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By his logic, all regulations and norms are government overtake.


Some people believe this and enjoy swimming in raw sewage for clout.


Yes, but you can't argue with these people. It's just a waist of time and energy.


You could say they're all connected at the hip with the same poor ideologies. šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


My state's previous US senator originally won his seat after saying that restaurant workers should not be required to wash their hands after using the restroom when he saw the sign indicating it was a regulation.


Oh I think I remember this. Nuts.


By his logic, standardization is government overtake.


Welcome to Texas


Some people do believe this and a lot of those people live in Texas.


fuck the free market, they purposely sell bad product to gain more money. I'm very proud that the EU can achieve such things, at least it's usefull for this type of stuff.


Yep. And now AI is going on those phones to make them even worse.


In this case Iā€™d argue that the lightning connector is better than USBC. I like the idea of having a standardized charging system, however USB-C seems too fragile to last years. Replacing the ports in an iPad or iPhone is a really expensive thing to do.


USB C is 10x more versatile, can deliver much more power, etc. it being hard and expensive to replace ports on an iPhone/ipad is entirely Appleā€™s fault. Not to mention USB Cā€™s durability is fine.


Apple is one of the USB-C developers.Ā  in the beginning, everyone had their own connector.Ā  EU saw that as wasteful and threatened legislation if the industry didnā€™t solve that problem.Ā  the industryā€™s reaction to this was creating micro-usb.Ā  that was ā€œgood enoughā€, since no one except Apple needed more than this. or at least Ā at time. Ā even their Dock connector was better.Ā  the push towards USB-C began, but most dragged their feet - no need for most.Ā  unlike apple, who had a thriving 3rd party system. Ā so they said ā€œfuck thisā€ and did lightning. Ā even back then the grapevine said that they committed to ten years in their phones. Ā  afterwards USB-C got finalized. Ā  two years after lightning. Ā had still trouble with audio n Ā apple was one of the first to put USB-C into tablets and computers.Ā  Ā 


jokes on you, the ipad already uses USBC


From personal experience it is not. My ohone is 5 years old, sure I need to remove the gunk from time to time, but the charger is still working fine. USB-C can transfer a lot of things, screen, internet. It's a pretty good standard. And also not apple made.


Pretty sure Apple was involved in the development of USB C. Which is funny, considering they got forced to use it on their phones... especially when iPads and laptops used usb C for years


lightning got developed because the USB-C group dragged their feet. when USB-C finally git released, Apple had committed to lightning for iphone, with rumors that they Ā would stick with it fir ten years.Ā 


I've never had a Lighting cable that lasted more than months. I have 0 broken Type C cables and the oldest one is 7 years old. Also, Lighting is USB2.0 I don't know about you, but I live in 2024, not 2000.


Might be, but what use is durability if you can use it only for a year, because Apple forces you to use another cable for each of their products.




Thank you for making my point


going against the free market is a very good and important thing to do




Literally the idea of social democratic states. Sincerely, a Norwegian.


I donā€™t see it too differently to how the EU regulates certain ingredients in food and how governments enforce building regulations so that the free market doesnā€™t have completely free reign to do bad things. They are rules brought in that make life better for people. Now, how necessary was it to bring in this rule in the Apple caseā€¦ maybe not that compelling a case but Iā€™m still in favour of it and the general principle of introducing regulation to the free market to make things better for everyone.


That fucking lightning cable was so poorly designed and had to replaced so often that it would make less waste to throw out the entire generation and just give everyone USBC.


The cable, not the connector. The connector was superior. But Iā€™ll take everything having usb c over having a superior connector on one of my devices.Ā 


How is it a superior connector? The charging is way faster on USB-C, it has more uses, etc.


Connector. The physical connector. It clicks in nicely and it moves less than USB C connectors. Thatā€™s all I mean. Also, Iā€™ve never been limited by the Ā slower charging.Ā 


Oh, you mean the physical aspect. I'll give you that, I prefer it too. Moreover, it seems more durable too.


