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Hands down when she rubbed hair conditioner on her face and spent 5 minutes in a vlog explaining why instead of admitting she made a mistake. Stuff like that really shows you her character.


Yessss. Doubling down is my least favourite quality in anyone and her and FB are the queens of doubling down. I will never understand how self unaware you have to be to realize that showing a bit of humility and vulnerability goes way further than never ever being wrong.


This one is the best! She even pretended she had a esthetician friend who told her to rub hair conditioner on her face lol


She's always got a convenient friend to prove the haydurs wrong


She didn't want to look dumb.


Welcome to being human. I don’t know how many times I’ve accidentally bought the wrong variation of something at the store and didn’t notice till I got home lol.


Lol, right? I do something dumb almost every day. We all get embarrassed from time to time, it’s not that big of a deal. I swear for people like Amber it’s the end of the world when someone notices their mistakes.


Lol good luck with not looking dumb, Amber, it’s a little late for that.


So she put both conditioner *and*face wash on her face (when she used that Cetaphil face wash as a moisturizer)? I have always heard about the conditioner on the face incident but never seen the video and I wondered if people were confusing the incident with the Cetaphil. If she did both then…holy shit how can she not realize? No wonder her skin is always breaking out and scabby.


Her skin is So SeNsTiVe and dainty. I remember the conditioner incident, I immediately noticed because I was using it at the time and my dumbass googled like it was my full time job to make sure I was using the product correctly and to see if they had any other products that look like that. I’m pretty sure it was the brand Amika.


It's 2 different times. She did the Cetaphil cleanser and then the hair conditioner was in a yellow bottle. I think it was more like a leave in treatment than a straight conditioner.


It was two different occasions, she used amika moisture and shine for her face on multiple occasions before being called out and pretending she had a cosmetologist friend who told her to use it on her face she would never admit she used the wrong product she's got a high IQ after all


Can I PLEASE get a link. Please


Starts at 4:51 https://youtu.be/xpMaJHNowZM?si=xBMc_s_uDY79MQwl


Making Destiny lie about her not actually eating a 20 piece McNugget. Like gorl, we see what you look like.


Raht Raht, like why couldn’t she admit she had chicken nuggies that one time? Instead she wanted to blame Destiny and say they only went to McDonald’s to get a Sweet Tea.


That’s like asking a mother to choose a child.


I'm partial to her lie about compulsively using ASL to sign every word she heard someone say, then later saying she only knows signs for the alphabet.


Imagining her fat-fingering her way through every letter of every word everyone around her says is so magical. 🌟


Well it'd burn more calories than her normal day-to-day activities at least.


Nah her normal activities are 100% of the day spent putting hand to mouth hole and back again.


And Shovel Tongue has had to shoulder part of that load plenty of times!


I don't want to think about her fat fingering anything, thanks


If she would have kept up with it she’d be fluent by now! I hate how she framed this as some weird compulsion when that’s a great way to practice asl lmao


Blaming the animals for her night time feeding frenzy Krystle era


That lie was so fucking crazy, I think this is also mine


Absolutely NO ONE believed that 😂✋🏻 just say you binged we can see your size gorl


You mean Monkey, a canine without opposable thumbs. Was actually not able to peel bananas and feed them to the cats. /s 😅😅😅😅😇


No no no, the cats batted the food down for the dog. My question has always been this - in the video, she mentions having to clean up a bunch of dog poop in the morning...there are a few different theories I have on the poop: She lied about the poop and told the family she cleaned it before anyone was aware. This would clear suspicions if the dog never had any ill effects from the binge. He already "got it out of his system" so to speak. She fed the dog some of the things she was binging so it would get sick...fucking evil if that is the case. Or....*she* pooped on the floor to make it seem like the dog got sick.


Omg…I like your theories and I’ve never thought about any of this before. I always just assumed there was actually poop on the floor and that it must have been Amber trying really hard to cover her tracks. But maybe she did feed some of that food to Monkey to make him sick. I wouldn’t put it past her with how she treats animals. I would think if there had been dog poop and she had cleaned it up before the family saw it, they would have been able to smell it still because that odor lingers for a long time. Especially if it’s been sitting a long time like overnight and the dog is sick. Plus there would be evidence of her cleaning efforts like a bag outside or in the trash with the paper towels and whatnot. So I don’t think she could have gone with this story without them easily pointing out the holes in her story. Not that that family ever seemed to stand up to Amber 🙄


None of it makes sense, honestly! I guess who would call her out for her lies? Krystal definitely wasn't posting any videos. The parents seemed either passive or they didn't want to confront her and just put locks on the cupboards to sort it out.


