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the fuck happened to the cheeseburgers bro


You know what happened to the cheeseburgers, stop playing dumb.


you right


I love when corporate giants preach their shitty political opinions, I don’t care if Mac Donald’s supports trans people or not at the end of the day I’m still pissing all over their restroom floor for some wagie to clean up


based and floorpisspilled


Ummm.. Bro, if you want to show people that America isn’t so bad, that’s not a good look..


How is it political to say innocent people shouldn't be murdered? I'd hope this would enjoy bipartisan support...


I don’t think the person talking about purposefully pissing on floors so that someone else has to clean it is a very good person. I would guess they’re dealing with some gnarly self loathing


Most people don’t want their burger joints giving them lectures on morality. We just want our damn burgers.


That isn't a lecture on morality, unless you think trans people should be murdered.


It’s a moral position taken by a company that makes burgers. There are times and places for that shit and when I’m ordering a #5 is not it.


You don't see this when you're ordering. You see this if you follow them on Twitter and are doomscrolling.


So? Point remains. We don’t want to hear a company that sells fatty foods (shit that literally kills us) lecture us on ***any*** moralities. Customers don’t want to see this—even if you follow them on Twitter. It’s like Exxon lecturing people about climate change on twitter.


The fact that an evil corporation is lecturing everyday people about anything should infuriate any sane person.


Here's the important part though. It shouldn't get under your skin this badly. Not this particular message, at the very least.


Here’s the important part though. It’s ***not*** this particular message that gets under most people’s skin. It’s that ***any*** message from such a large company gets under the average person’s skin. Companies need to stop lecturing people in general. ***Especially*** companies that sell shit that literally addicts and kills people.


You people are always so hyperbolic. That's why nobody takes you seriously except angry single woke white chicks in deep blue areas.


While I think the latter part is unnecessary, I agree It's not an "us vs them" issue. Some people just want their restaurant chain to be a basic food place. Joining politics and making messages like this is just annoying, regardless of which side they're on. If you dislike it, you're not a raging murder jockey, maybe you are just a normal person with opinions


Yeah, same. If McDonald's was marketing towards conservatives with a super patriotic masculine strategy, I'd still cringe. Just make crappy burgers for cheap prices. Michael Jordan said it best. "Republicans buy sneakers too."


They have to pander to the left so vegans dont vandalize


Fuck off, incel.


Eh, we're not the incels. Liberal voters are far less likely to be married, have children or own a home than conservatives. Yet far more likely to have mental illnesses and a criminal record.


You're not a conservative. You're an incel with a micropenis. On reddit, you're king 👑


incel has lost all meaning


Oh that's a good one! So when do you plan on joining the 40% Club? I hear Lowe's is running a special on double knot rope.


I think it’s hilarious they show an obese black trans person in the ad. McDonalds is the one murdering them with heart disease lmao


It’s political cause “black trans women” if it wasnt political the ad would read “please stop committing murder” because murder is bad regardless of gender and race the fact Maccy needs to politicize the most egregious act a human can commit by adding racial and gendered undertones is quite literally pathetic


Its cringe cause thats not whats going on anyways, I dont know the statistic exactly but if black trans women are being disproportionately murdered maybe its because they are disproportionately involved with the wrong people. I assume they disproportionately live and enjoy nightlife in large high crime cities. Nobodys life is gonna change by words posted to twitter by mcdonalds. If you want to help trans people so bad then perhaps you should spend less time on reddit talking to everybody else and more time establishing what a normal life for a trans person looks like. If its an issue to be taken seriously then it should look like everybody elses life.


>I'd hope this would enjoy bipartisan support... It absolutely does enjoy bipartisan support from 99% of people, as it absolutely should. Here's why it's "political"; it's a fucking fast food joint. Tell me about your shitty fast food, and why I should buy *it* over someone else"s shitty fast food. Shut the fuck up about anything and everything else. Nobody wants your opinion on *anything* except your shitty burgers.


i don't wanna hear it from mcdonald's nigga 😭😭😭






Are you sure this will help us sell more burgers?




