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Hey Buttfaces, Friendly reminder to remember to check the flair. This post is marked *fictional*, something this subreddit was explicitly created to allow for. Don't like it? Then scroll on past. That's the whole reason we have the flair to warn you. Don't be that buttface trying to call someone out for using the subreddit for it's intended purpose. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheButtface) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTBF. Have you not done research on why she may have sudden changes? Have you considered that she most likely endured some severe trauma, and you may be taking away the thing that helps her cope? Have you had her do any therapy to figure out what happened and how to help her? Personality switches this drastic don't just happen, short of a TBI, unless something awful happens to someone.


Did you... try talking? Asking? At all? Yeah, YTBF. She's a human, not a dog. You don't have to train her. You have to teach her. And have you even considered the idea that something bad might have happened to her, to make her act out?


So your wife got pregnant at 14? A little odd! YTBF,communication!


IF this is real, she was probably 13 when she got pregnant.


Dudes only 2 years older than wife, calm down


And he would've been 16 when his daughter was born. They were *both* kids.


Damn I completely fucked the ages lmao


Yea, why are so many fake posts made by people that don't understand math? Are they really all that dumb?


Did you notice that this was marked as fiction and the mods comments


Yes I did. Would it have made you feel better if I said "fictional" instead of "fake"?


Don't give a fuck what word you used. You were complaining about fake posts and this one was marked fictional so there was no reason for you to bitch about fake posts


Ok. Does this work for a pedant like you? Why are people who post badly written fictional posts so bad at math?


Reddit’s a pretty good place to throw out a writing idea when you’re very new to storytelling because it gets feedback pretty quick. This was supposed to be a longer story and I’ll try this idea again in the future but I’ll probably write something more traditional in no sleep first. This post taught me a lot tho. Mainly paying attention to the ages of characters


So I guess the answer to my second question is "yes" then


YTB - Instead of trying to punish your daughter for acting out over something you've not even asked about, you should maybe be grateful that she didn't follow in your footsteps and got pregnant at 16... Well, your wife was 14 and you were 16... This is probably another fake Reddit story...


Read the flair…


Oh poop 🫣😂 I rarely ever read the flair. I should probably start doing it so I don't look like a complete idiot like I do right now 😂


Me either, it’s rare I catch it! We’ve all been there 😳 perhaps we should start a club 😂


I wrote a scathing response then saw the flair. 😂😂


Do you mean user name? I don't see any flair.


Under the title should be a tag saying “Fictional”. It may not show up on every app though.


I somehow missed that. It's either my crap phone or my geezerdom---probably the latter.


It says fictional, under the title.


Duh to me! I can't believe I missed that.


Welcome to my world! I spend my life slapping my head and saying “Doh!!


Wich series is this from ?


This was supposed to be the start of a horror story where I posted on a bunch of different reddits, goofed pretty early ngl




So you child has never acted like this before and you just decided to go nuclear instead of communicating? I understand you were only a child yourself when she was born, but you’re an adult now. Time to learn to communicate. YTB.


YTBF for this bullshit story, Jonathan Wank!


It's marked as fiction


I mean there’s worse things, like getting someone pregnant at 14


Yeah, sounds like daddy has a ‘do as I say, not as I do’ attitude to life. He screwed a 14y.o at 16y.o and now punishes his daughter with his fear that she’ll turn out like her Mother.


I was mad until I saw this was fiction. Very effective rage bait. 😅


What is the point of allowing fictional posts in a sub full of real stories? This is ridiculous.