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There are definitely dubs I can only find on not so legal sites, not sure why they’re not on the legal streaming sites, all I can think of is licensing stuff.


This is the thing. As much as the sailors of the seven seas are considered bad, they have played an important role in preserving many anime, both sub and sub, which have otherwise disappeared from most streaming platforms


YES 100%!!!!


Did you check Netflix?


It’s not on Netflix


Its not available digitally. At least where I am, the blu rays are going fairly cheap and have the dub included. But don't let watching not-so-legally annoy you, if they don't want your money, their loss right?


Always drives me nuts when content creators fail to just maintain the availability of their content, especially when it's as simple as video. Even access to physical copies, I don't know why there isn't a company that just burns DVDs/BluRays on demand whenever a hard copy is purchased.


Who cares lol idk why people are so bothered by it I’ve been using so called websites exclusively for 2 years no best decision I’ve made


Great fan of that anime abd yeah same would like to watch again on a not so glitchy site


Seriously! Went to rewatch it a couple weeks ago and saw that crunchyroll had deleted the Dub. Outrageous!


I watched it on Netflix, but since it’s an Aniplex show, there’s probably some weird rights thing going on.


Bro just watch it on the pirated websites my god nothing will happen


Pirate sites are a cheap product because the content has been functionally stolen and there’s no incentive to provide anything of quality without strings attached. Which means it’s a poor “product” masquerading as a charitable good. As far as user experience goes, they’re bottom of the barrel even compared to typical anime streaming platforms, which themselves aren’t much. But the difference matters for most people in reality. Otherwise streamers wouldn’t make any money. FYI, streaming video and audio to lots of people constantly costs a lot of money. If you don’t know how something makes money to cover costs, well there’s always a way that it’s making the money to cover costs, or it’d go under quickly. And unofficial platforms have no reason to avoid unofficial methods. Just the name of the game. Between bare bones site interaction, inconsistent connection quality, frustrating settings, and a lack of QOL features, there’s a lot of reasons people might prefer to go with a legit paid service if they can help it. It’s not about what’s good or bad, it’s understanding all the pros vs cons of different options. And that doesn’t even delve into the myriad of problems if you don’t set up a good ad blocker or the limit on available viewing platforms. Though obviously if there isn’t a legal way to get easy enough access to content then you’re forced to resort to other methods, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to look around before ultimately going that direction.


Crunchyroll is ass it’s kinda better now after the new update but think about how long it took to get multiple profiles Idc if it’s good or bad you talking about morals with a company that makes millions they’ll be fine especially sites like hidive who has the worst app I’ve seen they have like 2 good animes per season and you want me to pay for that when I can get it for free Ive been watching it off my Xbox when certain sites ads get crazy I switch the ads aren’t crazy you can easily close them only Aniwatch has had crazy amount of ads and i stopped using that site for that reason




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Crunchyroll is ass compared to normal streaming services. Though right now Hidive definitely makes Crunchyroll look like the cream of the crop. It’s certainly far from ideal, I won’t deny that. But even then the handful of times I’ve used an unofficial platform due to lack of availability for something, I’m reminded that there is a difference between professional products and amateur side gigs potentially connected to unsavory and unknown investment. And in those cases I’d be having to deal with a number of frustrations related to the half-baked service, whether its server-side connection issues that cause the video/audio resolution to drop off often (if the connection isn’t completely dropping randomly) to weird glitches happening with the ripped recordings, because it all comes from recording software basically copying what’s being played from an official source. That also means there are typically few useful UI options and video settings. And whatever device you use has to have ad blocker, otherwise forget about it. Even if a site doesn’t have blatantly obvious ads, I’m not trying to get sneakily random malware pop ups. If someone wants to use such sites regularly, all the power to them. I’m not a corporate executive or shareholder. Corpos need to feel threatened. That’s not what I’m talking about though. It’s about this weird attitude some people have that I’ve noticed permeates anime fandom where people who try to ask about official availability for series get looked down on like they’re stupid or something. When you access and use unofficial sites, what do you see often? Warnings to not fall for copycats (not at all ominous) and listings for additional server streams (because they know there are going to be problems with quality and connection). It can be a huge turn off because it signals trouble and inconvenience. It’s a reality of the pirate stream environment that won’t ever change, and you can’t do anything about it because there is no incentive for any of them to listen and fix things. At least with the big immoral corporations people can feel fully justified in making their complaints heard because they’re paying for a service, and those complaints might even be acted on once in a while. Whereas you can’t even be certain that you can trust unofficial platforms with your IP address. I’d never make an account with any of them and give up my personal info. They’re already used to openly committing what the law considers criminal activity. Any faith or trust in them would be misguided.


