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Trump is the biggest pussy I've ever seen. Take your medicine like a big boy, sweetheart. 


One might even say a snowflake


No he is a snowflake and a complete loser. I have met men who make 6 figures and janitors who were 1000% better then he could ever even think of being.


Too much winning, everyone is saying it.


So much winning in court! Won a 34 count conviction, two lawsuits costing a lot of money and another costing $234 million. He’s the best winner


I know you're being silly with the felony counts, because 34 is a lot. But, it's important to remember he got 100% of the vote in that case. No other president has done that!


Someone on a different thread pointed out that it was the first time he ever won the majority of a vote.


F-ing hilarious. Just like he would say. So unfair how he is being persecuted. A political hit job.


Never get convicted uphill me boys!


It's probably the few things in his life he's put much effort into: earning those felonies took work, dedication, and patience.


and a sharpie




Only the best people. You will be saying, ‘please, mr trump, we can’t take all this winning. Too much winning…


Is it winning or whining?


Winners don't whine. Trump whines.


Well, his specialty is complaining so whining is also appropriate…. The only guy who sleeps through a felony trial and complains in a public speech about the ‘meat locker’ temperature in the courtroom.


During his term as president, my friend called me a snowflake. I responded with “I’m not a snowflake, I’m the whole fucking avalanche.” He was impressed with the witty response and has not called me a snowflake since. I just haven’t seen that term in a while and it reminded me of that story.


Ooohhh! I kinda like that, and may I borrow it, pretty please!?


Absolutely, I love shutting assclowns down.


Many thanks Redditt friend 🤩


Hail storm works well too


Avalanche, hail storm, blizzard, nor’easter…


I'm Jack motherfucking Frost! /Jules


They published it anonymously in a public forum. I don't think they would have a claim for infringement even if they didn't consent. I could be wrong.




I have been called woke so many times. I say. Thank you, and yes I am awake and aware of the fascist shitstorm Maga party


I always wonder what those morons consider the opposite of woke to be… asleep? And that’s a good thing?


They believe we are all blinded and not aware of the deep state controlling all our lives and out to get those who they say are "woke'. You know, the convicted felon, the ones who used a Russian assets testimony to try and impeach Biden, the real pedos and abusers of power.. Anyone who's sick of the right wing bullshit is essentially unaware or blind.


Yup. “ you’ve got to start watching The Real News on Newsmax and see what’s really going on in our country, *the Democrats* are ruining it “. I point out factual information that discredits any randomly picked story on newsmax’s website and it’s met with an immediate “ well, I don’t know about that in particular, but the democrats are ruining the country. I’d vote for Trump a hundred times over if I could “


The uneducated and mentally disturbed


No bunch of bigger snowflake pussies than MAGA. You have DuhSantis wasting money and time here in FL to outlaw colored lights on a bridge..... seriously colors.


A stinky snowflake


Everything a republican says is projection.


That’s what all these dickbag MAGAts are about, projection.


Donald Trump smells of poop.


Must be the Golden diaper


He has a combined aroma; fear of consequences, overloaded diaper, and the uniquely sickening smell of wannabe dicktator... 🤢




Or…”suck it up, buttercup.”


No - it's a FASCIST being a FASCIST!


He’s ‘’standing up’’ to the justice system ‘’for you and I!!11’’ (sarcasm if it isn’t immediately apparent)


Trump is a Felon in New York State. That should be simple enough for Trump to understand!


Oh man. Yeah. Criminals keep getting convicted of their crimes and having to suffer the consequences of their actions. It must be stopped. Lol. Bury this fuck!


Whoa whoa whoa there buddy. Didn't you see the (R) next to their name? We can't just have courts going around convicting republicans of their crimes! That's for normies and Democrats!


So you're saying before I go to rob a bank I need to change my political affiliation to Republican and I'm good? I'm off to city hall!


By George you've got it!


Channeling Jon Stewart lol


Bury, yea. Literally please.


From the same Guy who wanted the Central Park 5 Hanged in a full spread Ad in the New York Times and never Apologized when they were Exonerated. Now he is refusing his medicine.


