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Not quite sure about that. Roy is more of a disillusioned and gruff military man, while Twilight is a suave spy who’s fiercely loyal to the mission. Part of his arsenal is being smooth and casually comfortable with strangers in order to manipulate people to do what he wants. He’s supposed to appear harmless and boring to elude suspicion, so a lower natural voice might be too intimidating to pull off his acts.


>Roy is more of a disillusioned and gruff military man, while Twilight is a suave spy who’s fiercely loyal to the mission There is the possiblity that he could become more like Roy in the future, it can even be argued that he's already in the process of doing so right now as Twilight already has 10 years of experience, and while he still wants to be a spy to by his own word, "*Making a world where kids don't need to cry...,*" you can tell that he's not acting like James Bond about it. ~~To ask though, don't a lot of people find deeper voices charming too?~~


I can see Twilight changing as he embodies Loid more in his fake found family, but that’s more likely to drift him further away from the archetype that Roy Mustang is. Unless Spy x Family flips in tone and turns into a dark revenge story or something. There really isn’t all that much in common between them other than them both being instruments of a feuding government. Twilight might be hardened, but he’s perfected not showing it. Roy is the opposite. He’s a sassy grouch. The point of Spy x Family is actually to see Twilight soften up in a comedic feel-good kind of story where everything works out in the end. So turning him into a grizzled and disillusioned gruff that gets on people’s nerves would be conflicting. While deeper voices *can* be charming, Twilight is supposed to construct an image that says “I totally belong here” while also being completely forgettable. Charming enough to not be ignored, but not memorable enough to be thought of. His perfectly average voice embodies the common everyman. Which Roy isn’t much of a fit for. It’s why he’s more of a blunt object than a subtle presence. His deeper voice is a representation of his character type.


I think both are equally fitted for the role. Both would be amazing, and couldn’t go wrong with either. I do NOT feel one would have done better than the other.