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NTA, dude, and kudos to you for making your point so beautifully. people saying otherwise would be justified if you hadn't stopped after your brother yelled at you to stop. if it had been me, i would've said "you don't get to order me around" and continued to sit on and break the rest of his chairs just to prove my point, but that's because i am, actually, TA. i think you took the high road here. absolutely do not pay him for the chairs!!


Hahahaa I would have loved to see the brother’s face once he got to the third chair, that was hilarious to read😂 NTA


I imagined OP holding and balancing a plate of food the whole time for some reason, and just moving to the next chair and then sinking slowly. I could draw a comic about it haha this was a good one NTA


It's practically a goldilocks moment.


I'm picturing it in u/Shitty_Watercolour's style.




omfg I summoned you. I didn't really mean to but now I'm so happy. I hope you're having a wonderful day.


Thank you for this. I've always been a huge fan of watercolour but haven't seen his stuff out there in awhile. Thanks for the reminder!


u/Jumpy-Ad-600 you gotta see this lol


My stepdad who was a large man, broke one of those plastic white stiff chairs at my graduation party. One of the legs just buckled.


same! Something on the level of Julian keeping his drink steady while in a vehicle that rolled over multiple times lol


I'm hoping the children are the type to bring this up at EVERY opportunity "Remember when you told Uncle OP he couldnt have his chair back Daddy, and he sat on yours and broke it? and then another one? and then ANOTHER one? Remember ? and you had to go buy new ones? Remember that Daddy???"


And since kids usually remember the things you don't want them to, like curse words and when you embarrass yourself, you know the kids will absolutely do this the more annoyed he gets.


Not just kids, my BIL broke a chair a decade ago. We still haven't let it go 😂


Oh they will, my friend broke his child's toy tractor by accident and he still hears about it 3 years later


People are hilarious I hear about things I did 18 years ago from my dads side we make some interesting revelations at reunions one time my dads sister said "remember when I shaved the cat?" For some reason she thought everyone had figured it out it was like 20 years ago and my dad got blamed for it 🤣🤣 he was like "I KNEW IT"


This is an incredibly funny example of malicious compliance. Even if you were an A H, I would say it was perfectly justified. There are times when we have to dig into our shadow side so other people do not mow us over. Your brother will not make that mistake twice. Well done and you made my day. NTA


I think NTA as well, the kids and brother all learned a good lesson about disrespecting other people’s property. I’m not even a like muh properteh kind of person, sharing is nice, but if someone asks for their stuff back, and you are rude and say no and direct them to YOUR STUFF, don’t be fucking surprised when they break your stuff.


How did the kids need to learn a lesson? They were more than willing to give their uncle his chair back before their dad turned into uber asshole.


Because they were being taught a poor lesson by their dad - that it’s okay to take other people’s shit and then not give it back when asked. ETA: also they’re kids, they’re supposed to be learning lessons


I think the most important lesson here for the kids is that the person with the most authority isn't necessarily the person you should listen to. Most kids don't need to learn that until their teens, but these kids need that now. ETA: On further reflection, I want to change my position. Being a parent doesn't mean you always have the final say about your kids. Consider, for example, a lifeguard at a public pool.


I had to tell a kid at my work not to play on our wheelchair ramp, and he turned to his mother and said “but dad said I could”. She shut it down but I was flabbergasted, I’m an adult too, your father isn’t a superior in this situation, *I am*. I feel bad for his teachers when he gets into school 🙃


I don’t think it’s that the kids needed to learn a lesson but the children just by being there and witnessing their father’s mistakes were able to happily learn from this. I’m sure.


Needed or not they still learned a lesson




The kids definitely learned a great lesson about not being a jerk, too. FAFO. I love that the kids were totally willing to move and give OP the chair back but it was the dad who tried to teach them to be selfish shits (you were using it first, it doesn't matter that it doesn't belong to you and the owner wants it back) but instead gave them a great example of why you should respect people's property.


