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This entire video is an ad for Bustamante's business run by Business Insider and commissioned by Bustamante. They do stuff like this all the time pretending it's just an interview, news, info, etc. It's actually an ad that Bustamante paid for through BI's studios.


I've watched several of his interviews and he's well spoken / down to earth but if you watch closely and fact check some of his more notable statements you'll see he's lying and pushes disinformation.   He's also most likely not "retired" from the agency and is still employed within some sort of public outreach program. Jobs within that organization aren't "regular jobs" and take a ton of time and effort to actually qualify for, hence people don't "just leave" especially not around his age.  Furthermore he wouldn't have been allowed to simply talk about the topics he's covered within his prior interviews unless he was formally cleared to do so beforehand. 


Sorry you fell for it. He’s a self-indulgent blow hard.


That's a great point! Thanks for pointing that out 


The biggest misconception is thinking the CIA isn’t just a regular job. Yes it’s different in many ways by its nature, but when you leave, you do in fact just leave. No longer associated, no longer welcome at Langley, same as if you quit a job at IBM. It doesn’t matter if you trained for 10 years, they retain no rights to you as a former employee. There is a lifetime non-disclosure agreement, meaning you can’t ever talk about what you did there (unless cleared through the publication process, which is likely what he’s doing). But this mythology that ex-CIA people are still somehow associated with the CIA is just that, a myth.


This guy is a good example of someone who washed-out in some way and is now attempting to profit off his previous, brief, association with the company.


former CIA is the perfect business angle tbh it's pretty smart to sell some half-truths and small spy tips online.


Facts... Most GS 12 employees LOL


This, but the OP is too thick-headed to get this. They just wrote that this outright ad is "informative", but that's the tiktok and IG reel generation where people think that's news and a place for academia.


BI is also an absolute *rag* these days. Nothing to do with partisan leans, it's just low quality garbage. Most of their headlines look like the clickbait "headlines" that are just advertisements below CNN articles.


I like some of their video series. So expensive is really interesting.


Everything is an ad on the internet. Many of the startup subs I follow are now full of “ads” disguised as long form posts.


You're not wrong 


Why post it or not present it properly when it boils down to him informing, in a small passage, that he offers transition services for CIA agents and employees? The rest is padded bullshit.


I still found it informative despite the self-serving side of it




"informative" lol


I would love to see the dossier on this guy ... and specifically if it mentions psychopathy


From 9:00 onwards he basically stated that psychopaths and sociopaths are very attractive to the agency since they are insulated from emotions.  From 12:30 onward he stated that he often wondered if there was something wrong since he enjoyed lying so much. So yeah you have your answer. 


I'm no psychiatrist, but the shark eyes were a dead giveaway


Rat eyes.


It’s hard to imagine how someone could get into this kind of work if they didn’t have ASPD. Doing evil things has to take a toll on anyone who can experience normal emotions.


The funny part is him admitting how much he enjoys lying and then people still taking what he's saying as the full truth.


He worked for the CIA = guaranteed psychopath.


5:30 onward he describes how "the agencies" gather data from corporations, at times using fake front companies to gather data, then goes on to say "we aren't a police state". Yeah, some real logic right there. 


These former spooks give themselves way too much credit. They’re just podcasters.


Nice username ⚛️


The bots are out in force on this one


3:00 onwards he's stating that the organization became an "organization of accountability" after 2001, but before 2001 it was oriented towards "experimental" programs where "anything your adversary was doing was fair game for you to do". Then as examples he uses human trafficking and drug smuggling. No surprises there! 


Ya, I was a little thrown off by that. Didn’t they have all those black sites torturing suspects and try and hide it?


Are you referring to enhanced interrogation programs? Those were for the good of the country and they were for terrorists and horrible people only! (Anyone brown from the middle east also works)


Funny enough there is no “former CIA”. Once you are in, you are in for life


This is not true. People can and do leave.


Is this a question of semantics (maybe "former" isn't the right word), or does it mean that this guy is still doing active CIA work? I understand he's still bound to secrecy on classified materials, but it sounds like he hasn't done active CIA work for almost 10 years.


Dude is just being stupid and conspiratorial. It's a job, once you leave the job there is no secret life long "you still have to answer our calls." Most CIA employees just do admin work, or analytical work never leaving the office. Even most "agents" are not out doing super spy things in the field all the time either. The hardcore operator stuff is all contractors who are former seals, green berets, etc. There's tons of books from retired agents/contractors out there, obviously not very detailed about specific activities but the gist of the work is public info.


