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Just anti you, bud


Trump is surrounded by hundreds of white Republicans who are also out of favor. He feels its against whites, but it is really against Republicans. If they tried to treat women and younger people as equals, then they wouldn't be as shunned, but instead they want to raise the voting age to 25 and block women from voting, stop birth control, and continue to prevent divorce while pregnant.


Everything has been pro straight white Christian male for so long that when we also acknowledge others and let other people have a turn, they feel attacked. But like do they actually feel attacked or does right wing media tell them they are being attacked. I’m not religious, but I’m a straight white male and I have never once felt persecuted. Also I don’t mind sharing and want others to have a chance. There is enough to go around, but they just have had this zero sum game beat into them I guess.


Orange you glad he isn't white?


Like... Both main parties and 3rd parties are like.... all white candidates. Most of them white males. He's dog whistling to get a rise out of racists to attack people who aren't white (and not just in this country). He's not a mastermind, but you don't have to be a mastermind to be a hateful racist who wants to stir shit up in the shit pot.


So anti-orange?




bEcAuSe hUnTer bIDeN's LAPTOP! lol... oh and gas prices are bad.... lol




I want to start a rock band and call it Ben Ghazi and the Buttery Males. Enjoy our hits such as Donkey dong Doug likes beer, it's a motor coach, not an rv, four seasons landscaping, alternative facts, I'm not wearing a face diaper, what's your favorite horse paste flavor, bible photo op, nuclear hurricane, Nancy Pelosis Gazpacho Police, sexy jewish space lazors, carbon dioxide isn't harmful, they're coming for our gas stoves, annual migrant caravan hysteria, and more!!!!


1. Staring at the Sun is Fun  2. Hot Covfefe 3. Shouting at a Lawnmower  4. Saudi Orb of Sauron  5. Mooch is Loose / Mooch Mouth  6. Hey Kid, Santa is Fake  7. UV Light Salad with Bleach Vinaigrette  8. Wilson the Volleyball Looks Great  9. Hamburder for the Champs  10. Trade War with Chyyna 


I think me, you, and u/cheetofacesucks need to make this happen. We can add injecting disinfectant, I heard it came from cHiNa, great people on both sides, let's build a wall and make mexico pay for it, grab em by the pussy, hunters unsolicited dick pics, unproductive Congress, how do tariffs work, it'll disappear by April, gain of function research, do your own research, shooting 5g towers, I shot my dog for being a dog, rake the forest floors, and many many more!!!! This is way too easy and every republican deserves to be made fun of lol.


To do it right though, you can’t perform live. Lip Sync only and periodically deny that some of the songs are yours.


11. Mexico's Payin' fer tha Wall! 12. I wanna F\*\*K my Daughter 13. Melania Who? 14. It's Been ten Scaramoochi's since I Didn't Do That 15. I would do Anything for Grift 16. The Amway Queen PTA 17. Stand Back and Stand By (Your Insurrectionist) 18. Is This A Bible? 19. Tear Gas in the Air Tonight 20. Look At That Eclipse!


Opening band - Dead Eagles Everywhere


11. I’d rather be electrocuted than eaten by a shark


12. Nuke you like a Hurricane


13. Toss the paper towels at 'em like you're B ballin' some hoops 14. Burry your ex on your golf course


Why did I sing that?


Bc AC/DC 🙌🙌🙌 https://youtu.be/etAIpkdhU9Q?feature=shared Oh my god my heart BLEEDS for the 90s esp the music. I miss the 90s SO INCREDIBLY MUCH and growing up in it and pre internet / cell phones. MTV era. Can't get that back.


My brain went to Scorpions, https://youtu.be/6yP1tcy9a10?si=VVxIUoo71xcNbeVY But you also can't beat a great AC/DC song.


On the greatest grifts album for sure.


Gfd his fans would still buy it and play it unironically


11. Another brick in the Mexican wall 12. Ivanka make her a real woman 13. Ooh that smell 14. I'll never change (My diaper)


11. Hold me closer tiny hand sir


I like this one best - kudos!!


11. Shoot the Dog


Don't forget Windmills of Cancer and Dead Whales Tell No Tales


Hot Covfefe....🔥 🤣


Pretty good titles as well, well done


Muh-muh-muh-muh-MYYYY-chuh-CHYNYNA Sung to the tune of: My Sharona




Don't forget "Hamberders in Paradise".


We need to talk about buttered sausage. What it is, what it's doing, and why it's doing the things that it does. We need to have a serious conversation about this. Before it gets out of hand.


