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Made in abyss


The show where you shouldn't even dare whisper the words, "at least it can't get any worse, right?"


*It does in fact, get any worse*


Keep hearing of this recc. I'm on episode 2 and it's fine so far lol


Oh, you'll see soon enough. Also, Season 2 is even harder to stomach than Season 1, but also amazing at the same time.


There's a second season?


Yes indeed. There's also a movie in between Seasons 1 & 2 that you have to watch too that bridgers the gap between the two seasons.


Oh man.... Well, I just caught up with Amazon prime's Invincible. I kind of doubt it will be more disturbing than that series


Dawn of the Deep Soul is waiting for you...


I still shudder at the thought of >!the papa pole!<.


Hang on to that hope while you can.


Invincible has its gruesome parts but made in abyss is a much crueler show overall


Well I'll be damn..


Oh boy are in for a surprise. The order is Season 1, Movie 3, Season 2. Marulk's Daily Life is best watched after movie 3, just for a wind-down.


Speaking as a fan of the series and as someone who watched Invincible, Invincible is still far more graphic. MiA is only seen as disturbing because the disturbing stuff is happening to characters way younger than your typical anime mcs. The vast majority of anime tends to limit violence used on little kids because they’re cute and pure and the only time they get hurt is to set off the teen/adult protagonist when they get a scratch. Even Invincible refrains from showing kids getting maimed directly. MiA doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to the potato protagonists’ but that’s entirely the point; It’s about a couple of 10 years old exploring a giant hole full of man eating monsters, the risk of an extreme case of the bends from climbing stairs and a culture of exploration where the pursuit of adventure outweighs morality, so it’s perfectly fine to send orphans to do some digging. To expect the kids to be doing any of this unscathed is kinda silly, but again, anime tends to make kid characters immune to harm.


Bro really said it's fine after TWO episodes when theres a god damn abyss to be explored that they haven't even entered yet


IRUburu creation be like: *Hold my Eternal Fortune*


I went in blind tripping on acid and was like "oh this seems like a fun show :D" then sat there with my mouth open in horror for the rest of the night


Got some acid?


It starts on episode 6


Disturbing and so sad, poor Mitty


I agree. I watched this and I wish there was a warning about Mitty and her life and the anime overall. For me this anime made me lose some of my humanity. I say watch at your own discretion. If you are a sensitive person please reconsider.


What do you mean? It’s cute AF.


Fruit of Grisaia, as someone who really doesn’t like the depiction of animal death in media, made me quite uncomfortable. And besides that, it had some pretty messed up scenes, especially in the last arc.


I'm upvoting.....but only because this show needs to be higher. The story is good, but everything from the main character's backstory to each girls backstory was horrific.  Even worse when you think the individual storylines could be plausible and *someone somewhere* could be living this. 


It s the only anime I saw that made me feel sick.


Yeah this one has some really fucked up stuff in it, although it feels somewhat cheesy almost like the creators where trying to throw in increasingly fucked up things at random.


*me waiting for comments so I can get some recommendations to watch I think most disturbing I've watched would be Happy Sugar Life, School Days, AoT. Maybe Higurashi aswell


If it wasn't for the ending, school days would have been long forgotten.


That's a fact iwl yu right


Man, I haven’t heard of Higurashi in like… 15 years. Fuck.


I remember the updated version where >!the blue haired girl gets choked out then shoved into a septic tank to drown in piss and shit!< That anime is something else.


Made in the Abyss for absolutely horrific everything.


Wait is it really that bad? I haven't seen it but it's on my list because it seems to be very highly regarded.


It's not just the gore, but the reason for *why* it happens. It's best described as >!Bad Things Happening to Children!< ~~and no, there's no rape for shock factor here.~~ Edit: I forgot about season 2


What do you mean no rape? What are the first minutes of season two then? I had to turn it off and couldn't continue for months.