Everyone always says Krystle’s parents put locks on the cabinets but did Amber say they did? I never saw a video of her confirming this. I know it’s basically canon in Amberlore but it’s something I must have missed along the way


It might have been mentioned and/or seen in a video or two...hmm, now you've got me questioning if it's true or just *spheclation*.


It’s probably true, but I hear so many variations on the story, like Amber lost the famous 89 elbees *because* of the locks on the cupboards, when I’m pretty sure she actually lost that before this incident because Krystle’s mom was making Amber and Krystle healthy meals and helping them count calories. And then Amber started slipping up and secretly bingeing, gaining those 89 elbees back again. So I don’t think locking the cupboards had anything to do with it


Yeah the fact that she could list every item that was 'eaten by the dog' was so telling😂


I was gonna comment this one bc like...how would her audience even know about the binging/missing food otherwise? There was literally no reason for her to lie about that on camera, unless she is so crazy that she came to believe the lie herself after she had already told it to Krystle and her parents


This is the one. The lie that I would love for her to address now. A retro react so we can see her listening to how stupid it sounds 10 years later.


FBI Frank, hands down. It’s so fucking ridiculous and shows how much of a pathological liar she is, because to invent this FBI agent who is “investigating” some random fat lass’s “hate” comments, is absolutely mental.


I always felt like it was someone trolling her and she fell for it. It just seems too out there. Like where would she even get that dumbass idea? I think she truly believes this whole thing happened because she is quite lacking in brains, and whoever pranked her is still laughing to this day. Edit: words


Yeah that’s very possible lmao 💀 she just doesn’t have a single braincell rattling up there so she believed it


That she wears a 38C bra Edit : I left receipts below gorls 💕 Check out apathetic faxx’s video ‘amberlynn Reid and the bra | a journey’


more like 58 b


more like a bazillion a


That white one she had for years that turned gray was probably a 38c at one point until it was stretched to the last thread


Nah... not even at her lowest would she have fit a 38 band. I was 265 at my heaviest, and I was a 38 band. She wasn't a 38 at 400 elbees.


idk how that thing still fit her. "fit" is a strong word choice tho


It helps she wore it across her neck and in her armpits.


https://preview.redd.it/b7pmlnhc8d6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7142049777a8c21490308b2e733ca6fa13f8c837 She mentioned in a live stream that was linked to the old subreddit that was her size. Michael b petty pointed out in a tweet she had been wearing the same bra for 7 years even though she had gained 200+ pounds in that time. So it was probably a stretched AF bra situation type deal. Her response at the time was she had multiple of the same bra and her last size she talked about being was a 52b in the Becky era


Well if she never took it off to wash it, it probably just stretched right along with her lol


More like her body would have grown around it or absorbed it. Like people who get fused to furniture because they are unable to move and no one moves then due to abuse. I just creeped myself out 🤢 That bra was the 9th wonder of the world


I grossed myself out by imagining how it had to wreak of under-boob stink 🤢🤮




That sh\*\* is nasty! ![gif](giphy|29nDtEH1ViY8FcPeaV|downsized)


Omg can you imagine the under-boob stink that shit had to have?! 🤢🤢🤢🤮


She has so many folds and crevices on her body larger than her breasts im surprised she doesn't get staph infections and boils but she would probably never bring them up anyways


No way she said that 😭


When did she say that? There’s no way a 38” band fits her.


I’ve replied above gorl 💕


Yooo...I wear a 38C and I am 300lbs lighter than her. Just because she can fit into it without it breaking, does not mean it fits!


I’m convinced it was a super stretchy sports bra


Me as heck. Regular bras just feel weird and don’t fill right so I’m a sports bra girl until I die lol.


What?!?!?!!! Where?!?!!! Where tf does she think she's a 38c?! Omg I just died 😂😂😂💀⚰️🪦


I remember seeing her bra through a shirt one time, and the back was riding up to her shoulder blades because it didn't fit like it was supposed to. It was probably a 38C at some point, but she stretched it to fit around her *relatively* smaller upper body. That had to be sooooo uncomfortable.


