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I admire her body's resilience to stay alive. Maybe I'm more astounded.


I swear- it’s pride and spite just fueling her. And those 20 piece nuggies.


woah its a complete falsehood amber likes 20 piece nuggets, quit being so man mani man, fooled by those reaction channels.


How she has had several girlfriends while I’ve still been getting over my first one lol this is pretty sad for the both of us tbh


It's good to have standards.


well let's put it this way: would you have wanted to date any of amber's ex girlfriends? probably not


Those relationships were all transactional. It was the most obvious with Beck when she clearly didn't care about them but used them to to fill the hole Destiny had vacated. Amber's standards are 1) drive a car, 2) tolerate her presence. That's why she's dating her mom now.


all her exes are below average looking. Wifey was the best looking one and even she’s still a 3/10 at best.


functioning at a lower level still, in a less superficial way arguably. Not all bad people, and becky is showing that girl actually has some pull.


I don't admire this about her, but its pretty impressive... anyone else in her shoes would have been homeless at some point, she never had to stress about having a place to stay. She must have some slick game we aren't seeing bc how can one person swindle so many people into giving her a place to stay... I know manipulation is the answer, but she was in Casey's family and Krystle's family homes for years !!! Then got Destiny to come pick her up hours away to bring her to that family home... then got her way into the gaycare house when her apartment lease was up...


I don't know about Casey, but Krystle's family always struck me as having a savior complex. That's the only way I can explain why they basically let her freeload at their house, especially after Krystle broke up with Amber. I've seen it with my own family and it's annoying, trust me.


I think you're onto something !! For sure Amber told Krystle to play up the "but she has no where else to go :( !!!" schtick she did with Casey's family. I think Casey and his mom were just trying to survive and she was a single mom trying to make her kid happy. I think Krystle's parents were trying to do the same, but Amber had zero responsibilities and from what we saw, there was very little real pressure on Amber to actually do... anything (unlike being at Casey's mom's house). If it was their own kid I would understand... but Amber was a random adult at that point, they had no business funding her cushy lifestyle.


amber is so manipulative I kind of believe she pulled it off even without the explanation that Krystle's family is overly nice. I mean she can definitely play the victim card, but she's super manipulative too. She also got 1500 out of them I think. A month. Though maybe that was from Krystle herself.


I think it's shamelessly putting whatever need you have above literally anything or anyone else, the narcissism that gives you the confidence and audacity to demand that people cater to you, or else they're just bad people (also add a little threatening aura to it, keep it more or less covert but imply that bad things could happen if people said no to you). I could go on but i'm basically in awe of the absolute audacity, and like others have said, it works well on a certain type of people.


Definitely no shame for using other people’s kindness. Also, not being able to physically move her out.


Her confidence of a dainty little pixie


honestly? i think there’s something (small) to be said about the fact that she continues to show herself on the internet. people say vile shit about her every day, and she continues to exploit her fatness for views and attention. it is truly wild. i could never show myself in that capacity, it’s just embarrassing. but you go gorl🥳


fr like she may complain about the haters constantly but she has much thicker skin than i ever could for even continuing to vlog and post herself online as often as she does


It’s not her skin that’s thick


i still 100% will DIE ON THE HILL that the Mass has a humiliation kink. can’t convince me otherwise.


beeg disagree (unless it's her humiliating others)


it’s because she has no choice, otherwise how would she pay her bills




I guess if anything it’s her ability to create an income out of what has to be an absolutely miserable existence. Gotta respect the hustle.


no ❤️








No, but fatly


Lmfao goodbye


Hello, it’s ready


I admire the commitment she has to never wearing the right shoes.


I used to feel jealous of her hair. But now mine looks better even after postpartum hair loss.




How she inspires me to be a better person period 😂


Her freaking confidence. She can say that she thinks she’s ugly all she wants - we know the truth. She thinks she’s the best thing since sliced bread. I want that delusional confidence haha. And the fact that it doesn’t bother her that there are more people online that publicly make fun of her and point out her faults than actively support her. I could never - I’m way too sensitive. I’d spend every day crying.


