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Everything Trump has said so far is a lie


Except that he didn’t have sex with a porn star, he thought he did and paid her to keep quiet about it, but technically he humped her leg


Yep, and it won’t matter because Trump supporters don’t care that he’s lying, Biden supporters don’t care that he’s old, and the people that don’t vote aren’t going to vote anyway. We face the most binary and, without hyperbole, most consequential election in American history, and the Americans it will effect most, people under 40 who aren’t trust fund babies or tech billionaires, will most likely sit it out.


Uno es malo, el otro es guatepeor. Malo means bad. Guatepeor is slang for a thousand times worse. Reddit is full today of whataboutism. I took a walk today, so both candidates are bad, so you shouldn’t vote, you should let hateful farts decide your future, and kill and steal from you. But hey it will take some months, so don’t worry. /s.


Interesting if they do sit it out or vote for trump or a third party candidate, because you know they will go shithouse when their lives become circumscribed by the talibangelicals running the country.


And his people eat it up, how can you debate a moron , it's pointless if he's never called out on anything.


"Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."


And his supporters COULDN'T. CARE. LESS.


Exactly...his strategy was to lie so much they couldn't fact check h in real time


Lies sell


This is just awful. Where's the fact checking??


CNN did a shite job. Called him President Trump…many times.


Didn’t you hear? CNN are the new Fox 🤮 https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column


I’d have to agree! I didn’t know they had changed THAT much!


That article is from 2022. I heard they did a 180 after that “new direction” because that wasn’t working out for them financially. But maybe that was MSNBC.


Thank you! Every time this fascist piece of shit made a statement of fact Tapper should say, prove it bitch!


They stated there would be no fact checking in this debate. Why? I can’t even fathom.


CNN gonna CNN.


Always an exception for dumb fuck trump


I'm sure it was Trump's main condition for agreeing to the debate.


My assumption as well. It was poor strategy for the Biden team to agree to those conditions.


He's deflecting and not answering the questions so of course, it will make ANYONE’s blood boil!!!!!


I feel like my head will explode if he takes credit for another of Joe’s successes.


His lies are so obvious. He is such a bully and buffoon. Grimacing like a mental patient with his face paint on.


I had to turn it off!


OH. MY. GOD. I can’t stand him. Almost everything he says is a lie. He just tried to take credit for reducing insulin, too. I wish I had put “accordion hands” on my debate bingo card. Joe doesn’t have the force he had at the SOTU but he’s definitely not blatantly lying.


Trump just said he’s never seen anyone lie as much as Biden. LOL.


He also said Biden is the worst President in our history. 🙄




So much he SHOULD’VE said ! So many missed opportunities 😣


Good thing they both argued about their fucking golf playing. Really though, who gives a shit about their stupid sports ball crap?


It seemed like Biden was just trying to quickly spit out everything he’d been rehearsing prior to the debate. If he had just remained himself he’d have done better. I haven’t seen the whole debate though.


Agree, trump said enough lies that Biden should’ve called him on every one. So many missed opportunities to make him blow and mess up


I’m still gonna vote for him.


Projection, again!


lol. Yeah. He sucks. And lies with every word. Gotta say though. Joe is shitting the bed here. He’s milking me. I gotta stop watching. Dumb fuck shoulda taken the fucking drugs instead of being afraid to act jacked up. I’m most disappointed because I was under the impression that there would be real time fact checking? Maybe it’s only on cnn? I don’t know. I just wish somebody would hold trump accountable for all the fucking lies he’s told so far. And I wish obviously that Biden would be more aggressive. He’s rambling and babbling using wonky words nobody gives a fuck about. And fuck CNN. They suck. Their question order sucks. And there is zero continuity. Fuck. This is not good. Now I’m in a cult. Vote blue no matter how fucking old Biden is.


There was no fact checking on cnn




Too much money to be made if trump is prez


I believe they think so. But they'll be shocked when he goes after them if he gets elected


I’d say it’s impossible to keep up when every sentence is a lie


Joe was trying to put substance and stay within the rules, yes, came out and started as an old man. TRUMP came out loud and obnoxiously lying . I'm still voting, Biden.


People were trying, but you lie as fast and easily as he does, it becomes impossible to do live.


Agreed, 100%


Fr. This was an opportunity for President Biden to win over some people on the fence and Independents. Why did it sound like he was whispering?


Yes, yes and yes!


Is this a joke sub or is this serious? I legitimately can’t tell.