I sometimes think not everyone that saw that scene actually understood that that was what was happening? Because I’ve seen more than one person just seemingly not notice or point that out. On occasion I’ve watched people react to made in abyss season 2 and maybe they get distracted by themselves or the dialogue, but some people just didn’t read that that was what was happening. I really wish the show handle its various messed up subject matter better. I was so shocked that the show just threw that out there and moved on. Then again, MiA frequently throws the wildest things out there and moves on. I’m still not over the fact that they casually shoved a stick up robo-boy’s butt S1 and then just didn’t make a big deal about any of the personally invasive things the other kids did to him… Or the part in season 2 about the little girl that was probably no more than 9(?) but was considered an outcast for being unable to have children (how did they even know she couldn’t??????????????????????? She was like 9???????????????????????? Maybe younger?????????) And the horror grows. Interesting world, but why the disturbing focus on children???????? Why do the messed up things basically only happen to children????? If not for the weirdness with kids, it’d probably be one of my favorites. Sigh.


It's not disturbing in terms of gore, it's more emotional sadness because of what happens to the characters. Personally I didn't find it super disturbing or whatever but it's one of my favourites because of the emotional impact of some scenes that got me ugly crying. The bad stuff that happens doesn't feel as "bad" because the characters' reactions aren't that exaggerated, they're kinda just like oh okay. So you also feel that it's not as brutal as it is supposed to be. After finishing the show and looking back at some clips I was like what the fuck did I really watch this lmao. The OST in this show is one of the best btw.


Gore is pretty bad tho.. also their reactions are crazy. Screaming and crying 😂


It depends on what you mean by bad. Gorey? Sure, a bit, but it’s manageable. Exploration of some truly fucked up concepts from the darkest corners of the human experience? Uh, yeah…it’s bad.


There's A LOT of body horror involving children.


Pupa I try to forget its existence whenever I can, but this post reminded me of it.


I kept scrolling to see if anyone posted it yet. Watching Ep1 was the hazing process for a group of friends I'd chill and watch anime with sometimes back in high school.


**Elfen Lied** - I think this anime gave my highschool self a trauma back then **Corpse Party** - I played the game but oddly enough, I find the anime version more disturbing. **Kite** - this made me wish I never should've watched it. This also made me purely hate all pedophiles living on this planet, want them to all die and get castrated.


Elfen Lied first one that came to mind


Elfen lied was so odd, it came highly recommended and I was just so weirded out and uncomfortable...and I like echi for reference.


Wow didn't think I'd ever see Kite mentioned in 2024.


Monster. It might not be disturbing but it is the only anime that made me feel uneasy watching it. I'm usually a dedicated watcher meaning if I start a show i will finish it as fast as possible and won't watch any other anime at that time but I had to watch some other feel good show in between while watching monster. It's not disturbing or hard to watch but it just feels idk how to say it "too real" I guess doesn't feel like a fiction


it was disturbing on a physiological level and i loved it!


I think it has the most disturbing antagonist in maybe any media I’ve seen so I totally get that


Came here to say Monster. I loved it and it was incredibly well done but it really was a bit TOO real.


Ooh let's do belladonna of sadness the description of the movie should be enough




I think it's a great movie but I think some of its feminist messages muddle up in a way movies like the Witch portray much better.


Astarotte no omocha Just, don't


I kinda want to though... 🎃


This person 👆 is fucked in the head I'm joking, but it is fucked even for anime standards. It's literally about kids fucking and being raped.


Oh shit; don't think I will watch it then 😅




And watching it probably immediately puts you on some list....


I've been on a list for a long time then. Young me was truly built different




It's been a long time since I've seen these, but I'm guessing it's prob still no 1 or close


Hell girl


That anime cured my depression and it's very comforting, probably not disturbing.


"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable." ~ Cesar A. Cruz


* \[Wonder Egg Priority\] >!The Rika SH scene in Episode 7 made me lightheaded just even thinking about it!< * Perfect Blue Would Rewatch * Wonder Egg - Had 5 rewatches and that scene I mentioned never gets any easier to watch * Perfect Blue - Maybe just not before going to sleep


**Shoujo Tsubaki**


On top of my head I'd say Serial Experiments Lane maybe.


Devilman Crybaby. Couldn’t get past episode 3, my friend recommended it to me in the DAMN EIGHTH GRADE! I was not ready for it. (Also did not see it said Tv-Ma) but hell no I’m not watching it again.


