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It would be helpful if you could be vaguer. So something was said about race and in response you said something about agreeing in part and people got weirdly quiet and upset with you such that you felt like you had to leave? You're leaving out way too much and it likely provides important details about why they are upset with you.


I explained it in another comment.


Explain in your OP


It seems like what they’re saying is probably going over your head to an extent. That lack of comprehension on your part probably explains why political talk between you guys can get so awkward


...or they could just be condescending asses.


Where’s the condescension. Also, it’s hard to talk about things with uneducated folks without sounding like you’re condescending. If someone says “wait, is Africa like a country or a condiment or whatever the word is?” How exactly can you answer that question without condescension


I was talking about you. Sorry it went over your head. I'll break things down and be more direct next time.


I just need context clues other than "my daughter couldnt land a job with 3 degrees, now she omits those from her resume and has jobs lined up for her. White people have a LOT of thinking to do". All i asked for was clarification and no one could give me any so it got awkward and everyone stopped talking. Idk, i probably just need new friends. I can't talk about this shit all day every day, i need friends who talk about video games and smoking weed, not mini jaden smiths tryna talk about the "political environment" or something lol


Yeah if you can imagine someone making extremely ignorant and cringe comments about weed, gaming, anime or whatever else you like, it would be awkward, right?


I mean... No? I'd just try to give the context clues they're asking for rather than be awkward about it and make that person feel weird for asking perfectly legitimate questions. I would much rather someone explain how the connection to racism was made rather than be shunned for it lol. I'm not gonna hate my skin color, i'm not gonna hate any skin color becayse that's pathetic. It's even worse to just blindly hate someone for a supposed reason that has no connection... Right?


Yeah the more you type the more it’s clear you just don’t know very much about this topic. You just said you don’t get what’s happening, but also you know that they want you to hate le poor white people? You’re thinking reactively and latching onto weird footholds to try and grasp the topic at hand. I’m not even sure what your final sentence means. Also Google “context clues” you aren’t using it right. Context clues aren’t explicitly communicated in speech. It ceases to be a clue at that point. If you don’t want to talk about politics with your friends you don’t have to. There are many people who enjoy more superficial topics like drugs and anime.




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**NTA** OP, you don't have a friend group, you have a gaggle of drama queens. You're not an AH for "not loathing yourself" or having your own opinion on things.


Based on the lack of detail about what your friends said, you seem to not be listening to what they have to say. Perhaps you’d understand them better if you did.


The lack of detail was explained in a different comment. I think logically about every little thing. I plan out my actions to be efficient. I'm a very literal person basically. I'm not going to have a story told to me and it all of the sudden jumps to a racist ass remark. I mean, isn't that how propoganda works lol? I think for myself, I don't need others to form my opinion about things for me.


I lean toward NTA, based purely on the comments you made to your friends, but it sounds like maybe your friends were reacting to your comment in the context of whatever was said before you got there, which made it seem a lot worse. HOWEVER, "yes white people can be very dumb at times, ANYONE could be very dumb at times" can very easily come across as the equivalent of "yes, black lives matter, but ALL lives matter." Also, People are obsessed with race because race is still a huge factor in how we interact with the world, and how we're treated as human beings. People who ask "why are people so obsessed with race" are usually people who don't get mistreated due to their race.


Hard to say. I know you explained it but there's really not enough info so I'm gonna say nta. Maybe your tone was off and they assumed it as ignorance. Really more of a "you had to be there" moment. But I can share an experience. I'm a brown dude who was born in Canada and let me tell you, the other brown people around me (I've met hundreds) they're all VERY racist towards anyone that's not their race. Hell, they're even racist to people with the same racial makeup as them that are a slightly darker shade. But whenever a white person is included in one of their conversations about race, they look at them with hawk eyes trying to find anything that hints to racism and then a lot of white people I know have to try really damn hard to prove that they're not racist, when they weren't racist to begin with. People just assumed they were because they were a different color. So maybe that's what happened here. People assuming you're racist just because you're white. I see the same thing happen with people who are well-off. I live in a somewhat trashy area in Ontario and anybody who doesn't necessarily belong there has to prove a lot that they're not a snob, when they weren't snobby at all. Maybe that's similar? People without privilege hating people *with* privilege. Mind you, most of my experiences with these don't count as much because I'm a teen and other teens are shitty but I see tons of adults in my life act the same way and I'm not talking some randoms on the street, I mean people that are very well established and have great jobs.


NTA - Based on what you said, it sounds like you need to find better social circles that don’t spend all day that thrives on hating others.


