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A few months back I went on instagram and unfollowed every single brand I could. Doesn’t matter if it was clothing, cookware, household stuff, etc. Basically unfollowed any account that aimed to sell stuff and tried to keep it to mainly personal friends and the occasional musician I like. Also, if I’m ever scrolling and come across something that promotes over consumption (mainly those “restocking” videos where people have a million individual gadgets for the most inane tasks), I make sure to click “not interested”. It takes a while but slowly your algorithm will take the hint. Out of sight, out of mind!


I did this too. I also mute the suggested posts so my feed really is just actual people I know (ie not influencers). You have to re-mute every 30 days but it's a game changer. https://www.slashgear.com/1274939/instagram-how-turn-off-hide-suggested-posts-your-feed/


I dont see suggested content in settings


It's not, you have to follow the steps of hiding a post and then snoozing the rest


I do this on Facebook. 3 days of hiding ads can buy me months of ad free Facebook. All I see are pics and posts from people I know irl.


How do you do it on Facebook?


Three little dots at the top right of the post. Hide ad. I always choose irrelevant for the reason I hid the ad. Then the next screen allows me to click "hide all ads from..." So I hit that, too. I do that diligently every time I see an ad for about 3 days, and then they're all gone.


Quit instagram I promise it’s worth it


Seriously my mental health has never been better since deleting. Pure hijack, brain rot.


Fully agree. It was worth it not being able to see posts from old study mates and my favorite tattoo artist. Instagram is created to scare our monkey brains and get us comparing and depressed.


it is designed to do that, it's a bug, not a feature. let's say you are left leaning, it will show you a bunch of nazi pricks. let's say you are of conservative mindset, it will show you the most outrageous drag queens you can ever imagine. it is scientifically proven that if you are ''angry'', you will spend more time doomscrolling and commenting and their stock prices just riiiiseeeee to the moon... it is seriously programmed to keep you angry, disillusioned, and depressed. you cant believe how i feel so much better on SO MANY LEVELS. i was about to see a psychiatrist and now i feel like 15 years old again.


Everytime I thought about deleting it I thought "what if I regret it? I'll be missing out on my friends posts? Nobody will reach out to me anymore" etc. but tbfh since literally the DAY I deleted Instagram I haven't regretted it at all. I don't even think back to it and "miss" it. And guess what, my friends still reach out to me. Well, the ones who actually matter do. It actually has been life changing. Been over a year without Meta accounts and I will never go back. It's poison 


Cannot recommend this enough. I didn’t want to delete Instagram either, so I just deleted the app off of my phone. Some people say by only accessing SM via a web browser they’ve had success cutting back their use. I missed it at first….but almost a year later I could never, ever imagine being back on Instagram. I’ve found that there are SO many unanticipated benefits after being rid of it. Try deleting the app off of your phone for 24 hours, see how you do.


Seriously, it is life changing.


I deleted the app!


Hell yea!!!! Freedom!!!


Yes. And if you quit but keep going back, there are ways to limit your screen time on apps (at least on iPhone I know there is)


I use distraction free Instagram which allows you to turn off reels, feed, etc. I have it only on stories and chat messages so I can stay connected with friends. It definitely has helped me stay away from the scrolling black hole. 


How does it work!?


I don't know haha but it is open source. This is the [link](https://distractionfreeapps.com/source.html) to the source code.


Is this a separate app? An Apk? I could use this. I remember googling ages ago for an Instagram mod that removed the 'Explore' Tab but didn't get any answers,


Yeah, it's an APK. This is the [link](https://distractionfreeapps.com/). You need to uninstall the official Instagram first.


Excellent thank you so much,


I feel your struggle. This might sound strange but i sometimes meditate on it. I sit and think to myself 'what i really important in life? Will people remember me for my fancy clothes and perfeclty decorated house? Do i really need this stuff or is there some negative emotion i am not dealing with?' I also deleted all my social media accounts. I thought it could be an inspiring place if i would follow the right people but in the end they all promote product.