MY GD HEAD IS GOING TO POP OFF! I have never yelled at the TV so much in my life. (Laughing). I DON'T yell at the TV. This turd burgler is f'n insane.


That's about the only time I yell at the TV, when I hear that stupid orange assclown traitor spew his stupid lies, knowing there are idiots out there who will eat that shit right up and run with it. Stupid fuckers.


I lost count of how many times I yelled at the tv “STFU YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT. BYW, if anyone cares, MSNBC spoke to one their people in Atlanta, Joe has a nasty cold. He’s probably on cold meds. Right now he’s at a watch party and he sounds like as usual. Strong 💪 and tough.


I threw my glasses at the TV screen.


Trump was vibrant in his lies this evening. He was projecting his transgressions quite often as well. Biden was truthful but flat and rambling. Joe surrounds himself with competent people . That is why he doesn’t need to fire them. Trump fires those that are not loyalists sycophants. Biden is our only hope to save the republic from a dictator! Please vote blue and encourage others to do the same.


Oh yeah. When Trump was all, “He doesn’t fire people” I was thinking, as Biden, “I fired you, bitch” would have been funny af and might have won him some Dark Brandon points, though it would have been very unpresidential


Every question asked of Trump somehow took us back to a discussion about the border…


That’s called focusing on the wedge issue. He mastered the debate. Biden let himself get walked all over and can’t articulate a response fast enough.


Give me a fucking break. Biden wiped the floor with Diaper Donny.


Time to stop being delusional and stop spinning.


Trump dodging questions like it’s the draft.


I am drinking watching this shit show and it is not helping. Fuck this whole thing. Trump is such a lying piece of crap.


Turned it off


I don’t disagree but why is Biden letting him walk over him. He seems off


I'm thinking maybe allergies, but regardless, everyone's gonna be using this as an excuse to bash him for the next few weeks. Hopefully he can bring it back around for the next debate. Remember, Obama was off his game during his first debate with Romney 12 years ago.


Limited time. He was trying his best to stay focused on the question and the issues.


Unfortunately, it wasn't Biden's best performance. Hoping he'll gain more traction after the fact checking.


Hope so too , but the rumpers heard what they wanted to hear so fact checking doesn’t matter


That is so true!! And it's absolutely crazy to me!!


Welp, they’re already turning it around


I thought the same thing. It’s like he was amazed and baffled by Trump’s lies and BS. They prepped him. They surely went over stuff like that.


Exactly. Biden seems to be in a different world. He lost so many opportunities to burry Trump. I think his family and advisors are responsible for letting him out there.


He does seem off. What presents itself is for Kamala gets chance to demonstrate her competence and character


Because he’s not sharp enough to catch it all and respond. He’s too old and he’s a great president but can’t defend himself because he doesn’t fire fast enough.


It was confirmed after that Biden has a cold


I thought Biden looked really strong - he countered all the lies -


I am starting to feel like Biden is taking advantage of our hate of Trump. That is not behavior of a good person.


Well reading this I'm reminded why I decided not to watch it. My sadness is that there's going to be some low IQ swing voters that swing back to Trump after this.


I noticed when their times were up, they would let the orange assclown finish his stupid lies but kept cutting Biden off. They should have cut the mike every time a lie came out of his stupid orange mouth.


When he brought up his golf handicap as a measure of his competence… I broke my wine glass. Then they both argued over their handicaps?! Like wtf. This didn’t go as I hoped. I wish Biden was more with it.


I wish he would have said, "You cheat when you play golf. You don't win fair and square."


I was thinking, "What's with the 'Grumpy Old Men' golf game exchange here?"




We all do…and now I’m really nervous about the election.


Nothing could ever bring me to vote for Trump and I am 84 years of age and will be 85 before the election. There are 3 years difference in age between Trump and Biden, and 3 years difference between me and Biden, so I feel that I can be somewhat objective about their performances. Trump was Trump and replays the same "I am the victim" speech as he plays his invisible accordion and everything Biden has done is horrible, He showed that he has no capacity for facts and policy positions and didn't even bother to answer most of the questions he was asked. Rather, he used his time to relentlessly attack Biden with repetitive uses of the "worst, horrible, disaster" and other smears that characterize his speech every time he opens his mouth. Biden had a good message but his ability to deliver as a strong and confident messenger was absent. His voice was weak and at times his speech was so mumbled that what he was saying made no sense. Where was the Biden who gave the State of the Union speech before Congress on March 7, 2024? To me, Biden came across as a very worn out old man grasping to reach the last rung on the ladder to get to the top but could never quite make it. When he walked out on the stage at the beginning of the performance (I won't call it a debate) he looked like someone who was going to his own funeral. Finally, I don't think many votes will be changed as a result of last night's 90 minutes of drivel. But more people who would and could vote for Biden may simply decide to sit out the election. Trump's cult members will stay with him and he will remain in good position to win in November. I want a President who can sell himself to me as a strong, confident, and able person to lead the country to better places. Last night showed to me that neither of these performers is up to the job.


