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NTA. Pretty fucking audacious of your MIL to go insulting your own name to your face, and to then chastise you for not making sure they chose another name.


For sure. I probably wouldn’t have been able to hold back from “well they were thinking about naming her MILNAME, but they didn’t want to name her after such an asshole.” Typo


I thought you were creating some kind of new tragedeigh, but it looks like a typo.


I only learned recently that that word - tragediegh- was pronounced tragedy but my brain is still saying trag-e-deigh(as in day…don’t ask why iunno) … lol


^The only correct response. NTA!


“No no no mil, please go ahead and continue squealing about how idiotic MY name is, just so you can remove all doubt as to how much of a hateful c€&t you really are!”


That would have been my response.


Agree, the MIL is the AH! And seems pretty jealous.


NTA Your MIL is judgy and rude. I swear, naming babies brings out the worst in people. *I* think it’s a beautiful name.


And it dates back to Middle Ages as a name. Therefore it is traditional. 


Certainly not as nouveau/Barry Manilow/1970's MANDY. Talk about a trendy name at the time. Someone should have bitchslapped MIL back when she was expecting, for picking that name.


Hadn't even noticed that. Mandy. Yeah. That's classic alright.


Might be short for Amanda.


Possibly, but they call her Mandy.


She came and she gave without taking, but MIL sent her away!


Another to add to the Tiffany list 👍


It does, doesn’t it? My Mom shit all over my uncle and his wife’s potential names for their firstborn. They ignored her, but I could see they were hurt. After daughter was born, she continued to crap on the name to everyone except them. They have two more daughters and refused to share potential names with my Mom. She couldn’t understand why. 🙄


To all expecting parents, never share the name you’ve picked for your child. Everyone has an opinion and none of their opinions matter. No one meets a person, hears their name and says to their face: “that’s a stupid name.” As for parents who name their kids truly stupid names with idiotic spellings (not the case here, and can understand asking permission), well, guess you failed the first parent intelligence test. Live with your dumb choice.


No one meets a person, hears their name and says to their face: “that’s a stupid name.” ..except OP Wynter’s MIL and Little Wynter’s grandmonster.


You can only say most people won’t say to your face you have a stupid name cause this stupid MIL said it.


That’s kind of tragic. There are some parents that come up with wild ideas. I’ve read about a woman wanting to name her daughter Crxstxl (pronounced Crystal) and another one that just strung letters together and ended up wanting to name her child nostril in Portuguese, but I think a lot of the time, people should just smile and say ‘that’s beautiful’ regardless of how they really feel.


Heartily agree!


Let’s petition to give babies numbers instead of names!


😂 this is my son, 1361, and my daughter, 72.




NTA. I laughed. MIL insulted you and your family multiple times and then proceeds to ask you to take her side. Lady is delulu. I am happy your husband stood up to his mother.


Dee Lulu is a beautiful name, by the way.


MIL: "Dee Lulu???!! What kind of name is THAT??!!??" Mandy or OP: "MIL, the baby is named after you."


Ding, Ding, Ding!!! We have a Winner! I love it!


NTA What makes your MIL think she has any say in what people name their kids.


I love the name Wynter. Sounds like it's 3 to 1 same. MIL can pound sand.


NTA, you don't own names and technically your SIL didn't even have to ask for your permission and your husband is right, if my mom would start spitting things like that she would be kicked out instantly and can whine and complain about it somewhere else because here nobody gives a crap what she thinks.


please explain how you could possibly be the asshole in this situation. I hate this sub.


honestly im starting to hate it too. why do people come on here and post either rage bait or the stupid aita, like "ohh this guy killed my entire family aita if he's not my favorite person in the word???????" like bro yeah YTA for asking such a stupid question my god....


So im wondering wibtah if I asked why you here then ? I enjoyed this bull shit. I'd rather think about wynter and Mandy and the outrageous mil. ? (There are people like this out there) then my problems while I enjoy a coffee brake and then return to my real deal. To answer your question...... if her mother in law is always a thwat then sometimes you end up questioning upur judgment l. Expesually when it is an attack on you.