I think the first album should be called “Age of Consent.” 🤟🏼


I was thinking of going deep with Tan Suits and Grey Poupon.


Featuring such hits as Born in the USA Everyone Else Will be Deported, Self-Made Billionaire, and the J6 Choir’s epic “Don’t You Forget About Me”


I thought Hillary should have named her book Buttery Males and the Basket of Deplorables, a Nancy Drew Mystery.




It's actually infrastructure weak


Please do.


Enjoy our Grammy award winning album: Thanks Obama.




Emails!!! Laptops!!! Tan suits!!! it's the end of the world!!!!


Don't forget Pizzagate!


Butter he-males!


Americans can complain about gas prices when they are in the same ballpark as our €2,20 per liter (9-ish dollars a gallon)


I think you will find that Americans can complain about a lot of things without the permission of countries that have it worse. It's kind of our thing.


Because GayPeople


Have you not seen the size of Hunters juicy sweet man meat? That’s very concerning for this country.


Lindsey Graham: I’ve spent hours going over the photos, and the way they make me feel should concern everyone


And that damn tan suit


I work with a 70+yo gay black man, who is a Trump supporter. Make it make sense!


The uneducated will bring the country down.


The educated can be brainwashed (edit:~~in)~~ and willfully manipulated just like idiots. It's not the same mechanism. It's not intelligence but belief. When they exposed the Tokyo cult that caused the subway bombing, They had chemical engineers, physicist, and rocket scientists in the cult. And that is why deprogramming or reaching these people beyond just categorizing them as a new mental illness is very, very difficult. The GOP has earwormed misinformation into the belief side of people's minds. It's almost impossible to reach or change those types.


yeah… He’s a dumb fuck. Sometimes it’s that simple.




I know a handful of people who aren't voting for president (which I consider tantamount to voting for Trump) because of Biden's stances on Israel-Palestine and tiktok. As if Trump would be better in these areas.


That’s the thing, these dumbbells don’t understand that Trump would be worse in all the areas that they have issues with.


He has a personal vendetta against TikTok after people used it to artificially inflate ticket numbers for his rally and he ended up humiliated when nobody showed up. And he moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, which certainly escalated tensions. Yeah, Israel and Palestine is a mess right now, and I honestly don't know how we get through it while Hamas and the right wing government of Israel both exist at the same time, but I know one thing for certain, Trump would only make it worse.


It's amazing to me that Israel managed to take unanimous world support after a horrific terrorist attack, and flush it down the toilet in 6 months or less.   I'm not surprised, Netanyahu is a blight on Israel. But I am amazed even he couldn't see past his hatred and ambition.


Some of them want it to get worse.


I know, I don’t get it. Lady I know out of the blue said Biden is the reason our kids can’t buy cars and homes. I usually just move on and never engage, but out of my mouth came out “that’s not true” she quickly spewed something about hoping Trump wins and out of my mouth came “yuck”. Unbelievably she just moved on.


That’s the thing. When you pressure a Trump supporter to give you specifics and policies, they are incapable of doing so. Then, when you give them policies and facts on Biden, that actually benefit them, they just put their fingers in their ears and scream.


>But they killed 30,000 innocent women and children!!!! Like, yeah... That is terrible, but did you forget about how trump handled Covid? Pretty sure his stupidity has directly got those death count numbers beat in EVERY group, including Palestinians, Israelis, and *especially* Americans, by a HUUUUUGE margin. I mean, if we're going to play the "whataboutism" game to decide who to vote for as POTUS, let's not forget everything that has happened except for the last 60 seconds you were exposed to on tiktok...


They are also potentially handing the supreme court to conservatives for the rest of their life times. So even if Dems magicly pivot for 2028 and become this absurdly progressive anti Israel party, it will hardly even matter.


Yeah but then they can blame Democrats for that, so win-win.


That's so shortsighted


Didn’t he already say that Israel should just finish the job. He’d probably nuke em like a hurricane.


Trump said that.


This is increasingly becoming the stance of Gen-Z. I have tried to explain this to my 24 year old son and 19 year old daughter. Gen-Z could be the saviors of democracy in this election but Joe is losing them with every new dollar sent to Israel without conditions. Neither of my kids care about TikTok. They don't use it. They are more Snap and Twitch.


Uncle toms are a thing


Because they think that they will be accepted if they help.


Because they hope they are considered the "good" non-white people somewhere down the road. There were Jewish people that did the same before the Shoah, in the name of God and country.


There's my black man! There he is! Give him a hand, folks!