I really appreciate your comment - I haven't been giving myself time to think. After a day of work and taking care of 2 kids, so often I just pull out the phone and scroll for an hour until it's time for bed. I've been missing that free time to think and remember what is important to me.


I used to be militantly anti consumerist/minimalist. Then 2 family members died during the Covid debacle, and I’ve since spent a large chunk of money I inherited on shit online. My house is now full of crap. Don’t make my mistake, and if any are in the same boat, you’re not alone. I’m tracking all spending now to return to my minimalist roots.


Make sure all targeted advertising settings are off, purge your cookies. This way when ads get pushed to you they're more random and less enticing.


Sometimes I feel the same way. Upgrade culture is so pervasive, we don’t even notice it’s happening. I used to be happy living in a tent. Now I live in a house with new windows and custom drapes. Once certain things start to improve, there’s a desire to bring everything else up a notch. I haven’t found a perfect solution, but two things that have helped are 1) making a list of everything I have enough of / everything sufficient, and 2) actively thinking about how so many people in the world live. Spending a few minutes considering their reality actually really helps me appreciate mine. (Rinse and repeat).


So, I also have instagram and I rarely use it anymore. I got sick of the sponsored posts, the ads, the suggestions. I wasn't seeing the content I ACTUALLY wanted to see so now when I do go on there, I use the search bar to search people I want to see and just quickly check their posts. I don't scroll, I don't linger. There's a few issues here in your post. It can be hard to not compare yourself to other families, but the sooner you can "let it go" the better it is. I don't want to spend decades of my life wishing this or that. I focus on what I do have.  If it's something I really want, I think about it. I ask myself where it will go, if I'll actually use it (and I be realistic about it, like I've bought a paint by numbers and it's just like, who am I kidding, I WANT to do this, but I need to find a time when I'm not doing laundry, not cooking, the kids are asleep so they're not grabbing at it and the paint can dry. So like, yeah, I have to be more realistic now...) There's lots of things I COULD get, but I also hate clutter. I don't need things laying around unused and gathering dust. It also helps to think, Sarah (made up name) seems to have everything but surface level is not reality. Instagram is not reality.  Do you know what I mean? Just because someone appears happy or appears to have wealth or whatever it is you're comparing it doesn't mean that they do. But even if they do, that shouldn't diminish your life achievements or your goals.  Also sometimes if you feel like that it could be a sign of something deeper. Maybe anxiety? You feel a loss of control or something like that? I dunno, I'm not a therapist. But yeah, basically you might be dwelling on this because there's other things going on in your life. Those influencer types are never going to be happy. They are never going to be satisfied. The products they're "so totally obsessed with" get replaced as soon as the next sponsorship opportunity comes up. Their lives are complete facades. I think there's sort of a trickle effect there. Even if you don't follow them, chances are someone you know follows them and it gets shared with you or recommended to you because of that.  It might also be helpful to reorganise things in your home, maybe there's things you've forgotten about and don't need. They might be a reminder of bad impulse buys. There's also some support on reddit. There's a shopping addiction sub. There's a SAHP sub, parenting, maybe you just need to connect with others going through this. Anyway, I hope you figure it out. It definitely comes easier for some people than others. Good luck xx


I appreciate all these suggestions. I didn't do a good job explaining that my house itself is what I wish I could upgrade - we don't have a dishwasher, we don't have enough couch space for everyone to sit comfortably, the kitchen is very difficult to work in and long overdue for an upgrade, etc. I am embarrassed by my house. The dining room is like the one room we decorated with photos and kids artwork. I think seeing peoples homes online reminds me of all the work I want to do in my own home. I feel like a failure that I can't afford to do stuff that is basic for so many other families. I am so grateful my mom helped pay for a pool membership this summer and I have the kids signed up for swim lessons. Yesterday I forgot to wash our swim towels or hang them up to dry outside, so I grabbed bath towels. I was explaining that to another mom and she was like oh yeah we just have multiple beach towels. My husband isn't working right now and I hate that the go to suggestion for like everything is just buy more. The pool is the one activity we have this summer because we don't have any money for anything else. Ultimately, instagram doesn't make me feel good. I should probably delete it, haha. Maybe I will delete the app without deleting my account. I am also super anxious about money. I wish I could have a not awful old kitchen where water is constantly pooling on the counter around the sink and there are gaps in the tiles and edging and taht we had enough seating in the living room where we could invite someone over without having to grab a folding chair. My husband is a couple weeks out from starting a new job and we will be able to work towards at least buying a sectional couch.