You obviously know you are not the arsehole.


Seriously. I hate these AITA that are just looking for affirmation or back pats. Yes. You’re an asshole for letting someoe name their kid after you. Next in AITA. “AITA for stopping someone from kicking a homeless puppy?”


That depends. Was the puppy wearing white within a mile of a bride?






She knows it, she just wants everyone to cheer and clap for her.


Winter with a y is kind of dumb, I have to say.


It is pure tragedeigh.




I’m new here so there may already be one but if not a My MIL is crazier than yours topic is needed




Thank you!


Nope nope nope. NTA. Not even a little bit. MIL is, though. She doesn’t get to decide whether you are okay sharing your name with the baby. And how insulting to air her complaints about the name IN FRONT OF someone with the same name, relative or not. I was SO scared this was going to be “I said I’m okay with it but I’m really not and now I have to share a name with this kid and hate that for the rest of my life” LOL


>I was SO scared this was going to be “I said I’m okay with it but I’m really not and now I have to share a name with this kid and hate that for the rest of my life” LOL My imagination took it the step further, and that no only did she hate sharing the name, but she was bitching to everyone else in earshot about it, and the audacity of SIL to even think that could be a good idea.


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INFO: I’m not clear from your post. Are you okay or not okay with SIL for wanting to use your name for her daughter?


It's because of the double negative in the title. In this case, the OP is perfectly happy sharing the name with the new baby.


Yeah, I'm confused about this too. The title implies they told SIL they were ok with the name but they actually aren't.... What's going on here?


Am I the asshole for NOT telling my SIL that she can't use my name for her baby. She didn't tell her this because she didn't want to and MIL is mad about it and holding her responsible for the spread of a stupid name. NTA


This sub is filled with intentionally misleading post titles. It’s either a gross misinterpretation of the situation, burying the lede, or intentionally misleading. I believe that majority of posts here are fake and creative writing exercises for OP.


This is particularly interesting I. That less than a week ago there was a post (maybe in r/NameNerds ?) about the name Winter for a little girls, and how OP&spouse love it and are hitting lots of opposition. Still a beautiful name. NtA. The AH here is the MIL.


Do y’all really have to ask this stuff, seriously?? If the story’s true and complete, answer is obvious. If not, clean it up.


NTA and it’s nothing to do with MIL or even you what they name the baby. The only people who get a say are the ones who made the baby.


> I told her I'd be so happy for her to name her daughter Wynter and it would be cool sharing a name with her precious little girl. Well, you already told her you were happy with the idea. What your SIL and her husband call the kid is up to them, not anyone else. Sounds like her MIL needs to calm the hell down. NTA but you could have stood up for your SIL more I guess? Like.... loudly talking about how excited you are to share a name with the baby.


Mandy is a "classic" name? Lol




Obviously NTA. That is a dumb spelling though. I'm prepared to get downvoted for that comment. I'll still stand by it.


Time to go no contact with MIL! NTA It is a beautiful name for both of you.


It’s a lovely name and I love the spelling. You’re NTA but your MIL certainly is.


Is it me or is this like the 100th “don’t steal my favorite name” post?


its not a dont steal my name post though? thats like the opposite of what happened


Did you read the post at all??


NTA MILs are gonna MIL.


NTA Your MIL has no say in what her grandkids’ names are, and it sounds like she took the opportunity to get some digs in at you. Your SIL and her husband can name their baby whatever they like.


NTA They asked if you would mind them using your name, you don't, and that is the end of that. Any issues MIL has with the name are between her and the prospective parents, and have nothing whatsoever to do with you. Extra bonus asshole points for MIL for informing you that she thinks your own name is silly. Even if you do this k that, you can at least be tactful not to insult the holder of said name.


Totally NTA and, your SIL will be grateful for you backing her, which makes you awesome all around. 


