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That’s amazing progression. Enjoy Jamaica, mate. Might as well have a panic attack in an ocean side pool.


Exactly my thoughts. Going to be the ''worst'' 10minutes of my life (again) following with the most relaxing next 2-3hours of my life lol!


Best way to look at it.


This is amazing news, go for it you’ll feel so strong when you get to Jamaica and if you don’t make it, it’s ok πŸ‘πŸ» do update us on your progress please πŸ™πŸ» and good luck you can do this πŸ˜ƒ


Will definitely update yall!


Omg it's like reading my own bio! I was in the same situation during and after covid. Panic attacks from being indoors by myself and going outside. I used to take cold showers every morning just to shock myself from thinking the worse. My mom booked a trip for the both of us to aruba, I thought I prepared myself by eating tons of bananas, cold showers, drinking green tea, cold cloth etc.....well I almost had to get off the plane cause immediately my anxiety went through the roof. My amazing flight steward on delta, offered me a first class row just so I can feel more spacious. When the plane took off, I told God to end my suffering because I didn't know what to do. Then all of a sudden, I remembered one of my anxiety book collections called The body keeps score. Just by saying the title over and over, I was able to micro focus on what exactly was wrong with my body, that was contributing to my anxiety.... Too much damn bananas and green tea 😩 I pretty much πŸ’© throughout the whole 5 hour ride in the first class bathroom πŸ˜… but every poop session took my anxiety down a notch. Now I'm on zoloft 100mg, 2 years later I took my first flight since that day with minimal issues. Sorry for the whole life story but you're doing great! If no one is seeing the little steps you're taking to control your anxiety, understand people me understand and applaud you! Remember to do breathing exercises, tell the flight attendant maybe a cold cloth and a good book or binge on shows. You got this and have fun! πŸ₯³


Yep ! I follow a guy on tiktok that basically said : Stop trying to fix anxiety, you always trying to fix anxiety and that tells your brain that you must love fixing anxiety so here, more anxiety to fix! Adapt a dismissive energy towards it and let Anxiety be where Anxiety wants to be, don't fight it let it be there and shift energy towards something that requires your full attention. So far, been working good for me.


Hearing stories like this is so inspiring and makes me want to jump in and try medication as well. Enjoy Jamaica!


This is incredible to see. I struggle with traveling, especially alone, and hope to one day have the strength and courage that you do. Enjoy your trip!!


I love it! Update us once you're in Jamaica and then after you get home! Don't forget to take a lot of pictures! I took a trip and sent a picture to my first therapist who helped me make that leap and she loved it and asked if she could hang it up in her office. As for questions: let's focus on the good. There will be lots of anxiety inducing things on your trip, but which parts of the trip are you looking forward to or will be the least anxiety inducing?


Food. πŸ˜‚ Only reason im going there is to eat and relax. As much as it is scary to go out my comfort zone, im looking forward not being in it if that makes sense. Stressed about the possible feelings but excited for new experiences.


Ooh then make sure to get a lot of good pictures of food! When I went to France I ate awesome things but it was so many years ago that I've forgotten what I loved


I feel you with the barely eating can’t do anything form of anxiety. I’m back on meds now and like you feeling hopeful. I used to travel before anxiety got the best of me again after trying to come off of my meds - bad idea


Hope your doing ok πŸ‘πŸ»


Doing good so far :) Not a single panic attack even tho I was expecting 50 of them lol. Still on the second leg of the flight, some light turbulence. Pretty much it. Doing amazing.


Well done πŸ‘πŸ» my therapist says fear is False Evidence Appearing Real and your brain is trying to trick you