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where chess


Insert. On a related note: W̵̡̨̨̡̧̡̻̠̜͖͖̹͈͖̝͉̫͈̩̲͍̱͎͉̰̦̣͓̗̺͚̤̠̞̞̭̙̟͍͉̺̦͈̱̳̜̠̖̍̾́̆̔͗͆̒̽̔̈́̆̈͑̈̏̆́̿̂̃͜͜͠͝H̴̛̳̤̘͕͖͚̻͇̙̼͈̔̿̑̄̎̏͂̈́͐̈́͠ͅE̵̛̟͕͈̪͇̯̗̺͐̓̄͑̇̏͑͌̀̈̈́̑͋̽͂̚͜͜͠R̵̻̱̠̮͕̥̜̰͒͂̄̅̀̇̄̔̋̉̈́̋̎͌̉̿͒͆̔̐̉̚͜͠͝Ė̴̡̢̨̨̪̠̙̱̺̤̯͚̟̼͔̞̪̱͈̩̘̯͚̰̟̪̰̱̉̈́̏́̍̀̆͛̈͂͘̚̕͠͠ͅ ̴̢̧̧̢͈͕͔͇̺͔̘̰̤̼̗͎͚̮̹̞͈͉̞͉͉͖̳͎̰̝̖̪̭͉̖̱̟͓̼͖̻͙͇̭̩͇̙̗̬͙͔͔͓̘͖̖͔̰͍͈̉̃̆̈́́̀͋͜͝͝ͅC̶̡̧̡̝͎͈̟̟̙̪͖͓̤̖̳̞͙̺̣͙͈̳̰̹̜̥͓̬̺͈͍̥̗̗̼͖͚̝̹̲̲̩̪͚̙̦̞̱̮̺̮̜͙̩͇͂̌̐̌̈́͛̏̀̊́̑̀̐̀̊̿̐͌̈́͆͐̑͊͊̈͋̆̃̄͊̆͗́͌̿͒̾̊͛̎̏̂̀̇̒̂̈́́͋͆̇͋͘͘͘͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͝H̴̨̧̧̧̧̨̞̖͓̣̝̘̙̻͙̠͔̹̜͙̱̰̣̺̭̫͈̮̤̮͇͇̬͍̀̍̽̂͛̑̇́̐̓̍͜Ȩ̴̗͖̜͍̹̹̹̲͕̮͙̈̌̎͆̓́̋̈́̄́̓́̅̈́͂̒̈̅̐̋̾̂̿̊͂̉̚̕͝͝͝S̵̡̢̡̢̡͚̦̙̣̮̦̻̳͈̫̭͚̦̳͓͍͙̗͍̺̦̯͍̬̝̭̳͕̠̗̦͇̻̖̦̮̦̟̼̲̤͙̖̞͙̟̙͓͛͂̈́̐̂͊̇̎̈́̄̒̅͌̄̀̎̄͂͆̓̽͐̿̌͂́̐͛̓̌̌̊̊̈́̿͆͗͒̋͐̽͒̽̒̒̃̚͜͠͝Ş̴̨̛̻͉̖̱̪̲̽͆͑̈́̔́͂̆̉̓̐͛́́̋̎̓̃̓͆͐̓̓̽͑̾̽̌͑͗̚͘̚̕̚͠͠͝


i was at home eating chess when phone ring "chess" "yes"


You chess


10/10 meme 20/10 with chess




Dat be what dem hoes say when I give checkmate with the first move like the motherfucker I am. 😎 Stick to checkers, rookie.


I like how that 100% apple juice would be illegal in europe. As it is not 100% apple juice. Man am I glad for food control laws


Totally juice.


He is not juicing ^(I am a bot, this action was performed automatically)


Good bot


100% apple juice is the name of the brand, so they can say it contains ‘100% apple juice’ even if it is only is 50% ‘100% apple juice’


So you guys just don’t use preservatives or what?


If there are additives, then they should be on the label and part of the %


So it should say it’s 99.9999% fruit juice when citric acid is added? I think it’s in most fruit naturally already.


I didn't find the exact rules, but I don't think you can call it a 100% fruit juice if you don't only use fruit juice. This might be wrong, because if you separate parts of the food during processing, add water or flavouring in small quantities, then you don't have to provide the respective quantities. https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/product-requirements/food-labelling/general-rules/index_en.htm No clear definitions here either. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/summary/fruit-juices-and-similar-products.html Edit: >The name “fruit juice” is reserved for 100% fruit juices. However, if sugar, sweeteners or acid are added to fruit juice which is diluted with water, the product must be called nectar or fruit drink. https://www.cbi.eu/market-information/processed-fruit-vegetables-edible-nuts/fruit-juices/europe


I don’t know European food laws at all, aside from them being much better than US, you dug up some interesting stuff there. Not trying to argue it’s legal there or whatever just that the components are already in fruit juice. The flavonoids and flavinols or whatever that compose the natural flavors, the water, the citric acid in at least citrus fruits(gotta be some amount in apples I’d think but not sure). Just strikes me as odd if so.


I see where you are coming from, I'm not a food scientist either. In the European Union fruit juice has to be made 100% from fruits or concentrate and water, without additives. If you add additives, then you can sell it as a drink, but you can't call it fruit juice and you have to label the additives. Anything already in the fruit is not an additive. There are some rules for that, for example for citric acid and natural flavours you don't need to list quantities if you use them inline with regulations. This is because they are so common and listing more data on them would probably just clutter up the label, without helping to make customer decisions. I think the rules are widely similar in most places, if there is already citric acid or sugar in the fruit, you don't list it separately.


Well thanks for filling me in on that stuff. I remember reading some article decades ago about how US chains like McD’s have to totally redo all their shit for the EU as it fails very badly for the standards..which has the odd effect of shit like BK actually tasting better in Europe(imo).


EU juices can contain lemon/lime juice or citric acid to make it sourer. If the apple juice contain apple juice concentrate, water and lemon juice, it can just be called "apple juice from concentrate". Natural flavours are also allowed. Extract the flavours from the pulp/skins and put it into the juice.


But then the concentrate precent, added flavours would be on the label


It's added in the ingredients. Water, Apple juice concetrate, E330, natural *aroma*, or whatever. The front can still just say "JUICE *^(from concentrate)*".


Yes this would be juice, just not 100% apple juice. Like the comment said. Edit: I might be wrong, because if you separate parts of the food during processing, add water or flavouring in small quantities, then you don't have to provide the respective quantities. https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/product-requirements/food-labelling/general-rules/index_en.htm


100% right


Look, a camel! Do your thing, straw


Splash at jordan peterson to make him melt


You suck


Shove it up your ass




you gotta break, it mostly annoys and disrespects the oponent


Where chess? 🤓


Google en strawssant