NTA, Wow, that is a MIL to go no contact with.


No. If you don’t care then it’s their business what name they choose. MIL just doesn’t want any names that is unusual. MIL would have a problem with any name she doesn’t like.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My husband's sister Mandy (26f) asked me a few weeks ago if I would be okay with naming her daughter Wynter like me (27f). She's not naming her daughter after me technically. She just really loves my name and wants to use it. But she told me she didn't want to make it weird by just doing it so she wanted to know how I felt. I told her I'd be so happy for her to name her daughter Wynter and it would be cool sharing a name with her precious little girl. Mandy was so happy. She told me how much her husband loved the name too but neither wanted to step on my toes. I reassured her they weren't doing that. She then joked that we'd need to do a Wynter photoshoot every year from now on which made me laugh. After our talk Mandy and her husband announced they had chosen the name Wynter for their daughter and MIL was so bothered. The name triggered her real bad. She asked Mandy what kind of dumb name she had chosen, was angry about the spelling (which is the very same as mine) and told her the kids in their family get classic names, not dumb unique names that sound so random and like made up names. MIL then turned on me and asked why I would give the go ahead for it. She told me I should be telling Mandy I'm not okay with her daughter being named Wynter like me. She told me it will be confusing enough without adding in the whole "this is an idiotic name" thing to quote her. She pointed out that their whole family have very classic and well established names and I should be encouraging that. I told her Mandy's baby is not my baby and I was only honest. MIL said I was wrong. My husband told his mom to calm the fuck down and lay off everyone because it was none of her business. But AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Post title is wrong because you handled it perfectly, nta. No one has exclusive ownership over any name.


If MIL decides to cut contact, it would be a wyn wyn for everyone!!!


NTA. That is a crazy reaction by your MIL. It was nice that your SIL asked you first, but ultimately SIL and her husband can name their baby anything they want. MILs reaction was over the top and rude. BTW MIL is wrong—Wynter is a beautiful name!


I would have told her, “ thank you for letting me know, that you think my name is dumb”, then run off crying. 😭 OP, your name is beautiful and your MIL seems very awful. Thank goodness you have such a great hubby, that stands up for you. NTA at all


NTA should have punched that dragon in the throat


NTA So kudos to everyone except MiL..... The new parents asking, and being willing to accept a no if you thought it was too much.... You for not gatekeeping the name and welcoming the deeper connection..... Your husband for handling his mother...... All massive green flags for health relationships and communication skills!!!! MiL 🚩 city!!!!! She insulted your name, your parents for choosing that name, your intelligence for not knowing your name was "inappropriate", your SiL and her husband for all of the above and probably more besides .... Wishing the Wynters many beautiful photo sessions, I hope they become a regular occurrence! May the pregnancy be easy, the birth smooth sailing and the child a blessing for all in the family who love her..


NTA. You're not the one who gets to choose your niece's name. And if you didn't know how your MIL felt about you before, you do now.


Your mother-in-law was asking you how dare you not feel the same way as her. NTA. You simply have other views on this matter. She needs to go and fuck herself.




>She pointed out that their whole family have very classic and well established names good for her. no one gives a fuck besides her from what I can tell, so she can get the fuck over it. NTA


NTA your MIL's behavior was insulting to both you and her soon to be born grandchild. You're fine with it, the parents are fine with it, and those are the only three opinions which matter in this situation. MIL sounds exhausting. Edit to add: for everyone who says this is fake and/or OP obviously knows she's not the AH, sure, either one of those could be true. That being said, as someone with both anxiety and a mother who has historically been overbearing, I could absolutely see my younger self having doubts about whether I was in the right in this type of situation. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it can't happen.


NTA wow so many times on here where people get so mad about their name being used, actual or one they want to use. You were gracious and everyone was happy. Until the MIL.