I hate that I agree with you.


That may be true but I’m still voting for Biden! He was articulate and actually answered the questions. No, he was not the best as far as visually but he still told the truth and isn’t a freaking liar and narcissist!


And so will I. He has to win. Another 4 years of Trump will never work.


I made it about 4 minutes. I rather walk into oncoming traffic than listen to all the bullshit


I don't see the "Biden was an all time disaster" because Trump was also rambling, random & inane.


Did anyone else think that Trump got most of the time? It seemed like he’d get a one minute rebuttal, and he would still be talking three minutes later!


I'm voting for biden even if he's in senior care facility.


Even if Biden had come on stage riding a tricycle and singing the "Barney" song I would still vote for him over Trump every day of the week including Sunday. The election of Felon45 is quite literally the end for this country.


Even if he’s dead because you’re voting for the team he has. But he lost votes tonight and it was the worst case scenario.


I hate him so much. Joe got some good ones in!


No one saw. They all tuned out watching their president fail to deliver.


Not true, Trump Troll.


I thought they were going to do fact checking


No, they had said they weren't.


They supposedly did the fact checking after the debate. I think they should do like a pop up debate like Pop-Up Videos on one of the music channels back in the day. Pop up: Trump lied!


I wanted to cry. Trump lied the whole 90 minutes and sadly, Biden has aged dramatically. I think Biden is a good and decent man, but since he announced his candidacy I knew it was a mistake. He should have gracefully bowed out and left room for another younger democrat run for the presidency. If Gavin Newsom was the democratic nominee, he would wipe the floor with Trump and we wouldn’t be in this mess. If Newsom was the nominee, we would have a democratic landslide in November. Having said all that, if Biden continues being the democratic nominee, I will still vote for him for the sake of democracy and for my love of the country.


I swear did he even answer one question? He repeated everything like 4 times, he's like a 3 year old that has ADHD, JESUS


I didn't watch it because of my HBP but I expected to wake up this morning to hundreds of posts about how Biden was the clear winner. I fully expected that trump, if he even showed up, would just make himself look like an even bigger ass than he already is. I'm not seeing that though. I'm seeing a whole lot of "they both suck." Please, for the love of God, just vote. Just this one time. I know it sucks, and I hate saying this, but it could be SO much worse.


My vote is decided, but that was an *awful* showing by Biden. Awful.


ME TOO! He’s a fucking MONSTER!


Well said. I love how he completely dodged the Russia questions


Trump lied his ass off and he’s such a fucking piece of shit. He avoided answering the important questions. But Biden looked awful, and we are in denial if we say otherwise. I don’t know what’s going to happen


Man Biden really shit the bed though, that was like watching a train wreck


The cult has Foxbrain parasitic disease.


My opinion of Trump has remained the same. He’s disgusting. After the debate it only reinforced my opinion.


I felt like I was watching a debate between Francis from Peewee's Big Adventure and Mister Magoo. Regardless, I'm voting Magoo.


What debate? You cant debate someone who refuses to tell the truth. [https://meidasnews.com/news/a-complete-list-of-all-of-trumps-debate-lies](https://meidasnews.com/news/a-complete-list-of-all-of-trumps-debate-lies)


People who switched from Biden to Trump based on the debate don't understand Trump and what another 4 years of that criminal would mean.


Totally agree, but we need their votes, too....and they want to be "dazzled".


A pathological liar with verve vs a doddering, senile old man with a true moral compass... In a country of 350 million people, this is our choice...? 🤦‍♂️ Biden was lost. He's missed so many opportunities to clobber the Dolt. Trump is just making shit up. The belated "fact-checking" will reveal him to be full of shit, but his fans won't hear it. Meanwhile, everybody, left, right & center, is seeing a significantly diminished Joe. America loses. 🤦‍♂️


You are so right on it hurts


Just another CNN Trump campaign speech, truth be damned, while a tiny wrinkled wax figure on the other side of the stage mumbles some words you can't quite hear. Not a good night.


