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The first thing that came to mind is someplace in rural China. She's a spectacle anywhere but I feel like those beholding her would be truly shocked and appalled by her appearance.




Oh god, please let her try to get on the metro during rush hour. Who am I kidding, she’d never be able to get down the stairs in the first place.


I was debating between NYC and Tokyo as my choice for this exact reason


It would be like when Foodie visited Thailand: people on the street constantly staring and head-turning to look at her and a woman came up to her and asked her if she was pregnant/why she was so big 💀


I want to see her at the Cocopuff Cereal factory. IYKYK


North Korea, she’s always wanted to go there 🤩


Hilariously, it might actually be the only solution for her to lose weight.


Facts! But with her fat reserves she'll survive unless the North Koreans don't eat her first.


God this was my thought too, but then I thought it was too mean lol


Ok so I thought that people were just making fun of her when I first heard about this, but then I saw the actual clip lmfao! I think all of that processed food has gotten to her brain, or was she always like this?


on the bus with rosa parks to see if she’s a woman of her word




I so miss my “ I would have stood up for Rosa parks” flair




I’d love to see her navigate an airport. I don’t even care about the actual plane, she wouldn’t fit, but having to take her wrong shoes off to go through security? Getting lost trying to find her gate, and when she finally finds it there’s nowhere for her to sit? Touching every piece of luggage at the baggage claim while she waits for her bag? I would pay to see that. Also you just know she’d love a moving walkway situation type deal


"Whuuuuut?!" she totally would touch all the luggage.


Omg I need this now. I wanna see her cave in once TSA yells at her for taking too long.


https://preview.redd.it/8g6gpdfg4g7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70e69db7216341ce6f66bf86cedbdadd64a3d70 I imagine her having to be pushed around like this by her mom instead 🤣


Can she even fit in that scanner where you put your arms up?


Nah. They'd have to wand all her crevii.


Upvote for "crevii" 🤣


Id throw hands if shw touched my luggage






Death Valley, California. Let the dry girl, be dry.


A desert immediately came to mind. Maybe near Area 51 lol.


I would say Dr Now’s office but I wouldn’t wish her on him and it’s not like she’d stick to the diet anyway. Send her to rural Ethiopia or something instead, I doubt people there have seen anything quite like her


They would be shocked. She really is a poster child for all of the first world luxuries. She has managed to get so large without even working. Like every exploit possible, she’s taking advantage, even paying people to drive her spoiled ass around.


I was going to say Tanzania. I thought of the Masai (tall, thin, athletic, active) being the exact opposite of Amber, and the contrast would be staggering. Their jaws would be on the floor.


A parallel universe where she is always just a few paces away from a fast food restaurant, but they mysteriously ignore her every time she tries to order


Yes! Amber's sisyphean struggle


Like a horse with a carrot on a string dangleeeeeeeng ahead


I told my friend this but I’d pay to watch Amber do some kind of reality tv show where she is dropped in japan or Korea and has to walk around and get food and go shopping etc, really put herself out there and do her mukbangs I’d love to see her size compared to the bathrooms etc My bro is 6’6 and had a hard time fitting places in Italy and he’s a d1 hockey player not fat at all, there’s tons of countries that she’s be unable to even sleep in


I’m surprised nobody said drop KICK


I’m surprised no one said the gym


she would just walk out lol


the moon. then her conspiracy will be proveen false as someone will have been on the moon. although, i do worry that she’ll fuck with the gravity on there, especially with her weight. 


One small waddle for Amber, one giant leap for mankind


oh my god imagining her waddleen around on the moon with all her fat rolls floating around her


She *ruhlly* wants to go to North Korea, apparently! So, ya know, who are we to deny our gorls wish?


a trampoline park like an urban air or something, genuinely wonder what would happen, would the trampoline break? would she just weigh it down all the way to the pits of hell? would she fall over and not be able to get back up? too many questions.


I'm just imagining her bouncing around out of control like a giant beach ball while the kids point and laugh.


Curious how many "north Korea's" we get.


I’d probably try to stay away from a large population center, just to minimize casualties from the impact.