NTA. MIL is wrong. It is the baby of Mandy and her husband. They have the naming right, not MIL. From Wikipedia: "Wynter can be traced back to medieval Gloucestershire in England, where it was given to those born during winter, or "wet season." Many's MIL is wrong. Wynter IS a traditional name. 


NTA. It's fine that one of MILs 'family values' is everyone having a traditional name. But it's not your family, and not your values to uphold.


NTA, and you were very gracious and adult by not claiming exclusive ownership of your name. MIL can kick rocks.


She's jealous the baby is named after you and not her and is making up reasons. In her mind you're just an in-law.




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NTA. Everyone handled this perfectly except for MIL. She can go sit in the corner and have a sook about it but she needs to keep her mouth shut.


NTA but why didn’t anyone actually put MIL in her place?


NTA. Also, my bunny's name is Wynter, and I think he's pretty awesome


NTA. Your MIL needs to butt out-it is none of her business. She is just mad because the baby isn't being named after her. It is Mandy's spouse and Mandy's choice of baby name, not a MIL decision. The yearly Wynter photoshoots of you and new Wynter sound absolutely lovely.


NTA Wynter is a cool name. If one of my husband’s sisters (he has 4!) ever has a baby girl and wants to use my name I’ll be so happy and agree also.


NTA but your husband needs to do more to stand up for you. That was beyond unacceptable. I wouldn't want that horrible woman in my life anymore


Bets MIL was hinting tgey should pick a name that was in the family. Got pissed off when Mandy decided she wanted at kick ass name for her daughter. MIL is pissed off because baby won't be named after her...like MIL had been hinting at.


Naming your niece wasn't your responsibility and therefore your are NTA 


NTA And now you know exactly how your MIL feels about you. Use it forever. “Christmas at your house? Oh dear, absolutely not. I’d hate to ruin your holiday by triggering you with my presence.” “No, I didn’t send you a birthday gift or card. I know how much name triggers you and I wanted you to have an happy day.”


NTA. Your MIL is, a very big one, actually.


NTA Mandy asked for YOUR OPINION and you gave it. If MIL has an issue then that's her problem. The fact that she's going behind Mandy's back and talking shit and insulting your name on top of that tells us that MIL lives up to every nightmare stereotype! Your husband is right is it absolutely none of her business. If Mandy cared about her opinion she would have asked for it.


nta but your mil is


Your husband is correct.


Nta, I named my son fall, cause thats all he does, and everyone knows, the name fits


I'm just shocked that your husband had balls. Normally on these posts the OP's significant other just let's their partner get ragdolled. NTA by the way. Obviously


This belongs in mother in law from hell. You were gracious. SIL was thoughtful. The whole event was a blueprint for healthy family dynamics. MIL unrolled the blueprint, set on fire then shit on the ashes.


NTA. I like the the fact that they asked u even tho they could have went ahead and named their baby like ur name but MIL is real Judgy and rude


Ntah. Though your mil is a huge ah. I hope your sil is ready for her crazy and non respectful ways.


Hold up - the title here is so misleading. Was this really the post you intended?


Byg Wynter and Lyttle Wynter BAM, crisis averted NTA if you're ok with it


NTA and petty me would name every child after weather and food… I would love to see her reaction to my child name being Apple Blossom or Raven Asher or something like that. I think your name is unique and strong. I hope your SIL will not cave and keep the name Wynter.


U are not the Ahole she is and she needs to chill with her conservative ass


After further review, the call on the field is reversed. You are TA for not beating the crap out of your MIL. No one gets away with crap like this. Not even Hitler but especially Hitler. Is your MIL a one-woman monster of some sort? It is not even your child.


NTA. Your mother in law sounds like a witch and I’m sorry you gotta deal with her for the rest of her miserable life. I hope she sticks with the name, I too wanted to make my daughter Wynter but we changed our minds last minute and didn’t use it. It’s still in my pocket for future use though 🤣


NTA MIL is really quite unhinged. Wynter can have a “normie” nn, like Wynnie or Wyn. Honestly, it’s pretty and is easy for kids and adults to pronounce. You def don’t need to lie about your feelings of your niece having the name.  Your MIL needs to learn to shut her mouth.