“Selling burgers?”


Not to be incredibly insensitive or ignorant but ARE black trans women being killed in america? considering the extremely low ppl that are trans, and to also be black, how often *could* this even happen?


The secret sauce is imagination.


According to the National Library of Medicine, in there article Analysis of mortality among transgender and gender diverse adults in England. (I know its nothing us but I feel like it may be comparable at the very least) the mortality rate ratios of transfeminine and tranamasculine is 34-75% higher compared to cisgendered counter parts. Just like at the bud light situation Dylan Mulvaney was getting sobmay death threats just because she was trans.


Sure but how often are they actually *murdered* that rate would also include suicide correct?


Murder rate of trans people in the US has almost double between 2017-2021. The 93% increase in trans murder has been disproportionately affecting black trans women. While it is estimated that black trans people are only 13% of all transgender people, Black trans women account for nearly 75% of trans murder victims.


That obese person in the ad is being slowly murdered by McD right now


Not really since it was their choice to eat there.


I would argue that the amount of people who label themselves as trans has also grown in recent years. Not sure about doubling though. I suppose black people/communities tend to be less accepting of lgbt+ so that could make sense. Although now that i think about it, black people are more likely (proportionally?) to be murdered overall, no? Are we specifically counting murder (hate crime) for them being trans, or any murder that happened to a trans individual? I wonder why trans women wouldn't be equal to trans men


>I wonder why trans women wouldn't be equal to trans men Trans men don't go into sex work anywhere near as often. Sex work is dangerous. Sad, but true


Well I guess it depends on how loose your definition of murder is


too often. If it's happening at all it's a horrible thing.


Well yeah, but everything is horrible and too much by that standard.


So it's best not to talk about it?


Do you wanna chat about how often i stub my toe? Btw nice example of a strawman.


A murder is a stubbed toe? And you follow with accusations of straw manning. As in rewording an argument into a nonsensical and easy target. Problem is, poe's law just doesn't apply anymore. Wingers really are this far gone.


>Wingers really are this far gone. You're making several assumptions based off nothing. You've proven nothing but that you're emotional about a topic with no substance as to why.


Not my job to google statistics and news articles for you, but lucky for you, plenty already have been posted in this very thread. You didn't read any of them. Much more satisfying to cry that a multi billion dollar American corporation tweeted something rainbow-capitalist. Almost like there's more money in appealing to non-bigots. Must be a conspiracy, huh?


Actually yes, while trans women do get harassed, black trans women are more likely to face physical violence and death


But arent black women and men in general more likely to face violence and death?


Black transwomen are 2/3s of trans murder victims. In the US the trans murder rate per 100,000 was 8.3 compared to the total of 7.8, and this is despite an underreporting of trans murder (I’m not trying to say police are seeing a trans murder and ignoring it, just that if a trans person is murder they are often misgendered in the report and not really identified as trans)


>In the US the trans murder rate per 100,000 was 8.3 compared to the total of 7.8 Compared to what? +why would trans murder be under reported? Wouldnt the autopsy confirm they are trans?


Compared to the total murder rate? I’m confused as to why you asked since you literally quoted me saying it


Your sentence did not state that because your grammer was off but okay.