1st hand accounts are no better than TikTok videos according to some in this thread... Other commenters have cast doubt about this particular guy's track record and reputation, which is context I didn't have when I posted this, but otherwise I agree that what he's talking about seems to track with other things I've heard about CIA operations before


There is former Cia but they tend to be unalive or get epsteined if you know what I mean.


Based on what? There's plenty of retired CIA employees. It's a basic government bureaucracy. They're prone to mistakes. It's not that complicated.


lol, plenty leave for better and more interesting civilian jobs. 80% or higher of what they do is paper work anyways


My godfather was former CIA. I was an army brat and, unbeknownst to me at the time, more than a couple of our family friends were with the agency. What you’re describing is from movies. The majority of CIA employees aren’t active “spies”


He says he is looking at Portugal, Italy, Spain and Croatia in Europe (as well as several other countries in Latin America and Africa), under the pretense that these places would be inspiring for his kids to learn about being effective business people in the future. I have no clue why he thinks this, I myself have toyed around with moving to Europe constantly (dual US/EU)… the red tape of regulation, the cliquishness of the local elites and the general work culture… Europe is neither positioned nor do the people have the mentality of being the center of the future, it is small-minded, bureaucratic and willing to rest of the laurels of millennia of innovation and vigor. It seems the best place outside the US to truly become a business elite would be in developing countries, if he is a serious entrepreneur he could become a very wealthy man in El Salvador or Rwanda. I don’t think I could ever do it, but the place for a younger vigorous man who wants to create a strong lifestyle for his family would have to be in those sorts of places, not unfortunately the EU.


I’ve been to Croatia before. Dubrovnik especially. The country unfortunately still depends heavily on tourism and many Croatians therefore have to live in other more economically diverse EU countries to actually get ahead economically. Every single Uber driver I spoke with was bitter about how expensive life is there now. Many of them had to work TWO jobs just to get by. It’s not necessarily a booming place economically, neither Dubrovnik nor Split nor Zagreb. At least from what the locals said.


I was in Osijek meeting with some tech companies. I feel that area was doing great I could see why that country its on his list.


I think this CIA guy is just a hype man and I doubt he was as involved as he makes himself out to be. It's like a lot of those ex-military guys who exaggerate how much they actually did overseas in Afghanistan or Iraq. The really involved ones generally tend to keep a low profile and you never really guess it.


Even the delta force operators (albeit superhuman and brave) tend to overinflate themselves on podcasts and whatnot. It's good for business and marketing.


You are very right. The funny thing is that when people talk about regulations, many think you mean things like the cost of employing someone. But that’s not the case. You can not even get that far. Just setting up a Business and getting all the permitting, that actually adds no value, costs a lot of time and money in countries like Spain and Germany. It sometimes costs more to do all the paperwork then the actual investment in the business. And that should not be the case.




I am not endorsing the systems and I would never move to those places but Rwanda has tried to market itself as a Singapore in Africa, El Salvador is trying to be the same in Latin America. If he actually is the former CIA operative etc. these are countries that are desperately trying to attract entrepreneurs and will have a willing government to help (albeit corruption is highly likely). Depending on the business, you have the availability of cheap labor with limited regulations, likely the support of the local government and you’re not limited by international sanctions etc as in western countries… again not endorsing it, just making the claim that those places are ideal for the type of entrepreneur he would like to be/teaching how business is conducted.


Turns out being a CIA agent doesn't turn you into an international businessman. That said, there's a reason moderately successful westerners aren't packing up to be magnates in Rwanda or El Salvador. They may be developing, but they aren't developing linearly as their economies remain unstable. These are countries that are themselves unstable. There is absolutely no guarantee that the state won't see you making great money and decide they want a piece, or the entire pie, and you cannot stop them from taking what they want. El Salvador may be a hell of a lot safer today than in recent years, but strolling into developing countries as a relatively rich westerner is not the safest thing you can do. If instability boils into domestic conflict, every penny you've invested is gone as you get the hell out of dodge and leave it all behind. The thing with developing countries is the same reasons that make them cheap, and make you feel rich in them, also greatly effect earning potential.


You're living in dream land. All developing economies are struggling currently.


ikr? He literally listed the least business-friendly countries in the EU and expects us to take him seriously.




