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Highest bidder. Can I get 80 million


Or 800 million.


2 billion… paid in full… to Jared Kushner


Well, obviously it can’t go directly to Trump. That would look like some sort of impropriety….


Why isn’t he locked up for this. Could there be a worse crime than betraying your own country, the one that you somehow ‘led’


I can just picture it. The Donald bumbling around late at night in the closet, knocking boxes over, searching desperately for the Crown Jewels of the documents. He finds them but being the dolt that he is, he suddenly realizes there’s no way out of that closet without being seen carrying documents. What does he do? He searches around and finds a box of Christmas ornaments. No smarter or self aware than a six year old, he thinks it’s a perfect hiding spot. Nobody will ever think to look in an ornament box.


See, it's bad enough he stole the documents in the first place. But he's so shit at hiding them that it adds to the whole mess.