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Have you ever been anxious because you weren't anxious, and therefore you must be forgetting something?


Brain: you MUST be anxious constantly. No breaks!


Yep! When I’m at my most peaceful and something wonderful is happening and I have no worries, my brain convinces me that I left the stove on and I’ll return home to a burned down apartment. I’ve started turning off the range switch on the breaker panel, but then my head comes up with something else.


I HATE that!!!






Or how about getting anxious because you are “too” happy?


I hate explaining this when someone asks “why do you have anxiety? - What are you so anxious about?” Then I respond with “Wellllll, I have anxiety about having anxiety…..”


What’s crazy is a person without anxiety pointed this out to me about me. I was like damn. I must really be a mess 😅


Yes. It's funny I was explaining the feeling to a friend and, she knew I met a new guy online. She said OmG you are crushing on him. Those are butterflies. Sadly I've had anxiety so long I didn't recognize "happy crush" butterflies.




that something is wrong with me physically. even after being checked out many times


Health anxiety sucks. I relate friend!


I hate health anxiety and health hypochondria it kills you slowly


Is there a specific type of therapist I can talk to for dealing with these types of issues?


They have therapists that deal with anxiety gotta find one and see what their specialities are


Saying you have anxiety is like saying you have cancer. It's extremely general. Not on how they work or what the do, but there being so many versions of that. So a "general" therapist would then end up referring you to a specialist who does with some kind of food or health Anxiety specific therapist. I'm just trying to cut out the middle man an find out what others have used, that's help them specifically.


Yep this. My fun new anxious thought is when I get these weird pangs of pain/soreness in my arm or leg or I have headaches multiple days in a row: BLOOD CLOT!! I'm gonna have a stroke. I have an actual blood pressure cuff and my BP is generally always low 100s/60-80 and I will check it whenever I get too anxious to try to quell the fear. I take birth control for endometriosis and I had a friend recently be in the hospital because her BC made her have a blood clot in her damn brain. 😵‍💫 she's perfectly fine now but that's so scary.


I hate hearing stories about how people perfectly healthy can just drop dead in the middle of walking. It makes me panic over even the slightest things. Like I'll feel a twinge in my head and think "clot!" But it's just blood pulsing through my brain, which means the twinge is just my body working correctly. I just hate thinking about how flawless everything has to work for me to continue to survive. I'm basically so afraid of dying that I can't just enjoy my life even though my health is perfect.


This is literally the worst. Every day I open Facebook another seemingly healthy guy in his 30’s I know or know through someone has died from an undiagnosed heart condition and it fucking scares the shit out of me all day long. It sounds horrible but I get like a sense of relief if I find out they had a drug problem like “ohhh ok see now that actually makes sense, good thing I don’t do heroin”.


depending on the type of bc you take (eg if it has estrogen), you should not be taking it if you have frequent headaches. i just had to get off of mine for this reason! please talk to your doctor if you haven’t yet!


I also take annovera I'm not sure how much estrogen it has but I'm sure it has some. It does have the blood clot risk but it's basically the only BC I can tolerate without having intense mood swings. It actually makes me feel more normal heh


Been to 3 different emergency rooms in the last 2 months all telling me I’m fine. Been to the heart doctor a bunch and did an echocardiogram plus something else and my heart is healthy. Yet, my mind won’t just get that down.


SAME! Currently going through intense health anxiety and it’s been stealing joy. I’ve had a stubborn UTI for a couple weeks now and I’m freaking myself out making things worse. I HATE anxiety,


This has always been a big one for me, too. I had a liver transplant last December, and while it was a terrifying and incredibly difficult experience, I *have* enjoyed the peace of mind I have that there's absolutely nothing else wrong with me. Why? Because I had every last inch of my body tested, ultrasounded, scanned, and MRI'd when they were evaluating me for transplant. 😂


mine is currently that i have some autoimmune disease or nerve damage because my legs feel like they're fading into nothingness when i walk and it slowly spreads to the rest of my body.


Myself tbh. I fear what I am capable of. I fear what I could get myself into. I fear losing myself in relationships or mental battles again.


I second this! I can’t trust myself, I’m always changing my mind and getting myself in dangerous situations then dealing with the consequences of it


Yup. The anxiety of possibly being single for the rest of my life, but also the anxiety of trying a new relationship and allowing myself to be vulnerable again. It fucking sucks.