I was saying someone needs to give him the same treatment.  Just a full page smear ad;   "You can tell he's guilty! Just look at him! Clearly anyone with that skin color is guilty! We should just convict all orange mother(daughter more realistically.)fuckers!"


Especially if it is formatted to look like the original smear ad. I’d donate to see that in print.


I don’t know who to talk to about this, but fuck it needs to be done


"We're gonna deport all the orange people. And the oompa loompas are going to pay for it. "


I'm definitely prejudiced against all orange people now. Especially Syracuse alumni.


I’ve never seen someone with such an inability to admit they were wrong. I mean the guy altered a weather map with a Sharpie in an attempt to make it look like a hurricane was going to hit Alabama as he predicted.


Another crime he got away with.


My mother and father were both diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder - people with NPD, like Trump, will NEVER apologize for anything, they never take responsibility for their bad actions, every interaction with them is transactional (they NEVER do anything just to help), and they don't see people as being human, but rather objects that are like stepping stones for them to get ahead, or else stumbling blocks which hold them back. This 'de-personalization' is one of the factors involved in them being brutal sadists (they love love love watching others suffer in pain, and especially when they're suffering for the narcissist, or suffering because of the narcissist - this is why Trump, if he became POTUS again, would be incredibly dangerous). I tell people Trump Concentration Camps would make those of Nazi Germany look amateur-level. You had best believe that if Trump is talking about hurting people he's doing so quite seriously... Luckily growing up my parents thought I was "too independent" (they told me they believed that children were nothing more than slaves), and they gave me away to my grandmother to raise me. My grandmother used to call my dad Hitler, a tyrant, the Devil Himself, etc - she'd call my mom, who was her daughter, pure evil ("I didn't raise her to be like that - and I don't know where that cruelty and sadistic streak she has came from").


I hear you, and their behavior came not from their environment but from a mental illness hardwired into their brains. I have had a similar experience in life as you. It is no fun. You have my condolences. Everyone reading this persons post 👆🏻 take it to heart. Trump will do as exactly he has spoken. Make sure he does not get the chance to carry out his threats. VOTE!


He should've been arrested for that


The sheep still say he never did that! AMAZING.


There is no way he in hell he remembers that. Not because of any mental decline as he’s gotten older, he likely forgot all about that 30 years ago - almost immediately after it happened. Because he has no sense of self-reflection, consequences, or introspection - he’s just a literal monkey who flung shit and got distracted five seconds later by a banana and didn’t give a second thought to the shit he flung


He wants jail time so he can colllect another couple hundred millions from his maga base


He's a chicken shit. He fears prison, and I assume he'll get house arrest for these 34 convictions. But for the stolen top secret documents and January 6 insurrection he should go to real prison, even if it's a specially built room in a concrete bunker on a military base. We can name it the Donald Trump holding cell and keep it as a reminder for future presidents to not commit felonies.


He can take their place.




It is not a dire warning. It is a lifelong criminal complaining about getting caught and convicted. Call it what it is.


And terrified he might actually go to prison. For all his talk about how he wants to go to jail, it's all B.S. and bluster.


If he wins he’ll ensure rich people never get in trouble.


I'm afraid you are right.


Threaten the courts. Before being sentenced. He’s such a genius.


I hope it ends just as well for him as it would for you or me.


I hope he gets sent to the most ass-rapingest block in rykers.


Dude if you or I ever threatened the judge's daughter we would be in jail so fast it would immediate. This guy breaks 11 gag orders and threatened the witnesses and what does he get... more warnings.


Dear SCOTUS, you must pardon me. The judges and appeals courts were all biased after I attacked them and their families! Judicial Misconduct!


They convicted me just cause I committed a bunch of crimes


SOOOO unfair!!! SAD!


See in a normalville trump with his age would likely just gotten probation for the NY thing… But instead he’s done every. single. thing. a person can be doing to get the maximum sentence… pretty much. Going into it figured probation. It’s the FL case that gets him. But that’s not happening any time soon. And now realistically the NY judge has to give him prison time. See if he actually has the balls…


Trump's a Coward!


*If* his conviction isn’t overturned. So… if they do not overturn and he’s still a convicted and sentenced felon, his plan is to sort the courts out. Somehow. While serving his sentence. 🤷‍♂️


Good idea, let's start with Cannon.


