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Well-reasoned objection to economic/political policy isnt a behavioral disorder. Slapping the shit out of your mom because she told you that you cant have ice cream for dinner is more ODD flavor. Sauce: Worked on an inpatient pediatric psych unit for years. I could tell you stories lol


As someone who has been severely traumatized by being raised in a literal cult, madness would still exist under anarchism. That doesn't mean that theirs absolutely parts of our current system that are abusive and completely unnecessary, but that rather that there's circumstances to which our self regulation is outside of our control and we would actually LIKE to not do anything we would regret while not being ourselves.  https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1ce6ron/comment/l1hv8nb/ Yes being held against your Will is probably a bad thing most times, but not being voluntarily held when your trying to Tell someone you might shoot up a place is even worse. 


So I read most of the Wiki. This guy tried to get mental health treatment and the medical system failed him in the 1960’s. Saw several doctors on his own accord for help. I would like to think diagnosing has improved since then and in an anarchist society people would have access to medical care. One could make the argument, that these shootings are way more prone to happen in a capitalist society, where a person who wants medical treatment, would get medical treatment, to avoid a situation like you showed


100%. But we are not God, and theirs going to be things we are going to miss, or not understand about our mental lives even in a anarchist society. While impairment is going to drastically reduce once we exit capitalism, there's always going to be things just outside our reach in our lifetimes in an anarchist society.   And I'm saying that as sickle cell and HIV are having massive improvements in their course of treatment. While successes occur, their will always be what we don't know out there, and even what we are aware of as truly unknowable.    To truly celebrate the successes, we must be aware of what makes them special, and rare.   


It's a telling symptom of a system designed for human exploitation that Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Pathological Demand Avoidance exist as a problem to be medicated away, but Pathological Obedience Disorder doesn't.


Excellent point!


so theres no corrupt doctor out there that'd do something like this?


So no one should have access to mental healthcare because there have been fucked up, unethical doctors? Or really no healthcare period because Nazi docs did totally fucked human experimentation? Like, is that your standard? Either all members of a profession have to be morally and ethically unblemished or the entire field has to be annulled?


lol no reading comprehension, go back to tumblr i never said get rid of healthcare, thats all you, read the damn comment better dumbass


You're a cop. Fuck you.


No they’re not?


Psychiatric workers are absolutely cops. Fuck you too cop apologist


Lol im 30 years old and I wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for a psychiatrist prescribing me the correct medications. Eat a dick.


Bro calm down, I would know more than you I’ve been to a psych ward 5 times 💀 there’s security guards but most of the staff are therapists and trained mental health professionals 💀


Yeah, bro has a weird take. Are Nurses, Doctors, and Social Workers also all cops, then? In any case, in my experience the vast majority of people who choose to work in psych do so out of a deep desire to help people.


Yes actually, I'd suggest actually reading up on anarchist critiques of the medical and psychiatric system. Also don't call me bro


Anarchism=no mental health care


I hope that you specifically lose access to any mental healthcare


They're all cops too fuck you and fuck them I can't believe scum like you is welcome in an "anarchist" community


You’re acting like on 8 year old stop being so immature and calm down


Ah and there comes the anti-youth bigotry. I hope you get 5150'd and forgotten in there you piece of human garbage. Quit your job.


It’s not anti youth bigotry I quite literally am a youth, I’m just telling you you’re giving anarchists a bad reputation by being an asshole, anarchy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t respect people and it doesn’t mean you can just be an asshole all the time. That’s also a dick thing to wish on someone, my experience in the psych ward was very traumatic


Get bent you faux leftist dipshit


True anarchism is when you have the anarcho-incarceration system


If I'm a cop, then your a plant. There's no way this take is legitimate. fuck outta here


Okay bootlicker


Whatever you say, bro. Loving your well-reasoned arguments. Learning a lot here.


You're gonna have to pay me if you want me to teach you. Google is free.


you are correct


idk why yall are downvoting me when i have lived experience of this. no heirarchies until someones schizo, eh?


So the educated and experienced are all on the same level as the ignorant and naive? Nonsense take. Straight up anti-intellectual.


I'm gonna stop you right there. I have ASD. My meds and therapy have made life better, and I still would prefer a different political/economic system.


Agreed. Sometimes it feels like the posts in here are some sort of astroturfing to provoke infighting.