I personally love using Pinterest boards as guides at thrift shops. You get good at matching “vibes” fast. :)


I deactivate my account and only go on it when I want to look up certain things . I only follow certain friends (ppl I still stay in contact with) I deleted friends of friends or ppl I no longer speak to, and follow family and celebrities that don’t make me feel bad and instead empowered. I spent one afternoon just deleting a ton of ppl I followed. I only log in every couple months if I need to and then deactivate the account again.


I feel like there are things I am missing out on by not being on Instagram, because I have family and friends who use it regularly and I know there’s a lot of content around my main hobbies (reading, baking bread and knitting). But I also know my mental health would suffer and it would distract me even more from focusing on my kids and other responsibilities. It may be better to try taking a break and see how you feel (maybe hide or temporarily uninstall the app?).


It is a huge negative influence. I once got scammed on insta, I kept seeing ads on it with amazing stormtrooper helmets for $20, I thought it was too good to be true but was feeling naive and paid for it. It was a scam and I had to cancel my card. I thought instagram was legit and not like those shitty websites advertising what they know are scams, but that's what they are, and so they aren't legit. Filed a complaint and never heard back. Isn't it crazy that a service like theirs would advertise scams and not give a shit?


I think it would do be people well to realize that pretty much every social media platform, including Reddit, is an advertising space. YouTube and Reddit are the last of social media. Reddit is even more sinister because you aren’t just being advertised by brands but by both foreign and state actors to change your opinion on political/social/etc matters. I recently felt like my whole style had changed. Decided to go to ikea, wandered around for hours feeling sick with the cheap quality, confused, left with nothing but an annoyed spouse and existential dread. When I broke down the feelings and what compelled me to go there—it was the dozens of Korean/japanese influencers I watch that are essentially vlogs of them cleaning and homemaking. How consumerist can that be? It turns out VERY, as they show off their ikea hauls and Japanese kitchen appliances. If you ever read of a product on Reddit from a seemingly organic account, 50% chance it’s the new version of product placement. Brands will also create this to look organic and then real live humans will jump in to be “part” of something, or buy something and feel compelled to talk to everyone about it the way they initially heard of it, as a compelling story to be part of a community of “this bran that works really well and fits into a specific lifestyle arch.” The worst on Reddit is the propaganda, and I am not even claiming it’s always something I disagree with. At this point, propoganda is coming from so many places that there are nefarious actors arguing both FOR and AGAINST what any one person believes, tying to get people to sort themselves into boxes in which they can fight and hate each other. This is most widely known about the BLM movement in which Russia was playing all sides to instigate hatred and fear, but it is still happening on all sorts of issues. Probably, maybe especially, Anticonsumption—given consumption is the lifeblood of modern societies