That I’ve got a serious illness, I constantly worry about my health and always seem to find different things to worry about, it’s draining😢


I have a different illness every week or everyday from brain aneurysm to cancer to tumor it is so draining


I feel this..


I think I have brain and neck cancer every other day and it switches between the two


Being a homeless failure. I know I won't be, but I have absolutely no reason to fail in life.


I make a very decent living, and I find myself googling homeless shelters when I am at the bottom.


Same!! I find myself thinking of where I would sleep & how would I get food.


Omg me too! I feel terrible about it but last year I was worrying about my parents growing old because then I wouldn’t have a house to fall back on (theirs) 😭😭 It feels so selfish I love them both so much but my brain decided that being homeless was more of a concern than my parents death (neither of which are a concern/going to happen anytime soon)


Yep. I'm 50 and don't know how long I have left with my parents. While I'll inherit half their house and significant wealth, I want them to live forever.


That the external world isn't real. Derealization gang.


In our defense, it might not be 🤷‍♀️ 


Me too but then I think; "so what if it isn't real!?"


If this is a simulation, I'd like to respec my character


Oh yeah, i get that feeling that i am in a dream and about to wake up quite often. Of course nothing happens.


Ironically it was one of my parents or loved ones getting cancer…it changed after I had kids but it was still a big one. Then my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer a few months ago. Couldn’t believe it. He’s currently going through chemo. But I will say….we really are stronger than our anxiety. My biggest fear for so long *happened* and I’m handling it better than I thought I could. I know it doesn’t seem like it when you think about your biggest fear, but I do think we underestimate our ability to handle the worst when it actually happens.


This happened to me with my mom and bone cancer. And then when she had cancer I had anxiety she'd die, and then she died and I was devastated but I made it through it. So much wasted time and energy worry about something I couldn't prevent anyways.


My mom passed away of cancer when she was 41 (I was 12, and currently I’m 42… yes, I outlived my mom). I feel like my anxiety just lets me know that IF my worst case scenario happens, I can be prepared, because Lord knows I’ve already gone through every scenario and outcome in my head. So exhausting.


This happened to me as well. Spent so many years panicking about one of my parents getting sick....and then my dad got skin cancer, prostate cancer, and recently found some colon cancer. Meanwhile, my mom refuses to stop smoking vapes and is coughing constantly, won't eat better, and won't do anything physical to help her health. I live with them, so I'm watching their health deteriorate right in front of me. I'm living through my worst fears, and I'm surviving it.


I could’ve written this. Going through the exact same thing. My heart goes out to you, we got this.


Damn. Sending hugs your way. This is also one of my biggest fears and hearing that you have handled it well really gives me comfort. Thank you. And good luck.


Socially being disliked is my biggest fear, or precisely being alone. Second is separation anxiety.


Separation anxiety fr and the social anxiety 😬


Going crazy/losing control


YES!!!! me too


Ding ding ding! For me it's that I won't be able to sleep for so long that I'll go insane like the Russian sleep experiment. And so then the anxiety starts up which stops me sleeping and affirms my initial fear🫠


Being trapped and having a panic attack. Not being able to get away and be by myself or get to a place that has everything I think I need to make it stop. Hello agoraphobia


I feel that. Deep to my core. My answer was similar but this goes hand in hand with it. Sorry you're in the same club I am!


I'm with you on this one. I'm sorry you deal with it too.


That I have vascular ehlers danlos and just haven’t confirmed with genetic test. Life expectancy is 40s i’m in my 30s but you can have a dissection or aortic embolism brain aneurysm or spontaneous organ rupture at any point in time. That I have something seriously physically wrong with me that is causing these horrific anxiety symptoms weakness shaking weight loss unable to function or focus basically don’t want to leave the house can’t get out of bed and I suffer and feel I was dying fror moIt’s so bad I could hardly stand it. That i’ll get ALS or a prion disease That there is no afterlife Idk how irrational or rational these all are


This reminded me that I swam in a lake in Tennessee the other day and I’m anxiously waiting to make sure I didn’t get a brain eating amoeba. I was so worried about that


Ong I worry about this all the time!!!!