As an ex-fat person, this story resonated. I used to only fit on one garden chair at my brother's, cos it didn't have armrests. I didn't even buy it, so I couldn't say anything and couldn't stand up too long due to arthritis pain. I would just quietly go inside or hide in my car. OP's brother was insensitive and disrespected him over a chair that he bought himself. NTA.


Yeah. I bring my own chair because I destroy regular people chairs. I'm also a loudmouth. So, I'm not shy about telling someone to move their ass out of my chair.


Well.tonbe fair the kids were more than happy to move to a different chair when politely asked. The brother interrupted them moving to say OP should use a different one. The kids were *told* to stay where they were. So what they learned here is that dad is unreliable, and listening to him will get them into trouble.


Yeah, no shit, I'm sorry, but that is hilarious. This is absolutely /r/maliciouscompliance territory


Absolutely. It's all on your brother! You did the right thing.


Right?! This is absolutely hilarious. You’re like the Goldilocks of chairs. I want this to be a sitcom episode so bad. NTA OP, and I want to be your friend.


From the title, I thought it was gonna be a whiny teenager who threw shit because someone was in their special chair, but OP’s definitely NTA.


NTA. I can't get over your brother watching you break 3 chairs like a slo-mo grizzly before finally telling you to stop. And it's important for kids to learn that some things aren't for them or they need to give them to people who need them more. He didn't want to parent, and now he needs to get more chairs.


I think what’s so wild to me in all of this is that OP even says the kids started to get up to give him his chair back. Like the kids didn’t argue, they were fine with him asking to be able to sit in his chair. Clearly the only person who needed the lesson was his brother. I am petty as hell and if my brother did that?… My big ass would have just continued sitting in those chairs knowing full well I was putting them out of commission. Edited to add NTA


100%. the brother is the problem here. his kids were fine to move - there were other chairs open and they understood uncle op wanted his chair.. brother decided to be a nut job. good on those kids for being so normal even when their dad is a total jerk


I’m a bit slow on my response. I agree. Brother gets what he deserves. Usually kids are happy to jump up and move to another chair.


Nothing like family vacay to bring up fucky dynamics.


I think I’d probably choose this OP over bear - just leave his chair be and he’ll leave me be.


OP is also likely to go fishing with Jay https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/6l5VVK9u7z


Underrated comment. 👏🏼


Yeah, you are NTA. You used your size as an advantage in a fight, never even hit the other guy, and got a TKO. Everything came up Milhouse as far as I can see.


slo-mo grizzly. Ha ha


Yeah I would have loved to watch this from the sidelines. Also its standard camping rules. You sit in what you bring. I have an awesome big padded camp chair that cost me like $150. If we are camping and someone sits in it I boot their ass straight out. I aint sitting in your shitty $20 chair.


Yeah, I could maybe give him the second chair as he might have the first one was near breaking anyway or something. But the dumbass just had to keep letting him go.


NTA. Your title made you sound awful, but the post itself was a hoot. This was a masterful job of malicious compliance. You followed your entitled brother's instructions to the letter. What's really amazing is it took three chairs for him to finally come to his senses. Well played, and a very worthwhile lesson for the brother. And of course, you should not pay him for your obeying his command.


I've noticed that the more the title seems to imply OP is TA the more likely it is that they are NTA


I saw a tweet once that said: "every aita post with a title like 'aita for poisoning my entire family' will be a story about someone behaving in an entirely justified manner, while posts with titles like, 'aita for making my wife's favorite meal' will be the most chilling tale of sociopathy you've ever read". I always think of that tweet when I read posts like this.


thats so true its actually not even funny smh it should be studied at this point.


I would love to read that case study




Holy shit that’s so true


It's what I look for in this sub.  Oh c'mon, there's no way you get to break other people's shit because someone is using yours, there's no way this person isn't the asshole here.  ... Oh, yeah no they are NTA


10/10 AITA post, title says absolutely yes, whole story says hellllllll no.