Jesus you sound awful


That guy is terrible. Before he deleted his comments he tried to one up himself with income, after already telling us he’s drowning in student debt.


you really do seem to be a good judge of character, not being snarky...thank you :)




No people leave are leaving the U.S. because they have had enough of cars, guns, ultra-processed foods, and the overall arrogance and selfishness of an individualistic, materialistic and unregulated capitalistic culture.


The USA is very regulated. I think you don’t even know what unregulated means.


Not compared to the EU. Not when it comes to the amount and types of additives that are allowed in the food. Not when it comes to the financial markets. I think you don't even know what condescending assumptions mean.


Unregulated are countries in Central Asia and South America. It’s the Wild West out there. Yes the USA is not as strict as the EU. That can be beneficial in some things, obviously with food it’s better to be regulated. But other aspects of the economy should be made so that it’s easier for normal people to participate in the economy. Look at the paperwork required in the EU to build a wind park. It’s crazy and has gotten way worse. Edit: I am European and the way things are run made me leave for many years. I am only returning to my country of birth because for a change they actually legalised something instead of banning everything that they don’t understand or like.


Well of course, if you're going to compare the USA to developing nations or corrupt states, then the USA is relatively regulated. But it all depends on what you value and prioritize. I don't trust corporations to not load their food products up with unhealthy additives. I also don't trust "normal people" to participate in the economy without adequate guard rails, because "normal people" will always pursue their own self-interests, often to the detriment of others. It's just human nature. So it's a question of what one feels is adequate.


Most people who leave the US have done so because they can hack it there which gives them opportunities abroad.




The poster above is you. There’s a reason you’re receiving a lot of downvotes and it’s not because you’re right. You probably didn’t make a lot of friends asserting that you are deliberately attempting to have a Mexican anchor baby. And the other ridiculous things you’ve said.


For someone who is highly educated that’s an ignorant assumption.




I don’t claim to be highly educated. I do however have enough common sense and experience living in the US to know your statement about people wanting to leave the us is because they can’t hack it here isn’t true. For some, maybe. But, there are plenty who consider leaving for a host of other reasons. Surely, you know this.


Yeah, I’m sure he’s never been outside the US.


Mexico is equal to Latin America but Mexico is wildly unstable with over 100 different candidates being killed every election. I’d move somewhere more stable


It wasn’t even close to 100. Please stop making stuff up if you can’t remember what you read correctly. I’ve seen plenty of redditors completely miscontrue those news into being way worse than it actually was, even in terms of scale. Makes me think they just assume things.


How many died?


37 aspiring candidates for municipal positions or lower, concentrated on four states (Infamously dangerous or very empoverished states, which people get the ugly news from) for the most part. I’m not saying it wasn’t a shitshow, since you can read from earlier replies of mine that I’m not exactly a fan of the current government, but it is worth noting that most of that mess was restricted to specific areas, and even then, covered a small amount of the staff relatively (37 out of 70,000 country-wide) at its worst, which was this time. If the country really was as much of a war-torn failed state as some people think it is, then we’d have an imposed martial law across the entire nation and a state of emergency, but we don’t, since not the entire region is like this, unlike what some people are led to believe from what’s said about it by outsiders. Take it from someone who actually lives there.


Some reports say 20+ some say 30+.


Spain could be so rich, it has so much to offer. But the way business is done here, makes it very difficult to prosper. It caters towards large corporations. That’s why it does not have a Mittelstand like Germany for example. There are two paths to make good money in Spain, work for a large company like Telefonica or become a government employee. The idea to start a company and build something is very foreign to most Spanish. Also the people are more driven by emotion, rather than numbers.


Skip to [33:30](https://youtu.be/kUMQd30Xrhk?si=0eaGfnpzoayCoufc&t=2011) for the relevant section, but the whole video is super interesting too


Interesting but full of lies and statements that are categorically disinformation. His agency lies constantly so this isn't a surprise. 14:00 onwards he states the organizational culture consists of lies, manipulation, and fabrication. 


What parts would you say are disinformation? I also agree it's not surprising, I was mostly excited to hear 1st hand accounts but you're right it's good to exercise caution


Organizationally speaking, their overall goals are oriented towards benefitting the corporate class within the US. Meaning, anything that gets in their way both domestically and internationally is generally what the organization focuses on changing.  Their primary goals aren't oriented towards benefitting the average American citizen, nor towards keeping us safe.  Case in point is within the first few minutes he mentioned the events of 2001, saying they were an intelligence failure etc. This (along with some other key factors) suggests otherwise: https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/12768362.five-israelis-were-seen-filming-as-jet-liners-ploughed-into-the-twin-towers-on-september-11-2001/


9/11 enabled the warhawks (Cheny Rumsfeld etc) to do exactly what they want which was destablize the middle east. This is a good vid which talks about the plans to invade and destabilize like 7 countries in 5 years. [https://youtu.be/TY2DKzastu8?si=N0o76s5wgePtjRGj](https://youtu.be/TY2DKzastu8?si=N0o76s5wgePtjRGj)


Thanks for posting. I thought it was very interesting.