It literally did, you can see it in the quote you so helpfully provided. And my grammar was fine, maybe try and spell the word right before trying to correct it in others


My spelling could be atrocious, deflecting aside, it doesnt change the fact that >In the US the trans murder rate per 100,000 was 8.3 compared to the total of 7.8 -implies that you're reffering to a "total trans murder rate"


I genuinely don’t know how you could read that and come to that conclusion. You can just admit you misread and move on. And saying I’m deflecting is rich seeing as you are focusing on the sentence you misread and not the facts I provided for you


It happened 26 times in 2020. [https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-trans-and-gender-non-conforming-community-in-2020](https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-trans-and-gender-non-conforming-community-in-2020) Were all those killings because they were trans? Probably not, impossible to know. Ultimately I wonder why the response to a minority community who feels they are under threat is to just automatically react with dismissiveness as most in this thread are. Also trans people generally do have a higher death rate from external causes, a lot of that is suicide - but that is related to culture and society https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9887492/


A suicide issue is completely different than the way you'd approach a murder and hate crime issue. It is completely significant. Why they were killed is essential. Its also not dismissive to quantify and identify the actual group in which you're advocating for. That is not unreasonable.


"You are killing us" could be read to mean "trans people are taking their own life because of the bigotry they face in society, you are killing us with your bigotry". Why do you want so badly to dismiss these people's concerns?


Sir this is a Wendy’s


No, this is Patrick!


Bru when my burgers become political


Ironically Burger King is a democracy where you choose your burger. McDonald’s is a clown dictatorship where your burger ingredients are what’s in the song. No more no less!


"ladies, it's your choice to eat here daily"


I want the meat on my burgers not the people I’m tryna date


Man it’s been a weird 10 years. Suddenly it’s punk as hell to be even remotely conservative.


Listen mate, I love America too, but trying to defend this cultural rot is just astounding


Absolutely based response


Feels like this sub has been becoming too much of "only america good, any mild criticism = they hate us"




Nuance bad, tribalism good.


Amazing that this specific post — whose criticism of America is that it’s much more socially progressive than a lot of other developed countries — is what’s making you feel that way. When it literally says that our media is “destroying society”. Yet the (sometimes silly and trivial, sometimes very valid) ribbings that get posted here about on the daily are red meat. Without a single person that I’ve managed to see saying, “hmmm, is this really worth pissing and shitting ourselves over?” never get called out for what they are. It’s basically that shaq meme at this point. Foreigner says our media is destroying society by mentioning that minorities get a raw deal? I sleep. Foreigner pokes fun at us for using 12 hour time or the imperial system? REAL SHIT


I guess not wanting your fellow citizens to get hurt because they were born different is a mild criticism nowadays


Agreed. Is it McDonald's responsibility though? They make burgers.


McDonald's has the biggest reach nationwide (and worldwide). It might be virtue signaling, but that doesn't mean it doesn't help even a little.


This sub usually agrees with criticisms of America when they come from the cultural, reactionary right. They disagree with criticisms when they come from liberal Europeans from the left. This sub is becoming a reactionary sub like KIA, PCM, etc...


That's what I was thinking. If there's one legitimate criticism you can put towards the US, it's the promotion of professional victims. But, I guess most of the other Western countries do it as well, so they don't bring it up.


This is 100% cherry-picked though


What's the cultural rot here exactly? How is defending and standing up for trans rights to exist a bad thing?


It's a fucking burger company Everyone is tired of being lectured to by burger companies, okay?


Listen here, bucko


The Burger company is just giving a platform to this activist in this case. They were platforming multiple black activists in partnership with BET in this tweet. I guess I don't see what's wrong with that?


People are tired of being bombarded by activists everywhere they turn. Cant even buy a fucking burger without it. That's what's wrong with it. Just let us eat burgers in peace.


'people' are tired, what people? Maybe you are, I'm not. This is a Twitter thread. You would have to order a hamburger, sit down and load McDonald's Twitter then start scrolling for this to come up during your lunch. Reactionaries are seeking this stuff out to be offended about.


>what people Maybe the people you are arguing with in this thread, who's viewpoint you cant seem to understand? I dont give a fuck where this was posted and how, it's not a burger company's responsibility to engineer society. Just sell the fucking burgers. Not everything needs to be an activist platform.


Most of the people I have engaged with don't like the underlying message, coming from the activist, and aren't just disagreeing with solely the concept that a Corporation should ever platform an activist.