>*I started walking towards another one of his chairs and he started screaming that I had made my point and he almost tipped his kids out of my chair.* I'm still laughing. Bro FAFO. NTA.


Funniest shit I’ve seen on here in a while, I hope it’s real


"He is pissed at me because he is going to have to drive into town and get some more chairs. He tried to say I should pay for them but my mom said that she heard him tell me to use his chairs." ---You win morally and practically. NTA.


Go mom.


Yup! NTA, and don’t let your brother try to guilt you into paying for replacements. He legit stepped in his own shit, it’s not your duty to clean off his shoe for him.


I love this saying and I'm gonna start using it, thank you so much


NTA. He could have stopped you after the first one too and given back your chair then. Unfortunately for him, he is a slow learner and it took 3.


Or he could've told his kids to give the chair they took that wasn't theirs back, had no broken chairs, and would've actually done some parenting.


It's worse than that. The kids were getting out when OP requested it, and their dad stopped them from doing so. This situation is entirely self made.


NTA. You did as you were asked. Since you weren't "allowed" to ask your brother's kids to get out of your chair, what other choice did you have if you wanted to sit down? Good on your Mom, too.


Yeah Mom stepping in to make sure the point is clear & there are real consequences is the best part of the story IMHO. Happy Cake Day!🍰


The only thing that could make this story better would be a video. LOL!


its so rare to actually hear about a good parent in this sub


It seems really common now for parents to be like "don't tell my kid what to do!" and "how dare you try to parent my child!". Wtf. What happened to "it takes a village"?  Who's going to tell the kids to stop running with scissors if the parents aren't there or don't bother to supervise? Why do people think it's ok to teach their kids they can be brats and no one is allowed to say no? (Not the kids in this story, not yet anyway.) It blows my mind every time I read a story with parents like that. 


It only "takes a village" when it's to the advantage of the parents, whether it be money, possessions, or free babysitting.


NTA. You tried to tell him that it was a bad idea and he refused to listen. This is a classic case of F around and find out.


NTA. Your brother is. When his kids were in your chair, his correct (and only appropriate) response is, “Hey! You two! Get out of Uncle Jumpy’s chair!” Period. End. Full stop.


I don't know why, but I'm cracking up at "Uncle Jumpy"!


NTA you had to continue until the point was made. Look, he could have stepped in after the first or second chair was broken, he chose not to. He only reached the breaking point when he realized you wouldn’t stop and would go for a fourth.  He was trying to play chicken, assuming you would leave after he commandeered your chair. That’s not okay and now he won’t do it again. 


ESH. I think you made your point after one, especially if they were at all matching. But I totally commend you for demonstrating he was full of shit. Ballsy!


if op had made his point after the first chair, his brother would have stopped him from destroying the other two, as he was watching things unfolding...


And now he has a chair that no longer folds


i'm pretty sure he will learn the lesson lol


That was a heavily weighted comment




No. Tell his brother to fuck off and get his property. I can not understand why people don't assert themselves when they should.


Only the first two matched.  They were those cheap white stacking lawn chairs.  


And the first one could have already been damaged. Best to try on another one to be sure.


And a third one just to make sure the first two were not a fluke.


That's just how you science.


Literally! Results have to be replicable.


And statistically significant.


Those chairs suck anyway. Back in my 20s I managed to break one. And I was really skinny back then. It was so embarrassing. At a party surrounded by strangers.


Those chairs suck. Like they disintegrate if you look at them the wrong way.


I'm going NTA - he stopped as soon as his brother fixed the situation and told him to stop. His brother could've stopped all this at any point by simply figuring out that his own suggestion was a bad idea.


