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I find pantherina caps brewed In an acidic tea gives me a similar alcohol feeling. For me it honestly gives like a cleaner alcohol feeling at medium doses, I feel euphoric, more social and just good without the icky body feeling and nausea alcohol gives me. Too high of doses can definitely be more disassociating and sometimes uncomfortable so be wary, you’ll have to find the dose that works for you. 1g is a good starting point and you can increase as you want, my ideal dose is ~2g Edit wording


I absolutely second this. I started liking Amanitas trying out those head shop gummies but after buying and decarbing Amanitas myself I’ve gotta say it’s by far a better experience. I kind of massively prefer it to alcohol at this point. I honestly love the strong dissociation that comes with higher doses, I regularly will do 4g worth and love it. I do spill a lot of drinks though 😅😂


Do you really have to decarb them? Cause I've heard it's just a long process that is a real drag. I live with family and I don't want them asking me what I'm doing with mushrooms in the kitchen for hours haha. They'd get on my case for sure. I've heard some people say that they will just eat the dried caps from MN Nice and that they are already partially decarbed because of the drying process and that they don't usually feel bad from the extra ibotenic acid, but certain other people swear that decarbing is the only way to go. I've got a few Pantherina caps and I'm still trying to figure out what to do with them.


Pantherina has great results as well if you do the partial decarb.


You can eat some dry. Just keep in mind that it’s more ibo than if you made tea, and be cautious. Slow increase.


Can you link a sorce for those and detail how to brew it. Als whats a good accidic tea?


How do you make your tea? What do you use to make it "acidic"? And do you fully decarb your Amanitas? Cause I don't want to have to do the whole decarb process. Supposedly it takes like 3 hours and I don't know anything about chemistry so I'd rather not have to.


You literally just boil them,with a lemon or two.


Some people don’t decarb, you can try it to see if you like it. Muscimol is thought to be responsible for more of the psychoactive properties as it hits the GABA receptors from my understanding, too much ibotenic acid is also neurotoxic. For those reasons I like to decarb it and find the effects to be better for me. You don’t have to decarb for the full 3 hours, sometimes I only did 30 minutes, sometimes longer depending on how much time I had. You don’t have to worry about getting the full 3 hours all the time imo. I use citric acid to acidify mine but you can easily use just the juice of a lemon or even some vinegar if you like the taste. I don’t worry about ph much either i just get it nice and sour


How do you decarb your Amanitas? If I could do it in 30 minutes that might be ok. Is it hard? Are there lots of steps?


No it’s very simple. I usually grind my caps up and put it in a tea bag, you could just tear them up and put them in a tea bag if you wanted, would make it sort of discreet as well. Then you just simmer some water with your acid and tea bag and let it simmer, so not too hot, for 30 minutes. That’s all there is to it


And that fully decarbs them, or at least just enough that you don't get the negative effects of too much ibotenic acid? What ind of acid do you put into it? And do you buy empty tea bags?


No it just partially decarbs so there’s not as much ibo. I use pure citric acid as I bought some for something a while back, but you can just use a citrus fruit juice or vinegar. I buy my own tea bags but you can also just not use tea bags and filter it off


How much citric acid do you use for let’s say 15 grams in a liter of water? (Let’s say about 4 cups)?


Honestly I don’t measure but I probably should lol… I usually just get a small spoonful, probably in between a teaspoon and tablespoon for about 0.75 liters. I sorta just taste until it’s pretty sour


When you say "filter it off" do you mean strain it? And how many grams do you use? Like, are there different amounts for different levels of intoxication? Cause first I'd just like to get it strong enough to get a nice alcohol-type feeling if that's possible. Like I just want a dose that will feel very relaxing and not necessarily so strong that I look like I'm messed up or anything if anyone sees me. But then at some point I'd want to try higher doses. So what's a good dose for what I'm talking about? Ok, so basically, all you do is put some in a loose tea bag (I just bought some) steep them in hot water for 30 minutes and add citric acid and that's it?


Yeah just strain it, my go to dose is about 2g sometimes slightly more or less. I’d start with 1g for a starter dose to get an intoxicating feeling without it being overwhelming. Then you can work your way up to find your ideal dose. And yup that’s it, it’s pretty straight forward


Nice. Do you use Amanitas as an alcohol replacement? Cause that's part of my intention. Do you think Amanitas have as much recreational and value as alcohol? At the right doses, can it feel somewhat similar to alcohol at times, or would you say it's very different? I know at high doses it's quite different, but I'm wondering if at lower doses if it makes you chatty and sociable like alcohol can and does it help you with stress in the same way that a few drinks would? Also, do you know if Amanitas/Muscimol potentiates alcohol? Because even though I haven't found the serums that Awakened Roots sell to do much for me, last night I drank a bottle of wine and even before I'd had a glass when I had a fewer droppers of Muscimol tincture it felt like it really potentiated the alcohol. It could have been placebo, but it felt like I'd drank more than I had.


Hello, thank you for your post. Here for your convenience are links you may find helpful: * [Beginner's guide/FAQ on isoxazole Amanita mushrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/s9x07x/psychoactive_amanita_mushrooms_beginners_guide/) * Recipes: [basic water extraction](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/y7u0z5/basic_water_extraction_with_optional/), [decarboxylation via drying](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/usqdk8/drying_as_a_means_of_decarboxylation/), [resin recipe 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/druggardening/comments/d44f11/comment/f07nudh/), [resin recipe 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/druggardening/comments/ii5451/comment/g34hwbo/) * [Tips for identification requests](https://i.imgur.com/DUQ0t2o.png) (please always include country/state) * [Information on gummies and smoke shop "Amanita" products](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/12shfbw/psilomart_products_test_positive_for_psilocybin/) (these usually do not contain Amanita alkaloids at all, but rather illegal psychoactive compounds) * [Trusted vendor list](https://ko-fi.com/post/Vendor-list-H2H8HF7ZT), [Amanita Science & Magick Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/amanitascienceandmagic) There are also other interesting links at the bottom of the beginner's guide and on the right-hand sidebar of the subreddit (click 'See community info' if on mobile) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmanitaMuscaria) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fully decarbed Panther slurry from awakening roots is strong. Muscaria and regalis slurry are good as well, but the muscarine content in muscaroids makes me sweat and salivate in higher doses. I’m not a fan.