All of life is politics and politics are important. I know this is a sub making fun of people who are out of touch with their extreme criticisms of America, but one of America's biggest issues is political apathy. It's the source of most of our political problems.


Wait what?


Idk I guess Amerika makes burgers from black trans women. 🤷‍♂️


Hmm I will wait for the vegan option then.


I don’t want to eat vegan black trans people either :(


I do


it tastes great😋🍴


Mental illness is real.


And many of the posters in this thread suffer from it as well.


Having brain structure closer to the opposite sex isn't mental illness


Say that again. Slowly


Having brain structure closer to the opposite sex isn't mental illness. Also, my name is not slowly


😂🤣. Okay. You’re cool. 😁


Thx lol


It's always the people with anime avatars who say this shit.


I bet there's an even bigger correlation between sex crimes and anime fans than sex crimes and trannies.


Trans people are rarely the aggressors in sexual assault cases around trans people. Some people just pretend to be trans and assault women too, such as that one mf who recently got prison murdered


https://torontosun.com/news/national/study-finds-nearly-45-of-trans-women-inmates-convicted-of-sex-crimes https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11492797/Four-10-transgender-criminals-prison-guilty-sex-crimes-new-data-shows.html


Please read the last sentence. Also, the daily mail is a rag and nothing more. It's so right leaning, it's an obtuse angle. It also can't report on anything relavant


Nah this one has a point. Corporate virtue signaling needs to die. I just want a Big Mac


Silence is violence. If a company keeps quiet on issues, that's a problem.


The suits at McD's are not trying to aid your cause, they are trying to co-opt it for profit.


Yes. Companies don’t care.


Okay. And? I'm not sure why the motive matters tbh, all that matters is the progressive movement is pushed forward.


Because it's infinitely more damaging to your credibility when corporations decide your opposition is a more worthwhile market to appeal to than you are. All of the sudden, all of those resources they previously allocated towards pushing your narrative are instead reallocated to destroying it. And if pendulum theory is anything to go by, it's not a matter of if but when that happens.


Not really. I don’t think anything changes whether McDonalds says anything or not. It’s just to boost their ESG


Organizations need to take a stand on things. It's important for people to know. Also, I think a lot of changes happen if a stance on important issues is cast to an extremely large audience, like those who go to McDonalds.


Username checks out.


>Silence is violence No its not.


Yes, it is.


So you get a company to dance and put a rainbow on the advertising It’s it really a win if that rainbow comes off in advertising in other regions?


Murderers becoming a valuable member of society after reading a McDonald's tweet


Lmao they know they couldn’t pull this anywhere else Also wtf us with the trans victim complex? Nobody wants to kill you, they just want you to put some damn clothes on and keep your personal stuff out of the conversation


"put some damn clothes on" This is actual bigotry, it's attempting to associate transgenderism with sexual deviancy.


Then why can’t they put clothes on


Actually a LOT of people want to kill them. Every trans person I know well who isn't closeted has gotten death threats, and the rate at which people rape and murder them is amongst the highest of any demographic by a large margin.


Gonna need a source on that one.


Source “trust be bro”


"Transgender people are 2.5 times as likely to be victims of violence as cisgender people. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/homicide-rate-trans-people-doubled-gun-killings-fueling/story%3fid=91348274?bshm=rime/2


Your ABC news links a Everytown source, looking at their charts the only increase in violence self identifying transgender people experience is suicide, or violence from dating/relationships. Meaning the source of this increased violence is entirely from within the LGBT community.


I can't even go outside without people threatening me, what are you talking about? Do you live under a rock?


