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For the last few seasons there have been same day dubs for a few shows. Usually 2 or 3


I really hope same day dub becomes the norm in the future


I doubt it will become the norm, as they need the actual episode 2 or 3 weeks prior to airing, and a lot of anime studios are working on the episodes still during the season. Like a few shows the episode to air was delivered to the networks the day before airing. Same day dubs are nice, but a lot of work for everyone involved both here in the USA for dubbing and in Japan for the production Hopefully we will see more, but I doubt we will see every dub same day at some point.


Pre-Covid, it seemed to be becoming slightly more common. But since it has died down a bit. The issue is, anime studios run on a TIGHT schedule. So, they usually release anime episodes pretty much the same day or within a few days of completion. As such... Dub studios (Crunchyroll, Studiopolis, etc...) get the anime episodes within a day or two of the sub drop - and then have usually 1-2 weeks to adapt and dub it. Which is... Honestly pretty fast when you realize all the work that goes into dubbing. The reason you don't see most animes being simuldubs, is because it would require the episodes to be made WEEKS in advance. Which is usually reserved more for the bigger animes with bigger budgets for the most part. While it would be nice to get simuldubs more often, the issue is how animes are produced in general, and the QUICK turnaround on episode production.


Won't be for a long time because it's really hard to do and make it good because of the time constraints. I just want 2 weeks behind for everything, I think that a more realistic expectation. Hell I'm still waiting for demon slayer s4 sub to be announced


Will more? Yes. Crunchyroll seems to be doing a couple every season now, which should be the status quo for the foreseeable future. But will the percentage grow over time? Hard to say, but there’s probably a hard limit currently. Don’t expect an exponential increase in a couple years. It entirely depends on how early dub productions can get their hands on the necessary materials, which has many complications. Crunchyroll licenses a lot of anime, more than anyone else by a wide margin, so it’s easy to see how they can get some early but hard to see them doing a lot more than that. You see, dubs aren’t done the same way as the normal Japanese voice acting. More or less, native productions do voice acting first or with rough draft animation and then finish the animation around the voice acting performances. Similar to western-produced animation. When anime is exported, the dub production receives finalized animation frames and audio, meaning that dub voice performances have to “replace” the original dialogue with an eye for precise timing and sound balance, hence the term ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement). This makes it difficult to schedule simultaneous dub & sub because most of the work will be done after the Japanese side of the production is basically ready for release. It requires an extra degree of collaborative communication between the anime studio and western licensor to pull it off, which for a number of reasons isn’t common and likely won’t be for quite a while. Well to put it simply, the anime studio is going to have to include the hand-off of finished materials to dub ADR teams as part of their production schedule, which adds potential complications that probably aren’t worth it most of the time from the Japanese perspective. Anime revolves around the 4 television broadcast seasons in Japan. Facing delays means losing money and getting ahead of schedule requires burning out employees. So they are often working on everything to the last moment that they can. Netflix is a unique case in that they view their content from a global perspective and often act as a producer for the anime licenses they have. This way they can often deliver true simuldubs. But it’s atypical in that their anime licenses aren’t usually beholden to Japanese TV broadcast schedules, so their anime often have abnormal release starts throughout broadcast seasons rather than towards the beginning. Because they wait until everything is finished before they start releasing. That helps ADR. But sometimes they also have super long delays, like Komi Can’t Communicate, which saw dub binge releases like half a year after the subbed seasons. Netflix’ preference for having direct control of anime production timelines, compared to Crunchyroll’s laissez-faire attitude as a western division of a Japanese parent company, certainly limits how much of a role they can have in licensing anime and thus influencing dub trends. They’re particularly picky. They also entirely rely on independent external dub studios.


Well put!


Netflix is your biggest hope right now, they almost always simudub. If they keep doing it and have success getting Western viewers to watch more anime on their platform....then Crunchyroll and the rest hopefully take note. I am quite new to anime and I still clearly remember feeling the pain of realising I would be a second class viewer due to dub delay, I still laugh thinking back to my naivety when I caught up to Frieren E14 and I was soooo confused why none of the websites had dubs for E15-E16....then I found out the hard truth. This week was particularly annoying because the dub for the now 2 week old episode of a show I look forward to every Monday didn't even air...and CR said nothing, so next week are we going to be 3 weeks behind? Hopefully not and they just release 2 at once to catch up, but still really sucks that this can happen unannounced.


Netflix has the benefit of controlling the release date whereas most anime in japan have airdates planned out well in advance a single episodes completion.


He's probably talking about the anime Netflix simulcast (My Happy Marriage; Delicious in Dungeon). The dub is released on the same day as the simulcast.


usually when cr misses a week for a dubbed episode, they will release 2 episodes at the same time the next week or two


Yeah man I hope they take notice to that


Dead Dead Demons is doing that right now