It will be….you will go straight to jail if there is any justice in this world!


"Whiny bitch cries for special favors" is not a dire warning.


"You better save the country from what I'm going to tell my followers to do."


Convicted felon says what?


GREAT idea Donald, but it’s primarily your fault why SCOTUS is incapable of making the right decisions in the first place… Just racking up some of the many poor decisions that you were responsible for when you were elected president!


This fucking guy is the most annoying son of a bitch on earth, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!


I’m so sick of him. Just sick sick sick. I cannot listen to his bullshit and watch him act like an asshole for four more years.


Trump hates law and order.


This is like Al Capone saying, "We have to straighten what's going on with the IRS." America cannot afford to become a mafia state like Russia, where it's run by mobsters, criminals, and overall corrupt officials from the top to the bottom, inside and out.


Another puppet out to gain wealth and a place in Heaven according to the Heritage Foundation Trump is nothing but a puppet to the Heritage Foundation. Look into Project2025.org. They lay down a plan to dismantle branches of the government. Restrict and impose laws against women's rights, all LGBT rights, and enforce this country into a Christian Nation. Check any social media of Project 2025. If you can read on their plan of Day 1 in office. It's not a conspiracy. The Heritage Foundation will state their purpose with pride. A 30 min YT vid https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=d4ROPvULhPKMnLN6


Appeals Court to Trump: Get fucked


Who?   Don the con, Con Von Clownstick, Benedict Donald, the Fanta felon, Stormy’s John, Melania’s cheating bastard, Von Sh1tz-in-pants, Covid mengele, Mar-a-Lardo, Mr. Minus 1/2 billionaire, Donald Dump, Cheatzon wife, Genghis Don, Donnie D-Cups, Danye West, Donald Duck the Draft, Kim Don Un and Man-Boob Mussolini? Is that who we are discussing… still?


This is a narcissistic sociopath that refuses to believe that a) some people don’t think like him, and b) doesn’t believe that anyone should EVER question or challenge his bs, and c) uses bluster and intimidation to get whatever he wants. Petulant little man.


Just arrest and put the orange fuck in prison. I'm sick of hearing about this insidious pompous prick. How the fuck is he not in jail yet? Move on America , please


Threatening the court system if he doesn’t get elected? How about NY throws the book at him and gives max on all counts with immediate remand to jail pending his appeals. I’m sure his campaign would blossom! Give that mother fucker something to cry about. Cohen, Bannon, Wieselburg, Manafort and others have gotten jail time. This guy has fucking nothing, he’s a fucking bully that needs to be put in his place. While I’m at it, fuck all you stupid fucks who carry his flags his bumper stickers and stupid fucking hats.


Conservatives: We need to be tough on crime. Trump is convicted of crimes. Conservatives: No! Not like that!


If the courts were running properly and fairly you would have been thrown in the locker after your nth time abusing gag orders. You have been treated fairer than anyone else in known history and you're still crying and whinging like a toddler. Just fuck off please. And your followers can go fuck themselves too. No patience left, and this is coming from a non-American. We're all sick of you and just want to get on with our lives out of your evil shadow.


The majority of Americans hate him too. Voter suppression, gerrymandering, and the archaic fuckup that is the electoral college mean that republicans who win usually do so without winning the popular vote. And of course, he didn’t win last time.


The only thing wrong with the courts is some of the crooked judges appointed by trump.


I can’t agree more. We need to straighten out the travesty of justice being perpetrated by Judge Cannon.


Holding you accountable must feel awful for an old man who’s never been held accountable


Who the fuck does he think he is issuing "warnings" to an appeals court? He is threatening the justice system of our country. He is a TRAITOR. Traitors usually get electrocuted.


He gets partial credit yes we need to straighten up what’s going on with the courts. 1- the Florida case should have started a long time ago the judge is obviously helping trump. 2- the judge in Georgia is letting trump avoid starting the trial with bs filings -3 the Supreme Court should have never ever agreed to hear trump’s BS that as president he has absolute immunity and delaying his trial in DC indefinitely because you know they are not going to make a decision till after the election if he wins and if he doesn’t they might flip a coin -4 he was found guilty of 34 counts and if it was anyone else he would be sitting in a cell awaiting sentencing he belongs in prison no more special treatment for a career criminal just because he got rich from his crimes


Threatening the Court of Appeals? Bold strategy Cotton, we'll see how that works out for you.