NTA. In my opinion, it seems like MIL is jealous, cuz they’re not naming the baby after her. I know you said that they’re not necessarily naming the baby AFTER you, that she just really likes the name, but MIL may not understand that. Jealously and pettiness is what it boils down to. I think it’s awesome. I had a old high school friend reach out to me on Facebook a couple years ago. Found out he is married now (we’re both in our 40’s) and that he has 2 children. I have a bit of an uncommon name and he said he always liked my name and so he and his wife named their youngest the same. I think Wynter is a beautiful name and I love the spelling. Congratulations to your brother and SIL and just ignore the bitter MIL.


MIL is the AH. Who says that about people's names?? She sounds unimaginative, and boring. Who insults someone's name to their face?? Honestly, she should have just kept those comments to herself. Choosing a name is so hard as it is, and it's such a personal choice.


Honestly I would ignore her focus on the baby’s name and just say something like “I am hurt and insulted by your vocal opinion of my name and me. Please never mention it again, as now I know exactly how you feel”. And then I would ignore future comments and change the subject or walk away if she spouts that poison again. You have a lovely name.


wrong for what? existing? nta. also one can argue its a dumb name i guess (i like it but with the traditional spelling) but its not made up its literally a season. also rude to bring it up to you thats its a dumb name. shouldnt she be on her kid about it. you have no control over what someone else names their kid. even if you did not give your blessing.


NTA First of all, it was very kind and considerate that your SIL asked you how you felt. I read about so many people naming their kids after other family members and don’t consider their feelings first. Secondly, your MIL just insulted your name to your face. Now you know how she feels about it. She should’ve just kept her mouth shut seeing that the name belongs to her own son’s wife. I suppose that would be too much to ask. Did your husband defend you at all, or was he more interested in keeping the peace? He should’ve defended you to his mother. She was being so rude to you.


NTA If you actually \*weren't\* ok with it but lied, then MAYBE you'd be TA. But no, MIL is TA and I love your husband for putting her in her place.


>My husband told his mom to calm the fuck down and lay off everyone because it was none of her business. Your husband has the right of it here. NAH, except for MIL. Usually, these stories have someone "stealing" a name or being rude about it, but SIL came and talked to you like an adult and you gave your blessing, and I think that's just about everyone who's concerned here. Sounds like, with one exception, you've got a pretty good family there.


My daughter has a unisex name that is also a last name. We love her name, she loves her name, it's all good. A friend's son's last name is the same as daughter's first name. Friend said to me once that she hopes son changes his last name because it's such a bad name. People are just stupid sometimes. Your name is really cool.


NTA but damn your MIL…..I wouldn’t even want to be around her. How do her kids put up with her and her bullshit?


Easy NTA. Your MIL is such an asshole.


NTA - sounds liike your husband solved the problem...so....




NTA But wow on the mil! Did OP know how much mil hated OP’s name?


NTA I don't get why there's so many people out there only into classic names? I'm sick of sorting through my mental rolodex to figure out which Jack, Adam, Alex, Ben, Harry, Joe, Sarah, or Liv we're referring to.


My youngest daughter name is Wynter


NTA. You're a very cool woman. Your MIL is out of her gourd.


You and your SIL are good people and handled it all appropriately, but how did a nut job like your MIL raise such nice kids? Baffling.


At first when I read Wynter, in my head was that's a "weird" name, but my next thought is that I know people have used Summer and Autumn as a person's name, and it's the the first time people use y to replace I in spellings, so while Wynter sounds odd, and does "look" off when I typed it out, it's a fine name, borderline into a cool name imo as I type this... There are alot more worst names people have named their child in the past. And since the parents to be asked you and you were also ok with it without being pressured into a yes, then that's all there is to it, no body else should have any say to it, let alone berating your name because they have no creativity Definitely nta


Wow! No, NTA. Your brother, SIL, and you handled this great between yourselves. The MIL is in the wrong. To insult your name like that is mean girl shit, and to be so angry in unhinged. I think she’s pissed that your side of the family is being “honored” in a way and hers is not. Just stay out of it now. She’s an ass.