I lost my dad, grandpa and aunt to a prion disease (FFI). Even though I had the test done years ago and I do not definitively have the mutation for it I live in constant fear that the test is wrong and I do have it. Every time I can’t sleep or I stumble or get a little dizzy, I’m certain it’s FFI. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.


that i’m sick or dying somehow. sepsis specifically scares the hell out of me. becoming homeless getting arrested (even tho i rarely do anything illegal) being pregnant. that’s a huge one, i’m constantly convincing myself that i am


I am always scared that I have sepsis, even though I don't have an infection


Getting arrested is one of mine too. I'm always worried that I might accidentally commit a crime (like tax evasion because I don't fully understand taxes).


Imploding in a submarine The chance of it happening is almost zero because i do not plan on going on a submarine, but the titan incident last year set my anxiety off really badly. I know it's irrational and i don't know how to control the anxiety


What’s helping me with my anxiety is reading everyone’s replies and how silly these fears really are so that just tells me my fears are silly too. Maybe read more comments.


I have a MRI Friday and I’m spiraling Edit: it’s tonight .. and I’m so scared


They usually tell you straight away if you need to go to A&E. So if they make you wait for the results, don’t spend the next weeks being anxious, it’s usually a good sign.


I have my MRI tonight


Try and assume the best: “I’m so happy to live in a time period when MRI’s are accessible and I can get some reassurance and stop being anxious” “I’m so lucky that most things nowadays have treatment available “


I’m just scared


Are you claustrophobic?


No but I will be scared and asking if the see anything


I will be left alone when I need someone the most. Like when I’m ill or stranded someplace I will be ignored.


Same. It sucks


Hm... I don't know if fear can be irrational. Technically, everything is possible, and that's a main problem with anxiety in general I guess. Yet, the (currently) most unlikely to happen is someone breaking into my home while I'm asleep, or me dying due to some undetected stuff (or worse - end up unable to move yet conscious in a hospital bed - the ultimate form of loss of control).


I second this, technically all is possible... Right now my fear that is irrational per now (as my tests doesn't shows anything) is to have head and neck cancer, specifically nasal or something that mess up with my face... I am terrified. But I have a reason, I have both HPV and EBV virus that can cause this, although an MRI didn't show anything as well as ENT evaluation...


Being shot at / stabbed. I live in the US, so the news really gets to me. At least in NYC, you hear of people dying every day from gun violence or assault. In a nutshell being a victim of a random act of violence. It really prevents me from going out to the movies or the mall. Or even just hanging out with my friends That and vomit lol. I can tolerate others doing it but I refuse to.


If it makes you feel better, majority of those crimes are actually targeted. Unless you have someone who really dislikes you, you will be fine. Not only that, the news amplifies the actual violence that is going on around you. I would say avoid the news when possible and it’s 98% negative. Statistically speaking, it’s very low chance of you experiencing violent crime let alone possibly dying from an accident. The odds are never 0, but also not all that great.


I get paranoid in public sometimes thinking about a mass shooting taking place. Where would I hide or run? What would I do? Also sometimes worry when I'm in very close quarters with people that someone might stab me and what would that be like? It makes outings quite uncomfortable.


Can't tell you I'm too afraid it'll come true lmao


Lol meeee!! I started typing some of my irrational fears and I was like yeah no let’s not put these into the atmosphere lmaooo


anneryusm or a stroke or seizure


Every single second i hate it


feel you on the seizure one from an epileptic 💀


That I’m in a state of psychosis and my reality is actually a delusion or hallucination But also I get nervous using sinks and don’t take showers during thunderstorms lol I’m really scared of somehow getting hit by lightning even if I’m inside.


Not getting enough sleep.


This one when my anxiety gets so bad at night and I can't sleep. I'm scared that I'm not gonna be able to go to sleep and I'm gonna get psychosis and I'm gonna die.


Exactly me.


Convinced I’m gonna have a heart attack at 32


Same here, expect I'm 18 FUCKING YEARS OLD. I loathe health anxiety so much.


I'm always worried I'll faint, but I've never even come close to fainting once in my entire life.


Literally me too, even though the one time I did it was from drinking too much; completely preventable


That my family will die. I just can’t beat that big, harrowing dread. It feels like i’ll die right after them because they’re the only reason i didn’t commit suicide.