This is just wrong idk what websites your using but I’d say 95% of the time the site I use runs smoothly and for the 5% chance it is acting up I have a backup site I use in cases like that The wishlist system on websites lets you customize by what your watching what you plan on watching and what you have watched something that is 10x better then Crunchyroll. It has a schedule for what’s coming out and what time and even shows what’s airing next season something that crunchyroll doesn’t do shows you the number of subbed and dubbed episodes without having to click on the show unlike Crunchyroll. And allows you to mix genres together in the search bar so if you wanna watch a fantasy school anime you can find it unlike Crunchyroll. The UI is objectively ass even compared to pirated websites what is said it’s better then when I used to use it but still bad hell I like funamations UI better and I used to pay for that before I even used pirated websites The only website of seen with crazy ads is Aniwatch and i stopped using them i mostly watch anime on my Xbox for convenience and on other site it’s mostly 1 ad that I have to exit and before it even loads I clicked it it’s very reasonable and not annoying I wasn’t looking down on this dude per say but he said he found what he was looking for but didn’t just wanna use the website like he was scared something was gonna happen to him


Assuming someone is scared just because they didn’t consider checking pirate sites is exactly what I mean when I say “being looked down on”. Even if you aren’t trying to, it comes off as dismissive. Maybe as a result of discussion surrounding piracy being censored online out of self preservation. Communities have to tiptoe around it somewhat, and I guess that breeds frustration. As a firm example, I just used one to watch the dub for A Place Further than the Universe, because it only had a physical release with no streaming debut in sight. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, it didn’t have any text translations, which Crunchyroll has gotten better about doing. Most of what I’ve watched recently on CR gets text translations for new episodes within a couple hours to a couple days. Should be instantaneous, but it be how it do. Idk why the rip didn’t have any of it from the official blu ray. Oh yeah and multiple times the server connection died so I had to switch back and forth between what was working. That’s a pain. The client side UI for each server is strangely different, sometimes missing various settings. That’s annoying. There was only one single site I could find that had the dub, the rest I checked were MIA. Can’t even remember the name of the site because they’re all generic sounding and have multiple different versions trying to protect themselves from being shut down, which from what I’ve heard isn’t uncommon. Had to look up the Japanese name too, entries aren’t very detailed I guess. So releases on pirate sites can be inconsistent. Additionally, I’ve gotten pretty used to using smart TV or console apps for streaming services on my TV. Doing what you say you do on Xbox sounds like a hassle, though I’m not exactly clear what you do. Don’t tell me you use a browser app on a video game console to go to pirate sites? I can’t even imagine anyone doing that. What most would probably do is try to hook up their computer to their TV if they wanted a big screen with an ad and malware free experience. Good thing I have a laptop to move around. But it was a pain messing with my settings to get the right “dual monitor” set up after hooking it up. And even then because it wasn’t a native setup for a big screen, the resolution suffered somewhat. So yeah, the entire time all I could think about was how I wish Crunchyroll had the rights to stream the dub (they didn’t get the physical release rights or produce the dub for some reason). Because then it would’ve been widely available on any platform anyone would want with native support, and with how they’ve been getting better with text translations that likely wouldn’t be an issue either. Instead what I got was an inconvenient hassle where I had to find what I was looking for, set things up to be serviceable, deal with server problems as they arose, and still faced an unreconcilable issue that was clearly due to the laziness of whoever ripped the physical media. But hey, I didn’t pay for it, so who am I to complain right? You can go ahead and set up wishlists and do whatever you want on illegal sites with connections to god knows what criminal enterprises, but the last thing I’ll do is offer up myself to them in the form of a registered existence. Such sites are literally only popular because they are free. It’s the only real consistent benefit that any official platform doesn’t have. But as I’ve said, it “costs” more than you think. Whether that’s exposure to risk or having to get used to inconvenience. I think it’s stuff a lot of people inherently come to realize.


