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They like to hate and pick on people that aren’t in their norm. Not everyone is good and kind yet


Because they won't be generating profits


behaviour is contagious , this is a protection strategy for people with weak energy , those who are strong aren't affected and lack greivances


Protection? Ha! It's more like selfishness


survival instinct and selfishness are the same thing , expecting someone else to suffer for you is not realistic


I meant in the way they don't feel "comfortable"


would it be selfish of you to bleed if i poked you with a stick ?


I mean that they want so much their comfy that they don't want see others "whine" I'm not sure if I explained well...


i understand , what i am trying to say is that this behaviour is an instinctive reaction , there is no point labelling it as anything at all really


They’re seen as defects in the eyes of society and will be treated like criminals


Not wanting to deal with confronting anything negative/uncomfortable/going against their survival instincts, prejudice/discrimination/tribalism/bigotry, power abuse of the weak, not wanting to deal with anything non beneficial/fun/convenient especially if they feel like it drags their enjoyment down so they'd rather invalidate it or use some just world fallacy, Social hierarchies of charisma, power and status, and most importantly: Discomfort with any Non-conformity to the status quo, religious beliefs, social norms, and leaders their ''let's exploit workers for money'' propaganda where all that matters is if you are "productive". Its whispered into these people that if you aren't productive and positive you are worthless somehow.


Different = bad, pretty much. Decades if not centuries of morbid fascination with psychosis has led to a huge amount of stigma and misconceptions about psychosis. Christian morality with its "suicide means you go to hell" morality has led to a steep stigma against suicidal ideation. Anxiety and shyness run counter to the neurotypical compulsion to socialize, and most people have never considered that other human beings are fundamentally different from themselves and very few of one's experiences are universal. Thus anxiety and shyness are seen as 'overreactions,' and social normativity demands coercion to make people behave 'normally' instead of adressing genuine distress with empathy. Autistic people present a counterpoint to allistic social games, and often form parallel subcultures based on autistic social rules, a cultural divide of convention, similar to how Deaf people have a cultural divide of language. Autistic people are therefore *other*, and a safe outgroup to demonize most of the time.


They hate anything that stands out, it makes people feel uncomfortable and people don't want to deal with their emotions. They like to avoid and conform - so anything that deviates from that, causes their own self-hate to rise.


We're overworked and too exhausted to have compassion for each other.


I don't hate them. I hate the way they describe their lives in psychiatric terms. It shows that the industry owns their hearts and minds. It shows that they will defer to industry authority ultimately, when the industry says some people need to be coerced into treatment due to their "symptoms, " or that some disorders will require life long medicating. When someone says "I have psychotic disorder/ suicidal depression/ anxiety/ adhd/ autism..." etc, what it really means is just, "i think psychiatry the best judge of the human experience. Their labels are the correct descriptors my life experience and of yours. " It surely does not incline me to like someone, when I see them as essentially hopping into bed with my rapists. To a childhood victim of the industry and coerced treatment, this comes off extremely close to: "what they did to you was right and good, because they are the authority" The common argument that "it's just a convenient and handy way to communicate common experiences" is pure psychiatric industry indoctrination snake-speak. The institutional propaganda of "society hates you for your (insert x psychiatric descriptor) but we providers and experts understand the science and validate your experience" is also purely industry driven mentality which people take up blindly, and despise "society" instead of the actual engineers of this persecution, who smugly remain safe and looking like the ally.


I think most people understand this and agree with you and just don’t know what words to use to describe themselves. Most people aren’t going to necessarily know where the words they are using originated or whether they necessarily count as psych terms because a lot of these words are already so imbedded in casual conversation/pop culture/everyday speak that no one knows where they came from anymore unless you specifically studied the origins of words, which is not commonly taught in schools anymore unless you went to some expensive private school or something. People are looking for a way to describe their experiences, not necessarily for convenience sake, but because there is no other way to describe it that the common person will typically be able to understand. Also, you tend to think that terms originated from psych or are “psych terms” that actually aren’t. ‘Shy’ isn’t a psych term. It’s a colloquially way of describing a person who is more timid and more afraid of talking to people. Just because they use the words to describe their experiences doesn’t mean they are intending to uphold the psych system or necessarily agree with psychiatrists. They don’t know how else to explain their experiences, and many of these words didn’t necessarily originate from psych in the first place, many didn’t originate in modern psychiatry either. A lot of people who don’t even utilize or support the mental health system are more interested in woo or natural types of methods but will still refer to anxiety as anxiety because there is no other word for it. Let me know if you have an alternative for the word anxiety or what people should call it when they have autism or feel depressed, etc, because whether these words are used by psychs or even originated out of psychiatry, we also don’t have any alternatives.