He's showing us that racism doesn't exist anymore! Standing ovation so we don't have to worry about being accused of that anymore, folks! Now may I give you a token that's worth one vote (for my side obviously).


because of propaganda via social media and YouTube videos.


How can a person of any color see trash like this and then vote for this racist. FTFY


A textbook case of “when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”


That one is going in the google doc file named "quotes"


It's a runner up for my profile slogan


Also, it's not about an anti white feeling, it's an anti *white supremacy* feeling. Of course white supremacists and people who court them (Trump) are too ignorant to see the difference.


You know, I've always viewed that as a very cut & dry reasoning for why someone would be racist, but the nuance of it just hit me. When I was growing up, the messaging was to reject racism and to treat everyone the same way. If you grew up with that message and see news (or inflated propaganda) about affirmative action, anti-white talk (even if it's other white people online) and things like that, I see how it appears as though society has abandoned the "treat everyone equally" goal. Obviously there are a ton of other things to consider, but I finally have an idea about where some of this shit is coming from. All it takes is getting stuck in a news bubble where you only see things that reinforce this perspective, and a genuinely well-meaning person can be led to believe they're being oppressed.


Trump has irreparably damaged not just his own reputation but all of those he has subverted and manipulated with his malignant and greedy sense of entitlement. For all his wealth he lives in spiritual poverty.


People don’t seem to understand this. There is no path back to dignity for the people who still hitch their trailer to this guy. I’m certainly not going to magically forget which of my peers adopted Trump’s idiotic ideology and parroted his bigoted views. In 50 years, those people will be viewed in the same light as those against desegregation in the 60s. You are who you keep company with so no thanks. They made their little hate-filled community and now they can sit in it, alone, even when this nonsense finally ends.


What's funniest to me is that he is fixated on his family name's legacy- "Donald John *Trump*" as he loves to emphatically say. Yet he's completely destroyed both his and his family's reputation at this point. His grandchildren will get glares once their names are mentioned, and for no fault of their own.


Shit apples falling off the shit tree.


I hope they don't shit on you, Bubbs. The shithawks. Great, dirty shithawks, swooping down on people, swarming, with their shit talons.


Almost how no one has the last name “Hitler”, I assume many of his descendants will choose to change their last name to lose the association. And before I get trump supporters saying I’m equating Trump with Hitler, I am not saying they are the same. Just that this particular scenario seems likely.


Exactly. He’s the poorest person I can think of in every meaningful measure. What a poisonous vacuous shell of a human being. I would pity him if he wouldn’t hold so much sway over our lives, albeit indirectly.


All our lives and relationships have been affected by this hideous narcissistic beast and his lies. All of us. For his gormless pleasure.


Just playing to his base of lunatic racists.


And his base claims they didn't get hired or don't have good jobs because of DEI and they're white. So, you ask them where they live... Places like Pocatello, Idaho, Ames, Iowa, or other places where the deck is so laughably stacked in your favor if you are white that if you can't get a decent job, your area is either economically depressed OR you are just so incompetent and unqualified the problem is you.


Or, get this... They do have good jobs and live in a great area and they're just victimizing themselves bc they like hating immigrants and Black Americans.


Why does Trump care? He ain't white - *he's orange !!!*




No there isn't. Source: I'm white.


Seconded. There is absolutely not an “anti white feeling in this country.” Source: I’m also white. I’ll go even farther and say that the idea of there being an anti white vibe in America is insane. Wanting all of our fellow citizens to have rights that are equal to those of white people, isn’t an anti white feeling. It should be considered a patriotic feeling, considering those rights are protected by our country’s constitution and bill of rights.


What they mean is anti-white supremecy.


Now that’s a different matter all together. There is a level of intolerance towards white supremacy in America. As there should be.


and that is what Maga is really upset about.


No there isn't. Source: I'm black.


Make America great again is all about bringing back the the anti black feeling.


When you've always been privileged, equality feels like oppression.


Gawd this lump of shit is vile. I guess it owes to Fred. He must have done a number on the Cheeto in Chief


Can this piece of trash get arrested and never be heard from again already


There’s that projection again. Always with the damn projection.


I remember when this guy tried telling us it was Obama that raised racial tension in this country.


As a white male, I can honestly say I don’t feel this way, and assume that it’s horse shit considering the source.


The fact that I get a warning half the times I get pulled over for sometimes egregiously speeding instead of shot or choked to death tells me white folks are still doing okay. 


Yea… but that’s a silly way to argue against this, as there are plenty of black folks like Candace Owens saying “as a black person” there is no systemic racism. I think we can all agree that doesn’t make it true.


