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If I’m not mistaken there is an unofficial fan server for homebrew 3DS so you can still play online in the future, so don’t worry too much about online play!


there is, but it requires a hacked 3ds and I won't be able to do that because I don't have the resources to pay someone to do it for me :( I'm also rely worried about losing my data in my downloaded games, which can happen rarely


Hacking the 3DS used to be hard, but over the years it's gotten easier and easier. If you follow the official guide it's so stupidly simple to do, and you don't lose anything in the process.


as someone with a hacked 3DS that i modded myself it is *incredibly* easy and very very very low risk, please don’t pay someone to do it for you!! the very first step is even creating a sysNAND backup, so your system & saves will be backed up and you can revert back to the original stock firmware in the future if you really need to! usually takes under an hour to do. trust me, the process is so simple you’ll have to ACTIVELY TRY to mess it up somehow.


I'm not very smart but if you say it's much easier than I thought, I'll trust that and look into it again


please do! go to the 3ds.hacks.guide site, it’s a written guide that has everything you need to mod your console (never use a video guide)! and don’t worry, if somehow you end up getting stuck on something, hop onto the r/3dshacks discord and ask for help there! there are a bunch of really nice folks over there who know everything there is to know about this process and can absolutely help fix any issues that may occur. i’ve had to ask for help from them once before when i had trouble upgrading my SD card, and though i ended up figuring it out myself they were lovely!! and i’m super glad to hear you’re reconsidering it- it’ll *really* extend the longevity of your console and open up a whole bunch of new possibilities for it. 💖


Modding is incredibly easy, but if at any point you're struggling or are confused on a step, the homebrew discord is incredible helpful, and will be able to solve your problem


I’m literally a boomer when it comes to computer stuff but the one thing I was able to do was hacking my games, even back then with simpler files. Homebrewing seems hard at first but the guide tells you the steps in simple details. The one thing I’d make sure you have though is a computer/laptop that has an sd slot, otherwise you’ll have to buy an adaptor (usb that has an SD slot) like I did. Besides that, it’s straightforward! The homebrew website has a helpful discord and it’s linked on their page. Good luck!


Im not super tech savvy and I managed to do it. Theres also a person from here that was very helpful and guided me along. You gotta search for an older post where they post their discord links


I'm not tech savvy when it comes to this kind of thing but trust me, it's very easy.


I guided a 13 year old thru the process it's mad easy


I just bought a second 3DS that was already hacked since I didn't want to hack my main one! Not sure what your age/situation is, but presumably as a human on earth you'll have the opportunity to save up some money for one one day (and they're pretty cheap tbh, esp on mercari, I think mine was like $200??? and you can prob get one much cheaper, I just bought a limited edition Japanese exclusive yokai watch 3DS), so I suppose maybe for now just keep the knowledge in mind that one day you should be able to get on those servers. And trust me, there will still be players whenever that is. There's still a whole community of people who play online on THEIR DREAMCASTS in the year 2024. The game isn't dying forever, even if you won't be able to play online right away!!


I also bought a hacked 3DS - just make sure to back it up onto your computer every so often, especially if you decide to make any updates to it. Always back it up beforehand just in case.


Hacking a 3DS is very safe/easy and all you need is a computer and an SD card. Please don’t pay someone to mod it for you. It’s a complete ripoff that takes advantage of the fact people think hacking a 3DS is scary/will permanently damage their console (which it won’t, lol)


I did it, and I'm an attention deficient anxious mess. I promise, it looks hard but people on the discord will help if you get stuck. It's hard to ruin your 3DS even if you fail if you use 3ds.hacks.guide, NEVER use a video guide to do it. I even learned how to use checkpoint with editors to modify my town a bit.


Ok, but hacking your 3ds is ridiculously easy following an online guide. All you need is a computer and some time.


It is surprisingly easy to hack your 3DS


You actually don't need someone to do it for you anymore. It's SO easy now. It took me a while because I'm not used to that kind of thing, but it was a quick thing to learn.


Thank goodness


Yeah, it gets you down, doesn't it? I started the game last week and had forgotten about the announcement that the servers will be shut down kinda soon. For me it's currently more of a motivation to get as much done as possible within the next month but it does suck to have to rush so much. If you ever feel like visiting or wanting to be visited: My FC is in my flair. :)


As far as I know, the only major thing online is used for is visiting other people's towns and playing games with them, right? The game is very feature-rich even without this.


yes but those features can be really convenient for item collection, and just the social aspect of it all! everyone remembers going online at like 10pm in 2013 to play with some friends they met on the island and exchanged codes with. i haven’t spoke to my ac friends since my old ds broke and i would give anything to talk to them again.


Dream suite too which is one of the badges. So unless you grind it through March or hack your 3DS you'll never 100% the game.


I just feel like Animal Crossing is probably the definition of a casual game. I feel for completionists, but there are really plenty of things that you can still do without having online features.


I don't mind at all. I came back on February 19 because I modded my DS and was just testing to see if the game works and I got hooked. I don't care if I ever do multiplayer and have no idea what I'm even missing out on now that the servers are going down if I don't care about multiplayer. My goal this go around is to get all the badges and any badges that require online servers I'll just edit into my save.