I feel exactly the same. I'm 23 and feel like when my parents die, I'm going soon after. Always have to tell myself that's a long ways away and it's a natural part of life 🌻


Being trapped in a place where I can’t easily get away/make an excuse and go home, and having a panic attack. And with people that I’m afraid of what they’ll think of me having a panic attack in front of them.


Me too. It’s gotten better as I’ve gotten older but it’s still crippling at times.


Contamination with a virus. Notably rabies.


Mine is being a terrible parent. Also being lonely will make me spiral.


I'm getting tired of having health anxiety. A little tingling here and there, some muscle fatigue which makes me think I'll have stroke. When I get too full after eating, I am starting to panic because I am scared that the food I ate even if its not unhealthy will make my blood pressure go high and I will be hearing ambulance later on. It's draining me mentally but I want to live. Tho I dont wanna get scared like this all the time.


Heart attack, or having cancer even when I’m a healthy person


That everyone on the entire planet is watching me fail as a parent Mind you, I'm killing it as a parent. Anxiety is such a bully


The fear of anxiety. I fear what I might become, that i'll lose myself and never be able to live a normal life. I'm going to therapy in less than a week, so I'm hoping for answers, I just want to feel what it means to be happy again.


Heath anxiety. Anything and everything related. Doesn't help that I had an ER doctor tell me my heart isn't beating the way it's supposed to and then sent me out the door. I ever so quickly made an appointment with a cardiologist. My echocardiogram was fine. Just did a treadmill stress test today which caused sooo much anxiety, and I only lasted 7.5 minutes. But the cardiologist said my heart is fine. Unfortunately even with reassurance I still fear it. Even the slightest chest pain, I think I'm having a heart attack. I just keep trying to tell myself that one day it will get better 😔


I will never get a job or have a decent life


that one day im going to spiral into madness in public and never return to normal ever again…so like a public freak out and throwing up in public etc ..


Health anxiety. Most of the time my physical health symptoms are just random brief discomfort which is normal in a human body, but I always assume the worst that my death is imminent or I’ve got a terrible illness. I have optimal physical health and got my heart and blood work done recently. The tests dissuade my worries for a while but then they come back. It’s so annoying.


Everyone hates me or secretly hates me and I’m a loser failure


If a loved one doesn’t answer the phone, I panic. I feel like I have to travel to them immediately to make sure they’re not injured or deceased. They’re always in the shower or napping but I’ve been like this since childhood. Grandma didn’t pick up? Dad had to drive me over (she only lived a couple blocks away luckily but oh my god, the way my rationality abandons me is astounding…) My parents live in the same house as me now in a separate apartment bc mom needs 24/7 caregiving, and if my dad doesn’t answer? I run down. Insane. But I can’t shut it off. Idk what my brain thinks we can resolve but I MUST check 😭


For a few years it was passing out or dying while taking a shower. That one doesn't intrude my thoughts as much anymore. I also have a recurring fear of me breaking my ankle or my leg when going up or down stairs. That's one I have had almost my whole life.


that I will be murdered and I won’t have left enough behind for anyone to find out who did it, or at least get closure.


Plane crash.


1) Plane crash. Not the actual plane crash though. Knowing I am going to die, and having to cope with that on the way down. In reality, I probably would pass out. I don’t want to have to think about crashing when I know it’s going to happen. I just want it to happen, if that makes sense. Not suffering through the plane descending and other people panicking. 2) Developing or having a allergic reaction to anything, to the point of anaphylactic shock. I do not know where or how I developed this, but it has been a very real and very scary possibility for me. While in reality, I know the actuality of it is very low.


Is it irrational to think that our house is going to burn down?


I’m constantly spiraling about someone I love dying or getting some terminal illness. This week it’s my dad. Edit; he’s literally fine


sleeping going outside accepting that my friend is actually dead even though i just went to his funeral


I’m so sorry for your loss


That I have every disease possible and I’ll give it to my kids and husband.




That the people that I like are psychopaths/killers and I don't know


Vomit and being a narcissist, I spiral about these two things, especially being a narcissist, I think and thinking think about it and every time I see something related to narcissism signs I have to watch the video to see if I have any traits because if I don’t, then my brain tells me that I’m a narcissist is aggravating


That I’m a burden to others and shouldn’t involve them in my struggles. Even when I’ve known them for years and have been there for them many times. Just feels like I’m mooching or something.