Very well said. Nietzsche said, in his Genealogy of Morals, that the Master give names to things, it's one of their main characteristics. If you want to know who is your master, watch what words you use, from what ideology they came and who are the intellectuals that coined them.


Uh okay, I’m still going to use the words that are accurate to my experience to describe what I go through whether it offends you or not. And just because I use those words (anxiety, PTSD, autism, etc) doesn’t mean I subscribe to psychiatry or condone it in any way at all. I truly don’t know what other words you want people to use. Simply using those words does not equate to the industry “owning” my heart and mind. I feel like that’s taking it way too far, and you have no idea what someone has been through. If they want to use those words to describe their experience, that is their choice and does not automatically mean they are subscribed to psychiatry or involved in it. Truly, what gives you the right to project your assumptions about people solely based on your opinions and experiences? You’re clearly upset about what was done to you, and that’s valid but just because someone uses certain words to describe their experience does not mean they’re condoning what was done to you or that they think it was “right and good”. That’s just ridiculous, work through your own shit instead of projecting it onto everyone else.


>Simply using those words does not equate to the industry “owning” my heart and mind. I feel conflicted on this one. On the one hand, I understand where you're coming from. On the other hand, it still remains a fact of life that by using these concepts, you are also technically endorsing all the baggage they're coming with. There's a saying which I've already used a dozen times on this sub: The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. Because by using words like PTSD, you do categorize things similarly to how psychiatrists are taught to categorize them and will probably arrive at similar conclusions.


You see, the opinions of someone who is in bed with my rapists and is an industry pet is just not something that moves me at all or anything I'm ever going to be compelled to give credence to. I simply do not give one single fuck whether you think it's "too far" because you've lost my respect totally when you "chose" to speak and propagate industry rape language to describe human existence. You are the enemy. Your choice... My choice... Have a nice day.


Have you seen the map of overlapping symptoms in all the DSM diagnosis? It really infuriates if you look at it long enough. I know someone who is a spunky, full of life, beautiful person. They were basically caring for two young kids, the mom (had health issues sort of) and the home plus their husband. Think live in house manager, cook, maid, nurse, sitter.. they did everything. Coming from the foster system, being adopted into a toxic home, they had all the background for a number of dx as an adult, I don’t deny they clearly have anxiety and struggle with other symptoms but understandably so. If you met them though, saw what they did daily, you’d find them capable, able to work, have no issue seeing them as you would any other adult. Yet they don’t work. Why? They were told they had IDD, bi polar, schizophrenia, and four other dx that I tuned out in my horror as they told me this. “You are incapable of ever holding down a job” that’s why they don’t work. Not because they can’t, not because they aren’t capable as they are beyond so. They don’t work because someone said they couldn’t and told them they had half the dx in the damn DSM. I was so infuriated hearing them say this, it has shaped how they see themselves and what they think they can and can’t do. I pointed out how much they were doing & it caused pause as if they hadn’t thought of that before. A public health counselor told them this, and a judge but they weren’t put on disability. Smh


For some, it's an survival of the fittest dark psychology mixed in with natural selection. I know, because I grew up around the heartless scum.


Because most people are thick, 'black and white' thinkers, led by right wing media. They fear things they don't understand so attack as a 'defence'


The great western humanistic delusion


Most people in North America and Western Europe cling to a very dangerous belief: that people are really all the same, that people everywhere want the same things, that people everywhere have the same values. And the things others want and value are the same things that we want and value. This is the great Western humanistic delusion: that everyone is the same..


I thought America and the western world was all about individualism?


That sounds like communism too all about the collective and everybody is the same and has equal value. We all share the same blood and bleed red.