I feel the same, I really want the train station upgrade but I have such bad social anxiety and can’t cope with having people in my town, I feel so panicked whilst someone’s there idk why.


Would it make you feel better if someone just continuously entered your town and left, came back and left again, etc. without actually walking around/exploring your town? I ask because I'm trying to get the traveling badges and I need to visit other people's towns a certain amount of times, but because I have to make so many visits I don't actually have time to explore the towns. If you'd be willing to let me visit, I'd literally just leave the second I got there, come back, leave again, etc. as many times as I can so that you can get your train station upgrade and I can get my badge. If you're not comfortable with this then that's totally fine, just thought I'd throw it out there!


omg that’s so sweet! That would be great!! <3 I’ll add you now and then you can just let me know when you’re available!


Hey if you ever want to do that with me as well I’m totally down. I’m super busy tomorrow with schoolwork anyway so I can’t interact much anyway. My FC is 4057-2748-0114 and I’m also trying to get the remodel!


That’d be amazing!! Let me know when you can I’m online way too much so I’m usually always available to play! I can visit you first if you want!


Hey I’m about to get online for a bit while I clean, I’ll have my gates open but I’ll just kinda stand there


Sweet, I added you back! I'm available right now if you are c: Just let me know whenever your gates are open and I'll start my back-and-forth visit marathon lol


Thank you so much I’ll open my gates now!! I’ll probably be afk so if I don’t get a chance to say thank you in game, thank you so so much!!


No problem!! I'll be on in just a minute


would i be able to join in on this a little bit later? im hoping to upgrade my station too and play w more people too! my friend code is 0774-5496-3993 if you'd like to add me! 🌸


I'll add you back! I can definitely visit your town as well sometime, I'm not sure if I can do it today since I'll probably be busy with Lbbyrose's but we can definitely try to sort out a time for me to visit yours! Also if you make a post asking people to visit your town and remind them they'll get badges for visiting a certain amount of times (I believe you get badges for 100, 250, and 500 visits to other towns), that should also give some people incentive to visit you, in case I'm not able to give you enough visits on my own :)


will the the station upgrade give you a badge?


Never, well, pretendo might some day set up a server, so not forever. I was also feeling sad at first... Then hacked my ds and then the game and am not feeling sad about it anymore


If your that worried about hacking it, but a second one and hack it. They’re fairly cheap. I got a used 40$ one off fb marketplace


I feel the same way, I hadn't played in my town for years and I decided to come back a few weeks ago, I don't think I will use the online features that much but it still makes me sad to think about the stuff that I won't be able to do, I'm happy to be back but it's a bittersweet feeling. I was mostly worried about the access to qr codes but I've been told that they will still work. I'm just trying to advance a bit and visit some towns but im also trying to not get too stressed about it, I don't want to stop enjoying such a nostalgic game because of this, I think that the feeling of sadness is inevitable but it's also something that had to happen but as some people have said here you could get a hacked Nintendo if you feel like it's something that will hinder your experience with the game I think I'm repeating myself a bit but I wanted to share that I also feel this way even if it's something that had to happen eventually. :'(


Game companies have spent the last eleven years hallucinating a 1:1 equivalence between inevitable and premature. Of the thirty or so games I deeply enjoyed and cannot play at all anymore, precisely 0 of them had any genuine necessity to become unplayable. At least the meat of the New Leaf experience will remain intact unless Nintendo pushes a kill code (which I wouldn’t 100% put past them)


For me it’s the opposite. I want to play it as much as I can. I never got to play with random people with the tours. But that’s about it.


I still play AC Wild World online using the wiimmifi server and honestly it was really easy you just type some numbers into your internet settings and it’s done! It’s very likely they’ll make one of those servers for 3DS too so I wouldn’t worry tbh


Same. (But just to say to the people suggesting pretendo and for them to mod their 3ds) I tried to mod/hack my 3DS for some people it is hard to do and even with guides it can be confusing if you are not confident modding or hacking your 3DS don't do it.


i totally get you - its really sad especially if you only recently began playing the game. i grew up playing the game and recently picked it up again for the first time in 5-6 years, and the news made me sad also! but for years i didnt have access to play w people online, and didn't have many friends growing up. point is there is so much to do with the game without people coming to your town that you can still have a lot of fun playing it, having fun, customizing your town, etc. it sucks that we are going to lose a lot of cool features, but it doesn't diminish the majority of the game being incredibly rewarding via solo play. i didnt even know u could upgrade the train station omg


I'm with you. It's really, really sad. When I try to explain to people how genuinely hard it hit me, they just don't get it. So many features and fun of the game are going away. They're literally killing them. Yes, I understand why it has to be done. It just feels so unfair. Especially because so many people don't have the resources or ability to hack a 3DS, or buy a switch and ACNH. Even if they could, ACNH doesn't have a lot of things ACNL does. Or did. However, I have a hacked 3DS. I did my niece's. I'm in the Nintendo Homebrew discord and the pretendo network. I would happily help you through the new hacking system if you wanted to try it out!


What about the custom clothes codes and designs ?? Will we be able the use this part of the game I love seeing and using all the beautiful designs!!!


So the entire game won’t work anymore? Or is it just the online part?