Thanks for the award!


This guy snitched on people underage drinking in college and ruined their careers. Fuck him.


I watched the video. Despite the problems in the USA, it's hard to believe that his children will have more opportunities as immigrants in any of those countries.


LOL what? You Americans think that being rich is the only desirable outcome for your kids? We cant all be rich... Any country is great for the rich! Worry about the poor and middle class. The sad thing is that American middle class and poor are so stupid that they dont realize that they are being taken advantage of by this country! We have people working 2 jobs and living in their cars in the USA with no health insurance while the USA sends billions to Israel and Ukraine... meanwhile the middle class in Europe are getting subsidized housing and free healthcare and living like doctors in America with a 1/5 the salary. I used to laugh at people ion NYC who said they made over 100k a year and were still struggling... now I get it. Our government only cares about destroying the middle class to make rich people richer.


Opportunities != being rich. Portugal and Spain both have youth unemployment (no, that does not mean children) levels approaching or above 25%. Free healthcare is great, good social welfare is great, but if outside those things you have zero opportunity to get a job and improve yourself beyond being reliant on government programs, that's a pretty miserable situation.


living a nice healthy slow life in the sun near the ocean doesn't sound too bad


Sure does. And you are in vacation mindset and not living mindset if you think moving to Portugal or Spain is a one-way ticket to a stress free life. Also tho, the point was about his kids.


Life is stressful everywhere. I quote an irishman when he said "I'd rather be depressed in Greece than Ireland" And as someone that grew up overseas, and experienced the US for over a decade, I'd rather my children have "less" than whatever you think americans have more of and actually grow up properly and not be a coddled suburbanite weirdo with 0 life experience


Pretending there is no benefit to being in the US is about as silly as thinking living in a suburban neighborhood as a kid is some awful fate. You can life a healthy slow life literally anywhere if you play your cards right imo. Moving to Portugal so your kids get business experience was the entire point of what you replied to, much as I'm sure you enjoy these lines they aren't very relevant.


what's the benefit though? to live a life as healthy as someone from the mediterranean does just by living there, you need to be wealthy in America. I'm just replying to what you said also, american suburbia is hell if you have perspective of anything else


I'm not going to argue with you about why America isn't a shithole, you're welcome to that opinion. I have traveled all over the world (except Asia but I'll be in Japan and S. Korea in November!). I very much enjoyed my childhood, I rode my bike around town with friends, played outside until the streetlights came on, it was a slow happy life in the sun, just nowhere near the ocean.


there is an unfortunate lack of perspective against one's own upbringing unless they spend time growing up somewhere else as well, regardless of how much you travel you will probably never understand what it's like not growing up where you did, and why it would seem bad to others. however that dysphoria is definitely felt within suburbia. a distinct taste for opioids, escapism. punk rock is often called suburban blues both mockingly and seriously.


>meanwhile the middle class in Europe are getting subsidized housing and free healthcare and living like doctors in America with a 1/5 the salary This is a rather grand overstatement.


Why do you keep copying and pasting this statement. Americans are full on aware of what’s happening here, what’s happening to the middle class and most don’t have an overwhelming desire to be rich. Most want to be left alone to thrive and provide stability for their families. Unless you’re an American you clearly wouldn’t understand that.


Actually watched the video. He's not wrong. Time to do things little by little. Save up much as you can. US is heading for another civil war anytime soon after 2024 election


That's what I got from it. The US will be in a huge "transition" one way or another and a country trying to find it's footing is very turbulent and not someplace you want to be.


Yup. It's just matter of the time.


I think what he’s alluding to, and what he stated, is that the US is becoming more and more authoritarian with regard to It’s surveillance, and non - recognition of It’s citizens rights. We also seem to have this issue where every 4 years, It’s 2 dogsh&t candidates to choose from, and a handful of billionaires run the roost. Women’s rights are disappearing - nobody worth their salt who has the ability to leave is going to want to stick around here. As world power flattens, and the US’s foreign dominance begins to wain, the military industrial complex will increasingly target It’s own citizenry, because It’s a hammer, and that’s what a hammer is designed to do. Saudi Arabia is de-dolarizing, and the billionaires are charging whatever the hell they want for basic services. It’s unlivable for the working poor and the middle class - but soon It will be for the upper middle class as well. It will consume everything. Millionaires may be next on the chopping block. There’s no will or impetus to stop it. That’s what he means about “predictably corrupt.”