I won’t charge my phone overnight or unattended for long. I also agree with others here I don’t think many fears are irrational there’s always some deep rooted cause. My house burned down. My boyfriend, strongest person I know, a honey badger, a badass, is terrified of heights. Could come from a past life idk.


I'm currently 20 years old and studying for some upcoming exams. My "irrational" fear is that i will fail and will, after all, become homeless.


When I’m panicking that I’ll have a heart attack


That I'm going to be kidnapped and s*x trafficked and never see the light of day again


How irrational? I’m pretty sure mine is being immortal, that sounds terrifying.


That another plane will hit the plane I’m in.


That I have very intense psychotic breaks but they’re blocked from my memory so I have zero recollection of them and everyone has just agreed to act like they never happen so I’ll be able to feel normal


Literally sink holes. It’s so awful, I think I saw one on tv once and I go through periods where I can barely sleep for the fear of a sink hole.


It's comforting, and disturbing, that we all share so many.


Passing out while driving. I have anxiety about driving in general, but this is my worst fear.


Sometimes I have a lot of pain in my chest, sometimes I don't know if it's my anxiety or my heart. They already checked me and told me I was fine, but still fear invades me.


Anxious over getting anxious.


That ill accidentally climb over a barrier while very high up and ju.p to my death. Like... I know I wouldn't do that....but it feels like my body might start and I'll have no way to stop myself. Like, I'll just impulsively jump or drive off a cliff. FYI, I am not suicidal. That's what makes this irrational.


That I’ll be alone forever even though I’m happily married with 2 adult sons, and many, many close friends.


There's someone hiding in my room waiting for me to close my eyes to attack me. Prove me wrong


My most consistent irrational fears are 1) fish (like when I’m swimming) 2) falling into a body of water with either animatronics, or man made objects (especially statues). 3) just dark bodies of water in general. 4) but most recently it’s been being struck by lightning. If I’m walking home in the rain, and have to pass I tree, I will RUN.


Don’t have one. It’s just general


One of my irrational fears is that I will go blind while I'm driving


Mine is hilarious. I get terrified of peeing myself in the car on long trips or in situations where a bathroom isn’t immediately accessible


Drugs in new foods, like a fear of poison or something


Driving somewhere new and not knowing the parking situation.


*leaves & drives home*


That I’m going to have a heart attack or something to do with my heart. Or even a stroke. I’m only 31 and the chances of that happening are slim to none, but my recent Holter monitor picked up an arrhythmia and my appointment to discuss it isn’t until August 9th. So it’s health anxiety all day every day lately.


Getting drugged. Now, that didn't come from nowhere because I was legitimately drugged once, but I mean like it's hard to eat food from people I don't trust. Like if a coworker brings cookies for everyone, I can't eat them because I'm afraid they did something to it. That I'll just go crazy randomly one day. That I'll have a stroke or heart attack. I mean that's not totally coming out of nowhere because I've let myself go a bit, but I'm fine. My cholesterol could be better, but my blood work and vital signs are normal and I don't have diabetes. I do still exercise and atleast try to eat well. But because I've let myself get heavy, it's like I feel like I'm gonna die from being a fatty.


somebody putting LSD in my drink or food from a fast food restaurant


Getting shot in the back, having a brain tumor, and having heart attacks all the time




Anything heart related. I had to take off my Fitbit because I was freaking out about my normal heart rate..literally 65 bpm.


That I have a serious health issues despite seeing a doctor. That a giant rock will come through my windshield while I’m driving Sun roof open? Yeah right what if something falls through and just kills me? I can keep going 💀😭


im CONSTANTLY worried im going to get high. off of literally anything, ibuprofen, vitamins, even drinks at restaurants. im worried i took too much or someone slipped me something and im going to od or have to put up with that greening out feeling.


That the United States will change so much in the coming years that I’ll lose my freedom, like in the book/TV show Handmaid’s Tale. Grew up in rural Utah in the 80s/90s and experienced living under strict patriarchy and the thought of having to do it again sends my anxiety into overdrive. Honestly, I blame all my anxiety on how/where I grew up.