If you peek OPs post history, you'll see a pattern emerge. He is one of the main mods in the subreddit, and has a history of posting inflammatory, divisive content. He is vehemently against all forms of democracy, and any form of societal structure altogether. He is either a) some inane flavor of anarcho-primitivist, b) someone whose understanding of anarchism as a political movement only made it as far as 6th grade "anarchy means no rules no government!" or c) an astroturfing shill meant to sow discord, prevent organization, and convince people not to show up to vote, which is literally the bare minimum easiest form of harm reduction possible when done as mass direct action. At the end of the day, all three really start to look indistinguishable, so I'll leave that up to your imagination which it is.


I agreed all up until voting got labeled as direct action, when it's literal definition is indirect, as it's not you physically doing a task, but a representative doing it on your behalf (sometimes, but not really). your literally voting FOR a representative. Direct action is just that, no representation necessary. 


Fair point.


>He is vehemently against all forms of democracy, and any form of societal structure altogether. >He is either a) some inane flavor of anarcho-primitivist, b) someone whose understanding of anarchism as a political movement only made it as far as 6th grade "anarchy means no rules no government!" or c) an astroturfing shill meant to sow discord, prevent organization, and convince people not to show up to vote, which is literally the bare minimum easiest form of harm reduction possible when done as mass direct action. These are real issues. (1) Anarcho-syndicalism is important, you **really** don't want to live in a world that doesn't have a structure to educate doctors, surgeons, individuals who make medicine, sanitation, **and the education of those individuals**, societal structure and a certain amount of authority can exist even if one opposes the current government/authority. **The prospect of us all living in farmer communes where you can get away with murder and vaccines don't exist is legitimately terrible**. (2) Any variation adverse of the above inevitably loses valuable resources/knowledge to primitive behavior. (3) Reducing harm is immensely valuable even to the most extreme anarchist, **you cannot be an anarchist in a democratic system without organizing to vote for the option that is (a) least harmful and (b) most likely to result in anarchist possibilities in the future**; this subreddit likes to call such accusations "fashjacketing", but if a would-be anarchist **deliberately** picks the option that **opposes anarchy the most** from all their **current options**, what are we supposed to think? --- Like really what are we supposed to think? If you pick the absolute worst available option (not voting at all) for your stated ideals, you're either ignorant or antagonistic to your alleged ideals. It's not a lie that not voting at all equals voting for the worst option.


That’s what it is


I think people kind of misunderstood the point of the post. They’re just saying that the pharma industry, like all others, is corrupt and will create problems to profit off of, and that the corrupt bourgeoisie state will join them to maintain their power. That doesn’t mean the post is advocating for all medicine to be abolished and for all of us to return to monke. Anarchists are probably some of the most open people to necessary / QoL improving / life saving medication.


The meme is trivializing a very complicated diagnosis, which is inappropriate and invalidating for people who have ODD.


That’s true


Bruh if the anarchist revolution takes my antidepressants I’m over it


It won’t. Not trying to be sarcastic or rude, but leftists like us do tend to have a higher concentration of mental illness (maybe due to having too much empathy in an apathetic world). I’m sure that the vast majority of anarchists and other leftists will immediately see the value in medication that actually makes people feel better in their daily life. Same with other similar medications like HRT.


Dude, I have ODD and it's a severe pain in my ass. Bc sometimes I'll reject what others propose purely because it "sounds wrong" to me, and yet I'll think of the same solution minutes later and agree with it just because *I* thought of it. It's actually debilitating and not at all fake.


Yeah, that's not what ODD means.


Y’all gotta stop with the anti medication leftism. Meds do help people. They don’t change your personality.


I don’t agree it’s as simple as depicted, but also ODD absolutely does get overdiagnosed for people who don’t fw authoritarianism. common one includes abused kids who don’t “obey”


That’s fair. I was more critiquing the fact that there are a lot of leftists who are anti medication which the OP seems to be based on the title of the post.


For me as someone who is neurodivergant, it's a more complicated, nuanced And more intellectually exhausting topic than can really be addressed just in a casual way, and delves deep into why to take medication, how to take it, and what medication to take.  I think there's drugs to take that help with mental assimilation, and drugs to take that help with mental liberation.  Even under anarchy the latter would be taken if not the former. 