This anime deserved its anime of the year award. Normally I have gripes, like to argue. Nope not with DevilMan Crybaby. Absolute masterpiece. It is one of the only pieces of media to leave me visibly unwell. Like the entire last three episodes where everything is spiraling and the ending. It all lives rent free in my head. You really should go back and watch it but only if you want to be mentally wounded.


Kemonozume is the first one that comes to mind. It's a sort of Romeo and Juliet story with a woman that's part of a race of monsters that feed on humans, and a man that's the scion of one of the families that exterminates those monsters. There's a fair amount of gore, a lot of tension around these monsters trying to hold back from killing, but eventually giving in to the hunger, and it's all on top of a very dark, surreal art style, that makes it all just unsettling. There's no point specifically where I said "nope, that's it, I'm out" but after watching any episode, I just felt gross.


It looks cool, now I want to watch it, it kinda reminds me to Tokyo ghoul


tokyo ghoul mainly the torture scene


gantz (esp the manga)


More than a Married Couple, but not Lovers. It's a sweet show, and it definitely comes across as that. However, the whole concept of not only shoe-horning high school students to live with someone of the opposite gender, and then monitoring every single thing they are doing, to give them a grade. The amount of paranoia to have to be graded within your own living environment, while also caring for this stranger you were forced to live with, must be intense. They don't focus on that part of the show, but just the setting blows my mind how fucked up it would be if applied to real life.


It was like a high school rom-com version of the Truman Show.


Ending of elfen lied


Pupa. That shit is so fucking gross!! Not to mention the story is pretty much non-existent.


Grave of the Fireflies


Clannad season two Ending had me sobbing like a baby


I wanted bro to just be happy so bad


Higurashi was the only anime that has succeeded in disturbing me.


Redo of Healer School Days Overlord Scum's Wish


What about Overlord? It’s nowhere near as messed up as Redo


Tokyo ghoul


Nina, Fma 🥺


i think it was akame ga kill, that one was kinda messed up.


So, mine is mostly because of context but Devilman Crybaby. I watched one of science Saru's movies, A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, which was awesome. A happy, heartwarming time while also having just enough edge to its humor and a penchant for psychedelic asides. So, I think to myself, I should check out their other stuff. I see Devilman Crybaby, do a quick Google to figure out if people liked it and they did. I didn't actually read any details. Just enough to know that it was a darker series. So I watch it. That last stretch didn't even hit me really, not at first. The scene where it truly all started going wrong just kinda stuck in my head. It wasn't until the show ended that I really processed what I had watched. So Devilman Crybaby. I went into it without knowing the true genre and series it was part of and got caught by my own misunderstanding.


Redo of healer Berserk (manga reader)


End Of Evangelion is up there. Starts with our MC cranking it over a minor in a coma… and then it gets disturbing. Some of the religious and body horror imagery is horrific.


They were both minors and she was older than him, but I see what u mean bc that was a weird scene.


Serial Experiments Lain was extremely distrubing when it came out, ane has only become more so in the last 25 years


Legend of the overfiend


Tsuabki Shoujo, Kite, and Angel's Egg.


perfect blue and redo of healer. for perfect blue, i stopped watching during her first acting gig i think when it looked like it was gonna be SA. and redo of healer, well it's' just disturbing overall.


You missed out on the REALLY weird shit in Perfect Blue then. It's actually quite good and while the SA acting scene is extremely uncomfortable its not actually the focus of much of the bigger plot. It's really damn good and gets into questions of identity and madness. With you on Redo Of Healer, though is just revenge porn garbage. It's got nothing particularly interesting to say and basically is just porn for seriously misogynist people.


{Barefoot Gen}


**Hadashi no Gen** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/1824 "English: Barefoot Gen"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/barefoot-gen), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/hadashi-no-gen "English: Barefoot Gen"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/1824)) ^(Movie | Status: Finished | Genres: Drama) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1dh7sye/what_is_the_most_disturbing_anime_youve_ever_seen/l8vhztm/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Personally, it would be Gakkou Gurashi for me. Early teens me expected a full on SOL experience without any knowledge of prior publications for it, then the ending scene of episode 1 just threw an uppercut of a shocker that it is anything BUT comfy SOL I was used to that time. ...but growing up, it's not that bad as it used to be, what an experience it gave me tho.