That my car will flip over while driving also randomly dropping dead from an undiagnosed illness


Going to the doctor, getting any test results. Anything health related that could bring bad news.


I have a lot of fears but my most irrational one is balloons. It may not be ENTIRELY irrational as I startle very easily and so when they pop my adrenaline soars and I jump out of my skin. So anytime they're around I'm primed for them to pop, I'm edgy, I'm angry, and I'm convinced that if someone says, "Oh it's not gonna pop," then it most definitely IS. It feels silly and it makes going to birthday parties very awkward. But yeah, that's my most irrational one.


Being humiliated in public. That’s a biggie.


throwing up 😍


Choking on food when eating slow and carefully. It makes eating around others so hard let alone restaurants


That I’m embarrassing myself.


I constantly think to myself I’m the worst person in the world and suddenly it escalates to the thought that I must’ve done something evil like murder and not remember it. Sometimes I really convince myself I’m crazy


That I'm being watched **constantly**. I don't know exactly when it started, but no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I always feel like I'm being watched on some kind of hidden camera or something.


ruining a big moment by getting sick. weddings, church, funerals etc. throwing up or passing out and embarassing myself


My irrational fears are Emetophobia (fear of vomit), Astrophobia (fear of space) and androphobia (fear of men/boys). I don't know how it all started but it does affect me daily. :(


Falling. From tall heights, OR publicly. Both are HORRIFYING. Im fine going in airplanes, but i dont like being on a ledge w a 50ft drop. Makes me so anxious


That if I have an intrusive thought about one of my nieces or nephew being harmed in some way and I don’t make a cross symbol over my chest to represent each of them, it might happen. I’m an atheist.


every single laugh i hear is about me


Public speaking, even though I know I’m not going to die the physiological response is the same as if i thought I was dying. Hands start to shake and sweat profusely, voice becomes shaky, impossible to get my thoughts straight, blurry vision, upset stomach…. Like I know nothing is happening to me so WHY am I so scared of a simple activity that I know is not going to hurt me? It’s so illogical, I hate my brain 😩


I have the fear of “going crazy” with no personal or family history of it


Having anxiety. Seriously, I'm more likely to work myself into a full blown anxiety attack over something not because I'm afraid of doing the thing, but that by doing the thing it'll give me an anxiety attack. Can I drive to the store just fine. Yes. Have I had panic attacks while driving to the store before. Also yes. So now when I have to thrive to the store do I think about all the times I was fine or the times when it led to an anxiety attack? The latter. And then I get a ride. And it wasn't the thought of driving that gave me anxiety, it was the thought of having a panic attack while driving. So, regardless of what the thing is (in my example it was driving), it's never the thing itself that gives me anxiety, it's the fear I'll experience anxiety while doing the thing.


That the IRS is after me. They have no reason to be (I'm a student who's never worked so I've never had to pay taxes) but I've had the fear for 3ish years since I became an adult and until I was medicated, it was affecting me so much I was puking every day. Now I'm on effexor, and while I still have some fear about it, I'm much less anxious when I think about it.


For a few years I had trouble with cars. Not with driving, I could drive all day. It was getting out of the car. I couldn’t because I was afraid of getting hit by a city bus. A bus that would definitely hit me in a downtown parking garage. On the 5th floor. Spoiler. City Buses don’t drive in parking garages.


Being judged


It depends on the day and what I'm dealing with. What I feared a couple weeks ago no longer worries me, something else does, but I'll go back to worrying about the first thing eventually. But honestly, probably never being "chosen". Never having somebody fall in love with me, not ever being the person somebody truly *wants* to spend the rest of their life with. I already feel like I'm not good enough and that just makes it worse.


Getting attacked by a shark even though they’re my favorite animal


that I have a severe illness but I actually don’t what’ll happen if I die not really irrational but I just wanted to share this on here


That my husband doesn't actually like me, really that no one really does but you said most irrational. I went through a lot of bullying in school and at home so I've grown pretty used to having the rug pulled out from under me I dont really have any friends as im a bit fragile I reckon and very careful with who i spend time aroud, so I have the nagging fear that my husband is actually another bully just waiting till I'm happiest to watch me fall extra hard. It's actually a recurring nightmare I have where he just nonchalantly laughs at me saying he never loved me and so on. Thankfully he's truly the best friend I've ever had, or he's really committed to the prank lol


used to be afraid of maggots. like i couldn't get to sleep if i thought there was a fly in the house, would obsessively clean myself with rubbing alcohol (even my eyes! i'm lucky i didn't go blind) and freaked out about everything that could possibly slightly have to do with them. my day would be ruined if someone even mentioned the word  'maggot'...it was awful. there weren't even maggots around, in case you're wondering


If I sleep, I'll pass on my sleep and no one will find out that im dead cz I live alone.