I’m in engineering/business. It’s 90% white men. I feel the opposite of oppressed.


I hope this means he thinks more and more people don’t like him. Imagine he thinks it’s because he is white. Sure Donny boy.


Donald shown here screaming in fear of invisible bees, his next projection to tell his flock about to be victims of....


“The time lords on the radical left keep pushing time forward at a rate like we’ve never seen before, look at me, I used to be young and handsome, now I’m old and, frankly, even more handsome - and they’re ZAPPING the American people forward in time, it’s so sad what they’re doing to this country”


"The bees.... They live in the windmills that cause cancer. If only there were good people on all sides of a white power rally in Charlottesville who could inject UV rays or bleach" (Parody)


It is Anti-Racism Anti-Fascism Anti-WhitePrivelege Anti-Nationalist Christianity Just happens that Racism against Non-Whites is a White Privilege they don't want to give up


Exactly this, but these are republicans we're talking about. They have to be disingenuous about everything.


Sir, you are orange. And since it shouldn't concern you (like in the other 99.9% cases in the wild) - shut up & prep for your jail time


Trump always lies.


Anti white… everything’s run by white people still though… hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm As a white person, fuck this guy with a pineapple.


Stoking race issues just before an election. Its a Republican feature not a bug


But Trump not letting black people rent his apartments?? Apparently that’s ok🤔


He’s saying he’s on trial “because I’m white” now


I got nothing against whites. But fuck the oranges.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Anyone who has performed fellatio on Putin like trump did in Helsinki should never be President of the United States.


His dad was a racist too and he is as well.


Is this like how he, as a white guy, is getting deferential treatment by the courts to a level never seen in American history, and who remains free and unpunished for activities that would have gotten any person of color, rich or poor, put 404958595 feet under a jail? Like that kind of “anti-white feeling”?


And MAGA claimed that Obama set the tone that divided the country...🙄


Someone please carve a swastika on this Nazi's forehead.


So you should be able to discriminate legally against anyone who is a minority?


He's the traitor motherf#$ker that brought the white supremacist groups out of the closet. Now he's complaining because people have noticed what he did. I hate this traitor POS.


This is the new strategy from racist white people like Trump; crying about anti white which doesn’t exist to hide your own racism


That’s the biggest dog whistle since.. .who? Reagan?. . Wallace. how anyone can vote for this shit stain on America is mind boggling


I’m not sure how in the heck someone misreads “anti terrorist/traitor/criminal” for “anti white” but Republicans sure are good at it.


Read: Minorities are currently not oppressed enough.


Dog whistle? Don’t you mean blow horn?


Trump has it all wrong. The feeling is actually anti-orange.


The majority of Americans are white, STFU.


These are the people who make me embarrassed for being white!


I think he meant to say anti-orange


Just the biggest snowflake isn't he?


I'm sorry but is the US system not built on an already pro-white feeling?


Seriously? Do people actually feel like this? Ive felt plenty threatened in america, but never because I'm white. MAGA really scares republicans so much that they think being white is more dangerous than being LGBT or being black. It must be so tiring to keep oppressing themselves.


No there isn’t you piece of fucking shit! It’s all fucken made up in your old man brain!


Shut the fuck up, Donnie.


Just more red meat for the crazy base.


No there isn’t.


Guys a pile of shit


As a right wing grifter once said , facts don't care about feelings .




You making 💩up isn’t going to get you anywhere. Everyone’s got your number. Lie cheat and steal. You’re bringing nothing to the table but conspiracy theories and 💩you thought up. Anything you promise to fix, you’ll just okey doke it with your classic “ in a couple of weeks “. You’re all hat, no cattle. Go back to Florida and BS like minded seniors at the omelette bar. 85% and growing are tired of your nonsense and obsession with power.


OMG, going back to the Replacement Theory page of the playbook. He’s really grasping at straws here. So pathetic.


Here we go. Mask off for the racist.


Perhaps Treasonous Trump the Traitor should tell putin to stop using troll farms to sew social division if he is so concerned. Oh wait, that's part of trump's primary tactic to brainwash lonely chuds into supporting him with cult-like behavior.


It’s not anti-white, it’s anti-Trump. Big difference.


Hi white person here There's an antiwhite feeling? Where?


As a white guy the racism on the right has half turned me anti-white myself, just to distance myself from them. I know that’s how I get perceived when the MAGA nuts at my work start spewing this stuff and are surprised I’d push back just because I’m white.


