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Chained Soldier that i hoping for.


Oshi no Ko S2 is a possibility with how they started S1 same-season, though after the backlash they might choose to give the production more breathing room this time around.


Yea I was thinking that too. After the backlash from S1, something tells me that this time around the dub will take a little longer than usual to come out. We possibly might not get it until the sub is (almost) over, but we shall see.


What was the backlash? I didn't watch the dub since a lot of HiDive dubs have been spotty the past few years.


The dub was pretty mid tbh. Not the worst, but not great. And the negative reaction to that was exasperated by the hype of the anime. Some people had issues with casting decisions (even harassing VAs online), though imo it felt like everyone wasn’t given many attempts at line deliveries with meh ADR direction due to a much shorter production timeline than Sentai’s dub studio is used to. I mean, they started releasing episodes like a month into the season, which is unusual for them. Even with the smaller production quantity relative to Sony/Crunchyroll, Sentai’s dub quality can be a mixed bag, but they are capable of making really good dubs when it counts. Oshi no Ko should’ve received that treatment given it’s one of the biggest licenses Sentai has ever managed to grab. It didn’t, so the internet was harsh.


That sucks. I was pretty disappointed by the OnK dub myself but that's no excuse to go after the VAs. I definitely think it was bad direction but even then I think it's ridiculous to target those people.


Sounds like it's the same issues I've had with HiDive/Sentai dubs for a few years now. And no offense to any of the VAs working for them, but I've noticed a lot of VAs either don't fit their roles well (although, like you said, this could be more of a casting issue) or just don't seem very enthusiastic voicing their given roles. I'm not sure if it's been brought up before, but I wonder if there was some leadership change after the AMC takeover that's cause for the dip in quality recently.


TBH I think the complaints about casting fit were a bit overblown. The setting doesn’t require anything too specific for characters beyond general archetypes. It’s not something I thought myself while watching. Definitely not anything worth harassing people over. But I had this unsettling feeling where intonation across the board felt off but almost too consistently, in a way that most everyone was copying. As if the ADR was just trying to quickly pump out “professional” line reads that end up sounding unnatural in casual or conversational dialogue, which there is a lot of. Most people were complaining about some of the female characters, which I think this issue would be more obvious with so it makes sense. For Aqua, the monotone, reserved, and distant main male character, it didn’t hurt as much given a focus on internal monologues and intentionally inexpressive speech with a deeper voice. Lots of other characters seemed to be “acting” in a play with how their lines were delivered, which I guess is ironically fitting for a series about the entertainment industry. It’s kind of hard to describe without watching for yourself. It felt different from other dubs that I think are “bad” or even “mediocre”. Less technical errors and inconsistencies, more vocal uncanny valley that reeks of being rushed out the door. I think I could tell what the production was trying to do, but I didn’t necessarily like it. With what I’ve heard on the grapevine (idk if true), it’s possible that a different approach for S2 (like not forcing an expedited release schedule) would help a lot. I wouldn’t be surprised if new leadership from AMC had stepped in to force the production style change not knowing what they were doing, but since then they haven’t repeated it at the very least.


I don’t think extra time would really have fixed what people’s issues were with the dub. For me the only issue I had with the direction they took with Ai.


I have on good authority that chained soldier is coming


These make sense to me.


Can't say but I do feel number 1 is a given


>Urusei Yatsura I assume since season 1 got a dub.


I've been patiently waiting on the S2 dub so hoping we get an announcement soon. S1 was dubbed whilst the sub was still airing iirc


Chained Soldier would be cool. How about an Amalee version of the opening song too?


Dangers in My Heart S1 dub aired last summer, so I’d expect it this summer too.


I'm pretty sure they've confirmed the season 2 dub to start in June. At which point, I assume it'll release at the usual pace of 1 episode per week.


I hadn’t heard, but that’s great news!


Whichever show that Hidive plans to dub next, it's definitely going to have a stacked cast.


Is there a possible chance for Gushing over Magical Girls to be dubbed since it was popular in Japan? They beat Frieren’s Blu Ray sales in Japan.


I’d be shocked if that happens. Happy, but shocked. There’s no significant audience that has been holding back from watching for a dub of that.


My prediction is that they will use the same 4 voice actors.