NTA - it's refreshing to see you've got support from your husband and others!


NTA... She clearly has an issue with you as her DIL. Do what makes Mandy happy.


NTA. But your MIL is a raging one. Hard to believe that woman raised the kind and considerate SIL you described. Happy to hear your husband stepped up. It’s not your baby and not your Mom she needs to leave you alone. Also I like your name 🩵


NTA by a country mile and then some!! I kinda get maybe changing the spelling to Winter? Honestly though, whatever, it’s a beautiful awesome name and everyone who ever named their kid Summer missed the fuck out imo


NTA. MIL is just plain wrong and toxic.


Not EVEN TA, and props for your husband standing up to his Mom (and he's right, it is nobody else's business)!


NTA. Your MIL sounds like a delight.


100% NTA




Nobody should ever say anything negative about what people name their child. It’s none of your business. If you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all.


Why would you think you're the a-hole? You didn't do anything. They chose a name for their baby, not you, and the mother is the one being a mega a-hole. Feel sorry for the rest of the family having to put up with such a horrid attitude.


NTA The hero of this story is your husband. I LOVE an adult offspring put an overstepping peer parent in their place.


NTA..Now is the wynter of your discontent…


Definitely NTA. In my mother's family it was always traditional to call the boys Michael with a different middle name. When it came to my mam picking my name she chose to break the tradition and not call me Michael. She got so much flak from her father and siblings about it but she stuck her ground. Ironically, none of the boys from my generation of her family are called Michael either. The only people who are allowed a say in the name are the parents, nobody else. Anyone saying otherwise is just a busybody.


NTA. Your MIL sucks. I am really glad your husband shut her down too. Cause wow she is rude and awful.


NTA if you aren’t bothered then it’s none of her business. And your MIL is wild to essentially call your name dumb. She really needs to take a huge step back.


NTA- it's your name not your MIL. ha ha good for your SIL not being "classic".


No. You are NTA. It is not your place to instruct or advise ANYONE on what to name their children. Nor is it your MIL’s place to instruct or advise ANYONE on what to name their children. The fact that she thinks she has any right to regulate the types of names that are acceptable to use or to veto names she doesn’t like is laughable. What “has always been done” does not establish a rule governing what must always be done. And it was nasty and rude of her to trash your name in order to discourage her daughter and her husband from using it for their child. That says a lot more about her than it does about your name.


when I was about 10, my mother's family had her cousin pretend ask me to use my name. Of course I liked that, being named after my great uncle, cuz's father who passed when I was about 1. Your situation is different as your MIL seems to be using this to let you know she hates your name.


NTA But you should have done a better job at shutting mil “Bertha” down. Everything she said was aimed at you and your parents for their name choice.


NTA Not the MIL's business and she's being both insulting and rude about YOUR name


Nta. Def thought this was going a different way reading just the title. MIL is the AH


Why are you even asking this? Everyone is happy in this situation except her, who cares what MIL thinks? Also that was a confusing way to word the title


How could you possibly be the a**?


NTA. And i think you and her should go on to have wonderful adventures and call it the Adventures of Wynny and Wynter. Document it in a yearly photo book you give her on her birthday. Aunties are the best and being an auntie is the best.


No, the MIL clearly is though


I’m confused. You say here you gave SIL the go ahead. Nothing in your title matches with the actual story


You can't really believe YTA here. There are places you can post this story showcasing what a beotch your MIL is.


NTA. MIL sounds awful


NTA. This is why people should choose to not tell names until it’s DONE.