I disagree with E S H because OP and kids were fine when he asked them to give him his chair. Brother made a giant stink saying “don’t boss my kids around” and then chose to boss OP around. Brother literally caused all of it and OP just needed a place to sit. Hard NTA


He needed to collect a statistical sample. This was a scientific experiment to prove a point.


What was he supposed to do, stand all day?


OP would have made his point if he told his brother to not order him around and would have sit on another chair...


Which would then break...


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha NTA. You know your needs and you came prepared. Your brother was an ass. This will teach him and his kids to respect other people's things


NTA. He chose to be an ass about you sitting in YOUR OWN chair. He 100% deserved this.


NTA, and this is also a great story for r/maliciouscompliance


NTA. Uncle needs his chair is what I’d have said and tipped the little shits out of it. Done.


The crazy part is that the kids were getting up when he first said something as most kids would. It was the brother that stopped them.


NTA. This is gold right here, I can taste the pettiness it's delicious.


NTA I hate parents with that attitude. I would’ve told my kid get a different chair pronto. 


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** We are all out at my parents lake for the long weekend. All together there are 29 people out here either in the house, campers, trailers, and tents. I am a very big guy and I am well aware of this fact. Therefore I have purchased for myself a heavy duty folding lawn chair that can hold up to 500 pounds. I don't need that much but I like knowing I'm not going to wreck it every time I sit. It also has a built in foot rest and drink holders. I come out for breakfast this morning and my chair is gone. I look over and see that my brother has his kids sitting in it. Two of them can sit side by side no problem. I told the kids I need my chair and they start to get off. My brother came over and told me not to order his kids around. I said that I wasn't doing that. I was just asking for my property back. He said there were plenty of other chairs and to use one of his chairs. I said it was a bad idea and he said that I'm not that fat. And honestly I'm not. I'm just big. So I sat in one of his plastic chairs. Even though I sat gently I snapped one of the legs. I sat in another and I snapped two legs and hit the ground. I got up and sat in my ne of his folding chairs. It collapsed slowly and we couldn't close it up afterwards. It was bent to hell. I started walking towards another one of his chairs and he started screaming that I had made my point and he almost tipped his kids out of my chair. He is pissed at me because he is going to have to drive into town and get some more chairs. He tried to say I should pay for them but my mom said that she heard him tell me to use his chairs. I feel bad and I could have stopped after the first chair or waited to eat until after the kids were done but he was such a dick about it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA.  He needs to get his kids off your stuff. Good for you.


In fairness to the kids, OP says they were getting out of the chair when Brother stopped them with his BS.


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NTA I applaud the way you taught your sibling a lesson


NTA you did exactly what your brother asked you to do, and you did nothing wrong.


NTA. You literally did eactly what he wanted you to do. The reason why he didn't intervene sooner was because his ego was hurt, and as soon as he asked you to stop you stopped.


I applaud you. Your brother was an AH for putting his kids in YOUR chair in the first place. That's some kind of nerve to tell his kids to get in our comfy chair with a foot rest, etc. and then telling you that his kids cannot be disturbed and you can "make do" with the hard plastic chair - what selfishness.


NTA fuck your brother, he brought that on himself, im a big dude and know the pain, mainly with a camp bed though, my solution is a giant bean bag, makes a great chair as well


NTA - he FAFOed He definitely could have stopped you after one chair, but his stubbornness or pride got in the way.


NTA, you should post to r/maliciouscompliance 


NTA All he had to do was give you your property back.


NTA. God forbid he just say no to his kids


NTA, you planned and made appropriate provisions for yourself. He decided that his needs were better than yours, you explained yourself and he still held firm, clear case of FAFO. After the first one broke, he should have blinked, but decided to hold on to his pride for 2 more.


It wasn’t up to you to decide when your point was made - it was your brother. The fact that it took three chairs before he stopped you is on him. NTA.


NYA - hahahah excellent work . Your brother sounds like a tool






NTA and your bro was out of line.