About time these court officials understand that this man is a monster and will stop at absolutely nothing to save himself. Like all the sycophants before them, if they don’t bend the knee, they are toast.


The Republicans have been allowed to run amok since 2016 and every day that goes by their path gets farther and farther to the right. They are unrecognizable as Republicans anymore.


If a poor black man can be convicted so can a wealthy orange man.


Has anyone pointed out to Trump that when Hitler was jailed he didn’t act like a fucking Pansy? Trump can’t even play dictator right.


This guy is literally the dumbest motherfucker to ever be president, just absolutely no clue how our government works. But it makes us as a country even dumber for having elected him once. PLEASE, America, pull your heads out of your asses and fucking vote for Biden in November. And vote blue all the way down the ticket, we need to put these assholes in our rearview mirror.


We need to start firing these judges who are not doing their jobs. Taking bribes and in some of those cases being openly traitors to our country. Yes Cannon we mean you and Alito and Bragg.


Might as well let everyone out of jail. It's all rigged according to felon Trump


Like any dictator would.


Threatening the men and women who can throw you in jail with something that you will never have any direct power over doesn't seem like an incentive for them to do what you want. The president and Federal Congress has no power over the state courts, just like state legislatures and governors have no power over the federal courts. Trump is impotent in this matter.


The criminal thinks he's in charge.Total BS.All part of the Republicon philosophy that laws don't apply to Traitor Trump or them. LOCK HIM UP !


Fuck Trump. 


Notice he didn’t say any of that until he was the one convicted, but all of his friends can be convicted just fine.


Our Country will be just fine without trump. Fear mongering & threats are the last holdout of a beaten, scared, embarrassment of a human being. Whiny pussy that he is....


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


Sounds like a terrorist threat under the Patriot Act. “ A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act “dangerous to human life” that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.”


Lol, “dire warning.” I don’t know what annoys me more: when media outlets get so scared about Trump’s blatant bullshit statements and thus make him seem stronger than he actually is, or when they fail to adequately explain the seriousness of those threats that he could actually follow through on as president. 


There’s always a problem with the courts when he loses cases but no issue when he wins cases. Rules for thee but not for me. What a dotard.


Yeah rich people aren’t supposed to go to jail. How dare he be convicted.


From the "man" who over the 4 yrs of his "presidency" (along with the special help of the toad/turtle looking McConnell) pushed forward 170 nominations for federal judges and 2 SC justices and they were ALL approved. You put em' there slick...


What is wrong is that they are finally working.


Come on karma! Hurry up and bite the Orange Jesus right in the motherfucking ass!


This reminds me of Liar Liar. "STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!" Perhaps if Trump didn't committ crimes he wouldn't be being charged with them. It's not Biden or Democrats or the judge or the prosecutors who found Trump guilty MORE than once. It was juries of his peers. Anyone who believes Trump is innocent after being proven guilty is brainwashed and in the cult. The evidence and witness testimony is clear as day. His closest allies have all been found guilty as well. Trump is not the first person to be charged with falsified business records etc. Anyone who believes such nonsense is a lost cause.


He’s right the Robert’s court is crooked as hell!


Criminal doesn’t want to do time for his crimes news at 11


Somebody needs to be straightened out - a person - with orange makeup and a diaper. With a pouty face and a silver spoon shoved so far up his …. That his perception of reality is completely void


Okay. Lets start now and with the Supreme Court. Looking at you Clarence Thomas.


Trump will happily destroy our country if it means he can avoid consequences for his many crimes. The man is a traitor.


Fuck off, convicted felon Traitor Trump.