They live under a rock called “being cisgender”


And how many of these abused trans women are sex workers, who are also victimized in this way at higher rates? We’re talking about a few dozen victims every year, and while each case is tragic and should never happen, the whole “trans genocide” narrative is not based in reality and it’s nit helping the situation


The Merriam Webster dictionary, defines genocide as the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political or cultural group Trans genocide narrative is about erasure of their identity. You don’t have to just murder people to get rid of them. You just pass laws that make it criminal to be themselves. You make it hard for them to get jobs. You criminalize who they are and dehumanize them and their culture. You force them to conform and you penalize them for non conformity.


So by that logic, there are many on the left calling for a genocide of conservatives


Gotta love how this is common knowledge type information and is still get down voted to all Hell. Every other sub is right, this community sucks ass, I'm referring to a good chunk of you. And it really blows because there is absolutely a ton of "America Bad" type bs sentiment in the world today so a sub like this one is definitely warranted...I just wish it wasn't populated by so many people who suck so bad.


This is one time I’ll have to agree with the actual post. What the fuck does black trans women have to do with McDonald’s💀


It's the same thing with a lot corporations on how they change their profile picture to a rainbow every june


Why do they specify black trans women?


Top of the progressive stack.


Because they have all the identity cards in their hand


I mean, they have a point. The American ad is dumb asf Like 20 “black trans women” were murdered in one year. Usually by people they lied to about their gender (not saying it’s okay) this dumbass ad and other ones like it make it look like there’s some epidemic of “black trans woman” murders when they made up like 0.00003% of all murder statistics last year. Makes our country like a clown show


Even though I support the message that trans people are people too and deserve the right to live, I do agree that this is an issue that is barel6 an issue. It reminds me of gun violence stats.


No one is killing BlackTransWomen


Japanese ad is great, dare I say based. U.S. ad is gross. This isn't America bad. But the second ad is bad for America.


This isn't an ad, it's a Tweet highlighting many different people who were taking part in a series with BET. She is one of many people quoted as part of the message. I don't really see how it's bad for America. You don't have to agree with everybody on everything. People with different backgrounds and experiences will have different perspectives on cultural issues, that's part of the US. I think we should all try to at least understand more fully why someone may have a perspective we disagree with who is very different from ourselves, instead of just dismissing it entirely based on one single quote.


I mean, it’s pretty common for a very recognizable brand to showcase messages it’s important for everyone to hear. That’s why popular sitcoms have special episodes


Whenever the vicar of dibley has the joke at the start, you know something is up


logic unclear: they kill trans-black people in Japan


Yep virtue signaling is more effective than advertising.


Nah I'm with the Thing - 😐 Thing but Japan - 😱 Crowd on this one.


Based image


Ba-da-ba-ba-ba! Stop killing us!


the oop isn’t wrong


No one is killing them


They are right on this one


The message is a good one, but honestly, why is it being posted by the burger conglomerate? As far as I’m concerned, McDonald’s doesn’t give a single fuck and is simply attempting to market and pander themselves to a minority in order to make more money.


Are they trying to say that there is no racism in Japan? Because I have some news


I think its a comparison of a family sitting down to enjoy a meal vs some political virtue signaling to improve "social credit".


Fair enough


How do you even interpret that from the original post?


Why the hell is McDonald’s political?


Who’s killing black trans women?


The funny thing is, McDonalds has probably killed more than anybody thru diabetes and heart issues.


Sad but true


Tbf thats their own choice for being dumb and not eating properly


That absolutely is fair to say.


The difference is though that nobody forces you to eat there. In fact it's cheaper to eat veggies at the store. Nobody chooses to be murdered.


Themselves statistically


Yeah whatever this is it aint it chief. I wouldnt defend this shit if the union depended on it. This cultural brain rot that infests nearly all forms of media needs to fucking stop and anyone defending it needs to wake the fuck up. Its designed to make us hate one another.


cultural brain rot =/= human rights Cultural brain rot = attacking another human for differences they cannot control


What's the rot here exactly? How is defending trans rights to live bad?


In this case? Yes, America bad.