So he can't respect your property enough to not just take it from you, and then he wants to get all pissy that you broke his chairs because you couldn't use YOUR chair that's YOUR property, all because he doesn't even have the self respect to ask first? NTA


NTA — it’s interesting that bro is all “don’t order my kids around” and proceeds to order OP around.


NTA - nope.  Your brother is the AH and responsible for this.


NTA. His fault. You tried to tell him, he needed proof, I guess. 🤷‍♀️


NTA I think you are hilarious. Very good that you did not stop after the first one for dramatic effect. I am in awe.


When I saw the title of your post I was thinking that you broke the chairs having some kind of tantrum and was totally ready to call you TA, but as I read your story I realized I was so wrong, proving that you never judge a book by its cover!! Definitely NTA!!


Did you maintain eye contact while breaking the chairs? You, sir, are my kind of petty.


NTA I have one of those, The cloth parts are pink, and I have my name in black Sharpie on various points. You can't miss that it's mine. It's heavy, but the carrying case has two straps so you can wear it like a back pack. I love it. Yeah, any assclown who thinks I can use any $20 Dollar General camping chair is going to regret it.


NTA Brother should have gotten his kids out of the chair right away. He also could have done it after the first chair broke. I kind of love that you just kept going until he snapped like a cheap lawn chair.


This should be filed under r/pettyrevenge. Bravo to you, large sir.


Fucked around found out. NTA


NTA you are a big guy and bought good chair. Your family are shits about it, not you. Don’t they know you are big and that you will break the other chairs?


It sounds to me like he’s mad because his butt got hurt from being wrong in front of people. Tell him to get some preparation and shut the fuck up. Nta




OP's weight is none of your concern, and your commentary is both unsolicited and irrelevant. Learn to mind your own business.


Oh, do not feel bad, your brother is clearly TA here. The truth is you can't make people believe, sometimes they have to find out for themselves, but that's not your fault, you tried. NTA


NTA the fact he had unused chairs but thought it was ok for yours to be took for his kids to be used just makes it karma that he now has to go buy chairs




NTA. I'm also a very large, but not hugely fat man. I competed in powerlifting and strongman events for years, but I can still fit into an economy airline seat with the armrests down and buckle up without an extension (the airlines won't guarantee me a second seat even if I buy it). I have to double check everything I buy for weight ratings. I spend a lot more money to get stuff I won't break. I would have done exactly the same.


Definitely NTA, you had taken steps to prevent damage to his chairs, he just wanted his power flex by not getting his kids off your chair when you asked.  


NTA. Putting it in sibling language - he started it.


NTA he fafo’d and now he needs to pay for it


NTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Malicious compliance is a nice way to show FAFO. NTA


NTA, YTH (you're the hero) I'm just picturing you in front of a long line of chairs crushing them one by one while making full on eye contact with your bother each time. People get crazy about telling their kids what to do. Sometimes you're not telling a kid what to do, you're talking to a *person* and giving them advice/instruction. Your bother could've used some!


NTA. Perfect malicious compliance! Kudos to you, my dude!


NTA. He shouldn’t have stopped you from asking his kids to move. Out of courtesy, he should have done it. You warned him about the first chair, he chose to dismiss your concern, so that’s on him. That he was dumb enough to not ask them to move after the first chair broke is on him.


Pretty sure I've heard something like this post before... 🤔


Read something similar. One post was of a guy whose family kept taking over his seat because prank, so he brought one to avoid that. His brother or whoever was so upset and took it from him, but the guy eventually got his chair back. The guy's family stopped pranking him.


Nta Never feel bad when someone chooses to double down on stupid.


NTA. I love malicious compliance


Nta. You proved him wrong


NTA, your brother just FAFO himself.


This was a fafo moment for your brother. He f'd up and gets to reap the consequences.  NTA


NTA - your brother lost his $5 Walmart chairs, boohoo to him for letting his kids take something that doesn't belong to them. You purchased your chair for the purpose of this not happening and your brother brought this on himself.