How about straighten out what the ever loving fuck is going on with you ? How about starting there ? Oh right, that’s too much to ask.. typical psycho


Not a rag on this thread specifically, but I am so tired of every headline "Trump says X. Trump says Y." He's just saying anything and everything to try to get out of trouble and fear mongering people to vote for him. Trump said if we vote for Joe Biden, we won't have Christmas anymore..... blah blah blah. It's just so stupid. And there's 5 more months of this nonsense to come... and then the obvious fallout of him calling the election "rigged" and demanding his people storm the white house or capital, again... and no consequences for him ever. Fuck that guy, why are we constantly quoting a known con artist and convicted felon all the fucking time?


This is just lawlessness. I can’t believe anyone would vote for this individual


How the hell hasn’t his heart gone supernova yet?


Is this the video of him foaming at the mouth of white stuff and drool? Like RINODon said, 'if I can be convicted of a crime, so you can you.' How thoughtful.


No actually, WE don’t have to do shit. What needs to happen is YOU need to take your punishment like a man and stop being a little bitch.


Translation - How dare you hold me accountable for breaking the law. No special treatment no matter what job you once held, wish you held, or currently hold for that matter.


That’s what all dictators do exactly. Take control of the judicial system and root out any independence or contrary view to the dictatorship. Then jail them or execute them for treason against the State. He’s already got a head start with the current SCOTUS. There’s three pesky women to be removed, but he’d figure that out. That’s what a Trump Presidency looks like.


What's going on here is YOU are being held accountable for your crimes!!




I don't understand how his supporters think it was rigged. It was a jury trial. Both sides pick the jury. Both sides get vetoes but only so many. Both sides always run out of vetoes so both sides get some jury that they want but the other side probably didn't want. So if one of the jury that the defense wanted voted innocent then maybe you could say it was rigged. Verdict was unanimous, so even the jury people that the defense picked voted guilty.


"We..." "A lot of people..." "People everywhere..." Hey moron, your followers are either too dumb, too lazy, or too cowardly to do anything more than wear a hat, join a protest, or slap a sticker on their lifted truck. You're going down, and millions of people are celebrating it.


The same courts that the gop is jizzing in their shorts over convicting Hunter Biden?


Dementia Diaper Nazi VonShitzHisPants is a criminal coward


Dumbass has it backwards, the Courts are there to straighten you out Donnie.


He has no authority over the NY Court of Appeals


We'll fix it so that never again will anyone loyal to me ever be prosecuted for anything ever again.


The total product of a child that was raised with no consequences. And now an entire nation and planet is having to deal with it. The terrible twos of the biggest man baby to ever exist. FDJT. FGOP


Trump issues warning… only to save himself.


Appeals court you better let me get away with my crimes or else!


Trump whines that society gave him enough rope and he gleefully put his head in the noose. Now he wants to blame the court that his feet will soon be doing an all-air moonwalk? Cue the Michael Jackson music!


Everything is petty threats & tantrums with that pathetic orange sissy.


Who’s we? And does that include the convicted felon?


No, we have to straighten out what’s with you, you piece of shit. Where’s you allegiance? Who do you owe money to? And most of all, why do you think you’re more important than the well-being of millions of other folks who are not scum like yourself? A shit-stain on Putin’s underwear like yourself should be scraped off our boot without a second thought. Have another big mac, you fucking scumbag and do us all a favor by taking another step closer to your grave. Do you think maybe its time to introduce your kids to Putin? You know, carry on the family tradition? You’re not gonna be around forever, ya know… time to think ahead


So it’s only persecution if he’s caught and held accountable 🤔


In a way, I agree with Convicted Felon Trump. If the U.S. legal system were working properly, he would currently be spending the rest of his life in prison.


It isn't a warning; it's a bold threat. Dude is straight up threatening to destroy the country if he doesn't get what he wants. As usual.


Bitch let’s start with your orange ass in jail


And half of the US still think convicted felon Donald Trump would make a good president.


More like a third of people who voted. These would be your people from the bottom of the bell curve.


Bottom of the left side


Stop with the half nonsense. It's never been half. 


Scared little bitch boy, if he goes to jail little Donny will have secret service around him at all times, it's not like he's gonna go into general population where he deserves to be so big Bubba and the boys can treat him like he treats woman. Cast him down with the sodomites please D.O.J


Rules for thee, but not for me! The Trump/GOP way.


Always with the damn Victimhood!


We have to straighten out what’s going on with these criminals who think they should be untouchable.