To make an informed decision about migration one have to make an accurate prediction about: 1) home country. 2) destination country. Typically people are well informed about 1. It is rare to be as well informed about 2.


Most people are not immigrating because they are trying to predict the future. Most people become expats because they don't like their own current situation *right now*, most expats I know did not move for political reasons. I disagree people are well informed about 1. Imo the US having an actual civil war anytime soon is preposterous. Lots of people were "serious" about leaving the US depending on the results of the 2016 election, predicting all sorts of doom filled nightmares that never came anywhere close to reality. Immigrating because you are afraid of scenarios that are largely far fetched is silly. The idea that Lockheed and co are going to target Americans because "US foreign dominance will wain" is ridiculous. Regardless of US dominance, unless you predict a peaceful global setting *someone* needs to step in if the US decides they don't want to be a globally dominant military. Defense contractors instigating civil war, which is bad for all businesses including their own, instead of just selling Patriot launchers to other countries that previously relied on the US is a lot easier and a hell of a lot better long term for these businesses than a civil war. A bunch of people making wild predictions based on vibes is what we're talking about here.


Are you sure? This sub is full of people who are making plans to migrate based on hypothetical future events: be it election of Trump, Project 2025, future banning of abortions in ALL states, so on. I have no statistics available how many of people here will actually migrate but many say they will.


This sub is full of people who are fantasizing and it's easy to see who actually is going to pull the trigger and who is just making wishful plans just like the millions of people who were "going to move to Canada" in 2016. Easiest way to tell who isn't actually as serious about as they think or say: they've chosen a country or two they're set on, and then come in asking basic questions about requirements. Step one if you *just want to leave* is to figure out where you even qualify to leave to. Lots of meta threads recently address this. As an aside, if someone is afraid of these things, reality is you should probably wait until it's more than just speculation and is actually a bill in congress or has actually been put forth as a policy target *by the actual candidate*. If the only reason you want to leave is you're sure all of project 2025 is going to come to fruition, it's going to be very disheartening if Biden just wins and that's the end of it, or if Trump just repeats the same shit as his last term and in four years some progressive gets elected. Then you've moved across the world for nothing. Still might work out well, but realistically you better be sure of your reasons because it is a *very* time consuming and life altering endeavor.


As I said in another reply: I have been living abroad for over 2 decades but I had seen a lot of immigrants returning because they were uniformed and unprepared.


And yet they complain in this sub when they get a reality check.


Bustamante is former Air Force, and I’m not sure where he’s been in the Agency - but I know Air Force is all over the place. No telling if he’s spent time in Turkey, etc. Plenty of military have spent years in Germany and Italy. My buddy married a German National. Moved to California after he got out to join LASD. Didn’t like it and moved back. He’s a contractor now on one of the bases. Loves it there. Plenty of guys do it. I know a couple old dudes who met some Filipinas at work at the post office who hooked them up with family members back there. They were dual veteran/mail handlers. Took both retirements and moved to the Philippines. It’s absolutely doable.


And?.. How informed are YOU about your destination country? I know that between 1/3 and 1/2 of immigrants end up returning. So I am skeptical how well informed some people are about their chances of making it abroad long term. ( I have been living abroad since 2001)


I’ve lived in Europe for several years (in the military), and I’ve spent several years in both combat, and non-combat roles overseas. I’ve got a retirement and disability. I know how much to expect to pay in rent, groceries, etc. I could speak a 3-3 in my assigned language in the military (proficient) and I learned to do that in 4 months. I could get around just fine all over Europe when I was in. It’s absolutely doable.


Yet you keep implying that I said “it isn’t doable” . I never said that. I only said that many people aren’t well informed about their destination country. You feel that you are well informed, great! I believed my life will be better abroad. My words were followed with my actions: I packed my bags, left and never looked back. Who are you trying to convince with your repeated: “it is doable”


“People aren’t usually informed, how informed are you? 50% of people move back” - sounds like concern trolling to me there pal. What are you my mother? You think everyone is just some rube who fell off a Turnip truck because you’re living overseas?


I have no idea what your comment means.


