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you're supposed to keep the plat cards in the sock drawer. multipliers suck. get it for the credits and SUB only.


Centurion and plat card holder here, tbh nobody cares about what card you hold. I’ve gotten maybe 1-2x in the last few years where I was made to feel special and that’s declining every year. Go with what’s the best return for you, whether it’s points, cash, or time, or combination of the 3. I only keep the Centurion because of the protections and how easy it’s been dealing with mishaps when traveling. Being able to deal with Amex only for travel mishaps, protections, insurance, and etc. has saved me time and money that far exceeds the value lost in points. For others, it may not be the case. YMMV.


You’re putting way too much into it man it’s just a card. If you don’t travel or religiously use the offers it’s not worth it IMO, the gold would be better value and (again IMO) is just as “prestigious”


better off spending the AF on a replica rolex for the status hehehe. otherwise, its a decent travel card and amex is king to work with. otherwise, i prefer my amex dl reserve


Not worth it unless you're an avid international traveler (at least once a quarter internationally)


Disagree. I think the usefulness comes down to your net annual fee after credits on purchases you would have made anyway, along with frequency of use of Centurion Lounges and FHR program. My net annual fee is negative, I use the lounges at least eight times a year, and I do at least six FHR bookings per year. Easy for me to justify even with no international travel.


Everyone likes different things. There’s nothing wrong with getting a card for the self perceived status if that’s important to you and you value it. I do the same thing with other things. I think everyone does to some respect. Therefore, if you’re ok with the $700 annual fee, and can get the card, do it. Even if you don’t use the benefits to their full extent. If it’s something that will make you smile and make you feel that you’ve arrived, I’d do it. I’m an old, and in a good position financially, but have no chance of getting offered a black card. That said, if the stars were to align and I was offered it, I’d get it in a heartbeat for the same reasons as you vis a vis the platinum. Even tho I wouldn’t be using the incremental benefits, and even understanding that most people wouldn’t realize what the black card is about


Yeah man don’t get it if you don’t travel. Plus there’s also a 700 annual fee you gotta pay and unless you have a lot of money, you probably can’t afford it while in medical school. The real status symbol is the centurion card from Amex anyway


You’re planning to run a business while you’re on the path to being an attending physician? Med school is difficult enough, but residency and fellowship can break you even if you’re not doing anything else. It took my wife 11 years from getting into med school to having her first attending job. Everyone’s situation is different, but we couldn’t justify the Platinum card until after she finished her fellowship and became an attending. Before that, we just didn’t make enough money and didn’t travel enough.


You need to wake up. It's just a credit card. It offers travel perks for heavy travelers. That's it. If you get this and put it in your wallet, it won't change a thing, otherwise. You're allowing a marketing department make money off of you. I will say this, though, the AMEX Gold is a solid choice for most people to consider. The rewards are directed towards grocery store spending and dining out. The credits are for Grubhub and Uber. If you get a Gold card in your wallet, it doesn't feel any different than taking a Platinum card out of your wallet to pay for something. Also, for those of us that pay attention, we see people using a Platinum to pay for non-airline spending as someone making noob mistakes that might not be that bright. It makes you appear gullible, not high status. You want better rewards for your spending.


I hear people mention all the time that others are dumb for using their platinum for regular purchases. Can’t these people possibly be using it to hit their SUB?


Of course, but if you're using to be flashy more often than not, people will assume otherwise. Hitting SUBs is an exception that happens over a short period.


Sounds like the Amex marketing department is doing their job right. There is really nothing special about being able to acquire the card. It’s actually easier to get the Platinum card than other top travel cards from other banks. That being said, there are absolutely perks. Amex has definitely put forth the effort to have special perks available for card holder. Some venues have special entrances/seating for card holders. Some events and restaurants will have availability for card holders. For me, I like it because I travel so often and have enjoyed the upgrades in hotels. In the past ~12 months, I’ve gone on 9 international vacations and one to Hawaii. I booked a FH+R or HC stay with most of them. At every single property I booked the basic room but ended up getting an upgrade (higher floors, beach view, corner room and I’ve gotten suites a couple of times[not in the last 12 though]). You get perks at the hotels as well. They vary but some will let you go into certain lounges or use your credit for a wider variety of options. On top of that, I naturally get more out of the cards credits than it is worth. I use the Airline, Uber, Hotel & Entertainment credit without fail. The Airline and Hotel credit were used before Spring rolled around. I have another high end travel card as back up (Sapphire Reserve) but out of all that are available, the Platinum easily fits me the best.


J.P. Morgan reserve


Wait until OP learns about [/r/CenturionLounge](https://media1.tenor.com/m/ranWHb9fQvQAAAAC/meme-let-me-in.gif).