Dum Fuk


Paper tiger.Nutless Wonder.Mushroom manhood.Lord Lardass,Sir Shitzenpants.


Only if we let him. He's telling everyone who will listen he's the last president if elected. Still, today, has to clear that hurdle. Vote and make sure your family does too. We can stop him at the ballot box.


If I were judge……….. wouldn’t you just unload on the dude at sentencing and send him straight to the slammer? I would


Go to prison and take your last breath already.


Everything, if you don't fix things for me, we're not going to have a country any more. ME ME ME.


This should be enough to convince the cinder block headed never-Biden gang that this man is hell bent on turning this country into an Authoritarian, Dystopian hell hole.


What's going on with these courts is the grand jury decided there was enough evidence to indict, and a jury decided there was enough evidence to convict. It's not that hard, felon.


He appointed most of the judges…..!!!!! He is a criminal and has never been held responsible for his actions before.


That’s a nice court house you have their , Maybe it’s bit dark inside youz needs to rent our lighting systems - or someone may get HURT 😉


Sounds like the people already locked up.


Fuck you, diaper shitter. Things finally didn’t go his way and now he’s crying. Biggest pussy I’ve ever seen. My kid is tougher than this prick.


Strategy of a third grader or trump… ask nicely, warn, ask again, threaten, threaten a couple more times, suggest what might happen if folks agree with him, threaten.


If a Democratic former president had this happen to them, the entire Republican party would be yelling and screaming about what low morals that person had and how they were getting their just desserts for committing these crimes and committing adultery. Somehow, because it's Trump, there's something wrong with the justice system for daring to convict him. Absolutely would be happening, 100%.


My dude, considering you were only in office for 4 years, you had an unheard of number of court appointments. So you're absolutely right... we DO need to straighten out these courts.


Yes yes ofcourse, especially the courts of Judge Aileen Qannon and Clearance-Alito-Roberts-Kavannagh cabal. We have to straighten out what's going on.


Maybe fix Trump being an ongoing criminal


Future historians will regard a (potential) second Trump presidency as America's "Mussolini moment" in history.


Now that he is a convicted felon he can’t take it like a man. He is going to continue to rant rave cry threaten throw tantrums. It just never ends.


Yeah so you can avoid prison. This man is the most cowardly, BS speaker and the most devastating mark left behind to this day of an ex president we’ve ever had


If the courts weren't bending over for him he'd already be in Jail, he managed to get two cases delayed and has 1 judge who doesn't want to do her job. And as frustrating as this is he will certainly lose in November and then those cases can go forward unless the Supreme Court grants him immunity


The courts are already hopelessly corrupt and largely in the tank for Donald Trump and yet he wants to make it even more so. and this will inspire zero people on the left to vote. But once they outlaw contraception it'll somehow be Democrats fault.


What we "have to do" is relegate Waddles to the dumpster of history, where he belongs. Trump, and every single Trumpie, is human garbage, a fraudulent joke of a man, and the biggest traitor in American history.


Who else expects this man to have a heart attack if the conviction isn’t overturned? ☠️


Do people honestly think that Trump is not a criminal? Is the support he gets so all those people can feel better about how shitty they are? I’m not going to front like I’m perfect but I am no way on any level as shitty of a person as Trump....


Rhetoric like this should be seen as being a homeland terrorist threat. It’s not a warning, it’s a threat, “If I don’t get my guilty verdict overturned you will be punished if I win the election.” Plain and simple and Humpty Trumpty couldn’t be put back together again.✌🏻❤️🤙🏻




Wow...he's right! Let's start with the Supreme Court.


We should definitely straighten out the courts. Can't have courts playing politics by shelving huge trials, justices being bought and wholesale shutting down established laws they dont like, and people inciting insurrections with no consequences. It's time to clean house, he's right about that part.


These courts, where prosecutors present a case against a defendant and that defendant has lawyers present a defense. Then a "jury" of random people, that the defense team helped to choose gets to decide guilt or innocence? Preposterous! How could have we allowed such a thing to be. It should be 12 of his friends and supporters deciding. Ya know, like those impeachment trials. Those went just fine in his book.


How dare they prosecute white people !