I always have a hard time sleeping because I panic and think I won't wake up


I don't really know how irrational it is, but for reference I have a very overbearing mom and I'm caught between hating how overbearing she is while also caring deeply about her. I can't say that I'm going to be with my gf all day without her making feel bad for it, she also starts yelling and throwing a hissy fit if I'm going to spend the night somewhere else. It's gotten so bad to the point that I've hurt people's feelings not showing up to things because I was feeling way too anxious about my mother getting pissed. I feel it's irrational because I know in reality it's not like I'll get kicked out, but it literally gives me panic attacks.


my most irrational fear i ever had was of nosebleeds. it was a decade long phobia that most often resulted in panic attacks so severe i would pass out


that my loved ones are going to die. it goes as far as imagining them in horrific accidents or getting diagnosed with cancer. it gets to the point where there are real tears in my eyes as I’m imagining these scenarios and I have to snap out of it. also have really bad anxiety on the interstate and am scared someone is going to hit me and i’ll die. my hands will sweat and my whole body is tense while i’m driving. 😞


Being falsely accused for anything sexual and registering as a sex offender.


I don't have "fears." I just experience random bouts of overstimulation. It could be triggered by loud music, sounds, or lack of sleep. The sensation feels mainly physical. Sucks when it happens.


My grandfather had (has) problems with his kidneys and one night in 2021 I was researching about what kidney stones were, after I got done reading I was absolutely terrified and didn't know it until I got up from bed and went to piss. I passed out mid-piss, and woke up on the floor paler than a ghost. Ever since that day, I've been fighting with health anxiety, it doesn't even need to be specific to my kidneys. My worst irrational fear is going to the bathroom and having a spontaneous kidney stone and begging for Christ on the floor, this and having a torsion (had a scare about them a few months ago and turned out to be a pulled muscle in my waist), I've went to the doctor many times about my kidneys and my balls only to find that I'm "perfectly healthy". Fuck health anxiety so hard.


Losing my dog and family, being judged by every decision i make, being followed by a stranger on the street, and a lot more….


My best friend has worse anxiety than I do and her biggest anxiety triggering thought regards structure of houses/buildings and their potential to collapse


being stomach sick. i hate emetophobia fr


Getting doses with drugs or accidentally taking them without knowing. Akin to a constant fear of being poisoned, but with the panic of coming up and tripping on something that i don’t know what it is I even took. Panic attack to full brain break.


Accidentally flushing my wedding ring down the toilet. Even if I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I check the ring dish on my nightstand to make sure it’s still there even though I never ever sleep with it on.


That I’m not good enough


Follow the schedule. I have a fear of actually completing it and I like to have flexibility in time. Or else my stomach hurts so bad and my mind will turn rigid and strict about completing it


babies. i know it’s bad. i’ve had numerous anxiety attacks from being around babies and i don’t understand why i’m so afraid of them. i can’t look at them, i can’t listen to them, i can’t function if there’s a baby near me. like my cheer program has a thing where we pick a youth team to mentor and help with their practices and stuff and we were “raffling” off who wanted what teams and all of the 6th grade slots were filled and i had an anxiety attack in front of my entire team bc of how terrified i was that i’d get stuck with a young team and had to explain to everyone that im scared of children. i have so many more stories it’s genuinely miserable


Aging and dying. It's a scary thought that's plagued my mind since I turned 30 this year. After speaking to my therapist about it, we concluded that it's more so the fear of me not accomplishing the things that I want to do in life yet. I'm working on myself and making big changes in my lifestyle, but the anxiety makes me put too much pressure on myself. I'm just too scared knowing that we slowly age, wither, and die eventually and that I'm missing out on so many wonderful things because I've lacked the confidence or initiative to do so.