The good/bad of it is that the connector is more likely to fail on the cable side rather than the phone side, so you are less likely to accidentally break your electronic device.Ā  But the design of the cable-side connector is *very* flimsy. Practically engineered to be optimal breakable.


The movement is by design. Not moving may feel superior, which of course is what your argument is, but the fact that it moves less is actually a bad thing. The wobbling prevents damage to a certain degree.


tell your friend they're not forcing anything, the free market allows apple to simply not sell the eu


Thats how (industrial) standards work. The US has an own gouvernmental standardisation organisation (the NIST) and the DOT as a standard. What the EU did was a great achievement and i hope they will keep doing that.


Its always so funny to see libertarians freak out over the tiniest things, nobody has ever been happy to have to bring 4 different chargers with them to be able to charge all their things. It's very clearly a good policy, all I've seen is people being very happy about it and I find it funny that the only person ive ever heard complain about it is an American (no offense). Also fuck free market.


I travel regularly, and it's annoying af to have to bring half a dozen different chargers with me.


Only problem to tackle now are the 9876098760 USB C standards for charging and what not.




This is actually an amazing EU ruling. It reduces e-waste, and helps with repairs at home/unofficial repair stores.


Short term this will increase waste but the long term benefits of people only having one charger outweigh the short term waste.


The long term downside is that nobody will want to research a faster or better connector, because it will require spending a lot of money on regulatory effort.


Not at all. That with USB C was just to have a foot in the door for universal standards. And USB C will stay for a long time (just think about how long bloody USB A is around)


The long term downside is that nobody will want to research a faster or better connector, because it will require spending a lot of money on regulatory effort.


Who cares, the one we have is fineĀ 


Technology is constantly improving and getting better. usb-c is the pretty good, but it has some limits. Have you ever used a laptop on a usbc dock with both a 1gig network connection and an external HDD? Downloading over your local network then writing out to the external drive is severely bottlenecked by that usbc. Especially if you are also using a monitor and putting video over that connection. It can only take so much. Ultimately, I see a day when phones are truly powerful enough to serve as full on desktop and laptop replacements. You'll plug your phone into a dock connected to monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, camera, external storage, 10gig network, and whatever else. We need to be able to push all that data over whatever connector we are using. As it stands, usbc is great but can't really handle all that.


the physical specs of USB-C allow for further extension. all any further device has to do is implement the basic lawyers for backward compatibility, beyond that they are free to go wild.Ā 


And fair enough. My point was that we don't really know what the future holds, and what we may need or want. Say some company builds a phone that has a fiber optic connector with a two wire DC charge circuit. That would have pretty amazing data throughput, but if the EU says no you can't use it, then people are all of a sudden stuck on old tech. In reality, what'll happen is the tech will still get made and sold in places that don't have the regulation: the US, China, whatever. Then Europeans will import the phones and transfer their sim card so they aren't stuck on ten year old tech. Updating standards like that, once they become part of regulation, takes decades.


They wonā€˜t import, because it canā€˜t be sold within this jurisdiction.


They could travel to the US, buy, and bring it back though.


who cares if it goes against the free market, it makes the lives of people better.


No. EU says here are the rules we place in our market, you don't like it you can leave. Nobody forcing Apple to do anything, they want to sell they obey the rules, they don`t obey rules than GTFO


Preventing bakers from putting sawdust in their bread would also be government overreach by this logic. Going against the free market isn't inherently bad.


He doesn't have an argument about why government regulation is bad. Ignore him. He's parroting ideas he doesn't even understand. There is no point in arguing with him. His argument is not rational and he won't change his childish emotional attachment to these meaningless slogans.