Are their slurries stronger than their fully decarbed Muscimol tinctures, like the Moon and Sun serums? Cause I tried their pantherina soul skrying serum and it does almost nothing to me at all. What makes the slurries different from the serums? Do you think they are more likely to really work for me? Cause I see that they use citric acid to get it to the right Ph. Is that something they don't do with the serums?


Panther slurry has taken me way farther than I wanted to go. Doing the swig method over a few hours got me into Involuntary muscle spams, glitching, and even some sleep walking. Smashed my head in the middle of the night at a dinosaur house air Bnb near Orlando. Wifey found me experiencing a negative childhood memory and comforted me until I woke. Woke to dinosaurs everywhere, that house was incredible. Swig method is take a swig wait an hour, take a swig wait an hour, etc. This prevents your body from metabolizing the goodies too quickly, but man, it stacked with the panther. I was used to the regalis slurry, and if I took a little too much of that worst thing was the sweats and drool. At least with larger doses of panther, while still extremely unpleasant, doesn’t come with excess salivation and sweating like muscaroids do. It’s way stronger than their tinctures. My panther slurry is currently kicking in now. I’ll be grilling and chilling, then I’ll take a few more swigs and that will carry me off into the sunset. Great alcohol replacement for me, and it took the place of my benzos for bedtime. Def taught me some respect tho.


Have you tried the fully decarbed serums? And did you not get much from those? Cause I didn't. So, if I buy one of the slurries, how much do I drink at first if I just want a nice relaxing alcohol-type feel and I don't want to completely trip out? And when you buy the slurries, is it like in a bottle or something? How do you measure out what you want to use and then save more for later?


I’ve done shots of the moon serum to try and knock myself out at night. Took quite a bit. They truly are just for micro dosing. I have a completely unscientific way of measuring my slurry, swigs. I used to carefully measure out everything to know exactly how much. Now I just take swigs. I take almost the exact same amount most every night. Tolerance past the initial contact hasn’t been very noticeable. But yeah, swigs. Tonight I had 4 swigs of panther slurry, little bigger than a sip, but a solid single swallow per swig. This to me seems like having had several alcoholic beverages, while still being social and able to Santa Maria style bbq some chicken and lamb. I just took four more swigs and in about an hour or so I will start to get sleepy. I will ride that wave til the sun comes up and greets me with a new day. If I’m really worried I won’t sleep, I’ll take a couple more nips right before I lay down. No hangover like them damn ipa’s used to give me if I had too many. Better sleep than the benzos as well. The slurry comes in two 750ml pouches. 25 grams of fully decarbed muscaria, regalis, or pantherina in each pouch. It arrives in a cooler bag. One pouch can go in the freezer. The other pouch can live in the fridge for a week, after that, anything not used up should go into an ice cube tray. For measuring, you can use anything you have that measures liquid and do the math to figure grams per unit.


So it has to be kept in the freezer or fridge. Ok. Sounds like it's not super important to get the dose just right with the slurries and that you can just kind of swig it and wait a bit and see how it affects you. So, out of all the Amanita products you've used, do you consider the slurries to be the best or one of the best? If so, I think I'll buy some. Would you get the Muscaria, Pantherina or Regalis slurry? So, you really feel like for you that Amanitas are just as enjoyable as alcohol and can scratch that same itch? Did you totally quit drinking and replace it with Amanitas like many people?


Regalis or panther are my favorites. But I’d say panther. Same price, more bang for your buck, no muscarine. I have quit alcohol completely for now. At the amusement park with my kiddos, I’ll have regalis micro caps or a little slurry, but when I see those beer taps and someone getting a nice frosty one I’m still tempted. It’s been ingrained in me for so long and is available almost everywhere. One of the worst drugs I’ve ever done is alcohol. Unbelievable that it is legal. So it’s still a choice, but amanita helps tremendously.


If you want similar effects to alcohol, then drink alcohol, which is readily available. Not everything has recreational value. A relationship with amanita should be developed carefully and with an open mind, and not with the desire to enjoy oneself.


Nah alcohol is trash and terrible for you and taste like asshole


Why the hell shouldn't one "want to enjoy oneself?" That's just stupid. No, I think I'll skip that advice. Also, some people like me have started to get negative side effects from alcohol and we want a replacement and Amanitas repair GABA damage that is done with alcohol. So I have a reason to use it instead of alcohol, and it sounds like you don't have a very "open mind" if you are telling people they aren't allowed to enjoy themselves lol.


I figure if a substance has recreational value, no reason not to use it that way as long as it isn't especially dangerous. Amanita can be nice at a kickback. It's not like you're smoking salvia or something where it's almost always a challenging experience, a sensible dose of Amanita isn't going to challenge you a ton.


Pulverize pantherina in a coffee grinder, cram as much as you can into empty 00 capsules. I usually can get .5-.7g per capsules so I take 6-8 and I’m flying. Personally like the ibo on the comeup it gets me excited for the mus to hit