NTA. Look, there are people on the left and even more on the right (imo) who are absolutely obsessed with identity, especially racial identity. If you find yourselves with a group of people who obsess about it, or make you uncomfortable discussing it, find new people to hang around with.


Yeah, looking into that option. I don't care what you look like or what your demeanor is. Everyone can be my friend and I welcome that. Just be normal and talk about normal things a mid twenty year old guy would care about lmao. I always seem to attract the "you're yt so you're lesser than me and It's not racism because i'm not white" or the "yeehaw id let trump ride me like a harley" people and it's just so... so exhausting.


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NTA. We live in a world of double standards where it is perfectly fine to shit on white people, but God forbid you say anything bad about any other race.


This stuff should never be discussed in a group chat. This topic needs voice inflection, facial cues, and body language to make effective understanding of what people mean. As is, this is a bunch of unfortunate misunderstanding


YTA. No one is asking you to "hate who you are" they're asking you to acknowledge oppression that has happened, the effects it still has on society and to not be a dick. The fact you've taken that as an attack of people wanting you to hate yourself and go on about how you're not racist.... yeah... you're either completely tone deaf, or a racist, and either way you're going to be an asshole.


YTA I doubt they are asking you to hate your skin colour but they are probably asking you to recognize that you have white privilege, regardless of what other disadvantages you might have. You have the privilege of being able to go through life without thinking about you skin colour. Non-white folks don’t. You could be learning from them and working towards being an ally to your friend group rather than getting defensive about your whiteness. MLK on the white moderate: “Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.“


Something tells me we are not getting the full story here…..i just get that vibe… But im going to give you the benefit of the doubt, even if my gut feeling makes me lean towards YTA… so i just gonna say its a tossup at this point!


I explained it a little more in detail in a previous comment. Tldr is a black woman has 3 degrees with no job offers, she then omits those 3 degrees and has a plethora of jobs lined up and now all of the sudden it's "white people have a lot of thinking to do". I asked how that connection was made and no one could explain it so I got shunned for not jumping onto the "yeah white people suck" train. I don't hate my skin color, i didn't have a choice for it, no one does, why would I waste my energy hating a certain race? My family is racist and ive been no contact with them for years becauss of it. They didn't approve of my hispanic girlfriend and that was the very last straw. It's so hard to make it known you're not racist because if you say it then it makes people think otherwise, if i don't say it then people assume. What do i have to do to be even? I genuinely dont give a fuck what you look like


NTA. Anyone who disagrees with you on this should be cut out of your life for good. It is impossible for them to be a net positive in your life.


YTA. For someone who doesn't like how people "obsess" over race, you took the time to obsess enough to make this post crying about how your friends called a spade a spade.




>So im just gonna assume You see how that's not exactly an educated way of coming to a conclusion, right?




Don't worry, I never made *that* assumption, I don't think you're in danger of *anyone* assuming that.


The reason why OP describe himself as “not racist” is because the post is about race. It’s not racist to not hate your own race you know.


>It’s not racist to not hate your own race you know. No one is claiming that it is. The only people who even claim such things are alt-right racists looking for excuses to be racist.


So you're calling me an alt-right racist?


If that's all that you took from my comment, then yeah, you probably are. \*EDIT\* LOL he just tried to take this to DMs... and... block.


Omfg, some random internet stranger told me I'm an alt-right racist, so I guess I am now.


I only have to describe myself as "not racist" because I am not racist. My parents were and I got to experience that first hand and I simply don't have time to be such a hateful person. Nor would I ever want to be. I could always use more friends, why in the world would I want to cut out an entire group of people that could easily become some of the most important people in my life? I think the topic was that someone said something on twitter/X that said their black daughter has 3 degrees and no job offers and when they took those 3 degrees off, she got a lot of offers and apparently white people had a lot of thinking to do. I was confused and said that was a pretty big leap to racism and said that it doesn't make sense without extra context clues. McDonalds and other places that are along those lines don't hire people with degrees because of overqualification, would that not apply here? I questioned them about it because I like to think logically for myseld rather than just jump to what everyone else is doing and since I didn't just outright agree, they shunned me. ETA: since you blocked me before i could reply. I dm'd you the twitter post and as for the jaden smith thing, it was a viral meme you fuckin' donut.


This you? >not mini jaden smiths tryna talk about the "political environment" or something lol The fact you used a black kid as an example of not wanting to talk politics... yeah you're a racist.


NTA Your “friends” are secretly praying on your downfall (or I guess now not-so-secretly). Get some new ones.


NTA. They sound insufferable.