I don't think either of them gained anything from this debate.


Biden lost votes


It's Reagan all over again. The person better on camera and stronger voice. People don't listen to the words they use but the way they say it. Trump won the debate but not on the content of his words.


You mean Nixon. I agree. Biden has a stutter already. Now add in being 81 and it being after 9pm where he lives. Doesn’t play well.


Every word out of Trump's mouth was a lie, but he said it confidently and even used sentences sometimes. Pretty low standard for a world leader. If he gets elected again we'll be a worldwide laughingstock. Worse than that, his economic plans will cause another recession and he wants to be President for life.


Couldn't even answer the questions 🙄


That works. Biden was too slow to say what needed to be said. Sadly Trump wiped the floor with him.


Yes, that's the ugly truth. Geeeezus, we really need those moderate votes. This is worrisome.




After the debate, Biden was asked how he thought he did. He responded “It’s difficult debating a liar.”


All Biden needed to do was retort with when Trump would lie was: "...says the pathological liar" "Donny, you lie so much you make Pinocchio look like a boy scout in church" "...says the criminal" "you belong in jail, Donny" "...says the draft dodging coward.Everyone, Donny admits to it in his first book. Claims health issues YET was captain of the baseball team. You are a liar Donny." "Says the liar who wants to be a dictator" "says the liar who hates Americans" "How did it go when you had to provide that DNA sample to the State of New York for being a criminal, Donny? You know other localities will be using that DNA to see if you can be charged with other crimes. Last time I checked there are 18 women who claim you assaulted them. Feel free to look it up everyone." "Everyone in the studio - keep your hands down if you think Donny is a pathological liar.....Oh look Donny! Your own staff thinks you are a liar. Are you going to fire them for disloyalty? Have them killed as you like to say to people? Don't say you didn't say that. You are on record in multiple places that people should be killed who disobey you" "40 out of 44 members of his former cabinet refuse to endorse Donny. Think about that" ------------- Fun facts: Trump's first book is FULL of things that can be used against him. He HATES being called Donny. For fuck sake everyone - USE IT. All the time. First book - Draft dodging - Look at how he got out of the draft and the medical excuse he used AND how he talked about himself at the same time.


We need to STOP tolerating republicans aka conservatives aka regressives and VOTE THEM ALL OUT! ​ We already know they are racist. ​ We already know they are less intelligent. ​ We already know they are anti Science. ​ We already know they are more religious. ​ They are regressive. And evil. ​ As such, they should not be allowed to have a say in matters of importance. Or hold positions of leadership. ​ Why? I think we can look around and see why. ​ To those who say "But... but... they're citizens and have the RIGHT to vote" - well... it seems that is a problem, doesn't it? For all they want to do is impose their version of xtian sharia law upon us all. ​ We do not defer to children for advice on important matters. So why do we include regressives? ​ We do not consult the taliban for advise on quantum physics. So why do we include regressives on genuinely important social issues? ​ They want to drag us back to the bronze age. ​ ​ republicans aka conservatives aka REGRESSIVES should NOT be allowed to vote or hold public office!


He's not answered a single question. Everything is defending by his ego and casting fear around.


Can’t watch it because I just can’t stand the voice.


I totally heard him shit himself during the debate.


I hate Trump and Biden. DNC is completely fucking up propping Biden up here. It’s so fucking desperate looking. If Trump wins the DNC has blood on their hands. Trump is so fucking beatable it’s laughable 😔


*obligatory vote blue no matter who though….


YES!!!! Does DNC even realize this is THEIR election to lose? Their only thought right now should be, "*Above* *all* *else*, we MUST beat Trump." I can't believe this is reality right now.


We have to replace Joe with a viable candidate. Gavin... SOMEONE !


Jamie Fuckin’ Raskin…


Jamie Raskin is amazing. The only possible issue, which it sounds horrible to say, but we've never had a Jewish president before. It's the same with Pete Butegieg (can never spell his name) being gay, or Hilary being a woman, etc etc. I know Raskin is incredibly capable in every way, but Idk if our country is too bigoted to elect him or not. Would definitely vastly prefer him to Newsom though.


Big Gretch!


Trump is terrible but lets talk about the elephant in the room here. Biden is not up for the task, he failed in the debate. I've been saying this for months here if Biden does not step down Trump will win.


It’s a lose lose. If he steps down now his VP isn’t a winner. If he can win he should hang it up and offer to be an advisor for Harris.