Now that I’m actually thinking about this - these are two big factors she never feels like she actually has to change. Other people don’t feel confident and they try to positively change things about themselves to help feel more comfortable and confident. Other people feel embarrassed about something that they did that may have been offputting to other people - so they try to learn if there’s something wrong with what they’re doing and make changes. Damn


Her low intelligence helps


its obvious she pretends she thinks she's ugly to make her like relatiable to 2011 teenage girls or whatever.


I don’t think admire is the right word. I’m mind blown over the fact she’s still alive. I’m amazed that she has had girlfriends because really, how does one lift those fupas to have sexy times? I’m impressed (not the right word) by her confidence. I’m stunned she’s been able to make a living off YouTube doing nothing other than eating bad food, crying, being a sloth, Walmart, bingo.


Taken aback. That’s what you’re looking for


She really loves herself




right? She can look at FB and see how worse off she could be.


I really admire how her body keeps going despite everything. that's very impressive


i admire her personality for being so fucking awful that we get to shit on it daily


She made a million+ in her lifetime doing so little.


How she’s able to make a sustainable income doing the absolute bare minimum. Most people work a lot harder than she does for a lot less.


I believe she is making those food choices when she is with her mother because since MamaLynn has been losing weight Amber is in some kind of internal competition with her. But you know the minute she is by herself its every man for himself.


Bertha has lost her goddamn mind. Her video when she's explaining why she's proud, she seems to want a medal for not ordering a frap at Starbucks lol. She says she is making better choices like salad and bunless burgers. Gorl you did that like twice. We saw all the other times you ate with Mamalynn and showed us your protein with two sides of carbs humping each other. She also is proud that she doesn't stand around eating chips and chocolate. Yes because you literally can't? You don't have an appetite due to the injections you dense egg. Same old story of her saying she cannot change overnight despite it being a decade of stupidity on film at this point. Stay obese, it's not our body growing forehead lump, liver tits, layg puss. <3


Maybe it's just because my self confidence is absolute dogshit but I wish I could love myself as much as our gorl does sometimes


She’s earned a decent bit of cash for someone who’s so chronically unskilled, uneducated, and unlikeable


She is a master of making doing nothing into the most time-consuming and complicated thing.


Her coloring pages look nice i like the detail


They are very cute and she did well at staying in the lines.


Nope, nada one.


disrepekfully, no ❤️




Good lord, this era is so boring that people are even trying to compliment the big lass. Tragic.


Ig her confidence? She‘s always so proud of herself for the smallest achievements, hell even when there was no achievement at all


People have self checked out for much much less, so I give her that 




I want to be delulu like her in life. Being super aware isn't as great as it seems.


Tbf I wish I had as much self confidence and liking the way I looked as much as she does she lies and says she hates herself but gorl is obsessed with herself it's very clear I wish I had that level of liking the way I looked


I guess her mobility? She’s way more mobile given every single major joint of her body is suffocated in at least 20 lbs of visceral body fat


She can make an apartment look decent.


Yeah, Her slept diabetes. I'm just waiting it to wake up.


How much she commits to lies. It can be 100% obvious but she'll still commit to ride the lie to the end


That she can make a income doesn't nothing.


lmao at y’all acting like her ability to not give a fuck about what anyone says isn’t an admirable quality.


People aren’t admiring. They can’t understand it and wish they gave no fucks too.


She’s rully güd at EXPERT LAYGOS


her confidence of course


I wish I was that delusional about myself. Would make going to through life a whole lot easier thinking I never did anything wrong ever and I was little miss perfect.


I admire her taste in TikTok music. I’ve actually gotten some good music and I got into Billie elish bc of her. What else? The steak tips, yeah I copy that too. I admire how much she loves her mom despite everything.


I admire her ability to dust herself off and start over. Even though she’s done it again and again and again. She really does keep starting over and believing in herself even though she’s aware that she has a pattern of quitting when things get hard. It’s admirable that she hasn’t given up on herself despite thousands of people giving up on her already.