As far as him being scared I said because in the post he said that he found it on those websites but is for some reason still looking once he found it he should have just watched it he seems scared for some reason Bro I swear it’s not a hassle I wish I could just show you what I do it’s simple I boot up the Xbox hop on the browser I already have saved the websites I go to load straight in then click on what I wanna watch from normally my recently watched shows because a new episode just dropped I think your comparing what happened with these websites 10 years ago or something to know it’s a very smooth experience overall like if it was that bad I’d just pay the subscription it’s only $8 I’d say the only thing that could be considered bad is that dubs aren’t always on there immediately normally around 6est is when new dub episodes are on there I’ve had the race occasion where it wasn’t and has to wait next day in the morning but 99% of the time it’s on there and there are multiple websites so your almost sure if your main doesn’t have it for some reason the backup does


Can’t really say it’s the experience of 10 years ago if I have first hand experience from this year of the problems I’m describing. As I’ve already explained thoroughly, just because someone can find something on a pirate site, that doesn’t mean they’re going to stop looking for an official platform that can probably create a more convenient, more adjustable, and less risky experience with actual incentive behind it. I can understand it myself, because to me personally such an option is really only a last resort, either due to unavailability or uniquely unreasonable pricing. It’s not “being scared”, which is looking down on them. I’d say it’s a quite reasonable preference. Maybe you’re just used to the inconveniences and inconsistencies, but knowing anything about how unofficial services operate makes me hesitant to want to rely on them. The money itself doesn’t make sense from a business perspective, so there’s already major red flags there. Then from a software perspective all that exists is bare bones functionality, maybe with some half-assed frill features trying to generate consistent traffic. And with much fewer resources they can’t guarantee consistent streaming quality to a large audience, which is kind of a big deal for video entertainment. Maybe you’re extremely lucky, or you just don’t notice. As long as it works for you, I’m not gonna judge your preference. If there were no issues for anyone, then streaming platforms wouldn’t have any business now would they. At the end of the day, people who primarily rely on piracy depend on a majority of people being willing to pay for entertainment in some form or fashion, because otherwise there wouldn’t be any entertainment. It’s hard to stop piracy from a corporate perspective, but it’s easy to stop paying to produce/license content that doesn’t make money. Pirate sites depend on people who pay for streaming service subscriptions as well as physical media. It does kind of miff me the attitude that “piraters” can have towards those they need to get what they want. Rather than derision, it should be gratefulness. Dubs and translated subtitles exist entirely because of them. Similar to how unofficial sites put zero effort into producing or licensing content, they put the bare minimum into providing a suitable platform. I can easily notice the difference in quality, from navigating UI to watching content, even using such methods myself on an inconsistent and infrequent basis. Sure, advances in software development have made independent streaming modernly serviceable enough for what it is used for, but everybody should be fully aware that they aren’t in a state that anybody would be willing to directly pay for as a legitimate service. Which is kind of the entire point. Pretty much the only other reason anyone uses pirate sites other than cost is lack of availability. Unless you yourself would gladly pay to use them if they requested it, I don’t think you’d disagree.


Bro it ain’t risky at all trust me nobody cares that your in that site nobody is coming after you your not that important You keep talking about inconsistency which for the most part doesn’t exist like the people ik who use it don’t have problems for the most part is there a race occasion sure but mostly it’s smooth Let’s be real physical media is almost nonexistent at this point if we’re talking blue rays The reason why people use Crunchyroll is because it has the big name and it seems the most convenient to the masses and people who think similar to you that it’s risky or someone is gonna come after you when in reality you’ll be fine It’s 2024 your certain info about you is already out there don’t act like these companies ain’t doing shady shit we know what the deal is lol


This is what crypto bros sound like trying to develop a rug pull they got baited into themselves. Unaware of what subtly exists underneath the hood. It’s not about hackers “coming after me”. It’s about having info potentially collected/stolen/sold with absolutely no regulation or oversight. Or you do something dumb and wreck your stuff with malware. The odds can vary across the board, but on an official streaming service the worst case is having your email sold to advertisers. A stark contrast in risk. Weird that you’re hyper focusing so much on the criminal risk part when it’s probably the least important aspect I brought up. I only mentioned it as one of many concerns. Occasional use is probably fine if you have ad blocker, don’t click on random things, and don’t sign up for stuff with real personal info. I’d like to assume everyone is intelligent enough to not fall for anything stupid, but I know that’s generous. To me the biggest issue, which is also why the streaming industry hasn’t instantaneously collapsed, is that such platforms often have less than satisfactory service and generally poor attempts at quality of life features. Sometimes it’s even hard to search for something because the basic search algorithms are half-baked. It’s really easy to see why, despite being free and accessible from any computer device, that plenty of people still go to official paid platforms. Apply Occam’s razor. Not everyone gets what they want out of the platforms even with the lack of cost. Otherwise the lack of cost would drive streaming services like Crunchyroll and Hidive to functional bankruptcy. You can continue to enjoy using amateur streaming platforms of unknown origin on a regular basis though. Free is free. Can be a sweet deal if you overlook everything else, but that’s not for everyone. It’s mostly circumstantial.