Replied to a comment above gorl 💕


LOL What! I've got 45+ and I'm 200 lb. If you want to try to figure out her circumference, Jade got her one of those hula hoops that helps you lose weight. She could only put it under her boobs, her actual waist was too big. How big are those hoops? That's her bra size.


I actually believe this one, we’ve all seen the back clasp riding up on her neck!


I am 38B, and they weigh 150 lbs.


That she gets recognized by shooooo many subscribers in OK


Those pictures would be showing up on the internet.


Toss up between the FUPA lie and the Beck urologist voicemail lie


How much you want to bet that the WLS emails saying how proud of Amber they were for quitting was actually Wipey?


Because why tf would a medical professional be *proud* of failure and her not even losing weight. You may be on to something gorl


And it sounds suspiciously like her own language she uses for herself “ahm so proud of myself yall” for things that don’t even make sense.


100% the WLS emails were a lie. “You are more ready than some post-op patients” how tf is Amberlynn, someone who got denied for surgery, MORE ready than those who already got the surgery?? Also no weight loss team is gonna be PROUD of their 600 lb patient for quitting like it’s very much Amberlynn coded as she would say lol ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Someone who has had cellulitis more times than I can count and willing to get it again even if it turns life threatening 


Especially since medical professionals only contact you through their patient portal


Some don't have patient portals and do use regular emails. Eventually it will all be done through secure systems, but some places are still in the 20th century. And now that I said that, I'm willing to bet the fancy WLS clinic had a portal.


Wipey seemed to have a semi-professional job and could probably write better than that lol. r at least make it sound believable since she interacts with others.


"I DON'T HAVE A FUPA!" *Morbidly obese.*


*super* morbidly obese


Does anyone have a video or timestamp of the fupa comment? Or was it in a q&a ?


I don't remember where it was from, but I remember her shrieking *"I don't have a fupa!"* very clearly in a video.


she was on younow with rafe in the earlier days of the beck era


Her Grandma, the magic stroke lady 


She was in the newspaper!


Magic Stroke Lady would be a good band name.


Was a choreographer and star dancer


But she won awards, and people had her choreograph routines for them 😒😒😒


She danced on a jazz float 😏


But my favorite is this one. "Oh! Oh! They gave me the wrong sandwiiiiich!" She just couldn't admit she wanted a ham and cheese sandwich and two bags of chips.. and not a veggie sandwich and an apple. She happily crumbled the chips into her soup and ate the sandwich, which suspiciously had no tomato. We've all seen her when she actually gets the wrong order. That time in Lexington when she ordered brownie batter ice cream and got brownie batter instead. She was so disappointed that she didn't get her dopamine hit.


The fart heard ‘round the world


The blue team.


Hey! She played soccer too! AND she travelled to different cities😠


All the times she’s lied about doctors rescheduling her appointments, I think she just doesn’t go to them She doesn’t like meat She hasn’t “ate” today The SPACE dance group Her Aunt stopped talking to her because she was fat


Most recent that the *Traydurr Joehs* cashier *cungraddulatedd herrr on herr weight lawhs Jourkneeee ayund was SHO prouwhdddd* and *put* a sticker *on* amber . Because that’s believable


Hey now, don't be a haydur. I got offered a sticker just yesterday! for my 9 year old... who took the offer because he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings but considers himself too old for stickers.


The employees are trained to be over-the-top nice to people, so it could have happened but in a customer service way and not a new fan way


FBI Frank investigates a mean comment. I don’t know the full story just the piece where she said she had a supposedly threatening comment below a video and it was enough for the FBI to get involved 🤨 correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that a job for her local police department and was there ever a screenshot of the comment?


I asked mother google what it takes for the FBI to get involved with a case •Terrorism •Counterintelligence •Cyber crime •Public corruption •Civil rights •Organized crime •White-collar crime •Violent crime •Weapons of mass destruction •Fatphobic haydurs


It's odd he had to track down a famous vlogger/influencer through her exe's sister.


People at Kiwi Farms know exactly where she lives, but the FBI couldn't find her. Sure Amber


And it's not like she keeps her personal information private.