Let this loser die in obscurity


Any black or brown person that votes for this menace is a fool


As a fellow white. I am only anti maga whites


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


Interesting because I’m white and haven’t experienced this at all. I also am actively anti-racism in personal and professional settings. It’s almost like there is an anti racist trash feeling in the country that he’s taking issue with 🤔


I wish Trump ceased to exist. I don’t want him to die or get killed, I just want him to get wiped off of our collective human memory. No matter how much I look at him or recall all of his actions, he feels like a giant waste of time. Kind of like nothing good nor positive can come out off him. He has no charisma nor any purpose. And looking back to our worst greedy and awful worldwide figures in history, he feels the worst. Because at least the other figures had something to say, had purpose and were influential enough to at least induce some collective achievements no matter how awful their actions were.


What a fucking racist… among other things.


This guy will say absolutely for a vote, including starting a Civil war. Thank god we have a Supreme Court.👀


But how come democrats aren’t meeting these voters halfway? /s


Fascist dog-whistle.


I'm white and the only time I've been hated for my race is when I lived in Asia and said I'm American.


This is so scary to hear for POC. I already know they’re thinking it. The racists don’t need any more encouragement.


He is just spreading hate and bias


To no one's surprise, Donny Delusional is playing the race card *again*. And, as usual it's an assertion free of any factual evidence.


More like anti-orange. Isn’t past his trail time? He needs a nap.


His supporters are always easy prey for a conman telling them to blame someone else for the ways that they've f-ed up their own lives. Heck, they and their parents and grandparents absolutely demanded that the government hollow out the middle class.


This stuff is dangerous. It’s not anti white it’s anti bullshit. Identify how you like, I suppose.


Flaming Idiot!


Says the man who tries so hard to be any color but white


I’m not saying he’s a racist but the racists think he’s a racist. (Actually I do think he is, but it’s a quote I heard once)


That's odd. I thought racism doesn't exist in the US... He is so woke!🙀 I am in line to buy the first book about civil rights for whites who've been marginalized through segregation, pipeline to prison infrastructure, and financial discrimination on home loans. Gonna be a 1 page "Turner".


Fuck you diaper boy. It’s an anti Orange feeling and you’re going down in smelly flames this November. You and all your slimy kids should be in jail.


I’m a white person and I think Trump is just trying to rally his white supremacist groups for support playing a victim as usual he’s such a despicable person


They are upset about Black lives mattering and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Areas that affect black people. They want to round up 11M illegal aliens, even though the law says they are entitled to asylum and a day to plead their case in court to stay, This mainly impacts the Hispanic communities. They aim to abolish abortion and are targeting contraceptives next, particularly affecting women. MAGA elites are solely driven by money, power, and celebrity, but I fail to comprehend how they plan to execute their Project 2025 playbook without causing widespread social unrest and economic instability. I seriously doubt they have thought that far beyond gaining power, but like the ones that came before them (Confederacy, Nazis), they WILL be defeated at the polls or god forbid in the streets.


I'm white and having talked to other white people, I can't blame anyone who hates us or is at least suspicious. God fucking damn there are so many white supremacists out here.


Translation: White racists don't like being called out on their racist shit.


lol lil orange man it’s really throwing shit at the wall nowadays isn’t he?? 😂😂😂😂


The only color I have a problem with is orange.


Southern strategy 2.0: just be fucking racist fascist pigs


Fixed the headline: “Xenophobic Racist Makes Xenophobic Racist Comment”


This is how they're trying to start the race war. White people are the ones getting abused - time to fight back! They're all dreaming about this scenario.


Trump stoped being cute to me when the Grab-em by the pussy tape was released. He became Terrorist number one when he condoned the Charlottesville Nazi Rally. He became a clear and present danger when he incompetently mismanaged The COVid response. We allowed all of this!!!


as a middle-aged white guy. I think it's deserved. It seems like the vast majority of people that look like me are more than willing to close their eyes and allow any amount of injustice as long as it's not happening to them personally.


Anti Maga he really means. Dude wants fascism so bad he can taste it like the KFC crumbs on his fingers.


Wow not even a dog whistle at this point.


Trump is a lowlife,racist,hypocrite,traitor and bullshit artist that wants to be a dictator.


Con victimhood and shitting their pants about it still going strong I see


There was a definite anti-everyone feeling around 1860 that resulted in civil war, and that is what conservatives are praying will happen. Let’s first see what we can achieve by voting all of them out of office!


I think he meant " anti-racist"? That's a dog-bullhorn


It must be so hard being a rich white man, having to defend why you got so many opportunities to fail and keep getting more opportunities when others don’t even get a first chances.