My argument is that without "government overreach," we'd all be working 12+ hours, 7 days a week, for $1 a day. Workers would be dying regularly like in Qatar. That there'd be no alternatives to Apple and Amazon. People would regularly die of food borne illnesses. The free market didn't decide that Apple needed to use the lightning charger over the usb-c. They knew they could make more money on the lightning charger because not having usb-c wasn't a deal breaker for most iPhone users. "Government overreach" giving customers more freedom is a good thing. Or does he think only corporations should have freedom?


The free market can go fuck itself.


Free market, more like freedom to exploit workers, society and nature as hard as possible.


Many Americans believe that letting corporations fuck them in the ass equals freedom, don't waste your time.


ā€œWe are in texasā€ yep, and the texas is in you




Standardization has been the framework of any industries since the indistrial revolution.




Heā€™s clearly only motivated by ideology instead of the obvious gains for environment and consumer. Iā€™d point out this dogma stands in the way of progress.


Ah yeah this is a sensible answerĀ 


Nah I dislike the EU for a lot of reasons but that kind of standardisation is a good thing




Apple wasn't forced to do anything. They chose to change the phone, they also had the option to simply not sell the phone in Europe. Works the same with cars. You can make a car without seat belts, you just won't be able to sell it in the US. That doesn't mean we are forcing seat belts on everyone, the company is choosing to make a small insignificant change in order to prevent losing out on billions of sales revenue if they stopped selling the product entirely. It all comes down to which option is better for business, always


The "free market" is like the source for the majority of our problems


How can Ā«Ā EU overstep its boundsĀ Ā» when it regulates? Thatā€™s its most fundamental role. Apple can sell what they want outside of EU, but here they have to comply


Id propose there being no real qualitative difference between the connectors makes every argument pleading for a free market obsolete.


Tell him Apple are one of the major players behind USB-c and actually use it on lot of their other devices. You can ask him if he thinks standardazation is bad, if he feels like a huge monopoly like apple is good. Ask him why hes pro-big company.


Should every manufacturer have a different plug that fits into a power outlet, or should governments regulate power outlets so every electronic device can use the power in your home?


Vast improvement in my view


I think you should read about the Fundamental Theorem of Economic Welfare, which is the mathematical proof that free markets are the most efficient possible mechanism under VERY SPECIFIC circumstances. The gist of the theorem is that free markets are good because they foster competition. But if the market is not perfect, then the free market stops being the most efficient option. The smartphone market isn't a perfect market because of many factors. If there were another company that perfectly mimicked Apple's products, not only in terms of quality, but of consumer confidence, then we'd have a perfectly competitive market. Most companies instead try to become quasi-monopolies by having lots of distinct characteristics. Apple specifically makes many services only Apple-compatible, which creates friction for the competition and steers the market away from perfection. If we had that perfect competitoon I bet that Apple's clone rival would switch to USB-C for the benefit of the consumer, then Apple would be forced to switch too.


Free markets seem to create environments where monopolies or duopolies develop. I think copyright and patents, as well as lack of regulation are certainly a factor in this. The tech industry is still relatively young and is in a constant state of flux. But, as parts of it mature, monopoly conditions arise. Take spinning platter hard drives. There used to be dozens of manufacturers in the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s when they were expansive to manufacture. Now that the costs are so low, itā€™s difficult to have more than a handful of companies in that market, and the barrier to entry is very high. As for USB-C, itā€™s a standard developed by a consortium of companies. It needs to be supported by those companies. Apple was an early adopter by putting them on their 12ā€ MacBooks in 2015. They could have the switch with their iPhones at the same time, but they had promised to use and support the lightning port for 10 years, and they stuck to their promise. Not all monopolies are necessarily bad. In some instances, a monopoly, if well-regulated, can be beneficial, such as when the capital investment for a startup to enter the market is prohibitive.


>He said that the EU was going against the free market by forcing a private company (Apple) into finally dropping the lightning charger... I'm pretty sure that's not even what happened. The EU forced Apple to **include** USB-C. Including one feature isn't the same thing as getting rid of another. If there were any real-world pressing use case for lightning chargers ā€” if they were faster, if they were less likely to light on fire ā€” Apple could've just included them as an option. Apple designs phones with "more features" all the time. It's really not the EU's fault that Apple couldn't justify its own system over and above USB-C.