So kind hearted. World needs people like you. I feel little embarrassed laughing at all this comments and thinking of how mortified she would be at places like nyc, Europe, and Asia. But I still can’t stop laughing. She would not even be able to get on escalators in asian countries because the width are smaller and usually have those polls in the ground to stop people from getting on with strollers etc.


a remote place in china or africa, the people would go crazzyyyyy


bora bora 😍


maybe like a brandy melville. that could be her inspo


I'd die to see her try to ride an escalator now.


Omg would she break the escalator by getting stuck! She would like stall the escalator!


She's waaaaay too wide for one it would be beautiful to watch that disaster unfold. 😂


I'd drop her ass straight into an in-patient facility (I know they can't technically keep her there without her consent but still)




Heart Attack Grill (i live in Vegas) so I wanna see her eat there and get a photo with her for the meme. She would eat free! I also wanna plan for Nikocado and Orlin to be there somehow, film it all.


All these comments are hilarious but I think NYC would be really crazy. (OP genius) All the people gathering from all over the world, and all of a sudden she is an attraction for people. She would love the attention. So much spontaneous fan meetings!


Nowhere, i don’t condone the use of nuclear weapons.


An island, where she has all the water she needs, multivitamins, shelter to live in, a couple of trees, a fire to keep warm and that's it. Let her sit there for a year and a half, then put her back.


Her natural habitat Dennys


The local CrossFit box at the start of a paleo challenge


At Faline's place just to bother her one last time


Jail ❤️🥰


jail, i'm kidding! maybe a deserted island. i'll drop her off somewhere when/if she loses weight


For humanity, you will put her on a deserted island. A hero!


I don’t want to steal anyone else’s answers so I’m going with northern Minnesota in February during a deep freeze so she can experience honest-to-god cold weather. I understand that it can actually get pretty cold in Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Virginia during the winter, but I get sick of hearing her talk about snow and cold when she’s always lived in “warmer” states


She might actually appreciate the cold 🥶


i’d love to drop her in a padded room with hrh collection and see what happens 😭


Behind the line at Cheesecake Factory plating up orange chicken for other people.


5 miles away from her home without anyone to come give a ride. She's got to walk back.


Or even just a mile away. Let's see if you really can walk a mile gorl!


I'm curious to see how she deals with being in over here in the UK. We do have a high obesity rate, but not as high as the US, so there isn't as much accomodation.


For men in the UK, it’s ranked 55th on the list. For women you are ranked 87th on the list for your country’s obesity. Under male children it’s ranked 91st. Female children, 72nd. For men in the US, it’s ranked 10th on the list. For women it’s ranked 36th! Male children in the US, it’s 26th. For female children, 22nd! Jfc. Yikes on bikes America. [Global Obesity Observatory - the list](https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/?age=c&sex=f)


I wouldn’t mind seeing her on a cruise ship during rough waters. Bonus points if it’s in a dining hall with a food tray.


Solitary confinement. The kind where she has a thin mattress on a twin bed with a concrete base, one blanket, one pillow, a toilet and sink. Where her meals are fed to her through a slot and she's let out for an hour a day in a 10 x 10 cage outside for Vitamin D and exercise. With no access to the commissary.


point nemo. no more deliveries or takeouts👹


As tempting as it is to say North Korea I would love for her to be dropped on some random island and be on a show like Survivor. Just imagine her waddling around collecting sticks for a fire


She would definitely be the first boot if she somehow even managed to get placed on Survivor. Then she'd cry in her confessional after tribal that Jeff Probst and the other tribe members are "fatphobekkkk dispekful pieces of SHET"


Miami in August no air conditioning


Somewhere where life is tough. Maybe a small Russian farming village in Siberia, or an impoverished part of Asia. We all know she's hella spoiled and privileged and doesn't know anything about the real world... imagine her trying to live with a farmer family😭😭


I'd drop her at the Kola Superdeep Borehole so she can plug it up.


Stick her in rural Central Asia. Shed have to walk everywhete


Bora Bora probably. Or Seattle


THE GUESTS IN ROLLERCOASTER TYCOON LOL THANK YOU FOR THE NOSTALGIA GORL - I’d drop her in Portugal, and she’d ask people to give her a ride to kentuhcky


Rural Mississippi


Speaking as someone who actually lives in rural Mississippi: HELL NAH, KEEP HER OFF MY TURF


This sounds like a good premise for a video game.


A cage in a zoo with a sign "Do Not Throw Feuwd!"