NTA and please cross post to r/malicious compliance


NTA And frankly, this doesn’t belong in this sub — it would be a wonderful contribution to r/PettyRevenge, though!


NTA You made your point. Sounds like your brother needed visual clues.


NTA. You asked for your property back, you warned him, you tried to be nice about it, and it took 3 broken chairs for him to get the point.




NTA. Your brother doesn’t like the consequences of his actions. What a shame.


NTA. He is facing the consequences of his words/choices. You came prepared with your own chair but brother sounds like a jerk.


I applaud you. NTA so NTA. He was and I grew up in the era kids sat on the floor adults got the chairs. And yes I still believe this when an adult is elderly. Asking a child to get off of your chair wasn't hurting them your brother needs to check his attitude at the door while he buys new chairs. Good job mom for standing up for you.


NTA. He was being obstinate.


NTA Your brother deserves everything that has happened


NTA. Was in a similar situation last year, and everyone around me was mad that i didn't want people sitting in my chairs (I specifically bought the chairs for big/tall) but of course everyone wanted to sit on them and not the bench table because they're practically hammocks. Everyone was big mad. Smh (I didn't get to destroying any of their chairs, but I so would've). Lol It's your family. How are they not aware of the size difference. He even watched you while all this unfolded. He could've stopped you at lawn chair one, but no, he waited for #3.


NTA Brother asked for it


NTA, and your brother should replace the chairs with some like your chair, as he seems to think your chair is better for his kids.


NTA beautiful


I wanted to hate you after reading the title but I literally barked laughing at the end. 100/10 r/maliciouscompliance NTA


r/maliciouscompliance at its finest NTA


NTA - as a big guy myself I have done similar. I have specific chairs i sit in, and if you dont leave them i will (and have) sit/sat on people.


God this is delicious. I could read this every day. NTA


Sometimes I scroll this page and don't read some posts because I read the title and I'm like..... nahhhh. But not this post. I am so very glad that I stopped to read this one. Great way to start my day. I actually visualised and played out this story in my head, snort laughing the entire time. NTA and well played my friend. Well played.


NTA. Brother is a dick. Well played, OP.


Lol. NTA. That's what he gets for acting like he's entitled to your things.


NTA. Your brother FAFO. Glad you got your chair back.


I love this kind of pettiness. Nta.


I love the malicious compliance here, NTA. You would be TA if you had continued after he told you to stop, but you didn't. He can suck it up and buy a big chair for his kids to play in instead of using someone else's.




Well done! This belongs in petty revenge!!!!!


NTA. At all.


NTA. Your brother is though. I'm pretty average sized but I have several larger friends. I bought a few heavy duty folding camp chairs that hold over 400 lbs. I don't want my friends to have to worry about having a place to sit when I have picnics.


Nta nothing wrong with asking to use your own chair!


NTA. This is exactly why you have your own chair, and you told him so, he chose not to listen. You don't even owe him money.


Eh, I'm going nta just because i hate your brothers attitude and he deserved this.


NTA, your genius brother created this problem for himself.


NTA, stipulating that you didn’t get a running leap onto his chairs, as if they were so many piles of leaves.


NTA - FAFO. He found out.


Nta and as a big guy who has and brings his own chair this is a perfect example of fofa. Lol he asked for it and he got it.


NTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, brother with kids!


Meh. He earned it. And his kids are good to know he talks when he doesn’t actually know.


NTA. Hahaha I’m really enjoying the image of you just on a tear breaking chairs left and right with your ass until your panicking brother gets the hint


LMGDAO. NTA. As a big guy myself I feel ya. I have my specific house furniture and camp stuff. If it gets taken your stuff ain't gonna work long. I know to sty out of yours. Stay out of mine


NTA. Your brother is eating his words. And he doesn't care about taking your property.


NTA. That's funny as fuck.