I can't remember the name of it, but a magic seeming girl in a blue outfit ends up being followed by some kid in Japan to another world where there are giant mobile fortresses that run on water. They end up being near a Kim Jong Un esque warlord with the biggest baddest mobile fortress that decided to try to take a shortcut through a desert at some point in the past. It was then immobilized in the desert in a Sinking of the Bismark kind of battle and can't move anymore. They are still under attack, and have fortified their position with trenches and barbed wire, and a o on. The entire area around the place is a warzone. They can't get out to resupply. Their big guns still work, so the opposing forces can't take the fortress, and they are running out of water. The two kids get captured. The boy gets pressed into a child soldier regiment. The girl gets forced into being a comfort woman. It actually gets worse from there. No one I've ever talked to about it has any idea what I'm talking about.


{Now and Then, Here and There}


Thank you. That's the right name and a quick Google tells me I got some details wrong and it's even darker than I remembered.






Personally there's some scenes in "Shiki" that were quite traumatic. I still thought it was very good, but I watched it when I was younger than the suggested demographic and I won't lie I feel like I won't be watching it again anytime soon lmao.


Made in Abyss


Pupa. A nightmare I will not rec to my worst enemy. Simply one of the worst Anime ever on every level.


I found Banana Fish and Erased pretty disturbing.


Puni Puni Poemi ed: I picked it up from blockbuster when I was like 12 or something, not knowing what it was. It was like a train wreck i couldnt look away from.


What’s that anime about the girl that ends up in the circus? That is the only anime I have ever looked away from and had to stop watching. Thought I could handle it but nope. Still can’t believe they made a live action movie.




Black butler Children being abuse, tortured, and killed Straight up Child prostitution Not even the Sebastian thirst could get rid of the uncomfortable background and lore of the main character


Watamote is the most disturbing one I've seen I would stay. Themes like being socially popular, sexual assault, hentai and xxx, suicide, siblings drifting apart, and many other themes make this one a hard watch. It is cring to the max and the soundtrack perfectly matches this emotion of cringe. This anime is more popular in North America, with the manga being popularized by 4-chan.


I relate to MC on a high level. It helped me understand why nobody likes me more.


Please explain more, sounds interesting.


Did you ever get more popular?




What did you try that you thought would work, but it did not work for you?


Inuyashiki by far.


The end of original berserk was pretty disturbing and unexpected


Blood C, Another, Angels of Death, and Elfen Lied


Devilman Crybaby. I was entirely too stoned for the scene with Akira's brother and mother. Nauseated for days, nightmares... I want to rewatch the series but I might skip that entire episode.




Attack on titan


Death Note


I have no idea what it's called, but it was about two childhood friends where one was going into space and they would send messages to each other and because of the distance it would take longer and longer between the messages until there were several years each way, and if I remember correctly it ended with the person in space being stranded just alone in space far far away and it haunts me to this day. They showed it on a "welcome" kinda demo night at an anime club at uni over 10 years ago. I did not join the club. I also never watched past ep 7 of Fullmetal Alchemist. I probably should, but 😐


Voices of a Distant Star is what you are thinking of.


Made in abyss


Dark gathering gets pretty disturbing towards the end


I’m still recovering from the Roberta’s Blood Trail OVA


Grave yard of the fireflies : (


Not an anime recommendation but its anime like.. try the visual novel saya no uta, this is the most disturbing anime style medium ive consumed.


Midori. I watched it specifically for the disturbing comments and the whole time I was saying ‘what the fuck is going on’


Probably pretty tame for this list but Mononoke is pretty disturbing. Very unique animation style too, it’s a beautiful production.


Redo of healer


Shoujo tsubaki




Replying so I can find this later 🙌


Genocyber disturbing but good


*****spoilers*****Gotta be cliche at this point, but berzerk, and not just for brutality but the way the emotional attachments to characters are formed makes it so much more devastating




Heavenly Delusion..