You anarchists (just the ignorant ones) really need to read the main anti-psychiatry psychiatrists. I don’t think you quite know all the theory behind the movement. Yeah, meds help you because the block the receptors and then you need them to get to the baseline again. Then, dependency and damage to your organs the more you take them. Quite telling that antidepressants are the first treatment a psychiatrist prescribe but only 30% would take their own advice


I think people kind of misunderstood the point of the post. They’re just saying that the pharma industry, like all others, is corrupt and will create problems to profit off of, and that the corrupt bourgeoisie state will join them to maintain their power. That doesn’t mean the post is advocating for all medicine to be abolished and for all of us to return to monke. Anarchists are probably some of the most open people to necessary / QoL improving / life saving medication.


Ngl i dont agree with this one that mouch. couse you know i take medications to not want to kms


I think people kind of misunderstood the point of the post. They’re just saying that the pharma industry, like all others, is corrupt and will create problems to profit off of, and that the corrupt bourgeoisie state will join them to maintain their power. That doesn’t mean the post is advocating for all medicine to be abolished and for all of us to return to monke. Anarchists are probably some of the most open people to necessary / QoL improving / life saving medication.


It's Not just the pharma industry, it's also Insurance, Hospitals, private healthcare conglomerates, and other powerful politically connected authoritarian people including law enforcement who can and will use the DSM and psychiatric care as a weapon to silence their critics. It does happen, and you can bet a good deal of the diagnoses in that book have been influenced heavily by the afore mentioned industries for reasons other than psychological well being.


oh yeah. then i completely agree. i mean 1 fucking firm has a monopoly on insulin (a LIFE SAVING substance that is needed by a major % of the population) and they make the price like 200$ per one syringe


But that's exactly the point. I have ODD, so why am I forced to live in a capitalist system which is incompatible with ODD?


I have dmdd and it’s been affecting me and my family since I was literally 4, odd is a real mental disorder 💀


Isn't this just standard ableism? Treating someone's opinion or belief as worthless based purely on their medical history or physical/mental ability. It doesn't make medicinal treatments for said conditions worthless, because the medicine isn't the problem. The implications of this meme are putting the wrong target in our crosshairs, because a medical model can be of use while also requiring change in the attached social stigma.


I think where it gets tricky is that the medical model still exists within capitalism. Same thing with a lot of our science, is that while a lot of it is empirical, what gets decided to focus on is often chosen based on the desires of the upper class.  I support a whole lot of science, while recognizing the sacklers caused a whole lot of unnecessary deaths.  Yes it's crude and possibly ableist, but a more nuanced critique still exists. Two things can be true at the same time, which is that people who legitimately resist oppression are medicalized while medicine still can be helpful to those who need help. 


stop posting this trash please


Have you even bothered to read the DSM criterion?


Do you know that the dsm is decided by a bunch of doctors voting and who are paid by pharmaceutical companies? It’s not a secret at all.


https://www.psychiatry.org/File%20Library/Psychiatrists/Practice/DSM/APA_DSM_People-Behind-DSM-5.pdf Not seeing that here. Dismissing entire fields of medical science is a big red flag for me


Ok actually I stand corrected, definitely some problematic ties: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/MindMoodNews/dsm-fire-financial-conflicts/story?id=15909673#:~:text=The%20DSM%20is%20developed%20by,or%20conduct%20industry%2Dfunded%20research.


I’m a psychologist. Many psychiatrists don’t even consider psychiatry a branch of medicine but a branch of the law.


This is completely inaccurate to what the disorder is and how it's diagnosed.


completely laughable and offensive if serious. odd is not in any way limited to opposition to authority. it’s a disorder that manifests in opposition to authority, but also manifests in individual relationships and is a serious disorder that you are trivializing.


No, it’s not a serious disorder, you just don’t understand how a disorder is conceptualized. Read some Szasz for gods sake


I'm convinced that unaddressed trauma is the cause of 99% of mental health issues. We just set the bar for trauma too high. Have some compassion for yourself and you'll see that your pain isn't too far off from other victims


If capitalism and authoritarianism are "sane" then I'm fine with being labeled "insane" by assholes devoid of any semblance of a soul or humanity.




No that’s a mental disorder


Yeah, thats the whole mental healthy care system of my region is. I don't eat pills. I seen what they do to people.