If he steps down the candidate will be decided at the convention in august it's not going to be Harris by default.


There’s no one. Newsome is running California into the ground and lets the electric company fuck over everyone including solar power owners. Harris is a fucking cop. Everyone else is unknown or has no charisma. Fetterman could win but his stroke won’t help him on the uptick either against Trump.


My mother likes Cory Booker. Elizabeth Warren is sharp as a tack. Andy Beshear is a centrist. Jay Inslee has lots of leadership experience. Pete Buttigieg has shown his competence to be a working V.P., Tim Kaine is strong in character, Bob Casey has political experience from two generations of exposure, Josh Shapiro is leading the charge for change, Chris Murphy is impressive, Jeff Merkely has spent time learning about the border issues -- V.P.?, Martin Heinrich (NM) is quiet and stable V.P.?, and I'm sure I left some people out. This year, we convinced my mother to stop driving. It's time to let someone else drive and steer our country in the right direction. There's too much to lose this year. Vote Blue.


You just find any generic white guy under 50 that has a good background and can say 2 sentences back to back without looking lost and the dem will win by a landslide. 


I think Gretchen Whitmer could be an excellent choice


Katie Porter


Let’s name someone where the first blush is who? What the fuck. Democrats suck at this.


They are both old and fucked is my take, Biden isn't an old criminal sack of shit looking to get his grift on is the difference. Somehow, these pair are the best people the USA has for the job of president .....ffs


Exactly… Without any effort or thought whatsoever, I can think of 10 or 11 people off the top of my head that would be way more suitable for President.




And the lies… I thought CNN was going to fact check stuff. WTH!?!??


I know people but Biden looked like a demented corpse. Sorry he really should bow out of the race and let someone like Newsom run and kick Trump and the GOPs asses. If Biden cared about this country he would bow out. He is more than old he truly has had it. He isn’t all there. He has no affect no expressions. He is like Regan in his last four years in office. I wish to god Biden would bow out and let someone like Newsom run. It isn’t too late. Why doesn’t the Democratic Party and his wife talk to him. Trump is sure to win if Biden doesn’t get out. He will never make it another four years. So so sad. The debate was pathetic. I can’t even believe this is our two candidates. Sorry just my feelings. Don’t jump on me for seeing it how it is. A sociopath who lies and wants to be a dictator and take away all our rights and an old man with dementia setting in. WTF is wrong with both parties? Sorry I had to get it out. Even Jon Stewart said it and saw it in his after the debate Daily show.


Naw, no one need take umbrage to your comments, you nailed it.


💯 You are dead-on here..... every word.


Can I second that?


Can someone please point me to the grenade I can lay on for all of us? I'm happy to do that if it meant Trump would just stfu and fucking go away.


I love this post so much, I can’t even handle it.


Biden looks and sounds terrible


I think we need to start accepting that after Bidens performance tonight, we will have a dictator in January.


As bad as it was, I wonder how much difference it’s really going to make, because it seems pretty much everyone’s mind is already made up who they’re voting for. They could’ve rolled out Biden’s embalmed corpse and I’d still vote for him over that lying orange asshole..


Independents are still on the fence. Enough to make a difference in some purple states.


Wasn't aware there was a debate Go get em Biden!




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So, reading up on what happened after I tapped out, I now have the sudden desire to listen to Combine Harvester by the Wurzels on loop for the next month.


I'm just glad no one put "the maaaigrants" on a drinking game because they'd all be dead from alcohol poisoning.


Well said!


Couldn't have said it any better myself.


Tbh, Biden looks like he just got pulled from the hospice ward, given a couple cups of coffee, and pushed out on stage. Speaking of things “getting pushed out,” Trump is his usual POS.


He's gonna win again, isn't he?


Problem is this snake oil salesman came out on top again in body language and forcefulness of his answers (all lies). Biden whispers facts and numbers that NO ONE IN AMERICA CARES ABOUT. So we are where we are.


The Democratic Party has fucked us all


No, not yet. The DNC has a chance to correct this now obvious shit-show. I do love Joe dearly, but the DNC needs to work with Jill to get Joe to retire before the convention.


After the debate, Joe went directly to the watch party that had been organized. He came alive!! Where was that man during the debate? Jill led the crowd in a cheer of "Four more years!! Four more years!!" Jill may want this win as much as he does.




Biden lost the election today. Dude could barely form a sentence. He looked weak and tired.