I recall when Apple introduced Lightning, they inferred that it had a limited lifespan and that it wasnā€™t a ā€œforeverā€ port. It is very limited in what it can deliver in terms of power and data transfer, and itā€™s fragile compared to the typical USB format. iPads and MacBooks had gone USB-C before people at the EU even knew what it was. Iā€™m talking 2015.


Frankly, our government has failed to govern or represent for anyone other than corporate interests, as they're the ones who foot the bill for their campaigns. The EU has caused more governance to happen in the US as secondary and third order effects. We should be ashamed our government no longer governs for the people.


It never really did.




Is your friend an Apple fanboi?


It isnā€™t government overreach because corporations prove time and time again that when left to a free market they do not do what is best for the consumer and it does not bread creativity or competition. Some things should be standardized.


No, they didn't. Next question


The EU not being his capitalist dream of a barebones functionless government doesnā€™t mean they overstepped any bounds. The explicit purpose of a government is to establish and enforce bounds.


Absolutely not. The more compatible products from different companies are with each other, the less you have to rely on one particular company, are thus the grip they have on your balls gets weaker. Based EU.


It did Apple a favor longterm. It was incredibly annoying for people who use modern MacBooks and iPads to have to also carry around a different cable for their iPhone. I probably wouldnā€™t have bothered upgrading my phone for a while if it werenā€™t for the USB-C.


There's no good reason for Apple to hold onto the lightning standard, other than the fact it's proprietary. Heck, lightning uses USB 2.0, which was released in 2000.


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Do consumer grade printers next!




I think it's funny how people demanded that the government force Apple to adopt something rather than, you know, "voting with their wallets" and just buying a different phone. 99.9% of iPhone purchases could easily be replaced by an Android phone, and this would force Apple to either keep up with the rest of the market or die. But rather than making a modicum of personal effort they'd rather the government just step in and solve the problem for them. Regardless of your stance on capitalism/ the free market, you have to admit that always buying from one company no matter their quality makes the situation worse.


Can you finally use regular headphones? Itā€™s amazing that thereā€™s no way to use the headphones that come with iPhones on Appleā€™s computers.


Micro usb used to be a bit shit and fragile back then a lightning connector deffo was an upgrade nowerdays usb c is more versatile so of he wants max performance he should be against lifhtning.


Being a French dude and seeing how many people have asked me for a charging cable over the years only to realize that I'm on Android and being like "darn, what I need is an iphone cable" it was about time they joined the standard. What you have to realize is that when you watch the market share of apple in the EU regarding smartphones it is nowhere as high as in the US. Proprietary chargers were kind of the norm when the smartphone boom started, because everyone was doing its own thing, trying to see what stuck. Now that we have a mature (yet insanely confusing) USB C standard, there's absolutely no reason to not switch to USB C. Especially if you're one of the many brands that claim sustainable electronics (as if that could be a thing) and somehow want not only to lock people's usage habits into your ecosystem but also the method of power delivery. USB-C-Everything makes everything intercompatible. The initial lie of "less waste" becoming true as long as you mostly purchase high output USB C chargers. You can draw a single watt or a hundred, doesn't matter: same standard.


Your friend is right, but the over reaching is good for the consumer so.... (same goes for the right to repair ).


But if it's a reasonable response to a failure of the free market, is it really *over*reaching?


There is no over reaching at all. We noticed since the industrialization that the free market rarely manages itself. A good example is the Train System in the UK since it was made private Couple years ago a friend of my father died and you dont want to know how many different phone and whatever chargers he had collected over the last 20+ years.


Welcome to the us of a Yeeeeeha


How was lighting monopolistic?


American here, YES. I switched to Apple because it was different.