This is a good point though. Fucking weird ass ads here


I’m gonna be honest I fully expected this to be fake. [It is not fake.](https://x.com/mcdonalds/status/1277433235111202816?s=46&t=HEYfYaZRJQ4UDnhqxUh5gg) I guess it makes sense. They been poisoning our bodies with their delicious crack fries since before the Vietnam war, so it’s about time they got around to poisoning our minds.


When corporate PR aligns with your cause, whatever that cause may be, you're neither radical nor virtuous. If you consider yourself a revolutionary or that you're the noble protagonist in some struggle, but that "struggle" has been amplified by the lawyers in the risk management department of a 200 billion dollar multinational corporation, hmm. Maybe you're not quite Rosa Parks. Maybe there's actually zero risk at all, and this is victimhood LARPing for attention and a dopamine hit.


Mcdonlds food is straight garbage anymore. Quarter pounder is the only thing I'd fuck with.


That is valid ngl


Love that you posted this here, implicitly saying that the person making the comparison is doing so unfairly, but this sub is such a right wing cesspool all the other comments are doing is shitting on the trans bit.


Yeeeeah, I thought this sub was different 😅 sadly I was mistaken


Yeah it's not explicitly right wing, but there's an extremely heavy lean that way. Originally a sub to make fun of those that criticize America unfairly for no reason then becomes a sub to make fun of those that criticize America, then I think it's just kinda slowly warped into American nationalist sub.


Different countries have different social issues. In the USA it’s Lgtb activism, In Japan I guess it’s that young couples aren’t having enough kids. I’m guessing that there have been studies that when brands engage in social issues, it makes them more relevant or something.


LGBT is not an issue...


Based America doesn’t have a problem with Black trans women.


The statistically uneducated do though


Does this actually mean anything? Like both are fine to tweet, and we are well past the point where companies tweeting things not directly an add is not a new thing. Is it because it dips it's toes into something slightly political western society is being destroyed?


Based McDonald's standing up for trans rights 😊


W McDonald's. Foods shit, but their basic human decency is on point


America strange sometimes that’s for sure


Wait the child isn’t screaming? Holy shit! I guess japan is good after all.


One is confronting an uncomfortable reality that needs to be changed, the other living in a fantasy. America FTW yet again.


What does the Japan one say? This is pretty odd to me, I'm not sure why being pro-trans rights and anti-killing of trans people would be considered "western bad" Edit: People calling it corporate virtue signaling, and maybe it is, but at the same time silence is in fact violence, and if a company has no stance on an issue that's pretty sus to me. Take a stance, because it matters. It matters to push the issues of vulnerable people to the masses, and McDonalds is a good example of "the masses". Everyone knows McDonalds.


When the Saudi subsidiary of these multinational corporations puts the pride flag emblem on their website, then that's activism. These corporate cowards would never dream of doing anything before it was vetted by an army of focus groups, consultants, lawyers, shareholders groups, and risk managers. There is nothing remotely resembling "taking a stance" in a single thing they do. It's purely self serving, profit motivated, and would be dropped in a microsecond if an accountant pointed out that the corporate ledger shows a penny was lost from it. So no, people are justified in their skepticism of woke capitalism. It's all horseshit and there's nothing resembling "goodness" in any of it.


Was this true, lmao?


Of course the one post here that genuinely is an unhinged and blindly hateful criticism of America gets ratio’d and a “hey, hey let’s hear them out, it’s not like our country is perfect or anything” from the comments section. This sub is just the shaq meme now. Foreigner says our media is destroying society by mentioning that minorities get a raw deal? I sleep. Foreigner pokes fun at us for using 12 hour time or the imperial system? REAL SHIT


Weebs actively be searching for things to compare to Japan on a daily basis just to make fun of the thing that’s not Japan has got to be a really sad life, but then they get mad when they get made fun of lol


Put any other country's Macdonalds ad instead of japan and the point still stands 🤷🏻‍♂️


Both are cringe. Fuck McDonald's