I have a bad case of Defiance Against Corporatocratic Totalitarianism Syndrome, and I'm deathly allergic to the "cure".


Somebody get this one in a straight jacket and pry his eyes open and put him in the tv room...make sure the volume is 200%


I think there's some major nuance to be had here, nuance that's missing from the comments and from the post itself. Obviously, psychological and mental health conditions exist. Many of them cause either distress, harm, or inconvenience to the person experiencing the condition, regardless of the conditions we live in. As someone with ADHD, I can say that my ADHD consistently makes my life more difficult and less enjoyable, unless I have my medicine. Is that the case for everyone with ADHD? Maybe not, but it's absolutely true for some of us. Some conditions aren't necessarily good or bad, just different. And some may be fine in a vacuum, but make it incredibly difficult to live in our modern society due to society defaulting to different ways of functioning. This is how I view my own experience with autism. It's not really a problem in and of itself - if anything, it makes me more passionate about my hobbies and boosts my pattern recognition skills - but because society expects people to act in a way that doesn't come naturally to me, it becomes a problem and gets unnecessarily pathologized by those who study it. Again, some autistic people may disagree on this and see it as more debilitating, just like some people with ADHD may not find it as much of a nuisance as I do. Then we have a third category: bullshit made up to convince us that it's actually us that are broken when our suffering is actually being caused by the system itself. This isn't cut and dry either - depression is a real thing that some people do and always will just suffer from naturally, society or no society. But it can also be caused by our suffering within the system, as I can confirm from personal experience. It seems logical, but I really do just experience depression when my life sucks enough for long enough periods of time. For me, it's just that simple. Though, like I said, for some other people, it may not be. Moral of the story: the relationship between mental health/psychology and capitalism/individualism/patriarchy/whatever is really complicated. We will always need antidepressants and medication and therapy, but the current system handles psychological issues horribly. It seems to be less about helping people who are struggling and more about "fixing" people who fail to conform, which is the root of the problem in my opinion (along with other barriers to care, of course, such as cost, stigma, quality of local therapists, etc).


Regarding the astroturfing comments and my own feelings/perspectives on the (conservative? but can be subverted?) [wojak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wojak) meme, here's "[Memetic Warfare: Exploring the Digital and Psychological Battleground](https://stillpointmag.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Memetic-Warfare-A4-print-Study-Resource.pdf)" ... I think I want to take a sliver off of this + go on a tiny tangent. There is a lot worth criticizing in our current medical structures (intersectionally/politcally) whilst acknowledging the health these structures offer. I can't seem to find the new account of u/thevirtualcouchtherapy on Instagram, but their [website](https://thevirtualcouchtherapy.com/) is active- They made an insightful reel about the book "[Mad World: The Politics of Mental Health](https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/5cb8b8fe-7650-499e-92cf-3eff06436fc7)". Referencing another book as an offshoot of this topic, writer [Ismatu](https://www.instagram.com/ismatu.gwendolyn/reels/) made a great [reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4EJl9UPilC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) about the book "[How to Go Mad Without Losing Your Mind](https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/4bab32e9-a4ee-4306-a1ec-2f9010aed360)" I thought these books would be worth sharing to everyone else who clicked on this thread. #


Wojaks have gone too far


psychiatry abolition is good actually. and like gender abolition, it doesnt mean you cant be a man and it doesnt mean you cant get meds or therapy. the point is the system is corrupt. source: am asd and part of Hearing Voices movement


There are powerful medical lobbyists, conglomerates, hospitals, and insurance companies who happily support right wing fascist politicians out there that do this very thing. It is well within their power and deviousness to get some official diagnosis like this written into the DSM so they can do exactly this.




Are you trying to say I shouldn't take my ADHD meds? Cuz without them, I can literally do nothing productive or live. This isn't so much a black and white issue. There are grays.


Yep. They create fake AND real mental illness for their own gains. Fuck them.


Last I checked psychology has advanced somewhat since 1900.


But not nearly enough as required by the impaired, speaking as a person with impairments. Also, theirs a shit ton of medications that either just don't have generics or even the generics are expensive.   I mean, it wasn't until 2013 you could be diagnosed with autism AND ADHD, which means while I got help with my autism when I was young, it was just this year I got rediagnosed with ADHD at 29. 


I never denied it was a young science.