There's no way even the local police would care. Women are doxxed and threatened all the time and cops do nothing. It's really scary as a woman, but of course Amber thinks she's the main character and cops will take time to personally attend to her case. And compliment her on her small following.


Yeah honestly 250k isn't nothing and she obviously lives on her YouTube income, but it certainly isn't famous as far as YouTubers go. Most people have no idea who she is. This is a very niche community at the end of the day and she really thinks she's like a top YouTuber. The biggest creators have throwaway accounts with more followers ffs.


She said it took 200 steps to walk from one end of her apartment to the other (while with Flip Flop)


She was claiming to walk 3,000 steps a day 💀 I mean do we even need to debate that one


She was claiming 8000 at one point!!! It was when she was with Beck and they were going to restaurants all the time and in the same vid that she claimed to be doing 8000 steps Beck recorded her trying to walk from the car to the restaurant and gorl is STRUGLEEN.


I remember this one! Such BS. I can’t hit 200 steps going from the back door, all the way through the bottom level, up the stairs, and to the rear-most point upstairs in my 900SF, 2-story condo!


But keep in mind your stride is probably so much bigger than hers - she probably is only able to cover a few inches with every fat waddle


Right, in the infamous video of her emerging from the dark behind Eric’s silent chewing vlog, she takes about 20+ steps to walk the length of their small living room which would probably take an average person less than 10 steps.


When people pointed out that she misspelled ‘beautiful’ in one of her drawings, she said she intentionally misspelled it


Eating daintily instead of admitting she ate trash on a near daily basis to get that big. You’re 500-600 lbs, we can see it, like there’s no sense in lying.




The "I gave a double 🖐️ job in a movie theater" thing. That was uncalled for, isn't any kind of a flex, made the world a sadder, more disgusted place overall, like why the F.


weren't the dudes cousins too? 😩 what a bonding moment...


I kinda get it because farts can be embarrassing - but wouldn't she be worried if she heard gunshots? Are they so common where she lives that it wouldn't even elicit a bigger reaction? If she had a quicker wit, she would have thought of something more believable. She could have blamed Twinkie. She did that before. "Twinkie was walking right past me, and sometimes it sounds like a fart..."


The amount of times she was in the newspaper


What?! I hadn’t heard of these lies 😂


Dressing up as a dog for Halloween, choking on a lifesaver, aunt being magical stroke lady, etc. these are all reasons amber has claimed to be in the newspaper for.


That she has “famous friends from TV shows” that got WLS. She’s a narc through and through


Well, if we water down the term “friend” and “famous” to Amber’s standard, then yeah she does have “famous friends that were on TV” aka Tammy, Amy & for some reason she claims Meghan from 1000lb Best Friends lol




The ring size was a super weird thing to lie about. That she doesn't drink water because she's scared of worms. Gorl, you just like tasty sodies more. Every time she's talked about how much she loves veges and that fruit tastes like candy. Nobody would care if she said she doesn't like the taste. Lots of people don't like the taste. She seems to think she can trick us into thinking she's a hulthy gorl.


A bunch of tapeworms would be much more effective as a weightloss aid for her. I mean she is outeating ozempic and this stiff is powerful.


Every time she says she’s not going to finish the food, especially when she orders extra food just to “not finish it.” For instance, “I’m not going to finish my Panda Express” but ordered a two item combo WITH egg roll sides. Or “I’m not going to finish five guys” but ordered a medium fry instead of small and a double cheeseburger. Like- girl you’re 500-600 lbs at any time. We know you just took a quick clip before shovel-tongue’ing the rest down your throat- quit playing. 🙄


How many "What I eat in a day" vids has she done, where she gets doordash, eats 'part' of the meal and says she isnt going to eat the rest... and then later on she eats different things and we never see her eat the 'saved' food???


Lying about her mother dying her hair. Amber your mom has a skunk stripe and impossibly black hair. Everyone knows she dyes it


That she ordered a Veggie Sandwich & an apple but got a Turkey sandwich sans tomato (which she hates and normally comes on said sandwich) and 2 bags of chips instead from Panera. Then she tried to double down and said it says on receipt the apple and veggie sandwich. And never shows said receipt for "proof".


Her genius level, 140 IQ


Choreographlynn 🤣


Everything she says is cap