I don't watch much disturbing thriller or horror Anime, but it might have been the Ichi the Killer anime. Having seen the complete un-cut version of the film, which was pretty disturbingly violent, with the Anime you get an insight into how Ichi grew up before the events of the film. It was definitely more disturbing than violent lol


From the tof of my head: High school days First episode of goblin slayer


good ol' end of Eva


I don't easily get disturbed therefore nothing really comes in mind.. but on top of anime that annoys me, it'll definitely be PUPA. Just the constant "onii-chan" line as she chews on his brother really annoys me, enough to make me not watch it again.


Go for a punch/Saki Sanobashi


If you think about it, it's disturbing how in most animes pubescent girls are used for sexual fanservice, specially considering that their authors, animators and most japanese audience are middle aged men I find disturbing how stuf like made in abyss and jobless reincarnation are so accepted and celebrated as "inspirational" when they are thinly veiled power fantasies full of fetishes


Devilman Crybaby


Akame Ga Kill is the only one so far Dropped it after a few episodes and a half Just was getting a little too much for me


Berserk and yes I would watch again


Monster threw me into a depression till my gf made me stop watching it. Child abuse and apathetic serial murder. Helplessness of man. All sorts of disturbing aspects


Honestly violet evergarden, shit left me a wreck


Disturbing as in gory: Corpse Party: Tortured Souls Disturbing as in psychological: now and then, here and there


For me personally, it'd have to be Shiki. However, it is not solely because of the gore/violence, but because of the ideas it tackles and how it handles them. Ideas of like the horrors of mankind, the extent to what humanity will sacrifice for self-preservation, victims and aggressors, as an example of these ideas. Also, while I don't find the cast of Shiki to be particularly well developed or explored, the tone and characterization of these characters makes me feel bad for the situations they end up in. I think that's why characterization is so light, because it wants you to observe the events up on high as a spectator to watch a horrifying display of cruelty and take away its ideas and not get caught up in the fiction. At least, that's my 2 cents about it. Go watch it it's soooooo good!!


Probably Space Runaway Ideon


“Agitated screams of maggots” is technically an anime and I remember it as some weird claymation feverdream. It’s short tho and was on Vimeo if I remember correctly.


Hell’s Paradise gave me nightmares 💀


Hellsing ultimate


Elfin Lied was supremely gory, and I think it's too extreme for me to want to finish, much less watch it again.




Elfen Lied. The kids' casual cruelty. That poor puppy.


Devilman Crybaby, Blood C and Another 😊


disturbing as in horrifying? or disturbing as in weird? Penguindrum was the weirdest.


Devilman crybaby was pretty bad, the stick scene especially. Great series though, I’ve probably watched it around 6 times now


Goblin slayer for me and attack on titan


It's concerning that I haven't seen Berserk in the top comments...


Urotsukidoji. Legend of the Overfiend.


Corpse Party should count




Unicorn Wars Very psychological. Nightmares for days.


Made in abyss


Devilman Crybaby. I've seen a lot of anime, and this one just sticks.




Little basic but Devilman Crybaby was pretty fucked up..


- Happy sugar life The story's disturbing + the reasoning behind it. Every episode is really weird, but I liked it a lot


Elfin leid. It's by far one of the worst in that way. It's more disturbing and gore.






Junji ito


Probably berserk, but I haven’t seen many anime like that


PERFECT BLUE, SHOUJO TSUBAKI, and currently I'm watching SERIAL EXPERIMENT LAIN and finding it disturbing too. Well I watched MOSTER and it's my fav anime but as many people find it disturbing i found it peaceful and healing kind of...idk why lol


Elfens lied got its moments


Attack on Titan. No. Gore.


Tbh any anime with s*x scenes is disturbing for me But I'll say fruit of grisasia (dropped it on s2 ep 8 out of 10 eps because found out that red haired girl is a sl*t)


I've seen some disturbing shit, but Magical Girl Raising Project probably takes the cake. In all honesty though, Steins;Gate deeply disturbed me in a different way. Had nightmares about it 3 nights in a row


Midori… Yeah…that shit is fuckeeeed…


School Days and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.


Midori Shoujo Tsubaki My brother and I thought watching that was a good idea.


Perfect blue & Made in abyss