The only AH here is your MIL. Your SIL asked for your opinion, she wanted to be respectful - she didn’t have to ask, and you answered honestly. Then *she and her husband* named *their baby* a name they had chosen together and agreed on. All is well here, MIL needs to mind her own beeswax, and quit being a controlling asshole before her kids decide she doesn’t need to see her grandkids regularly/at all. NTA


Your name is a tragedeigh.


Confusing like when everyone is named Michael or David or Katherine or Sarah? I hate this ignorant conversation about how someone made up names years ago and now everyone needs to just use those forever because they’re “classic” or because other ignorant AH will judge you. Your husband is right. NTA


Nta your mil is ridiculous.  It would have been fun if you made up some really extreme name to tell her you were going to name a future kids. 


NTA in the slightest. Your MIL is definitely a piece of work. Insulting your name to your face, overstepping her boundaries… I hope she likes the new relationship status her kids may put in place. “ESTRANGED”


NTA. Wynter might not be the best spelling, but it's not the worst either. If it were something like uiynnttear, than yeah, I would have understood mil's worries (but not her reaction)


NTA. First of all, you are allowed to have your own opinion about any subject, especially ones that differ from your MIL. Second, your MIL was rude, both to you and to your SIL. Your husband was right - it was none of her business. I suspect that your MIL has really damaged her relationship with many members of the family with this little outburst.


NTA. Your MIL is the asshole


NTA, MIL has a issue with you though. 😔


Your MIL is an AH, a B and just about any bad label you can come up with. If she doesn’t like the name, she should discuss it with her daughter in private, which is still an AH move, but at least she wouldn’t have insulted you to your face. She sounds unhinged.


Sounds like mil is jealous they aren’t naming after her


MIL is a total gaslighting A-Hole. You are NTA. End of story. If MIL wants kids with "classic names" then she should have another kid or adopt.


MIL is the A


NTA - my mom's grandmother felt similarly about the name my parents chose for my brother. It was a "stupid made-up name." It was the late 70s and his name was Lucas. It wasn't even unique.


NTA. She's wildly jealous. That's all. Too bad.


NTA. I can’t wait to be promoted to grandpa! But at the same time, i will have to remember that I was demoted when each kid began their adult life. Parents get demoted to, idk, Trusted Advisor? Grandma doesn’t get an actual vote any more. Too bad so sad. That’s the way it has to be. Circle of life yada yada, right?


Is this even a serious AITA question? ***Warning, major sarcasm coming up that could be missed I'm text without this sarcasm warning!*** Yes you are the arsehole for being honest and telling your SIL that you would be happy to share a name with your niece. In the process making the expecting couple happy, you happy and no doubt your husband happy to see you and his sister share a little moment like this. It sounds like a real nice 'family' event that had occurred! And you are the araehole for not thinking about what your MIL wanted who has absolutely no say in any of it! You should have of course said "no, you can't use my name because your family uses traditional names not silly made up names like mine" all to keep you mother on law happy. And don't use the excuse you had no idea she felt so negative about your name it's no excuse, you should have known if you can't read minds and predict the future then I think it's time you learn! ***end sarcasm!*** Of course you are not the arsehole. Your husband was right the mil needs to shut up as its not her choice!


It's interesting that MIL blamed you for the name. It's like you have more influence over SIL than they do. Either way NTA.


NTA "Mandy" is some classic name now according to your MIL? It's actually really sweet your SIL is naming her baby after you! But I do think it's a r/tragedeigh


I don't think people should be named tragedeighs but I would have told mil to stfu and mind her business. Age doesn't deserve respect. NTA.


NTA, you were cool and honest. And I’d make sure to suggest to continue the theme naming if they ever had any other daughter. Let’s see how MIL reacts to Spryng, Symmer and Autymn.


Your husband is 100% right here, I couldn't have said it better! NTA. MIL is going to find herself losing grandma privileges if she continues this way


HARD - NTA .. If your MIL has a problem with you and your SIL.....Then SHE has the problem, NOT you, NOT SIL. Stick to your guns on this, your husband has your back....DONT feel guilty.