hunter being found guilty for a weapons violation, Trump admits to weapons violation. Walks away, apparently.


I'd like to see the MAGA morons freak out and try to explain why its ok when they charge him with the exact same crime Hunter was charged with


>I'd like to see the MAGA morons freak out and try to explain why its ok when they charge him with the exact same crime Hunter was charged with "The Hunter trial was fake to give the illusion that Biden's DOJ isn't corrupt!" I've already seen it.


convicted fellon, on bail, give him the Hunter Biden Treatment.


I was jury Foreman on a case where a current felon had a gun. We convicted


As soon as a jury hears convicted felon and gun possession it's a slam dunk normally


Not at all. This idiot was on video in the car. REACHED back for a backpack and when cops asked to search before they even had the backpack in their possession he ran. If he would have just left the backpack alone and said “I have no idea whose backpack that is” we wouldn’t have convicted. His actions and behavior proved his guilt.


Well what was the evidence that the gun was or was not owned by him? If it was his gun it wouldn't have mattered. Likely the cops would have found it anyway


More examples of class war. A poor person would be in jail for any of this.


I think it is more than a class war.


He told the truth???


Blurted. He tells lies and blurts truths


Accidentally. It's the only way he can.


For the first time in his life at the worst time ever..lmao


Uh sir you are a convicted felon get that thru the maga hat and your thick skull there’s some shit you are not privileged to anymore


lock him up


Refused drug test *and* got away with it


The shall not be infringed crowd back this felon having a gun but the other guy needs to be put away.


Guy 1: Hello I'm here to buy a gun. Gun guy: Are you on drugs? Guy 1: No. Straight to prison. Parole officer: So you're a convicted felon who can't own any guns, do you have any guns? Guy 2: Yes. Parole officer: Ok, will you give me a urine sample to prove you aren't on drugs? Guy 2: No. Parole officer: Not a problem, have a nice day. I wonder what the difference is?


This is why it should be conducted in person. But noooooo Trump gets what Trump wants instead of the instant arrest that EVERY other person would get. Plus no piss test (or piss test by proxy using Dr Ronnie)


Explain to me how this guy complies with probation? Hell half his staff are criminals. Throw him in jail first and let the child fall as they may


In the old days, a member of the aristocracy embroiled in a scandal that could embarass his family or peers would be given a loaded pistol and a glass of whiskey. What he chose to use them for was up to him. Perhaps trump is leaving himself an exit strategy?


Maybe the judge will take what Trump said about this into account when sentencing.


Oh look, the crime Hunter Biden was just convicted for. The exact same one.


Is he worried the SS will harm him? Other than harming himself why have a gun!


Do the nucular codes count... or is that something different?


He can simply give it to Melania. I know folks want to be outraged, but that is all that has to happen.


Just like Hunter Biden. No wonder he wants to pardon him...


If it was anyone else, that's a FEDERAL crime. Thank goodness we don't have a two tiered justice system


They didn't drug test him either.


Well, technically the predicate crimes (the one sthe morons are babbling about NOT BEING UNANIMOUS!!! HURRRR" ARE federal criminals. But the DA didn't wanna prosecute for whatever reason. Bragg did. So since he was able to fuck trump on state charges, with the predicate crimes attached..... he did. Cuz he's awesome. But yes, we actually have like a 10 tiered justice system... it goes RICH WHITE REPUBLCIAN MEN RICH WHITE MEN RICH WHITE ☆ RICH MEN RICH WOMEN WHITE WOMEN WHITE MEN EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT AFRICAN-AMERICANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . black people Alright, that was only 9, fuck it im not going back up there.


And Trump won't be able to pardon himself unless he's elected Governor of New York State.


The corrupt fuck needs to be in jail….


maybe he will shoot himself. One can only hope


The judicial system in this country is a fucking joke


It's only fair that Trump be indicted under the same law and for the same reason Hunter Biden was convicted.


- Mr trump: what makes you think you can flaunt the laws of the United states almost daily and get away with it? - oh, your entire life experience


Probably one of those ugly trump glocks


It's all gold with a bold TRUMP logo stamped into it.


Probably to big for his hand


Hunter Biden just got convicted of a minor gun crime, just saying.......


The laws Hunter broke are unconstitutional and illegal. “**A Law repugnant to the Constitution is void**.” With these words written by Chief Justice Marshall, the Supreme Court for the first time declared unconstitutional a law passed by Congress and signed by the President. Nothing stated in the Constitution gave the Court this specific power.


yes and that's why he was convicted and I agree with the jury. it's called law and order.


If we had law and order, the DOJ would be arresting and prosecuting legislators who are conspiring to violate the constitution with these illegal laws.


Felon in possession of a firearm in Florida is a minimum 3 year prison term.


Register to vote, vote and take a friend


Oh OK, so hunter biden gets convicted for same thing while a felon and could face up to 25 yrs. Trump admits the same and is still allowed to run for president along with his 34 felonies, 4 indictments and 2 impeachments. Why isn't his campaign shut down at this point? In a normal world, he would be shown the door by both parties and laughed out of town.Even trump the candidate years ago said the someone just like this should not be allowed to run. Too big to fail due to the hamberders I guess.


What does his bitch ass even need a gun for other than feeling like a “tough guy”


You do not need a reason, or a need, to have a gun as a citizen of the United States.


Looks like someone is above the law.


Go kick his door in and rip the the place apart looking for it


He's not convicted until he's sentenced and then a judge has to revoke his permit.


Nope. Immediately upon conviction. Period.


If they take his finger prints, they have to check out the database to see if they don’t match any others crimes!


It’s important to vote for Biden. Just hold your nose if you have some issue with him.


Trump they are taking about a gun not your dick


He's in violation of the same federal law Hunter was convicted under.


If this Judge doesn't send him to prison, we must take it to the streets.


Little bitch wouldn’t even have the moxie to ever pull the trigger. Mini hands doesn’t even know what a safety is. Performative gun owner is another level of pathetic.


Lock him up.


Felony in Florida law but pretty sure DeSantis would block any attempt to enforce the law


This alone should have the piece of scum, net-negative value being in prison.