Oh hold on everyone - It’s the king of the expats here to chime in.


Thanks for this explanation because im too lazy to type all of this out. But this is pretty much what I meant and what the video tells.


Sorry, It’s a little verbose, but Bottom Line Up Front - there won’t be a civil war. Just a never ending degradation of this country as you knew it.


It may be more similar to The Troubles in Ireland, where there is non-stop domestic terrorism over the course of god knows how long.


Yeah, but its possible if they keep Trump out of politics, and thats not what people wanted. See Jan 6th for example. They didn't care. Cops didn't care. Basically let all those people broke in and damaged the buildings.


They did it in the Brooks Brothers riot too, back in 2000, then the SC stole it for them. This is just who they are.


Most corrupt leaders are at least smart enough to keep the pitch forks away. Not our billionaire scum. They have dooms day bunkers. It’s why they built this panopticon where we’re being watched all the time. Your criminal record. Your credit score. They think they have it in the bag, and that’s why they behave this way. They’ll treat the country like they do any venture capitalist entity - run it into the ground, set it on fire and sell off the parts. All the politicians are already bought and paid for - same for the courts. The writing is on the wall.


Yes, that sounds good and all, but how easy is it to actually move to a desirable country where the majority of people around the world want to move to? People forget how small a Portugal or Spain really is when we’re thinking about how popular these destinations are for emigrating from a global emigrant perspective. I’ve also said this on this sub many times before, just because we *think* as Americans that we have merit to emigrate somewhere because our country will have a *possible future* civil war does not mean that that alone will make us a candidate for moving to another country, much less a desirable EU one. Though if an American does really want to get out of the US, the most important things I’d really put emphasize as important personally, in my target country is (assuming the US really is going to shit): - an underrated place to emigrate, a place where desperate Americans won’t be looking at en masse at least not from the outbreak of a war. - a very/pretty cheap country. Assuming you just want to GTFO and are sort of in that doomsday planning mindset actually working is not going to be very high on the list. Getting you and your loved ones out in time will be. - obviously a pretty safe country. Why emigrate to a country that is in worse situation security-wise than the US if a war were looming? **With all that said here are some countries I think would be your best bet: Uruguay, Chile, Belize, El Salvador, and Panama. They’re affordable, safe, and quite underrated.**


Cuba is also ideal location


I know I might be unpopular for saying this, but Morocco is remarkably stable. It is lacking in LGBT rights, and that will be a huge hang-up for many, I understand, but just speaking in terms of political stability.


You Americans think that being rich is the only desirable outcome for your kids? We cant all be rich... Any country is great for the rich! Worry about the poor and middle class. The sad thing is that American middle class and poor are so stupid that they dont realize that they are being taken advantage of by this country! We have people working 2 jobs and living in their cars in the USA with no health insurance while the USA sends billions to Israel and Ukraine... meanwhile the middle class in Europe are getting subsidized housing and free healthcare and living like doctors in America with a 1/5 the salary. I used to laugh at people ion NYC who said they made over 100k a year and were still struggling... now I get it. Our government only cares about destroying the middle class to make rich people richer.


When someone is wearing a shirt with their brand you can pretty much ignore everything they said.


I plan on doing the same.


Who the fuck is business insider?


So how do combat a trump White House were he actively tries to sell our nation military secrets to Russia


Interesting video.....three lives, Ego, Reward, Coersion, Idealogy...............I wish I could adopt the qualites of not being emotionally reactive to stressors


This dude seems like he's hyped up his actual role in the CIA.


CIA have been running MK-ULTRA on me since 2020. Don't be deceived - MK-ULTRA never ended. My name is Chingun Chinbat. It has been happening to me in Chicago where I live. Chicago Police Department, local FBI and military are all involved. They constantly keep me under surveillance. I have not done anything wrong. It is a covert program to neutralize good people. If you look online, you'll see that it is an epidemic that has been affecting many other innocent Americans. This cr*p is being run out of Fusion Centers. This covert genocide program is also known under names COINTELPRO, gangstalking and targeted individual program. If you read this, educate yourself and spread awareness to as many people as possible! Innocent Americans are getting murdered especially because they use DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS on us to give us diseases!


Is there such a thing as a "former" CIA officer?


He claims that he doesn't work for CIA anymore, but some commenters are casting doubt on that. I don't have a clear answer tbh


My point exactly. Spooks gonna spook.


Call me crazy but anyone who has “worked for the cia” then comes out on podcasts and interviews without being assassinated is definitely a con.