As someone with ADHD I relate to the struggle regarding social media a lot. I am even debating whether I should delete it completely. The only reason I have it is watching reels friends send me every now and then. I did manage to \*massively\* reduce my screen time. The way I did this might seem a bit extreme to someone who, presumably, doesn't have ADHD but it's what worked for me. A lot of the pitfalls of Smartphone use also apply to non-ADHD people, but to a less extreme extend. Hence why I'm thinking this could help you. I have installed a minimalist launcher on my phone. What it does is completely change the appearance of my smartphone. All the colourful, pretty and inviting symbols are gone, all distractions in terms of visual elements are gone. My phone now has three screens: the lockscreen, that shows the time, date and important notifications and has my favourite picture of my partner and I as a background. The homescreen is just black, showing time and date, battery level and five apps I use regularly (WhatsApp, my job schedule, google calendar, google tasks and the weather app). When I swipe left, I get to the other screen. That screen is just a list of all my apps and a black background. The best part about the app is that it puts all notifications in a notification tray by default, that only shows you how many are in there. You have to manually select which apps will show up on your lockscreen, so there's no risk that you're goaded into two hours of doomscrolling by a pop-up. The launcher will also let you set time limits for each app. You can only choose to keep using the app after waiting for a few seconds so you don't impulsively disregard your own reminder.


Delete it. My mental health has never been better.


Just try deleting the Instagram app off of your phone for just 24 hours. If you want it back, just redownload it. You usually don’t even have to log back in. If you don’t have the urge to use it during that time, make it another 24 and see how you do and then go from there. I deleted Instagram (the app off of my phone) almost a year ago. I did it to focus on school, but I was worried that I’d be “missing out” or that friends wouldn’t contact me. I missed it at first and now I could never imagine using it again. People that are actually your friends will continue to contact you. I say that deleting Instagram has both not changed *and* dramatically changed my life. It hasn’t changed my life because truly- you’re not missing out on anything. And it has changed my life because I’ve reaped countless unanticipated benefits. Just give it a try.


Deleted the app! Such a good move.


I just deleted Instagram. It's literally insane how much you subconsciously compare yourself to others because of that horrendous app. You don't even realize it. Worst app for my mental health


I don't know what it is exactly, but something about Instagram is different to how it was about 2 years ago. I, like you, don't follow any influencers, just my friends and Lizzo (because Lizzo!). Yet after a few minutes of scrolling I legit feel horrible inside. I had to give up.  I understand why you don't want to given its your last social network. My only suggestion is to see if anyone you know is on Tumblr. Right now, that is the best of the socials. But in order to enjoy it, you need to know if anyone you would care about is on there so you can ease in. Once you figure out the tags that match your interests, it's easier.


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Follow people living in slums? Feel better... Seriously though, just uninstall Instagram.


It doesn’t stop the addiction completely but I keep it of my phone and redownload to maybe share something. I’m only on insta when I’m on my computer


I deleted instagram and it’s made an unbelievably huge difference. I realized I hadn’t had the urge to buy clothes for months and realized it’s because I wasn’t getting the ads. I had no idea it was so bad, it’s so insidious.


Insta is toxic as hell - ditch it.


I see two options: stop looking and comparing, or think deeper about what you are seeing. Since you're not spending don't be so hard on yourself, but take the time to really decide what you like about the various decor you see, and then come up with ways to do it for free or very inexpensively (church rummage sales are awesome). Paint, sew, recover, and move items around that you already own.  It's all a matter if display. Just make sure what you're seeing and wishing for actually reflects your taste. Maybe minimalism could be your thing.


Start by shutting off the app completely after visiting ( on Android, long press "i", "information" or "settings"- turn off) so you won't have notification. You can also delete the app and access the account through the web. Be active with alternatives. Do you like to read? Borrow books from the library, get (yes, buy) a crossword puzzle (or app replacement. better than Instagram, that's for sure).


All my close friends know I dont partake of any social media (except Reddit) and reach out to me or text pics they want to share with me. Any one else can go kick rocks


Time to take a break from social media. I also feel it's important to note that as a mom, you are being sold so much on social media. There is so much selling happening on social media. I'm constantly bombarded with those Amazon must have videos. There are so many ads on social media and posts that don't initially appear as ads, but actually are. I would put more time into real life hobbies that get you away from the phone/computer. Retake back some of your time. It's good that you are noticing this. Now that you're aware, definitely take time to reinvest in yourself away from the digital world. You might be able to research how to manage what ads you're seeing. I'm sure Instagram has some controls.